Revision history for SEOHacks
<<Note that this action tag has been changed to ""{{titletag}}"" to avoid conflicting with an existing action of the same name.<<::c::
<<Note that this action tag has been changed to ""##{{titletag}}##"" to avoid conflicting with an existing action of the same name.<<::c::
Requires the ##AddCustomHeader()## method, a relatively new addition to Wikka. Check your ##libs/Wakka.php## function library if in doubt.
$name = $vars['name'];
$content = $vars['content'];
$this->AddCustomHeader("<meta name=\"".$name."\" content=\"".$content."\"/>");
{{meta name="description" content="Specializing in machining and finishing of fine widgets"}}
Create the following new directory/handler. Be sure the plugin path precedes the handlers path in your ##wikka_handler_path## in ##wikka.config.php##:
* Display, filter and search a list of referrers or referring sites for the current page or the site as a whole.
* Usage: append /referrers to the URL of the page
* add global=1 to specify referrers for the site instead of the current page
* add sites=1 to specify referrerring domains instead of full URLs
* This handler allows logged-in users to display, filter and search the referrer list for
* the current page and for the whole site. Current search criteria include strings,
* number of hits, reference period.
* @package Handlers
* @author {@link Dario Taraborelli} - code cleanup, search/filter functionality added.
* @author {@link JavaWoman} - more code cleanup, accessibility, integration with referrers_sites
* @uses Config::$referrers_purge_time
* @uses Config::$wakka_name
* @uses Wakka::FormClose()
* @uses Wakka::FormOpen()
* @uses Wakka::GetHandler()
* @uses Wakka::GetPageTag()
* @uses Wakka::GetUser()
* @uses Wakka::Href()
* @uses Wakka::htmlspecialchars_ent()
* @uses Wakka::IsAdmin()
* @uses Wakka::LoadAll()
* @uses Wakka::LoadSingle()
* @uses Wakka::makeId()
* @since Wikka 1.1.7
* @todo
* - clean up debug code
* - remove LoadReferrers() from core
* - configurable choice hostname (NAME_GLOBAL) or 'this site' (config, installer)
* - configurable parameters for building days dropdown (config, installer)
* - configurable limit to express days as hours (config, installer)
* - build an index on the referrer column in the referrers table (installer)
* later:
* - transfer filter parameters as well so we cen redirect to the exact view we came from
* - (global) icons to represent each of the five views, small and larger versions (menu/page)
* - adapt FormOpen() to accept id; then fix form kluge here and in stylesheet
* - adapt text definitions to take singular-plural into account
* - add paging
* - turn list into form with checkboxes to allow mass blacklisting
* @input string $qs optional: string used to filter the referrers;
* default: NULL;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'q'
* @input integer $qo optional: determines the kind of search to be performed for string $qs:
* 1: search for all referrers containing a given string
* 0: search for all referrers not containing a given string
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'qo'
* @input integer $h optional: number of hits used to filter the referrers;
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'h'
* @input integer $ho optional: determines the kind of filter to be applied to $h:
* 1: search for referrers with at least $h hits;
* 0: search for referrers with no more than $h hits;
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'ho'
* @input integer $days optional: number of days used to filter the referrers;
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'h'
* @input integer $global optional: switches between local/global referrers:
* 1: display referrers for the whole site;
* 0: display referrers for the current page;
* default: 0;
* the default can be overridden by providing a GET/POST parameter 'global'
* @input integer $sites optional: switches between referring urls and domains
* 1: display referring sites (domains);
* 0: display referrers (URLs);
* default: 0;
* the default can be overridden by providing a GET/POST parameter 'sites'
* @input integer $refdel optional: number of referrer records deleted
* @input integer $bladd optional: number of blacklist records added
// Utilities
* Build an array of numbers consisting of 'ranges' with increasing step size in each 'range'.
* A list of numbers like this is useful for instance for a dropdown to choose
* a period expressed in number of days: a difference between 2 and 5 days may
* be significant while that between 92 and 95 may not be.
