Revision history for MySkin

Revision [23428]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by DarTar [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 | version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes | this page]] for more information or this [[ | tutorial]] to learn how to design custom themes.
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes this page]] for more information or this [[ tutorial]] to learn how to design custom themes.

Revision [20849]

Edited on 2009-09-12 07:37:33 by DarTar [link to blog post]
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes this page]] for more information or this [[ tutorial]] to learn how to design custom themes.
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes this page]] for more information.

Revision [20844]

Edited on 2009-09-12 07:34:39 by DarTar [[m] fixed version number]
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes this page]] for more information.
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes this page]] for more information.

Revision [20817]

Edited on 2009-09-03 08:37:45 by DarTar [->1.2]
<<===Theme support available in 1.2!===
>>===Theme support available in 1.2!===

Revision [20811]

Edited on 2009-09-03 05:29:29 by DarTar [->1.2]
>>===Theme support available in 1.2!===
This page refers to beta functionality supported until Wikka 1.x. As of [[Docs:WhatsNew12 version 1.2]] Wikka introduces support for 100%-modular **themes**: check [[Docs:WikkaThemes this page]] for more information.
<<Give it a [[TestSkin try]]! (v.1.0)<<

Revision [20665]

Edited on 2009-05-28 02:22:41 by AlexRust [->1.2]
// begin change by AlexRust - May 28 2009
//$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $postedskin);
// end change by AlexRust - May 28 2009
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $postedskin);

Revision [20576]

Edited on 2009-05-05 08:46:26 by PezHore [Fixed the GetCookie being referenced as a wiki page.]
**Note:** This section has moved to ./libs/Wakka.class.php, and the following can be placed after the ""GetCookie($name)"" function.
**Updated 5/5/2009 by PezHore:** Corrected the reference of cookie 'skin' to 'wikiskin', and changed the cookie retrieval from $skin = $_COOKIE['wikiskin] to use ""GetCookie"" function. Also removed the duplicate functions
**Note:** This section has moved to ./libs/Wakka.class.php, and the following can be placed after the GetCookie($name) function.
**Updated 5/5/2009 by PezHore:** Corrected the reference of cookie 'skin' to 'wikiskin', and changed the cookie retrieval from $skin = $_COOKIE['wikiskin] to use GetCookie function. Also removed the duplicate functions

Revision [20575]

Edited on 2009-05-05 08:45:31 by PezHore [Added steps taken to fix the MySkin action.]
Add the following code in ##./wikka.php## immediately after the ##""//COOKIES""## section.
**Note:** This section has moved to ./libs/Wakka.class.php, and the following can be placed after the GetCookie($name) function.
**Updated 5/5/2009 by PezHore:** Corrected the reference of cookie 'skin' to 'wikiskin', and changed the cookie retrieval from $skin = $_COOKIE['wikiskin] to use GetCookie function. Also removed the duplicate functions
$skin = $_SESSION['wikiskin'];
if ($_COOKIE['wikiskin'])
$skin = $this->GetCookie('wikiskin');
$_SESSION['wikiskin'] = $skin;
$this->SetPersistentCookie('wikiskin', $skin);
Add the following code in ##./wikka.php## immediately after the ##""//COOKIES""## section
$skin = $_SESSION['skin'];
if ($_COOKIE['skin'])
$skin = $_COOKIE['skin'];
$_SESSION['skin'] = $skin;
$this->SetPersistentCookie("skin", $skin);
function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);

function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;

Revision [18646]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:12:18 by DarTar [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [11403]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:36:35 by DarTar [fixed small but annoying bug]
~-##stylesheet## --- Defines the system stylesheet;
~-##default_stylesheet## --- Defines the system stylesheet;

Revision [11402]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:36:19 by DarTar [fixed small but annoying bug]
$skin = $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet");
$skin = $this->GetConfigValue("default_stylesheet");
"default_stylesheet" => "wikka.css",

Revision [11401]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:35:04 by DarTar [fixed small but annoying bug]

