Revision history for PhraseList
Revision [23501]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
''A [[ | new branch]] of the code has been started to work on this issue.''
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ | %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE', "Log in here with the temporary password. --- If you need a temporary password, click [[PasswordForgotten | here]].");
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ | %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE', "Log in here with the temporary password. --- If you need a temporary password, click [[PasswordForgotten | here]].");
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE', "Log in here with the temporary password. --- If you need a temporary password, click [[PasswordForgotten here]].");
[[ Cheap Internet Specials]]
1) [[ cassette player]]
- [[ link building service]]
====Phrase List====
''A [[ new branch]] of the code has been started to work on this issue.''
1) find all files containing text in it
1) marking special-cases like "buttons" and distintions like "noun" "verb" etc.
1) rewrite phrases containing variables
1) make consistent constant guidelines
1) use them ;)
=== Guidelines for naming constants ===
see CodingGuidelinesHowto
===Phrase List===
A list of all the phrases in Wikka ordered afte directory/file. To have an overview about the progress.
define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');
define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later!');
define('SETUP_INTERFACE_HEADER', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface'); // %s - name of the wiki
define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Installation/Upgrade cancelled. The file "%s".php could not be found!'); // %s - name of missing file
define('NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'The wiki is currently unavailable: Unable to connect to the database.');
define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); // %.4f - time
// class constants
define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown action "%s".'); // %s - name of the action
define('ACTION_NO_SPECIALCHARS', 'The action name must not contain special characters.');
define('METHOD_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown method "%s"'); // %s - path and name of the method
define('FORMATTER_NOT_FOUND', 'Formatter %s not found!'); // %s - name of the formatter
define('LOC_MON_YEAR', "%B %Y"); # i18n
define('FMT_SUMMARY', "Calendar for %s"); # i18n
define('TODAY', "today"); # i18n
define('CATEGORY_PAGES_HEADER', 'The following %b pages belong to %s:'); // %s - name of the page
define('CATEGORY_NO_PAGES_FOUND', 'Sorry, no items found for %s.'); // %s - name of the page
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_LABEL', 'Send us your feedback');
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_TITLE', 'Contact');
define('DISPLAY_PAGES_YOU_OWN','Display a list of the pages you currently own');
define ('DISPLAY_ALPHABETICAL_PAGE_INDEX', 'Display an alphabetical page index');
- 20: 'Change of password for'
- 22: 'From'
- 24: 'Hi, You or someone else requested that we send a temporary password to login to '
- 25: 'If you did not request this, disregard this email. -- No action is necessary. -- Your password will stay the same.'
- 26: 'Your wikiname: '
- 27: 'Temporary password: '
- 29: 'Do not forget to change the password immediately after logging in'
- 33: 'A temporary password was sent to the registered email address of '
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_HEADER', 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_NAME', 'Name: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_EMAIL', 'Email: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_COMMENTS', 'Comments: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_BUTTON', 'Send');
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'Feedback from : %s'); // %s - user who entered feedback
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('ERROR_NO_NAME', 'Please enter your name');
define('ERROR_NO_EMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address');
define('ERROR_NO_TEXT', 'Please enter some text');
- 56: 'Unable to find suffix for case '
- 90: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 102: 'File was successfully uploaded.'
- 106: 'There was an error uploading your file.'
- 111: 'There is already a file named ' 'Please rename before uploading or delete the existing file below.'
- 117: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 120: 'File upload incomplete! Please try again.'
- 123: 'No file uploaded.'
- 3: 'TextSearch'
- 4: 'Click to edit this page' 'Edit page'
- 5: 'Click to view recent edits to this page' 'Page History'
- 6: 'Click to view recent revisions list for this page' 'Click to view recent page revisions in XML format'
- 15: 'Public page ' '(Edit ACLs)'
- 22, 31: 'Owner: '
- 22, 26: 'Edit ACLs'
- 26: 'You own this page.'
- 36: 'Nobody' '(Take Ownership)'
- 40: 'Click to view a list of URLs referring to this page.' 'Referrers'
- 41: 'Search:'
- 46: 'Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional'
- 47: 'Valid CSS'
- 48: 'Powered by'
- 54: 'Query log:'
define('CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_DETECTED', 'Circular reference detected');
- 16: 'anonymous'
- 31: 'Show differences from last version' 'diff'
- 33: 'Last edited by '
- 13: 'Name'
- 14: 'Owned Pages'
- 15: 'Signup Date/Time'
- 17: 'Please install a ' 'Java Runtime Environment' 'on your computer.'
- 41: 'Download this mind map' 'Use ' 'Freemind' ' to edit it' 'Open fullscreen'
- 13:'This is a list of pages you've edited, along with the time of your last change' 'order by date'
- 33, 74: 'revisions'
- 41, 81: 'You have not edited any pages yet.'
- 46, 86: 'No pages found.'
- 51: 'This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change' 'order alphabetically'
- 92: "You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved."
- 9: 'This is the list of pages you own.'
- 37: 'You don't own any pages.'
- 42: 'No pages found.'
- 47: "You're not logged in, thus the list of your pages couldn't be retrieved."
- 23: 'The page name ' 'is invalid. Valid page names must start with a capital letter, contain only letters and numbers, and be in CamelCase format.'
- 38: 'Create and Edit'
define('NO_ORPHANED_PAGES', 'No orphaned pages. Good!');
define('PAGES_YOU_OWN', 'You own %1\s pages out of the %2\s pages on this Wiki'); // %1\s - html-formatted number of own pages, %2\s - html-formatted number of total pages
define('PAGES_TOTAL_PERC','That means you own %s of the total.'); // %s - percent of pages owned
- 9: 'All'
- 37: 'Owner'
- 43: * Indicates a page that you own.'
- 46: 'No pages found.'
define('XML_BUTTON_LABEL', 'XML');
define('PAGE_EDITOR_UNREGISTERED', '(unregistered user)');
define('HISTORY_LINK_TXT', 'history');
define('VIEW_RECENT_REVISIONS_LABEL', 'View recent revisions list for %s'); // %s - pagename
define('VIEW_EDIT_HISTORY_LABEL', 'View edit history of %s'); // %s - pagename
define('WIKIPING_ENABLED_INFO', '[WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to %s]'); // %s - link to wikiping-server
define('NO_RECENT_COMMENTS', 'No recent comments');
- 24, 27: 'View comment'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 33: 'comment by '
- 38: 'There are no recently commented pages.'
define('ERROR_RSS_WRONG_SYNTAX', 'Error: Invalid RSS action syntax. --- Proper usage: ""{{rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=""}}""'); // gets wikka-formatted
- 2: Search for
- 14: 'Search results: ' ' for '
- 22: 'Not sure which page to choose?' Try the ' 'Expanded Text Search' 'which shows surrounding text.'
- 28: 'Search Tips:'
- 29: 'apple banana'
- 30: 'Find pages that contain at least one of the two words. '
- 32: '+apple +juice'
- 33: 'Find pages that contain both words. '
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
- 36: "Find pages that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'."
- 38: 'apple*'
- 39: 'Find pages that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.'
- 41: 'some words'
- 42: Find pages that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, pages that contain 'some words of wisdom'
''A [[ new branch]] of the code has been started to work on this issue.''
1) find all files containing text in it
1) marking special-cases like "buttons" and distintions like "noun" "verb" etc.
1) rewrite phrases containing variables
1) make consistent constant guidelines
1) use them ;)
=== Guidelines for naming constants ===
see CodingGuidelinesHowto
===Phrase List===
A list of all the phrases in Wikka ordered afte directory/file. To have an overview about the progress.
define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');
define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later!');
define('SETUP_INTERFACE_HEADER', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface'); // %s - name of the wiki
define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Installation/Upgrade cancelled. The file "%s".php could not be found!'); // %s - name of missing file
define('NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'The wiki is currently unavailable: Unable to connect to the database.');
define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); // %.4f - time
// class constants
define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown action "%s".'); // %s - name of the action
define('ACTION_NO_SPECIALCHARS', 'The action name must not contain special characters.');
define('METHOD_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown method "%s"'); // %s - path and name of the method
define('FORMATTER_NOT_FOUND', 'Formatter %s not found!'); // %s - name of the formatter
define('LOC_MON_YEAR', "%B %Y"); # i18n
define('FMT_SUMMARY', "Calendar for %s"); # i18n
define('TODAY', "today"); # i18n
define('CATEGORY_PAGES_HEADER', 'The following %b pages belong to %s:'); // %s - name of the page
define('CATEGORY_NO_PAGES_FOUND', 'Sorry, no items found for %s.'); // %s - name of the page
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_LABEL', 'Send us your feedback');
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_TITLE', 'Contact');
define('DISPLAY_PAGES_YOU_OWN','Display a list of the pages you currently own');
define ('DISPLAY_ALPHABETICAL_PAGE_INDEX', 'Display an alphabetical page index');
- 20: 'Change of password for'
- 22: 'From'
- 24: 'Hi, You or someone else requested that we send a temporary password to login to '
- 25: 'If you did not request this, disregard this email. -- No action is necessary. -- Your password will stay the same.'
- 26: 'Your wikiname: '
- 27: 'Temporary password: '
- 29: 'Do not forget to change the password immediately after logging in'
- 33: 'A temporary password was sent to the registered email address of '
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_HEADER', 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_NAME', 'Name: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_EMAIL', 'Email: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_COMMENTS', 'Comments: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_BUTTON', 'Send');
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'Feedback from : %s'); // %s - user who entered feedback
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('ERROR_NO_NAME', 'Please enter your name');
define('ERROR_NO_EMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address');
define('ERROR_NO_TEXT', 'Please enter some text');
- 56: 'Unable to find suffix for case '
- 90: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 102: 'File was successfully uploaded.'
- 106: 'There was an error uploading your file.'
- 111: 'There is already a file named ' 'Please rename before uploading or delete the existing file below.'
- 117: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 120: 'File upload incomplete! Please try again.'
- 123: 'No file uploaded.'
- 3: 'TextSearch'
- 4: 'Click to edit this page' 'Edit page'
- 5: 'Click to view recent edits to this page' 'Page History'
- 6: 'Click to view recent revisions list for this page' 'Click to view recent page revisions in XML format'
- 15: 'Public page ' '(Edit ACLs)'
- 22, 31: 'Owner: '
- 22, 26: 'Edit ACLs'
- 26: 'You own this page.'
- 36: 'Nobody' '(Take Ownership)'
- 40: 'Click to view a list of URLs referring to this page.' 'Referrers'
- 41: 'Search:'
- 46: 'Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional'
- 47: 'Valid CSS'
- 48: 'Powered by'
- 54: 'Query log:'
define('CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_DETECTED', 'Circular reference detected');
- 16: 'anonymous'
- 31: 'Show differences from last version' 'diff'
- 33: 'Last edited by '
- 13: 'Name'
- 14: 'Owned Pages'
- 15: 'Signup Date/Time'
- 17: 'Please install a ' 'Java Runtime Environment' 'on your computer.'