* @author {@link JavaWoman}
* @copyright Copyright © 2005, Marjolein Katsma
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @version 1.0
* @param mixed $limits required: single integer or array of integers;
* defines the upper limits of the ranges as well as the next step size
* @param int $max required: upper limit for the whole list
* (will be included if smaller than the largest limit)
* @param int $firstinc optional: increment for the first range; default 1
* @return array resulting list of numbers
* @todo find better name
* @todo move to core
function optionRanges($limits, $max, $firstinc = 1)
// initializations
if (is_int($limits)) $limits = array($limits);
if ($firstinc < 1) $firstinc = 1;
$opts = array();
$inc = $firstinc;
// first element is the first increment
$opts[] = $inc;
// each $limit is the upper limit of a 'range'
foreach ($limits as $limit)
for ($i = $inc + $inc; $i <= $limit && $i < $max; $i += $inc)
$opts[] = $i;
// we quit at $max, even if there are more $limit elements
if ($limit >= $max)
// add $max to the list; then break out of the loop
$opts[] = $max;
// when $limit is reached, it becomes the new start and increment for the next 'range'
$inc = $limit;
return $opts;
// constants
define('DEBUG',FALSE); # @@@ set TRUE to generate debugging output
define('SEARCH_LIKE','LIKE'); # search string operator
define('SEARCH_UNLIKE','NOT LIKE'); # search string operator
define('HITS_DEFAULT', '1'); # (was 0 for referrers, 1 for sites)
define('HITS_MIN_OPTION', '>=');
define('HITS_MAX_OPTION', '<=');
define('HOURS_LIMIT',2); # days expressed as hours @@@ could be made configurable
define('DAYS_MAX', $this->GetConfigValue('referrers_purge_time'));
define('DAYS_DEFAULT', '7'); # default period to retrieve @@@ make configurable
$days_limits = array(7,30,90,365); # ranges for days dropdown @@@ make configurable
// -------------------------------------
// initialize parameters
$qs = NULL; # search string sanitized for SQL query
$qx = ''; # search string sanitized for XHTML
$qo = 1; # search string option
$h = HITS_DEFAULT; # hits number
$ho = 1; # hits option
$days = DAYS_DEFAULT; # period selection
$global = FALSE; # global (site) or this page only
$sites = FALSE; # referrers or referring sites
$refdel = NULL; # referrer records deleted
$bladd = NULL; # blacklist records added
$r = 1; # row counter
// -------------------------------------
// initialize internal variables
$string_option = SEARCH_LIKE; # LIKE or NOT LIKE
$hits_option = HITS_MIN_OPTION; # MIN (>=) or MAX (<=)
$tag = $this->GetPageTag();
$isAdmin = $this->IsAdmin();
$loggedin = ($isAdmin) ? TRUE : (bool)$this->GetUser();
$pre = $this->config['table_prefix'];
$par = '';
$query = '';
$rows = 0;
// -------------------------------------
// User-interface strings
define('TITLE_REFERRERS','External pages linking to %s');
define('TITLE_SITES','Domains linking to %s');
define('TITLE_SEARCH_TERMS','(Search term rankings)');
define('REPORT_BLACKLIST','Referrer records removed: %d; blacklist records added: %d');
define('TOTAL_REFERRERS','Total: %d referrers linking to %s');
define('TOTAL_SITES','Total: %d referrers linking to %s');
// current target
# you can use NAME_GLOBAL instead of 'this site' if the site name is short enough
# @@@ JW: choice between 'this site' and NAME_GLOBAL could be set via configuration (later)
define('TARGET_GLOBAL','this site');
define('TARGET_PAGE', $tag);
// menus don't use current target but *possible* targets
define('MENU_REFERRERS','Referrers to %s');
define('MENU_SITES','Domains linking to %s');
define('MENU_BLACKLIST','Blacklisted sites');
define('FORM_LEGEND','Filter view:');
define('FORM_URL_OPT_TITLE','Select search option');
define('FORM_URL_OPT_0','not containing');
define('FORM_URL_STRING_TITLE','Enter a search string');
define('FORM_HITS_OPT_TITLE','Select filter option');
define('FORM_HITS_OPT_1','at least');
define('FORM_HITS_OPT_0','no more than');
define('FORM_HITS_NUM_TITLE','Enter number of hits');
define('FORM_DAYS_OPT_TITLE','Select period in days');