Revision [11400]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:34:38 by DarTar [fixed small but annoying bug]
~-Added JW's patches
* This action allows the user to select a skin among those available in
* the Wikka css folder. A form allows to display the markup of each skin.
* Registered user can create it and modify their own custom skin. The
* first creation of a custom user skin consists in the generation of a new
* css stylesheet containing the default wikka CSS settings (as specified
* in the Wikka config file) and stored with the name of the user. Once a
* it with an existing skin, or restore the default settings. Wikka
* Cookies must be enabled for the selector to work and the css folder must
* be write-accessible to the script in order to read, edit and save skins.
* @version 2.2
* @since Wikka 1.1.X
* @output displays a form for selecting alternate skins and edit
* @todo -integrate with UserSettings.
// get skin names
$defaultskin = $this->config['stylesheet'];
$currentskin = (!$this->GetCookie('wikiskin')) ? $defaultskin : $this->GetCookie('wikiskin'); # JW 2005-07-08 FIX possibly undefined cookie
$postedskin = $_POST["skin"];
$myskin = strtolower($this->GetUserName().".css");
// build form chunks
$setskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Set skin" />';
$showsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Show source" />';
$hidesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Hide source" />';
$editsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Edit source" />';
$savesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save modified source" />';
$createskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create my skin" />';
$importskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save current skin as my skin" />';
$restoreskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Restore to default settings" />';
// functions
function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);
function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;
echo $this->Format("=== Select a Wikka skin: === --- ");
switch ($_POST["action"]) {
case "Save modified source":
// saves modified skin to file
WriteSkin($currentskin, $_POST["mod_css_content"]);
// no break - skin is automatically updated
case "Set skin":
// change current skin and reload page
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $postedskin);
case "Save current skin as my skin":
// import and save current skin as user skin
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = ReadSkin($currentskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $myskin);
case "Create my skin":
// first time user skin creation
if ($this->GetUser() && !file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = ReadSkin($defaultskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $myskin);
case "Restore to default settings":
// restore user skin to default settings
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = ReadSkin($defaultskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $myskin);
case "Show source":
// open a readonly textarea with skin source
$css_contents = ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $hidesource;
case "Edit source":
// open an editable textarea with skin source
$css_contents = ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="mod_css_content" cols="80" rows="15">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $savesource;
$handle = opendir('css/');
// retrieve skin list
$skinlist = '<select name="skin">';
// put on top of the list the default and custom skin
$defaultselected = ($defaultskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$myselected = ($myskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$defaultskin.'"'.$defaultselected.'>(Default skin: '.$defaultskin.')</option>';
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) $skinlist .= '<option value="'.$myskin.'"'.$myselected.'>(My skin: '.$myskin.')</option>';
// get other skins
$noskinmask = '^('.$defaultskin.'|'.$myskin.'|xml.css|print.css|\.(.*))$';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!preg_match('/'.$noskinmask.'/', $file)) {
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
$skinlist .= '</select>';
// give write access to the skin owner and to admins
if (!isset($submit)) {
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin() || $currentskin == $myskin)? $editsource : $showsource;
// create form
print $this->FormOpen("","","post");
print $skinlist.$setskin."<br /><br />".$showskin.$submit."<br /><br />\n";
// show user skin options
if ($this->GetUser()) {
if (!file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$mysubmit = $createskin;
} else {
$myskinname = "(".$myskin.")";
$mysubmit = ($currentskin == $myskin)? $restoreskin : $importskin.$restoreskin;
print $this->Format(" ---- === My skin ".$myskinname." === --- ");
print $mysubmit;
// close form
print $this->FormClose();
~-Fixed error in calling configuration options;
* This action allows the user to select a skin among those available in
* the Wikka css folder. A form allows to display the markup of each skin.
* Registered users can create it and modify their own custom skin. The
* first creation of a custom user skin consists in the generation of a new
* css stylesheet containing the default wikka CSS settings (as specified
* in the Wikka config file) and stored with the name of the user. Once a
* it with an existing skin, or restore the default settings. Wikka
* Cookies must be enabled for the selector to work and the css folder must
* be write-accessible to the script in order to read, edit and save skins.
* @version 2.1
* @since Wikka 1.1.6.X
* @output displays a form for selecting alternate skins and edit
* @todo - store custom skin in DB;
if ($this->GetConfigValue("allow_select_skin") == "0") {
echo $this->Format('//Sorry, skin selection is disabled on this site//');
} else {
// initialize variables
$defaultskin = $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet");
$currentskin = $this->GetSkin();
$postedskin = '';
$myskin = '';
$submit = '';
// get skin names
$postedskin = (isset($_POST["skin"]) && (preg_match('/(.*)\.css/',$_POST["skin"])))? $_POST["skin"] : $currentskin;
if ($this->GetUser()) $myskin = 'user_'.strtolower($this->GetUserName()).'.css';
/* debug
echo "defaultskin: ".$defaultskin."<br />";
echo "currentskin: ".$currentskin."<br />";
echo "postedskin: ".$postedskin."<br />";
echo "myskin: ".$myskin."<br />";
// build form chunks
$setskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Set skin" title="Load this skin" />';
$showsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Show source" title="Display the source of '.$currentskin.'" />';
$hidesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Hide source" title="Hide the source box" />';
$editsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Edit source" title="Modify the source of this skin" />';
$savesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save modified source" title="Store changes to '.$currentskin.'" />';
$createskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create custom skin" title="Generate a custom skin for '.$this->GetUserName().'" />';
$importskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save current skin as custom skin" title="Store a copy of '.$currentskin.' as '.$myskin.'" />';
$restoreskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Restore to default settings" title="Reset '.$myskin.' to the default system stylesheet ('.$defaultskin.')" />';
echo $this->Format('==== Select a skin: ==== --- ');
echo $this->Format('(Current skin: **##'.$currentskin.'##**) --- --- ');
switch ($_POST["action"]) {
case "Save modified source":
// saves modified skin to file
$this->WriteSkin($currentskin, $_POST["mod_css_content"]);
// no break - skin is automatically updated

