Revision history for PageDeletionInfo

Revision [22907]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by DavidCary [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:PageDeletionInfo | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:PageDeletionInfo Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18122]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by DavidCary [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:PageDeletionInfo Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Deleting a page=====
Admin users can delete pages.
To delete a page, browse to the page and add "/delete" to the end of the URL.
For example, if I wanted to delete a page named **""UselessPage""**, I would browse to the page, click in my web browser's address textbox using the mouse, placing the cursor at the end of the address, and then type in **/delete** and hit the Enter key on my keyboard.
So the address would change from **""""** to **""""**
Or if you don't have modrewrite on your site: change the url from **""""** to **""""**
(translation: PageDeletionInfoFR )

Revision [17745]

Edited on 2007-11-25 21:52:45 by DavidCary [translation]
(translation: PageDeletionInfoFR )

Revision [16405]

Edited on 2007-04-18 11:32:53 by TeijGer [translation]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Deleting a page=====
Admin users can delete pages.

To delete a page, browse to the page and add "/delete" to the end of the URL.

For example, if I wanted to delete a page named **""UselessPage""**, I would browse to the page, click in my web browser's address textbox using the mouse, placing the cursor at the end of the address, and then type in **/delete** and hit the Enter key on my keyboard.

So the address would change from **""""** to **""""**

Or if you don't have modrewrite on your site: change the url from **""""** to **""""**

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Deleting a page=====
Admin users can delete pages.

To delete a page, browse to the page and add "/delete" to the end of the URL.

For example, if I wanted to delete a page named ""UselessPage"", I would browse to the page, click in my web browser's address textbox using the mouse, placing the cursor at the end of the address, and then type in /delete and hit the Enter key on my keyboard.

So the address would change from:





Revision [1579]

Edited on 2004-10-03 22:03:43 by DarTar [Added link to documentation & title]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Deleting a page=====
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]

Revision [1578]

Edited on 2004-10-03 22:03:13 by DarTar [Added link to documentation & title]
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
Admin users can delete pages.

To delete a page, browse to the page and add "/delete" to the end of the URL.

For example, if I wanted to delete a page named ""UselessPage"", I would browse to the page, click in my web browser's address textbox using the mouse, placing the cursor at the end of the address, and then type in /delete and hit the Enter key on my keyboard.

So the address would change from:




Admin users can delete pages.

To delete a page, browse to the page and add "/delete" to the end of the URL.

For example, if I wanted to delete a page named ""UselessPage"", I would browse to the page, click in my web browser's address textbox using the mouse, placing the cursor at the end of the address, and then type in /delete and hit the Enter key on my keyboard.

So the address would change from:





Revision [579]

Edited on 2004-06-01 17:53:22 by RichardTerry [Added link to documentation & title]

Revision [504]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-05-29 19:44:06 by JsnX [Added link to documentation & title]
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