Multisite deployment

Requires (or backport of BuildFullpathFromMultipath() feature)
Still under development, this modification is mostly untested. Please report any bugs you observe.

  • Take care of any file access being redirected to local config tree if neccessary


Those three sites share the same code:


Multisite deployment shall enable a single installation of Wikka to provide service to multiple sites. By doing this, each site should keep its own configurability, e.g. own plugins folders, stylesheet and local wikka.config.php.


In wikka.php right after
$wakkaConfig = array_merge($wakkaDefaultConfig, $wakkaConfig);  // merge defaults with config from file

// multi site configuration
$multiDefaultConfig = array(
    'local_config'          => 'wikka.config' # path to local configs
$multiConfig = array();

 * To activate multisite deployment capabilities, just create an empty file multi.config.php in
 * your Wikkawiki installation directory. This file can contain an array definition for
 * $multiConfig.
 * Relevant keys in the array are a global directory for local settings 'local_config' and
 * designated directories for different host requests, e.g. you may want
 * and using the same local config file.
 * 'http_www_example_com' => ''
 * 'http_example_com' => ''

$multisite_configfile = 'multi.config.php';
if (file_exists($multisite_configfile))

    $multiConfig = array_merge($multiDefaultConfig, $multiConfig);  // merge default multi config with config from file

    $configkey = str_replace('://','_',$t_scheme).str_replace('.','_',$t_domain);
    if($t_port != '') $configkey .= '_'.$t_port;

 * Admin can decide to put a specific local config in a more readable and shorter directory.
 * The $configkey is created as 'protocol_thirdleveldomain_secondleveldomain_topleveldomain'
 * Subdirectories are not supported at the moment, but should be easy to implement.
 * If no designated directory is found in multi.config.php, the script uses the $configkey
 * value and replaces all underscore by dots:
 * protocol.thirdleveldomain.secondleveldomain.topleveldomain e.g.

    if (isset($multiConfig[$configkey])) $configpath = $multiConfig[$configkey];
        $requested_host = str_replace('_','.',$configkey);
        $configpath = $multiConfig['local_config'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$requested_host;
        $multiConfig[$configkey] = $requested_host;

    $local_configfile = $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'local.config.php';
 * As each site may differ in its configuration and capabilities, we should consider using
 * plugin directories below the $configpath. Effectively, this replaces the plugins
 * folder. It goes even a little bit further by providing a site specific upload directory.

    $localDefaultConfig = array(
        'stylesheet'                => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'css/wikka.css',
        'action_path'               => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'actions'.PATH_DIVIDER.'plugins'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'actions'.PATH_DIVIDER.'actions',
        'handler_path'              => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'handlers'.PATH_DIVIDER.'plugins'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'handlers'.PATH_DIVIDER.'handlers',
        'wikka_formatter_path'      => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'formatters'.PATH_DIVIDER.'plugins'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'formatters'.PATH_DIVIDER.'formatters',      # (location of Wikka formatter - REQUIRED)
        'wikka_highlighters_path'   => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'formatters'.PATH_DIVIDER.'plugins'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'formatters'.PATH_DIVIDER.'formatters',      # (location of Wikka code highlighters - REQUIRED)
        'wikka_template_path'       => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.PATH_DIVIDER.'plugins'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.PATH_DIVIDER.'templates',     # (location of Wikka template files - REQUIRED)
        'upload_path'               => $configpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'uploads'
    $localConfig = array();
    if (!file_exists($configpath))
        $path_parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$configpath);
        $partialpath = '';
        foreach($path_parts as $part)
            $partialpath .= $part;
            if (!file_exists($partialpath)) mkdir($partialpath,0755);
            $partialpath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        if(file_exists($wakkaConfig['stylesheet'])) copy($wakkaConfig['stylesheet'],$localDefaultConfig['stylesheet']);
    else if (file_exists($local_configfile)) include($local_configfile);

    $wakkaGlobalConfig = array_merge($wakkaGlobalConfig, $localDefaultConfig);  // merge global config with default local config

    $wakkaConfigLocation = $local_configfile;

    $wakkaConfig = array_merge($wakkaGlobalConfig, $wakkaConfig);   // merge localized global config with local config from file

In the file templates/header.php change
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />

as we need to specify a stylesheet somewhere entirely else. Corresponding to this for it to work without multisite stuff, in wikka.php change
    'stylesheet'                => 'wikka.css',

    'stylesheet'                => 'css/wikka.css',


To activate multisite deployment capabilities, just create an empty file multi.config.php in your Wikkawiki installation directory. This file can contain an array definition for $multiConfig.

Relevant keys in the array are a global directory for local settings 'local_config' and designated directories for different host requests, e.g. you may want
and using the same local config tree:
    'http_www_example_com' => ''
    'http_example_com' => ''

An admin can decide to put a specific local config in a more readable and shorter directory. The $configkey is created as 'protocol_thirdleveldomain_secondleveldomain_topleveldomain'. Subdirectories are not supported at the moment, but should be easy to implement. If no designated directory is found in multi.config.php, the script uses the $configkey value and replaces all underscore by dots:
As each site may differ in its configuration and capabilities, we should consider using plugin directories below the $configpath. Effectively, this replaces the plugins folder. It goes even a little bit further by providing a site specific upload directory. This is accomplished by adding the local config path to some $wakkaConfig array elements: action_path, handler_path, wikka_formatter_path, wikka_highlighters_path, wikka_template_path, upload_path. No need to change 3rdparty stuff as anything in there would need support by an action, handler or formatter.

Currently, the .htaccess of the Wikkawiki installation directory is valid for all sites served by this setup. That means it isn't possible to disable mod_rewrite for just some of the sites while having it enabled for others.

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