- 41: 'Download this mind map' 'Use ' 'Freemind' ' to edit it' 'Open fullscreen'
- 13:'This is a list of pages you've edited, along with the time of your last change' 'order by date'
- 33, 74: 'revisions'
- 41, 81: 'You have not edited any pages yet.'
- 46, 86: 'No pages found.'
- 51: 'This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change' 'order alphabetically'
- 92: "You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved."
- 9: 'This is the list of pages you own.'
- 37: 'You don't own any pages.'
- 42: 'No pages found.'
- 47: "You're not logged in, thus the list of your pages couldn't be retrieved."
- 23: 'The page name ' 'is invalid. Valid page names must start with a capital letter, contain only letters and numbers, and be in CamelCase format.'
- 38: 'Create and Edit'
define('NO_ORPHANED_PAGES', 'No orphaned pages. Good!');
define('PAGES_YOU_OWN', 'You own %1\s pages out of the %2\s pages on this Wiki'); // %1\s - html-formatted number of own pages, %2\s - html-formatted number of total pages
define('PAGES_TOTAL_PERC','That means you own %s of the total.'); // %s - percent of pages owned
- 9: 'All'
- 37: 'Owner'
- 43: * Indicates a page that you own.'
- 46: 'No pages found.'
define('XML_BUTTON_LABEL', 'XML');
define('PAGE_EDITOR_UNREGISTERED', '(unregistered user)');
define('HISTORY_LINK_TXT', 'history');
define('VIEW_RECENT_REVISIONS_LABEL', 'View recent revisions list for %s'); // %s - pagename
define('VIEW_EDIT_HISTORY_LABEL', 'View edit history of %s'); // %s - pagename
define('WIKIPING_ENABLED_INFO', '[WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to %s]'); // %s - link to wikiping-server
define('NO_RECENT_COMMENTS', 'No recent comments');
- 24, 27: 'View comment'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 33: 'comment by '
- 38: 'There are no recently commented pages.'
define('ERROR_RSS_WRONG_SYNTAX', 'Error: Invalid RSS action syntax. --- Proper usage: ""{{rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=""}}""'); // gets wikka-formatted
- 2: Search for
- 14: 'Search results: ' ' for '
- 22: 'Not sure which page to choose?' Try the ' 'Expanded Text Search' 'which shows surrounding text.'
- 28: 'Search Tips:'
- 29: 'apple banana'
- 30: 'Find pages that contain at least one of the two words. '
- 32: '+apple +juice'
- 33: 'Find pages that contain both words. '
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
- 36: "Find pages that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'."
- 38: 'apple*'
- 39: 'Find pages that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.'
- 41: 'some words'
- 42: Find pages that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, pages that contain 'some words of wisdom'
''A [[ new branch]] of the code has been started to work on this issue.''
1) find all files containing text in it
1) marking special-cases like "buttons" and distintions like "noun" "verb" etc.
1) rewrite phrases containing variables
1) make consistent constant guidelines
1) use them ;)
=== Guidelines for naming constants ===
see CodingGuidelinesHowto
===Phrase List===
A list of all the phrases in Wikka ordered afte directory/file. To have an overview about the progress.
define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');
define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later!');
define('SETUP_INTERFACE_HEADER', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface'); // %s - name of the wiki
define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Installation/Upgrade cancelled. The file "%s".php could not be found!'); // %s - name of missing file
define('NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'The wiki is currently unavailable: Unable to connect to the database.');
define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); // %.4f - time
// class constants
define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown action "%s".'); // %s - name of the action
define('ACTION_NO_SPECIALCHARS', 'The action name must not contain special characters.');
define('METHOD_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown method "%s"'); // %s - path and name of the method
define('FORMATTER_NOT_FOUND', 'Formatter %s not found!'); // %s - name of the formatter
define('LOC_MON_YEAR', "%B %Y"); # i18n
define('FMT_SUMMARY', "Calendar for %s"); # i18n
define('TODAY', "today"); # i18n
define('CATEGORY_PAGES_HEADER', 'The following %b pages belong to %s:'); // %s - name of the page
define('CATEGORY_NO_PAGES_FOUND', 'Sorry, no items found for %s.'); // %s - name of the page
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_LABEL', 'Send us your feedback');
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_TITLE', 'Contact');
define('DISPLAY_PAGES_YOU_OWN','Display a list of the pages you currently own');
define ('DISPLAY_ALPHABETICAL_PAGE_INDEX', 'Display an alphabetical page index');
- 20: 'Change of password for'
- 22: 'From'
- 24: 'Hi, You or someone else requested that we send a temporary password to login to '
- 25: 'If you did not request this, disregard this email. -- No action is necessary. -- Your password will stay the same.'
- 26: 'Your wikiname: '
- 27: 'Temporary password: '
- 29: 'Do not forget to change the password immediately after logging in'
- 33: 'A temporary password was sent to the registered email address of '
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_HEADER', 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_NAME', 'Name: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_EMAIL', 'Email: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_COMMENTS', 'Comments: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_BUTTON', 'Send');
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'Feedback from : %s'); // %s - user who entered feedback
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('ERROR_NO_NAME', 'Please enter your name');
define('ERROR_NO_EMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address');
define('ERROR_NO_TEXT', 'Please enter some text');
- 56: 'Unable to find suffix for case '
- 90: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 102: 'File was successfully uploaded.'
- 106: 'There was an error uploading your file.'
- 111: 'There is already a file named ' 'Please rename before uploading or delete the existing file below.'
- 117: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 120: 'File upload incomplete! Please try again.'
- 123: 'No file uploaded.'
- 3: 'TextSearch'
- 4: 'Click to edit this page' 'Edit page'
- 5: 'Click to view recent edits to this page' 'Page History'
- 6: 'Click to view recent revisions list for this page' 'Click to view recent page revisions in XML format'
- 15: 'Public page ' '(Edit ACLs)'
- 22, 31: 'Owner: '
- 22, 26: 'Edit ACLs'
- 26: 'You own this page.'
- 36: 'Nobody' '(Take Ownership)'
- 40: 'Click to view a list of URLs referring to this page.' 'Referrers'
- 41: 'Search:'
- 46: 'Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional'
- 47: 'Valid CSS'
- 48: 'Powered by'
- 54: 'Query log:'
define('CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_DETECTED', 'Circular reference detected');
- 16: 'anonymous'
- 31: 'Show differences from last version' 'diff'
- 33: 'Last edited by '
- 13: 'Name'
- 14: 'Owned Pages'
- 15: 'Signup Date/Time'
- 17: 'Please install a ' 'Java Runtime Environment' 'on your computer.'
- 41: 'Download this mind map' 'Use ' 'Freemind' ' to edit it' 'Open fullscreen'
- 13:'This is a list of pages you've edited, along with the time of your last change' 'order by date'
- 33, 74: 'revisions'
- 41, 81: 'You have not edited any pages yet.'
- 46, 86: 'No pages found.'
- 51: 'This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change' 'order alphabetically'
- 92: "You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved."
- 9: 'This is the list of pages you own.'
- 37: 'You don't own any pages.'
- 42: 'No pages found.'
- 47: "You're not logged in, thus the list of your pages couldn't be retrieved."
- 23: 'The page name ' 'is invalid. Valid page names must start with a capital letter, contain only letters and numbers, and be in CamelCase format.'
- 38: 'Create and Edit'
define('NO_ORPHANED_PAGES', 'No orphaned pages. Good!');
define('PAGES_YOU_OWN', 'You own %1\s pages out of the %2\s pages on this Wiki'); // %1\s - html-formatted number of own pages, %2\s - html-formatted number of total pages
define('PAGES_TOTAL_PERC','That means you own %s of the total.'); // %s - percent of pages owned
- 9: 'All'
- 37: 'Owner'
- 43: * Indicates a page that you own.'
- 46: 'No pages found.'
define('XML_BUTTON_LABEL', 'XML');
define('PAGE_EDITOR_UNREGISTERED', '(unregistered user)');
define('HISTORY_LINK_TXT', 'history');
define('VIEW_RECENT_REVISIONS_LABEL', 'View recent revisions list for %s'); // %s - pagename
define('VIEW_EDIT_HISTORY_LABEL', 'View edit history of %s'); // %s - pagename
define('WIKIPING_ENABLED_INFO', '[WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to %s]'); // %s - link to wikiping-server
define('NO_RECENT_COMMENTS', 'No recent comments');
- 24, 27: 'View comment'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 33: 'comment by '
- 38: 'There are no recently commented pages.'
define('ERROR_RSS_WRONG_SYNTAX', 'Error: Invalid RSS action syntax. --- Proper usage: ""{{rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=""}}""'); // gets wikka-formatted
- 2: Search for
- 14: 'Search results: ' ' for '
- 22: 'Not sure which page to choose?' Try the ' 'Expanded Text Search' 'which shows surrounding text.'
- 28: 'Search Tips:'
- 29: 'apple banana'
- 30: 'Find pages that contain at least one of the two words. '
- 32: '+apple +juice'
- 33: 'Find pages that contain both words. '
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
- 36: "Find pages that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'."
- 38: 'apple*'
- 39: 'Find pages that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.'
- 41: 'some words'
- 42: Find pages that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, pages that contain 'some words of wisdom'
- [[ Tracfone Coupon Codes]]
- [[ Tracfone Coupon Codes]]
- 11: 'Testing MySQL connection settings...',
- 11: 'Testing [[ pos system]] MySQL connection settings...',
No Differences
- 32: '+apple +juice'
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone ---+ = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---!+ = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5+ chars)'
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone ---+ = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---!+ = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5+ chars)'
- 35: ' apple -macintosh'
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone --- = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---! = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5 chars)'
- 32: ' apple juice'
- 35: ' apple -macintosh'
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone --- = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---! = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5 chars)'
- 35: ' apple -macintosh'
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone --- = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---! = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5 chars)'
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone ---+ = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---!+ = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5+ chars)'
see CodingGuidelinesHowto
see WikkaCodingGuidelinesHowto
===Phrase List===
A list of all the phrases in Wikka ordered afte directory/file. To have an overview about the progress.
