Revision history for PageOwnershipFR

Revision [22801]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by SamuelDr [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:PageOwnershipFR | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:PageOwnershipFR Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18005]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by SamuelDr [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:PageOwnershipFR Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentationFR Documentation de Wikka]]
==== Possession d'une page ====
Toute page d'un Wikka est possédée par quelqu'un. Il existe trois types de propriétaires:
- //Public// (page publique)
- //Free// (page //libre//)
- //Owned// (page possédée par quelqu'un, un NomWiki est alors affiché)
Par exemple, si la page est possédée par ""ToTo"", aucun autre utilisateur que ""ToTo"" ou les administrateurs ne pourront changer les droits.
Lorsque vous [[CreateNewPageFR créez une page]], son propriétaire est automatiquement celui qui a créé la page.
Les administrateurs Wikka ne sont pas contraint aux droits pour les accès à aucune page et peuvent aussi changer ces droits.
Par ici pour les informations à propos de la modification des [[ACLInfoFR droits d'accès]].

Revision [9632]

Edited on 2005-06-26 03:04:19 by SamuelDr [Migrated to doc server]
++The page ownership determines which person(s) control the rights to read, write and comment on a page:++
++ - //Public// no user except Wikka administrators can change the rights++
++ - //Free// any registered user can take ownership of the page++
++ - //Owned// the owner of the page and the Wikka administrator can change the rights++
++For instance, if a page is owned by ""JohnDoe"", no user other than ""JohnDoe"" or Wikka administrators can change the rights.++
++When [[CreateNewPageFR creating a page]], its owner is automatically set to the user who created the page.++
++Wikka administrators have unconstrained read/write/comment access to any page and can also change these rights.++
++For informations on how to change these rights, look at [[ACLInfoFR Controlling access to pages and comments]].++

Revision [9571]

Edited on 2005-06-24 05:42:24 by SamuelDr [Translating... Gotta learn to leave notes]

Revision [9567]

Edited on 2005-06-24 05:34:19 by SamuelDr [Translating... Gotta learn to leave notes]
++The page ownership determines which person(s) control the rights to read, write and comment on a page:++
++ - //Public// no user except Wikka administrators can change the rights++
++ - //Free// any registered user can take ownership of the page++
++ - //Owned// the owner of the page and the Wikka administrator can change the rights++
Par exemple, si la page est possédée par ""ToTo"", aucun autre utilisateur que ""ToTo"" ou les administrateurs ne pourront changer les droits.
++For instance, if a page is owned by ""JohnDoe"", no user other than ""JohnDoe"" or Wikka administrators can change the rights.++
Lorsque vous [[CreateNewPageFR créez une page]], son propriétaire est automatiquement celui qui a créé la page.
Les administrateurs Wikka ne sont pas contraint aux droits pour les accès à aucune page et peuvent aussi changer ces droits.
++When [[CreateNewPageFR creating a page]], its owner is automatically set to the user who created the page.++
++Wikka administrators have unconstrained read/write/comment access to any page and can also change these rights.++
Par ici pour les informations à propos de la modification des [[ACLInfoFR droits d'accès]].
++For informations on how to change these rights, look at [[ACLInfoFR Controlling access to pages and comments]].++
The page ownership determines which person(s) control the rights to read, write and comment on a page:
- //Public// no user except Wikka administrators can change the rights
- //Free// any registered user can take ownership of the page
- //Owned// the owner of the page and the Wikka administrator can change the rights
For instance, if a page is owned by ""JohnDoe"", no user other than ""JohnDoe"" or Wikka administrators can change the rights.
When [[CreateNewPageFR creating a page]], its owner is automatically set to the user who created the page.
Wikka administrators have unconstrained read/write/comment access to any page and can also change these rights.
For informations on how to change these rights, look at [[ACLInfoFR Controlling access to pages and comments]].

Revision [6542]

Edited on 2005-03-07 09:26:59 by PivWan [Draft]
[[WikkaDocumentationFR Documentation de Wikka]]
==== Possession d'une page ====
Toute page d'un Wikka est possédée par quelqu'un. Il existe trois types de propriétaires:
- //Public// (page publique)
- //Free// (page //libre//)
- //Owned// (page possédée par quelqu'un, un NomWiki est alors affiché)
When [[CreateNewPageFR creating a page]], its owner is automatically set to the user who created the page.
For informations on how to change these rights, look at [[ACLInfoFR Controlling access to pages and comments]].
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====Page ownership====
Every Page on a Wikka wiki is owned by someone. There are three different types of ownership:
- //Public//
- //Free//
- //Owned// by a registered user (a WikiName is shown)
When [[CreateNewPage creating a page]], its owner is automatically set to the user who created the page.
For informations on how to change these rights, look at [[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]].

Revision [6541]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-03-07 09:22:27 by PivWan [Draft]
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