case "Set skin":
// load skin and reload page
if (file_exists("css/".$postedskin)) {

case "Save current skin as custom skin":
// import and save current skin as user skin
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = $this->ReadSkin($currentskin);
$this->WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
case "Create custom skin":
// first-time custom user skin creation
if ($this->GetUser() && !file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = $this->ReadSkin($defaultskin);
$this->WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
case "Restore to default settings":
// restore user skin to default settings
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = $this->ReadSkin($defaultskin);
$this->WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
case "Show source":
if ($this->GetConfigValue("allow_display_skin_source") == "1") {
// open a readonly textarea with skin source
$css_contents = $this->ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $hidesource;
case "Edit source":
if ($this->GetConfigValue("allow_display_skin_source") == "1" || $this->IsAdmin || $currentskin == $myskin) {
// open an editable textarea with skin source
$css_contents = $this->ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="mod_css_content" cols="80" rows="15">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $savesource.$hidesource;
// give write access to the skin owner and to admins
switch ($this->GetConfigValue('allow_display_skin_source')) {
case '0': #hide source, no one except admins can edit skins
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin())? $editsource : '';
case '1': #anyone can display source, skin owners can edit their skin, admins can edit any skin
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin() || $currentskin == $myskin)? $editsource : $showsource;
// retrieve skin list
$handle = opendir('css/');
$skinlist = '<select name="skin">';
// put on top of the list the default and custom skins
$defaultselected = ($defaultskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$myselected = ($myskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$defaultskin.'"'.$defaultselected.'>(Default skin: '.$defaultskin.')</option>';
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) $skinlist .= '<option value="'.$myskin.'"'.$myselected.'>(Custom skin: '.$myskin.')</option>';

// get system skins
$noskinmask = '^('.$defaultskin.'|'.$myskin.'|xml.css|print.css|\.(.*)|user_(.*))$';
$skinlist .= '<option value="" disabled="disabled">--- Default skins: ---</option>';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ((!preg_match('/'.$noskinmask.'/', $file)) && (preg_match('/(.*)\.css/', $file))) {
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
// get user skins (check config and restrict list to registered users)
if ($this->GetConfigValue("display_custom_skins") == "1" && $this->GetUser()) {
$handle = opendir('css/'); #reset directory
$skinlist .= '<option value="" disabled="disabled">--- User skins: ---</option>';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ((preg_match('/user_(.*)/', $file)) && (!preg_match('/'.$myskin.'/', $file))) {
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
$skinlist .= '</select>';
// create form
print $this->FormOpen("","","post");
print $skinlist.$setskin."<br /><br />".$showskin.$submit."<br /><br />\n";
// display custom skin options
if (($this->GetConfigValue("allow_create_custom_skin") == "1") && $this->GetUser()) {
if (!file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$mysubmit = $createskin; #display skin creation button
} else {
$myskinname = "(".$myskin.")";
$mysubmit = ($currentskin == $myskin)? $restoreskin : $importskin.$restoreskin;
print $this->Format(" ---- (Custom skin **##".$myskinname."##**) --- --- ");
print $mysubmit;
// close form
print $this->FormClose();