define('LOC_MON_YEAR', "%B %Y"); # i18n
define('FMT_SUMMARY', "Calendar for %s"); # i18n
define('TODAY', "today"); # i18n
define('CATEGORY_PAGES_HEADER', 'The following %b pages belong to %s:'); // %s - name of the page
define('CATEGORY_NO_PAGES_FOUND', 'Sorry, no items found for %s.'); // %s - name of the page
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_LABEL', 'Send us your feedback');
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_TITLE', 'Contact');
define('DISPLAY_PAGES_YOU_OWN','Display a list of the pages you currently own');
define ('DISPLAY_ALPHABETICAL_PAGE_INDEX', 'Display an alphabetical page index');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_HEADER', 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_NAME', 'Name: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_EMAIL', 'Email: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_COMMENTS', 'Comments: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_BUTTON', 'Send');
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'Feedback from : %s'); // %s - user who entered feedback
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('ERROR_NO_NAME', 'Please enter your name');
define('ERROR_NO_EMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address');
define('ERROR_NO_TEXT', 'Please enter some text');
define('CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_DETECTED', 'Circular reference detected');
define('NO_ORPHANED_PAGES', 'No orphaned pages. Good!');
define('PAGES_YOU_OWN', 'You own %1\s pages out of the %2\s pages on this Wiki'); // %1\s - html-formatted number of own pages, %2\s - html-formatted number of total pages
define('PAGES_TOTAL_PERC','That means you own %s of the total.'); // %s - percent of pages owned
define('XML_BUTTON_LABEL', 'XML');
define('PAGE_EDITOR_UNREGISTERED', '(unregistered user)');
define('HISTORY_LINK_TXT', 'history');
define('VIEW_RECENT_REVISIONS_LABEL', 'View recent revisions list for %s'); // %s - pagename
define('VIEW_EDIT_HISTORY_LABEL', 'View edit history of %s'); // %s - pagename
define('WIKIPING_ENABLED_INFO', '[WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to %s]'); // %s - link to wikiping-server
define('NO_RECENT_COMMENTS', 'No recent comments');
define('ERROR_RSS_WRONG_SYNTAX', 'Error: Invalid RSS action syntax. --- Proper usage: ""{{rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=""}}""'); // gets wikka-formatted
define('USER_LOGGED_OUT', "You are now logged out.");
define('USER_SETTINGS_STORED', "User settings stored!");
define('ERROR_NO_BLANK', "Sorry, blanks are not permitted in the password.");
define('ERROR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT', "Sorry, the password must contain at least %s characters.");
define('PASSWORD_CHANGED', "Password changed!");
define('ERROR_OLD_PASSWORD_WRONG', "The old password you entered is wrong.");
define('USER_EMAIL_LABEL', "Your email address:");
define('DOUBLECLICK_LABEL', "Doubleclick Editing:");
define('SHOW_COMMENTS_LABEL', "Show comments by default:");
define('RECENTCHANGES_DISPLAY_LIMIT_LABEL', "RecentChanges display limit:");
define('PAGEREVISION_LIST_LIMIT_LABEL', "Page revisions list limit:");
define('UPDATE_SETTINGS_INPUT', "Update Settings");
define('CHANGE_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Change your password:");
define('CURRENT_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Your current password:");
define('NEW_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Your new password:");
define('CHANGE_BUTTON_LABEL', "Change");
define('REGISTER_BUTTON_LABEL', "Register");
define('QUICK_LINKS', "See a list of pages you own (MyPages) and pages you've edited (MyChanges).");
define('ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD', "Sorry, you entered the wrong password.");
define('ERROR_EMPTY_USERNAME', "Please fill in your user name.");
define('ERROR_RESERVED_PAGENAME', "Sorry, this name is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.");
define('ERROR_WIKINAME', "User name must be ##\"\"WikiName\"\"## formatted, e.g. ##\"\"JohnDoe\"\"##.");
define('ERROR_EMPTY_PASSWORD', "Please fill in a password.");
define('ERROR_EMPTY_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD', "You must confirm your password to register a new account.");
define('ERROR_PASSWORD_MATCH', "Passwords didn't match.");
define('ERROR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED', "You must specify an email address.");
define('ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS', "That doesn't quite look like an email address.");
define('REGISTERED_USER_LOGIN_LABEL', "If you're already a registered user, log in here!");
define('REGISTER_HEADING', "===Login/Register===");
define('WIKINAME_LABEL', "Your <abbrv title=\"A WikiName is formed by two or more capitalized words without space, e.g. JohnDoe\">WikiName</abbrv>:");
define('PASSWORD_LABEL', "Password (min. %s chars):");
define('LOGIN_BUTTON_LABEL', "Login");
define('NEW_USER_REGISTER_LABEL', "Stuff you only need to fill in when you're logging in for the first time (and thus signing up as a new user on this site).");
define('CONFIRM_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Confirm password:");
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_HEADING', "===Forgot your password?===");
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE', "Log in here with the temporary password. --- If you need a temporary password, click [[PasswordForgotten here]].");
define('TEMP_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Your temp password:");
define(NO_WANTED_PAGES, 'No wanted pages. Good!');
define(NO_PAGES_LINKING_TO, "No page is linking to %s."); // %s - pagename
define(PAGES_LINKING_TO, "Pages linking to %s:"); // %s - pagename
//should better become a default-page!//
define('ACLS_UPDATED', 'Access control lists updated.');
define('NO_PAGE_OWNER', '(Nobody)');
define('PAGE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED', "Ownership changed to %s"); // %s - name of the new owner
define('NOT_PAGE_OWNER', "You're not the owner of this page.");
define('ACL_CHANGE_FORM_HEADER', "Access Control Lists for %s"); // %s - name of the page
define('READ_ACL_LABEL', 'Read ACL:');
define('WRITE_ACL_LABEL', 'Write ACL:');
define('COMMENT_ACL_LABEL', 'Comments ACL:');
define('SET_PAGE_OWNER_LABEL', 'Set Page Owner:');
define('SET_PAGE_OWNER_CURRENT_LABEL', '(Current Owner)');
define('SET_NO_PAGE_OWNER_LABEL', '(Nobody - Set free)');
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone ---+ = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---!+ = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
define('COMMENT_BODY_EMPTY', 'Comment body was empty -- not saved!');
define('COMMENT_NOT_ALLOWED', "Sorry, you're not allowed to post comments to this page.");
define('USER_IS_NEW_OWNER_MESSAGE', 'You are now the owner of this page.');
===Phrase List===
A list of all the phrases in Wikka ordered afte directory/file. To have an overview about the progress.
define('LOC_MON_YEAR', "%B %Y"); # i18n
define('FMT_SUMMARY', "Calendar for %s"); # i18n
define('TODAY', "today"); # i18n
define('CATEGORY_PAGES_HEADER', 'The following %b pages belong to %s:'); // %s - name of the page
define('CATEGORY_NO_PAGES_FOUND', 'Sorry, no items found for %s.'); // %s - name of the page
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_LABEL', 'Send us your feedback');
define('SEND_FEEDBACK_LINK_TITLE', 'Contact');
define('DISPLAY_PAGES_YOU_OWN','Display a list of the pages you currently own');
define ('DISPLAY_ALPHABETICAL_PAGE_INDEX', 'Display an alphabetical page index');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_HEADER', 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_NAME', 'Name: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_EMAIL', 'Email: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL_COMMENTS', 'Comments: ');
define('FEEDBACK_FORM_BUTTON', 'Send');
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'Feedback from : %s'); // %s - user who entered feedback
define('FEEDBACK_MAIL_SEND', 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to [[%1\s]] --- Return to the [[ %2\s main page]]'); // %1\s - admin-email %2\s - root page
define('ERROR_NO_NAME', 'Please enter your name');
define('ERROR_NO_EMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address');
define('ERROR_NO_TEXT', 'Please enter some text');
define('CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_DETECTED', 'Circular reference detected');
define('NO_ORPHANED_PAGES', 'No orphaned pages. Good!');
define('PAGES_YOU_OWN', 'You own %1\s pages out of the %2\s pages on this Wiki'); // %1\s - html-formatted number of own pages, %2\s - html-formatted number of total pages
define('PAGES_TOTAL_PERC','That means you own %s of the total.'); // %s - percent of pages owned
define('XML_BUTTON_LABEL', 'XML');
define('PAGE_EDITOR_UNREGISTERED', '(unregistered user)');
define('HISTORY_LINK_TXT', 'history');
define('VIEW_RECENT_REVISIONS_LABEL', 'View recent revisions list for %s'); // %s - pagename
define('VIEW_EDIT_HISTORY_LABEL', 'View edit history of %s'); // %s - pagename
define('WIKIPING_ENABLED_INFO', '[WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to %s]'); // %s - link to wikiping-server
define('NO_RECENT_COMMENTS', 'No recent comments');
define('ERROR_RSS_WRONG_SYNTAX', 'Error: Invalid RSS action syntax. --- Proper usage: ""{{rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=""}}""'); // gets wikka-formatted
define('USER_LOGGED_OUT', "You are now logged out.");
define('USER_SETTINGS_STORED', "User settings stored!");
define('ERROR_NO_BLANK', "Sorry, blanks are not permitted in the password.");
define('ERROR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT', "Sorry, the password must contain at least %s characters.");
define('PASSWORD_CHANGED', "Password changed!");
define('ERROR_OLD_PASSWORD_WRONG', "The old password you entered is wrong.");
define('USER_EMAIL_LABEL', "Your email address:");
define('DOUBLECLICK_LABEL', "Doubleclick Editing:");
define('SHOW_COMMENTS_LABEL', "Show comments by default:");
define('RECENTCHANGES_DISPLAY_LIMIT_LABEL', "RecentChanges display limit:");
define('PAGEREVISION_LIST_LIMIT_LABEL', "Page revisions list limit:");
define('UPDATE_SETTINGS_INPUT', "Update Settings");
define('CHANGE_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Change your password:");
define('CURRENT_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Your current password:");
define('NEW_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Your new password:");
define('CHANGE_BUTTON_LABEL', "Change");
define('REGISTER_BUTTON_LABEL', "Register");
define('QUICK_LINKS', "See a list of pages you own (MyPages) and pages you've edited (MyChanges).");
define('ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD', "Sorry, you entered the wrong password.");
define('ERROR_EMPTY_USERNAME', "Please fill in your user name.");
define('ERROR_RESERVED_PAGENAME', "Sorry, this name is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.");
define('ERROR_WIKINAME', "User name must be ##\"\"WikiName\"\"## formatted, e.g. ##\"\"JohnDoe\"\"##.");
define('ERROR_EMPTY_PASSWORD', "Please fill in a password.");
define('ERROR_EMPTY_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD', "You must confirm your password to register a new account.");
define('ERROR_PASSWORD_MATCH', "Passwords didn't match.");
define('ERROR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED', "You must specify an email address.");
define('ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS', "That doesn't quite look like an email address.");
define('REGISTERED_USER_LOGIN_LABEL', "If you're already a registered user, log in here!");
define('REGISTER_HEADING', "===Login/Register===");
define('WIKINAME_LABEL', "Your <abbrv title=\"A WikiName is formed by two or more capitalized words without space, e.g. JohnDoe\">WikiName</abbrv>:");
define('PASSWORD_LABEL', "Password (min. %s chars):");
define('LOGIN_BUTTON_LABEL', "Login");
define('NEW_USER_REGISTER_LABEL', "Stuff you only need to fill in when you're logging in for the first time (and thus signing up as a new user on this site).");
define('CONFIRM_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Confirm password:");
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_HEADING', "===Forgot your password?===");
define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE', "Log in here with the temporary password. --- If you need a temporary password, click [[PasswordForgotten here]].");
define('TEMP_PASSWORD_LABEL', "Your temp password:");
define(NO_WANTED_PAGES, 'No wanted pages. Good!');
define(NO_PAGES_LINKING_TO, "No page is linking to %s."); // %s - pagename
define(PAGES_LINKING_TO, "Pages linking to %s:"); // %s - pagename
//should better become a default-page!//
define('ACLS_UPDATED', 'Access control lists updated.');
define('NO_PAGE_OWNER', '(Nobody)');
define('PAGE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED', "Ownership changed to %s"); // %s - name of the new owner
define('NOT_PAGE_OWNER', "You're not the owner of this page.");
define('ACL_CHANGE_FORM_HEADER', "Access Control Lists for %s"); // %s - name of the page
define('READ_ACL_LABEL', 'Read ACL:');
define('WRITE_ACL_LABEL', 'Write ACL:');
define('COMMENT_ACL_LABEL', 'Comments ACL:');
define('SET_PAGE_OWNER_LABEL', 'Set Page Owner:');
define('SET_PAGE_OWNER_CURRENT_LABEL', '(Current Owner)');
define('SET_NO_PAGE_OWNER_LABEL', '(Nobody - Set free)');
define('ACL_SYNTAX_HELP', '===Syntax:=== ---* = Everyone ---+ = Registered users ---Or enter individual user ""WikiNames"", one per line ---""--------------------------------------"" ---Note: Any of these items can be negated with a ! ---!* = No one ---!+ = Anonymous users ---!""JohnDoe"" = ""JohnDoe"" will be denied access. --- --- //Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.// ---So be sure to specify * on a separate line ---**after** negating any users--not before.--- Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access ---before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'); // gets wiki-formatted
define('COMMENT_BODY_EMPTY', 'Comment body was empty -- not saved!');
define('COMMENT_NOT_ALLOWED', "Sorry, you're not allowed to post comments to this page.");
define('USER_IS_NEW_OWNER_MESSAGE', 'You are now the owner of this page.');
ordered afte directory/file. the first line is the phrase as it is now, followed by a suggestion how to change it.
