Revision history for Mod009fAdminUsers

Revision [23248]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
**[[ | SticK]] **
** [[ | SilBaer]] **
[[ | PsudoAdminUser @ WakkaWiki]]
**[[ SticK]] **
** [[ SilBaer]] **
[[ PsudoAdminUser @ WakkaWiki]]

Revision [19267]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:45 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17182]

Edited on 2007-07-07 08:18:56 by JavaWoman [standardized link to WakkaWiki origin]
**[[ SticK]] **
** [[ SticK]] **

Revision [17181]

Edited on 2007-07-07 08:18:12 by JavaWoman [s]
[[ PsudoAdminUser @ WakkaWiki]]
[[ WakkaWiki PsudoAdminUser]]

Revision [17141]

Edited on 2007-07-07 04:13:21 by JavaWoman [ links for wakkawiki]
[[ WakkaWiki PsudoAdminUser]]
[ WakkaWiki PsudoAdminUser]]

Revision [17140]

Edited on 2007-07-07 04:12:51 by JavaWoman [ links for wakkawiki]
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** [[ SticK]] **
""WakkaAdminHack"" //Warning: don't go to original site or follow links on ""SticK""'s page: infected!//
** [[ SilBaer]] **
[ WakkaWiki PsudoAdminUser]]

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;

Revision [16953]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:31 by JsnX [Reverted]
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;

Revision [16752]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:44:16 by Xd4Og9 [Reverted]
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;

Revision [528]

Edited on 2004-05-30 13:00:41 by JsnX [Reverted]
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Instructions to add admin users:
- Edit the wakka.config.php file.
- Modify the admin_users line, adding additional Wiki Names between the quotes, separated by commas....
e.g., "admin_users" => """JsnX, HendrikMans, AnotherCoolAdmin""",

Modified files:

There is a bug in Stick's instructions. The admin user list is not trimmed correctly. Modified the function to read as follows.....

//returns true if user is listed in configuration list as admin
function IsAdmin() {
$adminstring = $this->config["admin_users"];
$adminarray = explode(',' , $adminstring);

foreach ($adminarray as $admin) {
if (trim($admin) == $this->GetUserName()) return true;
==== Wikka Mod 009 ====
Type: Feature Addition
** ""SticK"" **
** ""SilBaer"" **

Added the ability to have admin users. Admin users can override things such as the ACL lists and have the ability to delete pages and comments.

Modified files:

Revision [58]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-03-09 03:10:16 by JsnX [Reverted]
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