Revision [11399]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:32:35 by DarTar [fixed small but annoying bug]
=== Current version: ##2.2## ===
~-Fixed error in calling configuration options;
$defaultskin = $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet");
// give write access to the skin owner and to admins
switch ($this->GetConfigValue('allow_display_skin_source')) {
case '0': #hide source, no one except admins can edit skins
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin())? $editsource : '';
case '1': #anyone can display source, skin owners can edit their skin, admins can edit any skin
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin() || $currentskin == $myskin)? $editsource : $showsource;
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);

function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;
=== Current version: ##2.1## ===
$defaultskin = $this->GetConfigValue("default_stylesheet");
// give write access to the skin owner and to admins
switch ($this->GetConfigValue('allow_display_skin_source')) {
case '0': #hide source, no one except admins can edit skins
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin())? $editsource : '';
case '1': #anyone can display source, skin owners can edit their skin, admins can edit any skin
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin() || $currentskin == $myskin)? $editsource : $showsource;
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);

function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;

Revision [9506]

Edited on 2005-06-23 10:55:49 by DarTar [minor]
===== MySkin: select, create and edit your favorite stylesheet =====
===== MySkin: choose and modify your favorite skin =====

Revision [7103]

Edited on 2005-04-04 13:12:35 by DarTar [Small update (v.2.1)]
/* debug
echo "defaultskin: ".$defaultskin."<br />";
echo "currentskin: ".$currentskin."<br />";
echo "postedskin: ".$postedskin."<br />";
echo "myskin: ".$myskin."<br />";
// get user skins (check config and restrict list to registered users)
if ($this->GetConfigValue("display_custom_skins") == "1" && $this->GetUser()) {
// get user skins
if ($this->GetConfigValue("display_custom_skins") == "1") {

Revision [7100]

Edited on 2005-04-04 12:32:22 by DarTar [Small update (v.2.1)]
$postedskin = (isset($_POST["skin"]) && (preg_match('/(.*)\.css/',$_POST["skin"])))? $_POST["skin"] : $currentskin;
$postedskin = (isset($_POST["skin"]) && (strlen($_POST["skin"]) > 4))? $_POST["skin"] : $currentskin;

Revision [7099]

Edited on 2005-04-04 12:29:01 by DarTar [Small update (v.2.1)]
~-added "Hide source" button, as per NilsLindenberg's suggestion;
~-added "Hide source" button, as per NilsLinenberg's suggestion;

Revision [7098]

Edited on 2005-04-04 12:28:29 by DarTar [Small update (v.2.1)]
=== Current version: ##2.1## ===
~-added "Hide source" button, as per NilsLinenberg's suggestion;
~-renamed "my skin" as "custom skin", as per JavaWoman's suggestion;
* @version 2.1
$createskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create custom skin" title="Generate a custom skin for '.$this->GetUserName().'" />';
$importskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save current skin as custom skin" title="Store a copy of '.$currentskin.' as '.$myskin.'" />';
echo $this->Format('==== Select a skin: ==== --- ');
echo $this->Format('(Current skin: **##'.$currentskin.'##**) --- --- ');
// load skin and reload page
case "Save current skin as custom skin":
case "Create custom skin":
// first-time custom user skin creation
// put on top of the list the default and custom skins
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) $skinlist .= '<option value="'.$myskin.'"'.$myselected.'>(Custom skin: '.$myskin.')</option>';
// get system skins
if ((!preg_match('/'.$noskinmask.'/', $file)) && (preg_match('/(.*)\.css/', $file))) {
// get user skins
$handle = opendir('css/'); #reset directory
if ((preg_match('/user_(.*)/', $file)) && (!preg_match('/'.$myskin.'/', $file))) {
// display custom skin options
$mysubmit = $createskin; #display skin creation button
print $this->Format(" ---- (Custom skin **##".$myskinname."##**) --- --- ");
=== Current version: ##2.0## ===
* @version 1.1
$createskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create my skin" title="Generate a custom skin for '.$this->GetUserName().'" />';
$importskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save current skin as my skin" title="Store a copy of '.$currentskin.' as '.$myskin.'" />';
echo $this->Format("=== Select a skin: === --- ");
// change current skin and reload page
case "Save current skin as my skin":
case "Create my skin":
// first-time user skin creation
// put on top of the list the default and custom skin
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) $skinlist .= '<option value="'.$myskin.'"'.$myselected.'>(My skin: '.$myskin.')</option>';
// get default skins
if (!preg_match('/'.$noskinmask.'/', $file)) {
$handle = opendir('css/');
if (preg_match('/user_(.*)/', $file)) {
// show user skin options
$mysubmit = $createskin;
print $this->Format(" ---- === My skin ##".$myskinname."## === --- ");

Revision [7087]

Edited on 2005-04-03 08:33:01 by DarTar [Adding version number to test page]
<<Give it a [[TestSkin try]]! (v.1.0)<<
<<Give it a [[TestSkin try]]!<<