//nothing yet//
- 56-58 (already constants)
- 29: 'pages belong to'
- 45: 'The following '
- 48: 'Sorry, no items found for '
- 13,19: Send us your feedback
- 9: 'Display a list of the pages you currently own'
- 6: 'Display an alphabetical page index'
- 6: 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:'
- 22: 'Please enter your name'
- 26: 'Please enter a valid email address'
- 30: 'Please enter some text'
- 43: 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to '
- 44: 'Return to the main page'
- 46: 'Name' 'Email' 'Comments'
- 13: 'Circular reference detected'
- 12:'No orphaned pages. Good!'
- 20: "You own' 'pages out of the ' 'pages on this Wiki."
- 21: "That means you own ' '% of the total."
- 36: "View recent revisions list for " "history" "View edit history of "
- 38: '[history]'
- 48: 'WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to '
- 30: 'No recent comments.'
- 51: 'Error: Invalid RSS syntax.' 'Proper usage: ""{{""rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=\"\"}}""'
- 5: 'You are now logged out.'
- 24: "User settings stored!"
- 31: "Sorry, blanks are not permitted in the password."
- 32: 'Tsk tsk, the password is much too short...'
- 38: 'Password changed.'
- 42: 'The old password you entered is wrong.'
- 57: 'Your email address:'
- 61: 'Doubleclick Editing:'
- 65: 'Show comments by default:'
- 69: 'RecentChanges display limit:'
- 73: 'Page revisions list limit:'
- 78: 'Logout'
- 89: 'Change your password:'
- 99: 'Your current password:'
- 103: 'Your new password:'
- 113: 'See a list of pages you own' 'MyPages' 'and pages you've edited' 'MyChanges'
- 137: 'Wrong password!'
- 149: 'Sorry, this ""WikiName"" is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.'
- 150: "User name must be WikiName formatted!"
- 151: "You must specify an email address."
- 152: "That doesn't quite look like an email address."
- 153: "Passwords didn't match."
- 154: "Spaces aren't allowed in passwords."
- 155: "Password too short."
- 176: You have entered an incorrect or non-existent wikiname. The wikiname must be written in wikistyle, e.g: \"\"WikkaName.\"\"
- 188: "Sorry, you entered the wrong password."
- 198: "If you're already a registered user, log in here!"
- 207, 255: 'Your WikiName:'
- 211: 'Password (5+ chars):'
- 220: '"Stuff you only need to fill in when you're logging in for the first time (and thus signing up as a new user on this site)."'
- 223: 'Confirm password:'
- 227: 'Email address:'
- 232: 'Register'
- 242: 'Forget your password?'
- 246: 'Log in here with the temporary password.' 'If you need a temporary password, click' 'here'
- 259: 'Your temp password:'
- 7: 'Pages linking to'
- 15: 'No page is linking to '
- 29: 'No wanted pages. Good!'
- 45: 'Access Control Lists for '
- 52: 'Read ACL:'
- 56: 'Write ACL:'
- 60: 'Comments ACL:'
- 67: 'Store ACLs'
- 68: 'Cancel'
- 71: 'Set Page Owner:'
- 73: '(Current Owner)'
- 74: '(Public)'
- 75: '(Nobody - Set free)'
- 90: 'Syntax:'
- 91: 'Everyone'
- 92: 'Registered users'
- 93: 'Or enter individual user WikiNames, one per line'
- 95: 'Note: Any of these items can be negated with a !'
- 96: 'No one'
- 97: 'Anonymous users'
- 98: 'JohnDoe will be denied access.'
- 100: 'Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.'
- 101: 'So be sure to specify * on a separate line'
- 102: 'after' 'negating any users--not before.'
- 103: 'Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access'
- 104: 'before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'
- 114: 'You're not the owner of this page.'
- 11: 'Comment body was empty -- not saved'
- 24: 'Sorry, you're not allowed to post comments to this page.'
- 7: 'You are now the owner of this page.'
''A [[ new branch]] of the code has been started to work on this issue.''
1) make consistent constant guidelines
1) use them ;)
=== Guidelines for naming constants ===
//nothing yet//
define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');
define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later!');
define('SETUP_INTERFACE_HEADER', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface'); // %s - name of the wiki
define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Installation/Upgrade cancelled. The file "%s".php could not be found!'); // %s - name of missing file
define('NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'The wiki is currently unavailable: Unable to connect to the database.');
define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); // %.4f - time
// class constants
define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown action "%s".'); // %s - name of the action
define('ACTION_NO_SPECIALCHARS', 'The action name must not contain special characters.');
define('METHOD_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown method "%s"'); // %s - path and name of the method
define('FORMATTER_NOT_FOUND', 'Formatter %s not found!'); // %s - name of the formatter
1) make consistent constant guidelines
1) use them ;)
=== Guidelines for naming constants ===
//nothing yet//
define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');
define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later!');
define('SETUP_INTERFACE_HEADER', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface'); // %s - name of the wiki
define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Installation/Upgrade cancelled. The file "%s".php could not be found!'); // %s - name of missing file
define('NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'The wiki is currently unavailable: Unable to connect to the database.');
define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); // %.4f - time
// class constants
define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown action "%s".'); // %s - name of the action
define('ACTION_NO_SPECIALCHARS', 'The action name must not contain special characters.');
define('METHOD_NOT_FOUND', 'Unknown method "%s"'); // %s - path and name of the method
define('FORMATTER_NOT_FOUND', 'Formatter %s not found!'); // %s - name of the formatter
~~-%%(php)define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');%%---
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%---
~-%%(php;787)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%---
~~- see line 784
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%---
~- %%(php;789) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", "<em>Unknown action \"$action\"</em>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_ACTION', 'Unknown action %s');%%---
~~-%%(php) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_ACTION, $action).'</em>', $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%---
~- %%(php,801)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<em>Unknown method \"$methodLocation\"</em>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_METHOD', 'Unknown method %s');%%---
~~-%%(php)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_METHOD, $methodLocation).'</em>', "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%---
~- 803: 'Formatter %s not found' # %s = name of the formatter ($formatter)
~- ?: "(Public)" "(Nobody)" are used in the if-clauses in SetPageOwner
~- ?: %%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die('$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%---
~~-%%(php)define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%---
~~-%%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die(WRONG_PHP_VERSION);%%---
~- ?: %%(php)header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]." Install/Upgrade Interface\"");%%---
~~-%%(php)define('INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface');%%---
~~-%%(php) header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.sprintf(INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE,$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]).'"');%%---
~- ?: %%(php) print 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later';%%---
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later');%%---
~~- %%(php) print WIKI_UPGRADE; %%---
~- ?: %%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print("<em>Invalid Action</em>"); %%---
~~- %%(php) define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Setup cancelled. Error: File %s.php could not be found.');%%---
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else printf('<em>'.SETUP_FILE_MISSING.'</em>',$installAction);%%---
~~-//it was not a very good error-message - hopefully makes it clearer now --NilsLindenberg//
~- ?: %%(php) echo "<p>The wiki is currently unavailable. <br /><br />Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.</p>"; %%---
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR','The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.'); %%---
~~-%%(php)printf('<p>'.WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.'</p>', '<br /><br />'); %%---
~- ?: %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\"'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'></div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%---
~~- %%(php) define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); %%---
~~- %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\">".PAGE_GENERATION_TIME."</div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%---
Revision [8016]
Edited on 2005-05-11 13:16:07 by JavaWoman [layout (prevent "overlapping" code fragments)]Additions:
~- %%(php;784)return "<span class='error'><em>Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>"; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%---
~~-%%(php)define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');%%---
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%---
~-%%(php;787)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%---
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%---
~- %%(php;789) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", "<em>Unknown action \"$action\"</em>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_ACTION', 'Unknown action %s');%%---
~~-%%(php) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_ACTION, $action).'</em>', $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%---
~- %%(php,801)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<em>Unknown method \"$methodLocation\"</em>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_METHOD', 'Unknown method %s');%%---
~~-%%(php)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_METHOD, $methodLocation).'</em>', "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%---
~- ?: %%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die('$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%---
~~-%%(php)define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%---
~~-%%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die(WRONG_PHP_VERSION);%%---
~- ?: %%(php)header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]." Install/Upgrade Interface\"");%%---
~~-%%(php)define('INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface');%%---
~~-%%(php) header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.sprintf(INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE,$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]).'"');%%---
~- ?: %%(php) print 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later';%%---
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later');%%---
~~- %%(php) print WIKI_UPGRADE; %%---
~- ?: %%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print("<em>Invalid Action</em>"); %%---
~~- %%(php) define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Setup cancelled. Error: File %s.php could not be found.');%%---
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else printf('<em>'.SETUP_FILE_MISSING.'</em>',$installAction);%%---
~- ?: %%(php) echo "<p>The wiki is currently unavailable. <br /><br />Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.</p>"; %%---
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR','The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.'); %%---
~~-%%(php)printf('<p>'.WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.'</p>', '<br /><br />'); %%---
~- ?: %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\"'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'></div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%---
~~- %%(php) define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); %%---
~~- %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\">".PAGE_GENERATION_TIME."</div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');%%---
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%---
~-%%(php;787)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%---
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%---
~- %%(php;789) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", "<em>Unknown action \"$action\"</em>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_ACTION', 'Unknown action %s');%%---
~~-%%(php) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_ACTION, $action).'</em>', $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%---
~- %%(php,801)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<em>Unknown method \"$methodLocation\"</em>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_METHOD', 'Unknown method %s');%%---
~~-%%(php)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_METHOD, $methodLocation).'</em>', "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%---
~- ?: %%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die('$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%---
~~-%%(php)define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%---
~~-%%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die(WRONG_PHP_VERSION);%%---
~- ?: %%(php)header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]." Install/Upgrade Interface\"");%%---
~~-%%(php)define('INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface');%%---
~~-%%(php) header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.sprintf(INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE,$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]).'"');%%---
~- ?: %%(php) print 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later';%%---
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later');%%---
~~- %%(php) print WIKI_UPGRADE; %%---
~- ?: %%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print("<em>Invalid Action</em>"); %%---
