Revisions for ListfilesAction
[23215] 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
[19182] 2008-01-28 00:14:36 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]
[16940] 2007-05-31 23:27:30 by JavaWoman [Reverted]
[16739] 2007-05-31 10:43:15 by XdnVsx
[8596] 2005-05-28 15:46:57 by JavaWoman [move to subcategory]
[4552] 2005-01-12 22:12:34 by ChristianBarthelemy [Files management part 2 (with some css)]
[4546] 2005-01-12 21:49:33 by ChristianBarthelemy [Files management part 2]
[3616] 2004-12-22 17:02:45 by ChristianBarthelemy [Precision on the code to be reused from FilesAction]
[3611] 2004-12-22 12:39:25 by ChristianBarthelemy [Another tweak of the files action]
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