Revision [7076]

Edited on 2005-04-03 00:08:23 by DarTar [Small update]
* @version 1.1
$postedskin = (isset($_POST["skin"]) && (strlen($_POST["skin"]) > 4))? $_POST["skin"] : $currentskin;
* @version 2.0
if (isset($_POST["skin"])) $postedskin = $_POST["skin"];

Revision [7074]

Edited on 2005-04-02 16:40:18 by DarTar [Improved version of MySkin (v.2.0)]
$skin = $this->GetConfigValue("default_stylesheet");
$skin = $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet");

Revision [7073]

Edited on 2005-04-02 16:38:39 by DarTar [Improved version of MySkin (v.2.0)]
===== MySkin: choose and modify your favorite skin =====

<<Give it a [[TestSkin try]]!<<


Following the suggestions of JsnX and JavaWoman, and using code I had written for the WikkaSkinEditor action, I've created a new action that allows registered users to //create// their own custom skin and //modify// it to their taste. Feel free to test it and give your feedback.

=== Current version: ##2.0## ===
~-variables are initialized;
~-added a bunch of system-configurable options;
~-renamed user skins to ##user_username.css##;
~-skin storage: cookies for non registered users / sessions for registered users;
~-added titles to form elements;

==To do==
~-store user skins in DB;

=== How to use it ===

After installing the code (see below), just add to one of your pages ##""{{myskin}}""## and start playing

=== How to install it ===

== 1. Create the action ##(actions/myskin.php)##==


* Allows users to select alternate skins and to edit their custom skins.
* This action allows the user to select a skin among those available in
* the Wikka css folder. A form allows to display the markup of each skin.
* Registered users can create it and modify their own custom skin. The
* first creation of a custom user skin consists in the generation of a new
* css stylesheet containing the default wikka CSS settings (as specified
* in the Wikka config file) and stored with the name of the user. Once a
* custom user skin exists, the owner of the skin can modify it, overwrite
* it with an existing skin, or restore the default settings. Wikka
* administrators have write access to all the skins.
* Cookies must be enabled for the selector to work and the css folder must
* be write-accessible to the script in order to read, edit and save skins.
* @package Actions
* @name MySkin
* @author {@link DarTar}
* @version 2.0
* @since Wikka 1.1.6.X
* @output displays a form for selecting alternate skins and edit
* custom user skins.
* @todo - store custom skin in DB;

if ($this->GetConfigValue("allow_select_skin") == "0") {
echo $this->Format('//Sorry, skin selection is disabled on this site//');
} else {

// initialize variables
$defaultskin = $this->GetConfigValue("default_stylesheet");
$currentskin = $this->GetSkin();
$postedskin = '';
$myskin = '';
$submit = '';

// get skin names
if (isset($_POST["skin"])) $postedskin = $_POST["skin"];
if ($this->GetUser()) $myskin = 'user_'.strtolower($this->GetUserName()).'.css';

// build form chunks
$setskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Set skin" title="Load this skin" />';
$showsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Show source" title="Display the source of '.$currentskin.'" />';
$hidesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Hide source" title="Hide the source box" />';
$editsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Edit source" title="Modify the source of this skin" />';
$savesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save modified source" title="Store changes to '.$currentskin.'" />';
$createskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create my skin" title="Generate a custom skin for '.$this->GetUserName().'" />';
$importskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save current skin as my skin" title="Store a copy of '.$currentskin.' as '.$myskin.'" />';
$restoreskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Restore to default settings" title="Reset '.$myskin.' to the default system stylesheet ('.$defaultskin.')" />';

echo $this->Format("=== Select a skin: === --- ");
switch ($_POST["action"]) {

case "Save modified source":
// saves modified skin to file
$this->WriteSkin($currentskin, $_POST["mod_css_content"]);
// no break - skin is automatically updated

case "Set skin":
// change current skin and reload page
if (file_exists("css/".$postedskin)) {

case "Save current skin as my skin":
// import and save current skin as user skin
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = $this->ReadSkin($currentskin);
$this->WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);

case "Create my skin":
// first-time user skin creation
if ($this->GetUser() && !file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = $this->ReadSkin($defaultskin);
$this->WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);

case "Restore to default settings":
// restore user skin to default settings
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = $this->ReadSkin($defaultskin);
$this->WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);

case "Show source":
if ($this->GetConfigValue("allow_display_skin_source") == "1") {
// open a readonly textarea with skin source
$css_contents = $this->ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $hidesource;

case "Edit source":
if ($this->GetConfigValue("allow_display_skin_source") == "1" || $this->IsAdmin || $currentskin == $myskin) {
// open an editable textarea with skin source
$css_contents = $this->ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="mod_css_content" cols="80" rows="15">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $savesource.$hidesource;