~~- %%(php) define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Setup cancelled. Error: File %s.php could not be found.');%%---
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else printf('<em>'.SETUP_FILE_MISSING.'</em>',$installAction);%%---
~- ?: %%(php) echo "<p>The wiki is currently unavailable. <br /><br />Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.</p>"; %%---
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR','The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.'); %%---
~~-%%(php)printf('<p>'.WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.'</p>', '<br /><br />'); %%---
~- ?: %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\"'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'></div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%---
~~- %%(php) define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); %%---
~~- %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\">".PAGE_GENERATION_TIME."</div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%---
~~-%%(php)define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');%%
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~-%%(php;787)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%
~- %%(php;789) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", "<em>Unknown action \"$action\"</em>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_ACTION', 'Unknown action %s');%%
~~-%%(php) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_ACTION, $action).'</em>', $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%
~- %%(php,801)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<em>Unknown method \"$methodLocation\"</em>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_METHOD', 'Unknown method %s');%%
~~-%%(php)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_METHOD, $methodLocation).'</em>', "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%
~- ?: %%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die('$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%
~~-%%(php)define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%
~~-%%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die(WRONG_PHP_VERSION);%%
~- ?: %%(php)header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]." Install/Upgrade Interface\"");%%
~~-%%(php)define('INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface');%%
~~-%%(php) header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.sprintf(INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE,$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]).'"');%%
~- ?: %%(php) print 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later';%%
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later');%%
~~- %%(php) print WIKI_UPGRADE; %%
~- ?: %%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print("<em>Invalid Action</em>"); %%
~~- %%(php) define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Setup cancelled. Error: File %s.php could not be found.');%%
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else printf('<em>'.SETUP_FILE_MISSING.'</em>',$installAction);%%
~- ?: %%(php) echo "<p>The wiki is currently unavailable. <br /><br />Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.</p>"; %%
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR','The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.'); %%
~~-%%(php)printf('<p>'.WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.'</p>', '<br /><br />'); %%
~- ?: %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\"'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'></div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%
~~- %%(php) define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); %%
~~- %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\">".PAGE_GENERATION_TIME."</div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%
~- %%(php;784)return "<span class='error'><em>Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>"; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~-%%(php;787)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%
~- %%(php;789) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", "<em>Unknown action \"$action\"</em>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_ACTION', 'Unknown action %s');%%
~~-%%(php) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_ACTION, $action).'</em>', $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%
~- %%(php,801)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<em>Unknown method \"$methodLocation\"</em>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_METHOD', 'Unknown method %s');%%
~~-%%(php)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_METHOD, $methodLocation).'</em>', "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%
~- ?: %%(php)header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]." Install/Upgrade Interface\"");%%
~~-%%(php)define('INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface');%%
~~-%%(php) header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.sprintf(INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE,$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]).'"');%%
~~- %%(php) define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Setup cancelled. Error: File %s.php could not be found.');%%
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else printf('<em>'.SETUP_FILE_MISSING.'</em>',$installAction);%%
~~-//it was not a very good error-message - hopefully makes it clearer now --NilsLindenberg//
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~-%%(php;787)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_ERROR_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%
~- %%(php;789) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", "<em>Unknown action \"$action\"</em>", $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_ACTION', 'Unknown action %s');%%
~~-%%(php) $result = $this->IncludeBuffered(strtolower($action).".php", '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_ACTION, $action).'</em>', $vars, $this->config["action_path"]);%%
~- %%(php,801)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, "<em>Unknown method \"$methodLocation\"</em>", "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%
~~-%%(php)define('UNKNOWN_METHOD', 'Unknown method %s');%%
~~-%%(php)return $this->IncludeBuffered($methodLocation, '<em>'.sprintf(UNKNOWN_METHOD, $methodLocation).'</em>', "", $this->config["handler_path"]);%%
~- ?: %%(php)header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]." Install/Upgrade Interface\"");%%
~~-%%(php)define('INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE', ' %s Install/Upgrade Interface');%%
~~-%%(php) header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.sprintf(INSTALL_UPGRADE_INTERFACE,$wakkaConfig["wakka_name"]).'"');%%
~~- %%(php) define('SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Setup cancelled. Error: File %s.php could not be found.');%%
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else printf('<em>'.SETUP_FILE_MISSING.'</em>',$installAction);%%
~~-//it was not a very good error-message - hopefully makes it clearer now --NilsLindenberg//
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~-787: %%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%
~- 789: 'Unknown action %s' # %s = name of the action ($action)
~- 801: 'Unknown method %s' # %s = path and name of the method ($$methodLocation)
- ?: 'Install/Upgrade Interface'
~~- %%(php) define('INVALID_ACTION', 'Invalid action');%%
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print('<em>'.INVALID_ACTION.'</em>'); %%
~~-//not a very good error-message - it is used by the installer if he doe not find a file better?: 'The file %s could not be found. Installer could not work. --NilsLindenberg//
~- 784: %%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>"; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~~-%%(php)define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');%%
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~-787: %%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%
~~- see line 784
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%
~- 789: 'Unknown action %s' # %s = name of the action ($action)
~- 801: 'Unknown method %s' # %s = path and name of the method ($$methodLocation)
~- 803: 'Formatter %s not found' # %s = name of the formatter ($formatter)
~- ?: "(Public)" "(Nobody)" are used in the if-clauses in SetPageOwner
~- ?: %%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die('$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%
~~-%%(php)define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%
~~-%%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die(WRONG_PHP_VERSION);%%
~- ?: %%(php) print 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later';%%
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later');%%
~~- %%(php) print WIKI_UPGRADE; %%
~~-%%(php)define('ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');%%
~~-%%(php)return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>'; // <<< the pattern ([A-Za-z0-9])\s+ didn't match!%%
~-787: %%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em> Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.</em></span>';%%
~~- see line 784
~~-%%(php)if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $action)) return "<span class='error'><em>".ACTION_NOT_FOUND_SPECIALCHARS.'</em></span>';%%
~- 789: 'Unknown action %s' # %s = name of the action ($action)
~- 801: 'Unknown method %s' # %s = path and name of the method ($$methodLocation)
~- 803: 'Formatter %s not found' # %s = name of the formatter ($formatter)
~- ?: "(Public)" "(Nobody)" are used in the if-clauses in SetPageOwner
~- ?: %%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die('$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%
~~-%%(php)define('WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?');%%
~~-%%(php)if (!isset($_REQUEST)) die(WRONG_PHP_VERSION);%%
~- ?: %%(php) print 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later';%%
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UPGRADE', 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later');%%
~~- %%(php) print WIKI_UPGRADE; %%
- 789: 'Unknown action %s' # %s = name of the action ($action)
- 801: 'Unknown method %s' # %s = path and name of the method ($$methodLocation)
- 803: 'Formatter %s not found' # %s = name of the formatter ($formatter)
- ?: "(Public)" "(Nobody)" are used in the if-clauses in SetPageOwner
- ?: '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?'
- ?: 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later'
Revision [7916]
Edited on 2005-05-05 16:05:39 by NilsLindenberg [suggestion for three phrases + layout]Additions:
ordered afte directory/file. the first line is the phrase as it is now, followed by a suggestion how to change it.
~- ?: %%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print("<em>Invalid Action</em>"); %%
~~- %%(php) define('INVALID_ACTION', 'Invalid action');%%
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print('<em>'.INVALID_ACTION.'</em>'); %%
~~-//not a very good error-message - it is used by the installer if he doe not find a file better?: 'The file %s could not be found. Installer could not work. --NilsLindenberg//
~- ?: %%(php) echo "<p>The wiki is currently unavailable. <br /><br />Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.</p>"; %%
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR','The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.'); %%
~~-%%(php)printf('<p>'.WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.'</p>', '<br /><br />'); %%
~- ?: %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\"'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'></div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%
~~- %%(php) define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); %%
~~- %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\">".PAGE_GENERATION_TIME."</div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%
- 120: 'Wikka URL Configuration' 'Since this is a new installation, the installer tried to guess the proper values. Change them only if you know what you're doing!" '
~- ?: %%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print("<em>Invalid Action</em>"); %%
~~- %%(php) define('INVALID_ACTION', 'Invalid action');%%
~~-%%(php) if (file_exists("setup/".$installAction.".php")) include("setup/".$installAction.".php"); else print('<em>'.INVALID_ACTION.'</em>'); %%
~~-//not a very good error-message - it is used by the installer if he doe not find a file better?: 'The file %s could not be found. Installer could not work. --NilsLindenberg//
~- ?: %%(php) echo "<p>The wiki is currently unavailable. <br /><br />Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.</p>"; %%
~~-%%(php) define('WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR','The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.'); %%
~~-%%(php)printf('<p>'.WIKI_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.'</p>', '<br /><br />'); %%
~- ?: %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\"'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'></div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%
~~- %%(php) define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds'); %%
~~- %%(php) printf ("<div class=\"smallprint\">".PAGE_GENERATION_TIME."</div>\n</body>\n</html>", $totaltime);%%
- 120: 'Wikka URL Configuration' 'Since this is a new installation, the installer tried to guess the proper values. Change them only if you know what you're doing!" '
1) perhaps re-group phrase to detect similar ones
1) choosing names for the constants
- ?: 'Invalid action'
- ?: 'The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.' # %s = <br /><br />
- ?: 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds' //todo: search for the right placeholder for the time//
- 120: 'Wikka URL Configuration''Since this is a new installation, the installer tried to guess the proper values. Change them only if you know what you're doing!" '
(numbers are line numbers in File - version
1) find all files containing text in it
1) marking special-cases like "buttons" and distintions like "noun" "verb" etc.
1) perhaps re-group phrase to detect similar ones
1) choosing names for the constants
1) rewrite phrases containing variables
- 784, 787 : 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.'
