Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object

Description of the problem
Received this error today (march 25 2005)

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/emp.empornium.us/wikka/formatters/wakka.php on line 186

I had copied the FormattingRules page to my own wiki (you really should include it with your install). I disabled html embedding in wiki pages in the wikka.config.php with the line

"double_doublequote_html" => "disabled",

i deleted a section at the end of FormattingRules wherei guess a cohort had included brief html embed instructions. When i clicked Store, the resulting page (which would have displayed the complete edit) gave the above error.

It's wierd because any attempt EXCEPT by /edit to parse that page at all results in that error. Even history.

I discovered that the error occurs on use of double double quotes to escape from the wikitext renderer. We run with magic quotes off, but adding set_magic_quotes_runtime(1); to the top of formatters/wakka.php produced the same error

Yes, that is what happened. Do you know of any way other than

to use quotes in wikka without them appearing as question marks? --Jmax1632

Possible solution


When "double_doublequote_html" => "disabled" configuration is set, the current version of wikka then refers to the incorrect class when parsing ddq.

FIND in formatters/wakka.php
return $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[1]);

return $wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[1]);

This statement is never touched as long as "double_doublequote_html" => is not set to "disabled"

Thanks JavaWoman for your solution, thanks TimoK for trying.

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