// give write access to the skin owner and to admins
switch ($this->GetConfigValue('allow_display_skin_source')) {
case '0': #hide source, no one except admins can edit skins
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin())? $editsource : '';
case '1': #anyone can display source, skin owners can edit their skin, admins can edit any skin
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin() || $currentskin == $myskin)? $editsource : $showsource;

$handle = opendir('css/');

// retrieve skin list
$skinlist = '<select name="skin">';
// put on top of the list the default and custom skin
$defaultselected = ($defaultskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$myselected = ($myskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$defaultskin.'"'.$defaultselected.'>(Default skin: '.$defaultskin.')</option>';

if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) $skinlist .= '<option value="'.$myskin.'"'.$myselected.'>(My skin: '.$myskin.')</option>';

// get default skins
$noskinmask = '^('.$defaultskin.'|'.$myskin.'|xml.css|print.css|\.(.*)|user_(.*))$';
$skinlist .= '<option value="" disabled="disabled">--- Default skins: ---</option>';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!preg_match('/'.$noskinmask.'/', $file)) {
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
if ($this->GetConfigValue("display_custom_skins") == "1") {
$handle = opendir('css/');
$skinlist .= '<option value="" disabled="disabled">--- User skins: ---</option>';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (preg_match('/user_(.*)/', $file)) {
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
$skinlist .= '</select>';

// create form
print $this->FormOpen("","","post");
print $skinlist.$setskin."<br /><br />".$showskin.$submit."<br /><br />\n";

// show user skin options
if (($this->GetConfigValue("allow_create_custom_skin") == "1") && $this->GetUser()) {
if (!file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$mysubmit = $createskin;
} else {
$myskinname = "(".$myskin.")";
$mysubmit = ($currentskin == $myskin)? $restoreskin : $importskin.$restoreskin;
print $this->Format(" ---- === My skin ##".$myskinname."## === --- ");
print $mysubmit;

// close form
print $this->FormClose();

== 2. Modify the wikka core (##wikka.php##) ==

Add the following code in ##./wikka.php## immediately after the ##""//COOKIES""## section

function GetSkin()
if ($this->GetUser())
$skin = $_SESSION['skin'];
} else
if ($_COOKIE['skin'])
$skin = $_COOKIE['skin'];
} else
$skin = $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet");
return $skin;

function SetSkin($skin)
if ($this->GetUser())
$_SESSION['skin'] = $skin;
} else
$this->SetPersistentCookie("skin", $skin);

function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);

function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;


== 3. Modify the Wikka Header (##actions/header.php##)==

To allow skin selection a small modification of the header is needed:

**original ##actions/header.php##**
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />

**modified ##actions/header.php##**
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo $this->GetSkin() ?>" media="screen" />

== 4. Add the following system options ==

**original ##wikka.config.php##**
"stylesheet" => "wikka.css",

**modified ##wikka.config.php##**
"default_stylesheet" => "wikka.css",
"allow_select_skin" => "1",
"display_custom_skins" => "1",
"allow_create_custom_skin" => "1",
"allow_display_skin_source" => "1",

=== Understanding the system options ===

~-##default_stylesheet## --- Defines the system stylesheet;
~-##allow_select_skin## --- Allows users to switch stilesheet;
~-##display_custom_skins## --- Displays custom skins in the list of selectable stylesheets;
~-##allow_create_custom_skin## --- Allows registered users to create custom skins;
~-##allow_display_skin_source## --- Allows users to display (and edit) the source of a skin;

===== MySkin: choose and modify your favorite skin =====

<<Give it a [[TestSkin try]]!<<


Following the suggestions of JsnX and JavaWoman, and using code I had written for the WikkaSkinEditor action, I've created a new action that allows registered users to //create// their own custom skin and //modify// it to their taste. Feel free to test it and give your feedback.

== 1. How to use it ==

Just add in one of your pages ##""{{myskin}}""##, change the actions/header.php as shown below and start playing

== 2. The code ##(actions/myskin.php)##==

The code below is still quite redundant. It can be made much more compact by creating a couple of functions.


