Revision history for RodMcFarlandHacks

Revision [23470]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
~-2006-08-23: Changes to files action: added [[ | comprehensive MIME types]], tried to fix a LizW / IE-specific downloading problem.
~-2006-11-04: Slight improvements to tag cloud; changed text search to use REGEXP rather than LIKE. Search term is wrapped in [^a-zA-Z] as an attempt to simulate Perl "\b" (word boundary) functionality. [[ | Regular expression syntax]] can be used in the TextSearch field.
~-2007-10-26: ""{{todo}}"" action. Keeps a to-do list on a page, items are associated with that page. for times, you can say things like "tomorrow" or "+ 3 days" or "march 1" and it should be able to figure it out (see the [[ | PHP strtotime() documentation]]).
~-2006-08-23: Changes to files action: added [[ comprehensive MIME types]], tried to fix a LizW / IE-specific downloading problem.
~-2006-11-04: Slight improvements to tag cloud; changed text search to use REGEXP rather than LIKE. Search term is wrapped in [^a-zA-Z] as an attempt to simulate Perl "\b" (word boundary) functionality. [[ Regular expression syntax]] can be used in the TextSearch field.
~-2007-10-26: ""{{todo}}"" action. Keeps a to-do list on a page, items are associated with that page. for times, you can say things like "tomorrow" or "+ 3 days" or "march 1" and it should be able to figure it out (see the [[ PHP strtotime() documentation]]).

Revision [21336]

Edited on 2011-02-15 09:31:53 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
[[ essay for sale]]

Revision [21323]

Edited on 2011-02-10 04:40:34 by FredWinson [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
[[ essay for sale]]
[ essay for sale]

Revision [21322]

Edited on 2011-02-10 04:40:12 by FredWinson [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
[ essay for sale]

Revision [20758]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-08-21 22:30:42 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
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