- 789: 'Unknown action %s' # %s = name of the action ($action)
- 801: 'Unknown method %s' # %s = path and name of the method ($$methodLocation)
- 803: 'Formatter %s not found' # %s = name of the formatter ($formatter)
- ?: "(Public)" "(Nobody)" are used in the if-clauses in SetPageOwner
- ?: '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?'
- ?: 'Install/Upgrade Interface'
- ?: 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later'
- ?: 'Invalid action'
- ?: 'The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.' # %s = <br /><br />
- ?: 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds' //todo: search for the right placeholder for the time//
- 56-58 (already constants)
- 10: 'Testing Configuration'
- 11: 'Testing MySQL connection settings...',
- 12: 'Looking for database...'
- 12: 'The database you configured was not found. Remember, it needs to exist before you can install/upgrade Wakka! %s Press the Back button and reconfigure the settings. # %s = \n\n
- 21: 'Installing Stuff'
- 22: 'Creating page table...'
- 39, 48, 57, 66, 72, 86, 98, : 'Already exists?'
- 40: 'Creating ACL table...'
- 49: 'Creating link tracking table...'
- 58: 'Creating referrer table...'
- 67: 'Creating referrer blacklist table...'
- 73: 'Creating user table...'
- 87: 'Creating comment table...'
- 100: 'Adding admin user...'
- 101: 'Hmm!' //very meaningfull text, isn't it??//
- 103: 'Adding some pages...'
- //todo: also translation of the default pages being created from the installer?//
- //still more//
1) find all files containing text in it
1) marking special-cases like "buttons" and distintions like "noun" "verb" etc.
1) perhaps re-group phrase to detect similar ones
1) choosing names for the constants
1) rewrite phrases containing variables
- 784, 787 : 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.'
- 789: 'Unknown action %s' # %s = name of the action ($action)
- 801: 'Unknown method %s' # %s = path and name of the method ($$methodLocation)
- 803: 'Formatter %s not found' # %s = name of the formatter ($formatter)
- ?: "(Public)" "(Nobody)" are used in the if-clauses in SetPageOwner
- ?: '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!?'
- ?: 'Install/Upgrade Interface'
- ?: 'This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later'
- ?: 'Invalid action'
- ?: 'The wiki is currently unavailable. %s Error: Unable to connect to the MySQL database.' # %s = <br /><br />
- ?: 'Page was generated in %.4f seconds' //todo: search for the right placeholder for the time//
- 56-58 (already constants)
- 10: 'Testing Configuration'
- 11: 'Testing MySQL connection settings...',
- 12: 'Looking for database...'
- 12: 'The database you configured was not found. Remember, it needs to exist before you can install/upgrade Wakka! %s Press the Back button and reconfigure the settings. # %s = \n\n
- 21: 'Installing Stuff'
- 22: 'Creating page table...'
- 39, 48, 57, 66, 72, 86, 98, : 'Already exists?'
- 40: 'Creating ACL table...'
- 49: 'Creating link tracking table...'
- 58: 'Creating referrer table...'
- 67: 'Creating referrer blacklist table...'
- 73: 'Creating user table...'
- 87: 'Creating comment table...'
- 100: 'Adding admin user...'
- 101: 'Hmm!' //very meaningfull text, isn't it??//
- 103: 'Adding some pages...'
- //todo: also translation of the default pages being created from the installer?//
- //still more//
- 56-58 (Konstanten)
- ...
- 56-58 (Konstanten)
- 29: 'pages belong to'
- 45: 'The following '
- 48: 'Sorry, no items found for '
- 13,19: Send us your feedback
- 9: 'Display a list of the pages you currently own'
- 6: 'Display an alphabetical page index'
- 20: 'Change of password for'
- 22: 'From'
- 24: 'Hi, You or someone else requested that we send a temporary password to login to '
- 25: 'If you did not request this, disregard this email. -- No action is necessary. -- Your password will stay the same.'
- 26: 'Your wikiname: '
- 27: 'Temporary password: '
- 29: 'Do not forget to change the password immediately after logging in'
- 33: 'A temporary password was sent to the registered email address of '
- 6: 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:'
- 22: 'Please enter your name'
- 26: 'Please enter a valid email address'
- 30: 'Please enter some text'
- 43: 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to '
- 44: 'Return to the main page'
- 46: 'Name' 'Email' 'Comments'
- 56: 'Unable to find suffix for case '
- 90: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 102: 'File was successfully uploaded.'
- 106: 'There was an error uploading your file.'
- 111: 'There is already a file named ' 'Please rename before uploading or delete the existing file below.'
- 117: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 120: 'File upload incomplete! Please try again.'
- 123: 'No file uploaded.'
- 3: 'TextSearch'
- 4: 'Click to edit this page' 'Edit page'
- 5: 'Click to view recent edits to this page' 'Page History'
- 6: 'Click to view recent revisions list for this page' 'Click to view recent page revisions in XML format'
- 15: 'Public page ' '(Edit ACLs)'
- 22, 31: 'Owner: '
- 22, 26: 'Edit ACLs'
- 26: 'You own this page.'
- 36: 'Nobody' '(Take Ownership)'
- 40: 'Click to view a list of URLs referring to this page.' 'Referrers'
- 41: 'Search:'
- 46: 'Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional'
- 47: 'Valid CSS'
- 48: 'Powered by'
- 54: 'Query log:'
- 13: 'Circular reference detected'
- 16: 'anonymous'
- 31: 'Show differences from last version' 'diff'
- 33: 'Last edited by '
- 13: 'Name'
- 14: 'Owned Pages'
- 15: 'Signup Date/Time'
- 17: 'Please install a ' 'Java Runtime Environment' 'on your computer.'
- 41: 'Download this mind map' 'Use ' 'Freemind' ' to edit it' 'Open fullscreen'
- 13:'This is a list of pages you've edited, along with the time of your last change' 'order by date'
- 33, 74: 'revisions'
- 41, 81: 'You have not edited any pages yet.'
- 46, 86: 'No pages found.'
- 51: 'This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change' 'order alphabetically'
- 92: "You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved."
- 9: 'This is the list of pages you own.'
- 37: 'You don't own any pages.'
- 42: 'No pages found.'
- 47: "You're not logged in, thus the list of your pages couldn't be retrieved."
- 23: 'The page name ' 'is invalid. Valid page names must start with a capital letter, contain only letters and numbers, and be in CamelCase format.'
- 38: 'Create and Edit'
- 12:'No orphaned pages. Good!'
- 20: "You own' 'pages out of the ' 'pages on this Wiki."
- 21: "That means you own ' '% of the total."
- 9: 'All'
- 37: 'Owner'
- 43: * Indicates a page that you own.'
- 46: 'No pages found.'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 36: "View recent revisions list for " "history" "View edit history of "
- 38: '[history]'
- 48: 'WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to '
- 30: 'No recent comments.'
- 24, 27: 'View comment'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 33: 'comment by '
- 38: 'There are no recently commented pages.'
- 51: 'Error: Invalid RSS syntax.' 'Proper usage: ""{{""rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=\"\"}}""'
- 2: Search for
- 14: 'Search results: ' ' for '
- 22: 'Not sure which page to choose?' Try the ' 'Expanded Text Search' 'which shows surrounding text.'
- 28: 'Search Tips:'
- 29: 'apple banana'
- 30: 'Find pages that contain at least one of the two words. '
- 32: '+apple +juice'
- 33: 'Find pages that contain both words. '
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
- 36: "Find pages that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'."
- 38: 'apple*'
- 39: 'Find pages that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.'
- 41: 'some words'
- 42: Find pages that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, pages that contain 'some words of wisdom'
- 43: but not 'some noise words'
- 17: 'Search results' ' for '
- 5: 'You are now logged out.'
- 24: "User settings stored!"
- 31: "Sorry, blanks are not permitted in the password."
- 32: 'Tsk tsk, the password is much too short...'
- 38: 'Password changed.'
- 42: 'The old password you entered is wrong.'
- 57: 'Your email address:'
- 61: 'Doubleclick Editing:'
- 65: 'Show comments by default:'
- 69: 'RecentChanges display limit:'
- 73: 'Page revisions list limit:'
- 78: 'Logout'
- 89: 'Change your password:'
- 99: 'Your current password:'
- 103: 'Your new password:'
- 113: 'See a list of pages you own' 'MyPages' 'and pages you've edited' 'MyChanges'
- 137: 'Wrong password!'
- 149: 'Sorry, this ""WikiName"" is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.'
- 150: "User name must be WikiName formatted!"
- 151: "You must specify an email address."
- 152: "That doesn't quite look like an email address."
- 153: "Passwords didn't match."
- 154: "Spaces aren't allowed in passwords."
- 155: "Password too short."
- 176: You have entered an incorrect or non-existent wikiname. The wikiname must be written in wikistyle, e.g: \"\"WikkaName.\"\"
- 188: "Sorry, you entered the wrong password."
- 198: "If you're already a registered user, log in here!"
- 207, 255: 'Your WikiName:'
- 211: 'Password (5+ chars):'
- 220: '"Stuff you only need to fill in when you're logging in for the first time (and thus signing up as a new user on this site)."'
- 223: 'Confirm password:'
- 227: 'Email address:'
- 232: 'Register'
- 242: 'Forget your password?'
- 246: 'Log in here with the temporary password.' 'If you need a temporary password, click' 'here'
- 259: 'Your temp password:'
- 7: 'Pages linking to'
- 15: 'No page is linking to '
- 29: 'No wanted pages. Good!'
- 3: 'Wikka Release Notes'
- 4: 'This server is running ' 'version'
- 5: 'The release notes are described on the ' 'Wikka server'
- 45: 'Access Control Lists for '
- 52: 'Read ACL:'
- 56: 'Write ACL:'
- 60: 'Comments ACL:'
- 67: 'Store ACLs'
- 68: 'Cancel'
- 71: 'Set Page Owner:'
- 73: '(Current Owner)'
- 74: '(Public)'
- 75: '(Nobody - Set free)'
- 90: 'Syntax:'
- 91: 'Everyone'
- 92: 'Registered users'
- 93: 'Or enter individual user WikiNames, one per line'
- 95: 'Note: Any of these items can be negated with a !'
- 96: 'No one'
- 97: 'Anonymous users'
- 98: 'JohnDoe will be denied access.'
- 100: 'Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.'
- 101: 'So be sure to specify * on a separate line'
- 102: 'after' 'negating any users--not before.'
- 103: 'Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access'
- 104: 'before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'
- 114: 'You're not the owner of this page.'
- 11: 'Comment body was empty -- not saved'
- 24: 'Sorry, you're not allowed to post comments to this page.'
- 7: 'You are now the owner of this page.'
- 40: 'Cloned from '
- 42: 'Please fill in a valid target ""PageName"" and an (optional) edit note.'
- 45: 'Clone current page'
- 51: 'Sorry, page ' ' does not exist.'
- 58: 'You are not allowed to read the source of this page.'
- 73: 'You must specify a valid PageName'
- 79: 'Sorry! You don\'t have write-access to '
- 86: 'Sorry, the destination page already exists'
- 100: 'was succesfully created!'