* Allows users to select alternate skins and to edit their custom skins.
* This action allows the user to select a skin among those available in
* the Wikka css folder. A form allows to display the markup of each skin.
* Registered user can create it and modify their own custom skin. The
* first creation of a custom user skin consists in the generation of a new
* css stylesheet containing the default wikka CSS settings (as specified
* in the Wikka config file) and stored with the name of the user. Once a
* custom user skin exists, the owner of the skin can modify it, overwrite
* it with an existing skin, or restore the default settings. Wikka
* administrators have write access to all the skins.
* Cookies must be enabled for the selector to work and the css folder must
* be write-accessible to the script in order to read, edit and save skins.
* @package Actions
* @name MySkin
* @author {@link DarTar}
* @version 1.0
* @since Wikka 1.1.X
* @output displays a form for selecting alternate skins and edit
* custom user skins.
* @todo -integrate with UserSettings?

// get skin names
$currentskin = $this->GetCookie("wikiskin");
$defaultskin = $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet");
$postedskin = $_POST["skin"];
$myskin = strtolower($this->GetUserName().".css");

// build form chunks
$setskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Set skin" />';
$showsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Show source" />';
$hidesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Hide source" />';
$editsource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Edit source" />';
$savesource = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save modified source" />';
$createskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Create my skin" />';
$importskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Save current skin as my skin" />';
$restoreskin = '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Restore to default settings" />';

// internal functions

function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);

function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;

echo $this->Format("=== Select a Wikka skin: === --- ");
switch ($_POST["action"]) {

case "Save modified source":
// saves modified skin to file
WriteSkin($currentskin, $_POST["mod_css_content"]);
// no break - skin is automatically updated

case "Set skin":
// change current skin and reload page
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $postedskin);

case "Save current skin as my skin":
// import and save current skin as user skin
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = ReadSkin($currentskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $myskin);


case "Create my skin":
// first time user skin creation
if ($this->GetUser() && !file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = ReadSkin($defaultskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $myskin);

case "Restore to default settings":
// restore user skin to default settings
if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$css_content = ReadSkin($defaultskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$this->SetPersistentCookie("wikiskin", $myskin);

case "Show source":
// open a readonly textarea with skin source
$css_contents = ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $hidesource;

case "Edit source":
// open an editable textarea with skin source
$css_contents = ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="mod_css_content" cols="80" rows="15">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $savesource;


$handle = opendir('css/');

// retrieve skin list
$skinlist = '<select name="skin">';
// put on top of the list the default and custom skin
$defaultselected = ($defaultskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$myselected = ($myskin == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$defaultskin.'"'.$defaultselected.'>(Default skin: '.$defaultskin.')</option>';

if ($this->GetUser() && file_exists("css/".$myskin)) $skinlist .= '<option value="'.$myskin.'"'.$myselected.'>(My skin: '.$myskin.')</option>';

// get other skins
$noskinmask = '^('.$defaultskin.'|'.$myskin.'|xml.css|print.css|\.(.*))$';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!preg_match('/'.$noskinmask.'/', $file)) {
$selected = ($file == $currentskin)? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$skinlist .= '<option value="'.$file.'"'.$selected.'>'.$file.'</option>';
$skinlist .= '</select>';

// give write access to the skin owner and to admins
if (!isset($submit)) {
$submit = ($this->IsAdmin() || $currentskin == $myskin)? $editsource : $showsource;

// create form
print $this->FormOpen("","","post");
print $skinlist.$setskin."<br /><br />".$showskin.$submit."<br /><br />\n";

// show user skin options
if ($this->GetUser()) {
if (!file_exists("css/".$myskin)) {
$mysubmit = $createskin;
} else {
$myskinname = "(".$myskin.")";
$mysubmit = ($currentskin == $myskin)? $restoreskin : $importskin.$restoreskin;
print $this->Format(" ---- === My skin ".$myskinname." === --- ");
print $mysubmit;

// close form
print $this->FormClose();

== 3. Modify the Wikka Header (##actions/header.php##)==

To allow skin selection a small modification of the header is needed:

**original ##actions/header.php##**
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />

**modified ##actions/header.php##**
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo ($this->GetCookie("wikiskin"))? $this->GetCookie("wikiskin"): $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />


Revision [4913]

Edited on 2005-01-21 15:43:16 by NilsLindenberg [needed modification added]
== 1. How to use it ==
Just add in one of your pages ##""{{myskin}}""##, change the actions/header.php as shown below and start playing
== 2. The code ##(actions/myskin.php)##==
== 3. Modify the Wikka Header (##actions/header.php##)==
To allow skin selection a small modification of the header is needed:
**original ##actions/header.php##**
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />
**modified ##actions/header.php##**
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/<?php echo ($this->GetCookie("wikiskin"))? $this->GetCookie("wikiskin"): $this->GetConfigValue("stylesheet") ?>" />
== How to use it ==
Just add in one of your pages ##""{{myskin}}""## and start playing
== The code ##(actions/myskin.php)##==

