Revision [21661]

This is an old revision of KlenWell made by KlenWell on 2012-01-17 01:23:22.


About Me

password: m{this.domain/KlenWell} login: klenwell / m{}
my wikka site:

Wikka Development

Since upgrading to version 1.2, I've become more interested in exploring Wikka and developing some extension and features. More information on the development projects I'm working on can be found on my wiki.

I've redesigned my wiki site using the new theming system. The source code for that, and other wikka features I'm working on, can be found at my Google code site.

The wish list below includes a sampling of features I'd like to find or develop for the Wikka package. The updated list is available at my site.

Additions and Enhancements

ReCaptcha Registration/Login Action
ReCaptcha Comment Form
Activity Summary Action
Wikka Base Action Class
Wikka Action as a Class
Redirect Action
Command Line Interface (esp. for cron jobs)

Note on Installer

(I can't seem to post this anywhere else):

Is it possible to restrict the installer pages to an admin? I upgraded to 1.3.2 just now. I had completed the install on a local dev version and planned to just upload that. But I found I needed to run the installer on my production site, too, to make the database updates. I noticed that while it was running, the install/upgrade pages were accessible to non-logged-in guests. This seems like a potential security vulnerability as it may display the config file.

Next time, I upgrade, I'll look into adding this restriction myself if it doesn't already exist.

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