You can read who I am here.
I'm the responsible of the Hedinux distribution. I'll plan to migrate from wikini to wikka.
I'm vincent.fretin on the bug tracker.

I'm working on (in priority order):
- valid XHTML1.1(+SVG1.1+MathML2.0) with application/xhtml+xml mimetype
to allow SVG in the document (not in a object tag, in the code itself)
- graph of all pages with graphviz, it's beautiful.
- wikini->wikka migration.
- I have to write the WikiniComparison page.
- internationalization of the pages with gettext, already implemented for wikini, see

bugs I want to contribute

- Kill all those useless $_REQUEST
- Auto-save content each X minutes
Firefox 2 Beta 2 has "Support for client-side session and persistent storage"
the specification:
- Support for SVG images
- comments in Ajax
- Footnote action (reported by me)
- slideshows with S5 (reported by me)
- Export of static HTML for offline browsing
- Work on Internationalization

bugs I follow

- Use central regex library for valid patterns
- action files
- Generating links for 'included' pages
- 'Sticky' notes for inline Wiki page annotations.
- PATCH History is not accessible if the page is to big

My bugs

- PATCH Problem with the SQL query of the LoadWantedPages() function with MySQL 5.0.22.
- The formatter should close and reopen tags for ins and del tags automatically (reported by me)

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