Revision [4756]

Edited on 2005-01-17 14:50:38 by NilsLindenberg [cat. changed]
CategoryUserContributions CategoryLayout
CategoryDevelopment CategoryLayout

Revision [3046]

Edited on 2004-12-09 20:18:35 by DarTar [Adding category link]
CategoryDevelopment CategoryLayout

Revision [3034]

Edited on 2004-12-09 18:21:28 by NilsLindenberg [layout]

Revision [3030]

Edited on 2004-12-09 18:07:11 by JavaWoman [minor fix]
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br

Revision [3009]

Edited on 2004-12-09 12:05:37 by DarTar [announcing new action - internal functions added]
* Registered user can create it and modify their own custom skin. The
* administrators have write access to all the skins.
* @todo -integrate with UserSettings?
// internal functions
function WriteSkin($file, $content){
$css_file = fopen("css/".$file, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $content);
function ReadSkin($file){
$source = fopen("css/".$file, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$file));
return $css_content;
WriteSkin($currentskin, $_POST["mod_css_content"]);
$css_content = ReadSkin($currentskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$css_content = ReadSkin($defaultskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$css_content = ReadSkin($defaultskin);
WriteSkin($myskin, $css_content);
$css_contents = ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="display_css_content" cols="80" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br
$css_contents = ReadSkin($currentskin);
$showskin = '<textarea id="skinedit" name="mod_css_content" cols="80" rows="15">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $savesource;
print $skinlist.$setskin."<br /><br />".$showskin.$submit."<br /><br />\n";
* Registered user can create and modify their own custom skin. The
* administrators have write access to all skins.
* @todo -integrate with UserSettings.
* -create functions for more compact code.
$css_file = fopen("css/".$currentskin, "w+");
fwrite($css_file, $_POST["mod_css_content"]);
$source = fopen("css/".$currentskin, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$currentskin));
$myskinfile = fopen("css/".$myskin, "w+");
fwrite($myskinfile, $css_content);
$source = fopen("css/".$defaultskin, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$defaultskin));
$myskinfile = fopen("css/".$myskin, "w+");
fwrite($myskinfile, $css_content);
$source = fopen("css/".$defaultskin, "r");
$css_content = fread($source, filesize("css/".$defaultskin));
$myskinfile = fopen("css/".$myskin, "w+");
fwrite($myskinfile, $css_content);
$css_file = fopen("css/".$currentskin, "r");
$css_contents = fread($css_file, filesize("css/".$currentskin));
$showskin = '<textarea name="display_css_content" cols="50" rows="15" readonly="readonly">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$css_file = fopen("css/".$currentskin, "r");
$css_contents = fread($css_file, filesize("css/".$currentskin));
$showskin = '<textarea name="mod_css_content" cols="50" rows="15">'.$css_contents.'</textarea><br />';
$submit = $savesource;
print $skinlist.$setskin."<br /><br />".$submit."<br />\n".$showskin."<br /><br />\n";

Revision [3008]

Edited on 2004-12-09 10:24:27 by DarTar [announcing new action]
* Registered user can create and modify their own custom skin. The
* administrators have write access to all skins.
* Registered user can create it and modify their own custom skin. The
* administrators have write access to all the skins.

Revision [3007]

Edited on 2004-12-09 10:23:21 by DarTar [announcing new action]
Following the suggestions of JsnX and JavaWoman, and using code I had written for the WikkaSkinEditor action, I've created a new action that allows registered users to //create// their own custom skin and //modify// it to their taste. Feel free to test it and give your feedback.
Following the suggestions of JsnX and JavaWoman, and using code I had written for the WikkaSkinEditor action, I've created a new action that allows registered users to create their own custom skin and modify it as they wish. Feel free to test it and give your feedback.

Revision [3004]

Edited on 2004-12-09 10:18:55 by DarTar [Announcing new action]
Following the suggestions of JsnX and JavaWoman, and using code I had written for the WikkaSkinEditor action, I've created a new action that allows registered users to create their own custom skin and modify it as they wish. Feel free to test it and give your feedback.
Following the suggestions of JsnX and JavaWoman, and using code I had written for the SkinEditor action, I've created a new action that allows registered users to create their own custom skin and modify it as they wish. Feel free to test it and give your feedback.

Revision [3003]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-12-09 10:13:54 by DarTar [Announcing new action]
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