- 120: 'Edit after creation '
- 17: 'Sorry, you're not allowed to delete this comment!'
- 18: 'Page has been deleted!'
- 30: 'Completely delete this page, including all comments?'
- 33: 'Delete Page'
- 34: 'Cancel'
- 43: 'You are not allowed to delete pages.'
- 51: 'Comparison of '
- 56: 'Additions:'
- 62: 'Deletions:'
- 68: 'No Differences.'
- 110: 'Comparing '
- 111: 'Highlighting Guide: ' 'addition' 'deletion'
- 177: 'You are not authorized to view this page.'
- 4:'The page name is invalid. Valid page names must start with a letter and contain only letters and numbers.'
- 28: 'OVERWRITE ALERT: This page was modified by someone else while you were editing it.' 'Please copy your changes and re-edit this page.'
- 73: 'Preview'
- 104: 'Tag too long!' 'characters max.'
- 105: 'FYI: Clicking on Rename will automatically truncate the tag to the correct size.'
- 134: 'Please add a note on your edit.'
- 136: 'Store' 'Preview' 'Cancel'
- 151: 'You don\'t have write access to this page. You might need to register an account to get write access.'
- 153: 'Click to view page formatting code' 'View formatting code for this page'
- 45: 'Most recent edit on ' 'by '
- 48: 'Edited on ' ' by '
- 54: 'Additions:'
- 60: 'Deletions:'
- 66: 'No differences.'
- 72: 'Current page:'
- 78: 'Oldest known version of this page was edited on ' ' by '
- 79: 'Page view:'
- 83: 'You aren't allowed to read this page.'
- 43: 'Revision time: '
- 47: 'Author: '
- 51: 'View History'
- 65: 'Author'
- 85: 'Error'
- 87: 'You're not allowed to access this information.'
- 10: 'Recent changes of '
- 36: 'Error'
- 37: 'You're not allowed to access this information.'
- 15: 'Recent Changes'
- 16: 'Date'
- 67: 'Author'
- 88: 'Error'
- 90: 'You're not allowed to access this information.'
- 7: 'Sites linking to this wiki ' 'see list of domains'
- 12: 'External pages linking to ' '24 hours' 'see list of domains'
- 18: 'Note to spammers: This page is not indexed by search engines, so don't waste your time.'
- 28: 'Blacklist'
- 35: 'None'
- 38: 'You need to login to see referring sites'
- 43: 'View referring sites for ' 'only' 'View referrers for '' only' 'View referrer blacklist'
- 47: 'View global referring sites' 'View global referrers' 'View referrer blacklist'
- 7: 'Domains/sites linking to this wiki ' 'see list of different URLs'
- 12: 'Domains/sites pages linking to '
- 13: '24 hours' 'see list of different URLs'
- 18: 'Note to spammers: This page is not indexed by search engines, so don't waste your time.'
- 26: 'unknown'
- 46: 'Blacklist'
- 53: 'None'
- 56: 'You need to login to see referring sites'
- 61: 'View referring sites for ' 'only' 'View referrers for '' only' 'View referrer blacklist'
- 65: 'View global referring sites' 'View global referrers' 'View referrer blacklist'
- 12: 'Referrer Blacklist:'
- 21: 'Remove'
- 28: 'Blacklist is empty.'
- 32: 'View global referring sites' 'View global referrers'
- 11: "Simple Diff"
- 40: 'Return To Node / Cancel'
- 45: 'You aren't allowed to read this page.'
- 9: 'History/revisions of '
- 28: 'Edited by '
- 41: 'You're not allowed to access this information.'
- 5: 'You aren't allowed to read this page.'
- 11: 'This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to ' 'create' 'it'
- 17: 'This is an old revision of ' ' from '
- 35: 'Re-edit this old revision'
- 67: 'Comments' 'Hide comments/form'
- 115: 'There are no comments on this page. '
- 116: 'Add comment'
- 119: 'There is one comment on this page. '
- 120: 'Display comment'
- 123: 'There are ' 'comments on this page.'
- 124: 'Display comments'
- 12: 'Admin name must be a WikiName. This means it must start with a capital letter, then have some lowercase letters, then have an uppercase letter.' 'Examples: JohnSmith or JsnX'
- 16: 'Password is too short. It must be at least five (5) characters long.'
- 20: 'Passwords don't match.'
- 25: 'Email address appears incorrect.'
- 41: 'Wikka Installation'
- 46: 'Your installed Wikka is reporting itself as ''You are about to ''upgrade'' to Wikka ''. Please review your configuration settings below.'
- 50: 'Since there is no existing Wikka configuration, this probably is a fresh Wikka install. You are about to install Wikka ''. Please configure your Wikka site using the form below.'
- 54: 'NOTE: This installer will try to write the configuration data to the file '', located in your Wikka directory. In order for this to work, you must make sure the web server has write access to that file! If you can't do this, you will have to edit the file manually (the installer will tell you how).' 'See ' for details.'
- 60: 'Database Configuration'
- 61: 'The host your MySQL server is running on. Usually "localhost" (ie, the same machine your Wikka site is on).'
- 62: 'MySQL host:'
- 63: 'The MySQL database Wikka should use. This database needs to exist already before you continue!'
- 64: 'MySQL database:'
- 65: 'Name and password of the MySQL user used to connect to your database.'
- 66: 'MySQL user name:'
- 67: 'MySQL password:'
- 68: 'Prefix of all tables used by Wikka. This allows you to run multiple Wikka installations using the same MySQL database by configuring them to use different table prefixes.'
- 69: 'Table prefix:'
- 73: 'Wikka Site Configuration'
- 75: 'The name of your Wikka site. It usually is a WikiName and looks SomethingLikeThis.'
- 76: 'Your Wikka's name:'
- 78: 'Your Wikka site's home page. Should be a WikiName.'
- 79: 'Home page:'
- 81: 'META Keywords/Description that get inserted into the HTML headers.'
- 82: 'Meta Keywords:'
- 83: 'Meta Description:'
- 90: 'GeSHi Configuration'
- 91: 'GeSHi comes bundled with Wikka to provide syntax highlighting for code. If you already have GeSHi installed and would like to use that installation instead of the Wikka-bundled one, you may change the paths below.'
- 92: 'GeSHi path:'
- 93: 'GeSHi language files path:'
- 94: 'Wikka provides some basic GeSHi configuration. You may change the default parameters below.'
- 95: 'GeSHi can wrap a code block in either a div tag (default) or a pre tag (simpler markup but won't allow line wrapping).'
- 96: 'Code wrapper (div or pre):'
- 97: 'GeSHi can add line numbers to code; if you enable this, users can "turn on" line numbers by setting a start line number.'
- 98: 'Disable line numbers (0), or enable normal (1) or fancy (2) line numbers:'
- 99: 'GeSHi assumes a tab width of 8 positions; for code, 4 is more usual though. You can define the tab width to be used below.'
- 100: 'Tab width:'
- 109: 'Administrative account configuration'
- 111: 'Enter admin username. Should be a WikiName.'
- 112: 'Admin name:'
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5+ chars)'
- 115: 'Enter password:'
- 116: 'Repeat password:'
- 118: 'Administrator email.'
- 119: 'Email:'
- 120: 'Wikka URL Configuration''Since this is a new installation, the installer tried to guess the proper values. Change them only if you know what you're doing!" '
- 122: 'Your Wikka site's base URL. Page names get appended to it, so it should include the "?wakka=" parameter stuff if the funky URL rewriting stuff doesn't work on your server.'
- 123: 'Base URL:'
- 125: 'Rewrite mode should be enabled if you are using Wikka with URL rewriting.'
- 126: 'Rewrite Mode:' 'Enabled'
- 8: 'OK'
- 12: 'FAILED'
- 73: 'Wikka Installation'
- ...
- 56-58 (Konstanten)
- 29: 'pages belong to'
- 45: 'The following '
- 48: 'Sorry, no items found for '
- 13,19: Send us your feedback
- 9: 'Display a list of the pages you currently own'
- 6: 'Display an alphabetical page index'
- 20: 'Change of password for'
- 22: 'From'
- 24: 'Hi, You or someone else requested that we send a temporary password to login to '
- 25: 'If you did not request this, disregard this email. -- No action is necessary. -- Your password will stay the same.'
- 26: 'Your wikiname: '
- 27: 'Temporary password: '
- 29: 'Do not forget to change the password immediately after logging in'
- 33: 'A temporary password was sent to the registered email address of '
- 6: 'Fill in the form below to send us your comments:'
- 22: 'Please enter your name'
- 26: 'Please enter a valid email address'
- 30: 'Please enter some text'
- 43: 'Thanks for your interest! Your feedback has been sent to '
- 44: 'Return to the main page'
- 46: 'Name' 'Email' 'Comments'
- 56: 'Unable to find suffix for case '
- 90: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 102: 'File was successfully uploaded.'
- 106: 'There was an error uploading your file.'
- 111: 'There is already a file named ' 'Please rename before uploading or delete the existing file below.'
- 117: 'Attempted file upload was too big. Maximum allowed size is '
- 120: 'File upload incomplete! Please try again.'
- 123: 'No file uploaded.'
- 3: 'TextSearch'
- 4: 'Click to edit this page' 'Edit page'
- 5: 'Click to view recent edits to this page' 'Page History'
- 6: 'Click to view recent revisions list for this page' 'Click to view recent page revisions in XML format'
- 15: 'Public page ' '(Edit ACLs)'
- 22, 31: 'Owner: '
- 22, 26: 'Edit ACLs'
- 26: 'You own this page.'
- 36: 'Nobody' '(Take Ownership)'
- 40: 'Click to view a list of URLs referring to this page.' 'Referrers'
- 41: 'Search:'
- 46: 'Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional'
- 47: 'Valid CSS'
- 48: 'Powered by'
- 54: 'Query log:'
- 13: 'Circular reference detected'
- 16: 'anonymous'
- 31: 'Show differences from last version' 'diff'
- 33: 'Last edited by '
- 13: 'Name'
- 14: 'Owned Pages'
- 15: 'Signup Date/Time'
- 17: 'Please install a ' 'Java Runtime Environment' 'on your computer.'
- 41: 'Download this mind map' 'Use ' 'Freemind' ' to edit it' 'Open fullscreen'
- 13:'This is a list of pages you've edited, along with the time of your last change' 'order by date'
- 33, 74: 'revisions'
- 41, 81: 'You have not edited any pages yet.'
- 46, 86: 'No pages found.'
- 51: 'This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change' 'order alphabetically'
- 92: "You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved."
- 9: 'This is the list of pages you own.'
- 37: 'You don't own any pages.'
- 42: 'No pages found.'
- 47: "You're not logged in, thus the list of your pages couldn't be retrieved."
- 23: 'The page name ' 'is invalid. Valid page names must start with a capital letter, contain only letters and numbers, and be in CamelCase format.'
- 38: 'Create and Edit'
- 12:'No orphaned pages. Good!'
