Plugins in Development

Last edited by BrianKoontz:
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Fri, 20 May 2016 07:38 UTC [diff]

Various members of the wikka community are working on different tools as plugins (3rd party contributed actions) for wikka. To reduce the possibility of replicating efforts & encourage collaborative development efforts & beta-testing, this page lists the tools being worked on by wikka contributors.

After the plugins have been released, links will be provided to the page the code is available on and the references to the plugin will be moved to the "released" section. At that point feedback from other community members on further development will permit further development & refinement.

When the code appears final (such as, when no more development feedback occurs), then it will be moved to "Finalized Plugin" section (this is not to suggest that no more development will occur, just that the release meets the current standards of the current community as being "stable" & reasonably compliant with standards (also see summaries of past releases at CodeContributions).

If a developer abandons a project they should move it to the "halted" section so that others who might be interested in further pursuing the project can adopt it.

Plugins in Development

Released Plugins

Finalized Plugins

Plugins with halted development

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