- 20: "You own' 'pages out of the ' 'pages on this Wiki."
- 21: "That means you own ' '% of the total."
- 9: 'All'
- 37: 'Owner'
- 43: * Indicates a page that you own.'
- 46: 'No pages found.'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 36: "View recent revisions list for " "history" "View edit history of "
- 38: '[history]'
- 48: 'WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to '
- 30: 'No recent comments.'
- 24, 27: 'View comment'
- 30: ' (unregistered user)'
- 33: 'comment by '
- 38: 'There are no recently commented pages.'
- 51: 'Error: Invalid RSS syntax.' 'Proper usage: ""{{""rss}}"" or ""{{rss url=\"\"}}""'
- 2: Search for
- 14: 'Search results: ' ' for '
- 22: 'Not sure which page to choose?' Try the ' 'Expanded Text Search' 'which shows surrounding text.'
- 28: 'Search Tips:'
- 29: 'apple banana'
- 30: 'Find pages that contain at least one of the two words. '
- 32: '+apple +juice'
- 33: 'Find pages that contain both words. '
- 35: '+apple -macintosh'
- 36: "Find pages that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'."
- 38: 'apple*'
- 39: 'Find pages that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.'
- 41: 'some words'
- 42: Find pages that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, pages that contain 'some words of wisdom'
- 43: but not 'some noise words'
- 17: 'Search results' ' for '
- 5: 'You are now logged out.'
- 24: "User settings stored!"
- 31: "Sorry, blanks are not permitted in the password."
- 32: 'Tsk tsk, the password is much too short...'
- 38: 'Password changed.'
- 42: 'The old password you entered is wrong.'
- 57: 'Your email address:'
- 61: 'Doubleclick Editing:'
- 65: 'Show comments by default:'
- 69: 'RecentChanges display limit:'
- 73: 'Page revisions list limit:'
- 78: 'Logout'
- 89: 'Change your password:'
- 99: 'Your current password:'
- 103: 'Your new password:'
- 113: 'See a list of pages you own' 'MyPages' 'and pages you've edited' 'MyChanges'
- 137: 'Wrong password!'
- 149: 'Sorry, this ""WikiName"" is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.'
- 150: "User name must be WikiName formatted!"
- 151: "You must specify an email address."
- 152: "That doesn't quite look like an email address."
- 153: "Passwords didn't match."
- 154: "Spaces aren't allowed in passwords."
- 155: "Password too short."
- 176: You have entered an incorrect or non-existent wikiname. The wikiname must be written in wikistyle, e.g: \"\"WikkaName.\"\"
- 188: "Sorry, you entered the wrong password."
- 198: "If you're already a registered user, log in here!"
- 207, 255: 'Your WikiName:'
- 211: 'Password (5+ chars):'
- 220: '"Stuff you only need to fill in when you're logging in for the first time (and thus signing up as a new user on this site)."'
- 223: 'Confirm password:'
- 227: 'Email address:'
- 232: 'Register'
- 242: 'Forget your password?'
- 246: 'Log in here with the temporary password.' 'If you need a temporary password, click' 'here'
- 259: 'Your temp password:'
- 7: 'Pages linking to'
- 15: 'No page is linking to '
- 29: 'No wanted pages. Good!'
- 3: 'Wikka Release Notes'
- 4: 'This server is running ' 'version'
- 5: 'The release notes are described on the ' 'Wikka server'
- 45: 'Access Control Lists for '
- 52: 'Read ACL:'
- 56: 'Write ACL:'
- 60: 'Comments ACL:'
- 67: 'Store ACLs'
- 68: 'Cancel'
- 71: 'Set Page Owner:'
- 73: '(Current Owner)'
- 74: '(Public)'
- 75: '(Nobody - Set free)'
- 90: 'Syntax:'
- 91: 'Everyone'
- 92: 'Registered users'
- 93: 'Or enter individual user WikiNames, one per line'
- 95: 'Note: Any of these items can be negated with a !'
- 96: 'No one'
- 97: 'Anonymous users'
- 98: 'JohnDoe will be denied access.'
- 100: 'Be aware that the ACLs are tested in the order specified.'
- 101: 'So be sure to specify * on a separate line'
- 102: 'after' 'negating any users--not before.'
- 103: 'Otherwise, the * everyone condition will always give access'
- 104: 'before the list of users that should not have access is tested.'
- 114: 'You're not the owner of this page.'
- 11: 'Comment body was empty -- not saved'
- 24: 'Sorry, you're not allowed to post comments to this page.'
- 7: 'You are now the owner of this page.'
- 40: 'Cloned from '
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- 51: 'Comparison of '
- 56: 'Additions:'
- 62: 'Deletions:'
- 68: 'No Differences.'
- 110: 'Comparing '
- 111: 'Highlighting Guide: ' 'addition' 'deletion'
- 177: 'You are not authorized to view this page.'
- 4:'The page name is invalid. Valid page names must start with a letter and contain only letters and numbers.'
- 28: 'OVERWRITE ALERT: This page was modified by someone else while you were editing it.' 'Please copy your changes and re-edit this page.'
- 73: 'Preview'
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- 105: 'FYI: Clicking on Rename will automatically truncate the tag to the correct size.'
- 134: 'Please add a note on your edit.'
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- 151: 'You don\'t have write access to this page. You might need to register an account to get write access.'
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- 45: 'Most recent edit on ' 'by '
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- 54: 'Additions:'
- 60: 'Deletions:'
- 66: 'No differences.'
- 72: 'Current page:'
- 78: 'Oldest known version of this page was edited on ' ' by '
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- 83: 'You aren't allowed to read this page.'
- 43: 'Revision time: '
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- 10: 'Recent changes of '
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- 15: 'Recent Changes'
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- 90: 'You're not allowed to access this information.'
- 7: 'Sites linking to this wiki ' 'see list of domains'
- 12: 'External pages linking to ' '24 hours' 'see list of domains'
- 18: 'Note to spammers: This page is not indexed by search engines, so don't waste your time.'
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- 7: 'Domains/sites linking to this wiki ' 'see list of different URLs'
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- 13: '24 hours' 'see list of different URLs'
- 18: 'Note to spammers: This page is not indexed by search engines, so don't waste your time.'
- 26: 'unknown'
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- 32: 'View global referring sites' 'View global referrers'
- 11: "Simple Diff"
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- 9: 'History/revisions of '
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- 5: 'You aren't allowed to read this page.'
- 11: 'This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to ' 'create' 'it'
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- 12: 'Admin name must be a WikiName. This means it must start with a capital letter, then have some lowercase letters, then have an uppercase letter.' 'Examples: JohnSmith or JsnX'
- 16: 'Password is too short. It must be at least five (5) characters long.'
- 20: 'Passwords don't match.'
- 25: 'Email address appears incorrect.'
- 41: 'Wikka Installation'
- 46: 'Your installed Wikka is reporting itself as ''You are about to ''upgrade'' to Wikka ''. Please review your configuration settings below.'
- 50: 'Since there is no existing Wikka configuration, this probably is a fresh Wikka install. You are about to install Wikka ''. Please configure your Wikka site using the form below.'
- 54: 'NOTE: This installer will try to write the configuration data to the file '', located in your Wikka directory. In order for this to work, you must make sure the web server has write access to that file! If you can't do this, you will have to edit the file manually (the installer will tell you how).' 'See ' for details.'
- 60: 'Database Configuration'
- 61: 'The host your MySQL server is running on. Usually "localhost" (ie, the same machine your Wikka site is on).'
- 62: 'MySQL host:'
- 63: 'The MySQL database Wikka should use. This database needs to exist already before you continue!'
- 64: 'MySQL database:'
- 65: 'Name and password of the MySQL user used to connect to your database.'
- 66: 'MySQL user name:'
- 67: 'MySQL password:'
- 68: 'Prefix of all tables used by Wikka. This allows you to run multiple Wikka installations using the same MySQL database by configuring them to use different table prefixes.'
- 69: 'Table prefix:'
- 73: 'Wikka Site Configuration'
- 75: 'The name of your Wikka site. It usually is a WikiName and looks SomethingLikeThis.'
- 76: 'Your Wikka's name:'
- 78: 'Your Wikka site's home page. Should be a WikiName.'
- 79: 'Home page:'
- 81: 'META Keywords/Description that get inserted into the HTML headers.'
- 82: 'Meta Keywords:'
- 83: 'Meta Description:'
- 90: 'GeSHi Configuration'
- 91: 'GeSHi comes bundled with Wikka to provide syntax highlighting for code. If you already have GeSHi installed and would like to use that installation instead of the Wikka-bundled one, you may change the paths below.'
- 92: 'GeSHi path:'
- 93: 'GeSHi language files path:'
- 94: 'Wikka provides some basic GeSHi configuration. You may change the default parameters below.'
- 95: 'GeSHi can wrap a code block in either a div tag (default) or a pre tag (simpler markup but won't allow line wrapping).'
- 96: 'Code wrapper (div or pre):'
- 97: 'GeSHi can add line numbers to code; if you enable this, users can "turn on" line numbers by setting a start line number.'
- 98: 'Disable line numbers (0), or enable normal (1) or fancy (2) line numbers:'
- 99: 'GeSHi assumes a tab width of 8 positions; for code, 4 is more usual though. You can define the tab width to be used below.'
- 100: 'Tab width:'
- 109: 'Administrative account configuration'
- 111: 'Enter admin username. Should be a WikiName.'
- 112: 'Admin name:'
- 114: 'Choose a password for administrator (5+ chars)'
- 115: 'Enter password:'
- 116: 'Repeat password:'
- 118: 'Administrator email.'
- 119: 'Email:'
- 120: 'Wikka URL Configuration''Since this is a new installation, the installer tried to guess the proper values. Change them only if you know what you're doing!" '
- 122: 'Your Wikka site's base URL. Page names get appended to it, so it should include the "?wakka=" parameter stuff if the funky URL rewriting stuff doesn't work on your server.'
- 123: 'Base URL:'
- 125: 'Rewrite mode should be enabled if you are using Wikka with URL rewriting.'
- 126: 'Rewrite Mode:' 'Enabled'
- 8: 'OK'
- 12: 'FAILED'
- 73: 'Wikka Installation'
- ...
~backlinks.php -None
~calendar.php -//not yet looked at//
~~ 29, "pages belong to"
~~ 45, "The following"
~~ 48, "Sorry, no items found for"
~color.php -none
~colour.php -none (rule, Britannia)
~color.php -none
~colour.php -none (rule, Britannia)
~colour.php -none (rule, Britannia)
A list of all the phrases the users see in Wikka:
(numbers are line numbers in File)
~backlinks.php -None
~calendar.php -//not yet looked at//
~~ 29, "pages belong to"
~~ 45, "The following"
~~ 48, "Sorry, no items found for"
~backlinks.php -None
~calendar.php -//not yet looked at//
~~ 29, "pages belong to"
~~ 45, "The following"
~~ 48, "Sorry, no items found for"