define('FORM_SUBMIT_URLS','Show referrers');
define('FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS_LABEL','Rank search terms');
define('FORM_SUBMIT_SITES','Show referring domains');
define('LIST_PERIOD_HOURS',' (last %d hours)');
define('LIST_PERIOD_DAYS',' (last %d days)');
define('LIST_SUMMARY_REFERRERS','Filtered list of referrers, with hits%s, sorted by number of hits');
define('LIST_SUMMARY_SITES','Filtered list of referring sites, with hits%s, sorted by number of hits');
define('LIST_HEAD_SEARCH_TERM', 'Search term');
define('LIST_HEAD_FREQ', 'Frequency');
define('LIST_HEAD_LIST_SITES','Referring hosts');
define('LIST_REF_UNKNOWN','unknown'); # make sure the *exact* same string is used in the whitelist definition (delete_referrer.php)
define('LIST_ACTION_DESC',' and links to blacklist spammers');
define('LIST_ACTION_BLACKLIST_TITLE','Blacklist this domain');
define('LOGIN_NOTE','You need to login to display referrers.');
// show result counts for target
define('LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_REFERRERS','Filtered result: %d referrers matching these criteria'); # @@@ does not take account of singular
define('LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_SITES','Filtered result: %d domains matching these criteria'); # @@@ does not take account of singular
define('LIST_RESULT_NONE','Filtered result:');
// show 'no result' summary for target
define('NONE_NOTE_REFERRERS','No referrers found matching these criteria');
define('NONE_NOTE_SITES','No domains found matching these criteria');
// -------------------------------------
// fetch and validate parameters
// get query string and comparison method
if (isset($_POST['q']))
$tq = trim(strip_tags($_POST['q']));
if ('' != $tq)
$qs = mysql_real_escape_string($tq);
$qx = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($tq);
if (isset($_POST['qo']))
$qo = ($_POST['qo'] == '1') ? 1 : 0;
$string_option = ($qo == 1) ? SEARCH_LIKE : SEARCH_UNLIKE;
// get hits and min or max criteria
if (isset($_POST['h']))
$h = (is_numeric($_POST['h'])) ? abs((int)$_POST['h']) : HITS_DEFAULT; # cast to positive integer if numeric
if (isset($_POST['ho']))
$ho = ($_POST['ho'] == '1') ? 1 : 0;
$hits_option = ($ho == 1) ? HITS_MIN_OPTION : HITS_MAX_OPTION;
// get period, not longer than purge time
if (isset($_POST['days']))
$days = (is_numeric($_POST['days'])) ? min(abs((int)$_POST['days']),DAYS_MAX) : DAYS_DEFAULT;
// get search target: page or site (global)
if (isset($_POST['global']))
$global = (bool)$_POST['global'];
elseif (isset($_GET['global']))
$global = (bool)$_GET['global'];
$iglobal = (int)$global;
// get precision: URLS (referrers) or referring sites (domains)
if (isset($_POST['sites']))
$sites = (bool)$_POST['sites'];
elseif (isset($_GET['sites']))
$sites = (bool)$_GET['sites'];
$isites = (int)$sites;
//get reported values (no validation needed, just cast to integer)
if (isset($_GET['refdel']))
$refdel = (int)$_GET['refdel'];
$bladd = (isset($_GET['bladd'])) ? $bladd = (int)$_GET['bladd'] : 0;
// derive parameters for 'current' links
if (1 == $global)
if ('' != $par) $par .= '&';
$par .= 'global=1';
if (1 == $sites)
if ('' != $par) $par .= '&';
$par .= 'sites=1';
// -------------------------------------
// build query from chunks depending on criteria chosen
if ($loggedin)
$query = 'SELECT referrer';
if ($sites)
// add 'host' = domain extracted from referrring URL using this algorithm:
// find first char after http:// : LOCATE('//',referrer)+2
// find first / after this: LOCATE('/',referrer,(LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)-1
// calculate length: (LOCATE('/',referrer,(LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)-1) - (LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)
// get host (standard): SUBSTRING(referrer FROM (LOCATE('//',referrer)+2) FOR ((LOCATE('/',referrer,(LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)-1) - (LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)))
// *or*
// get host (MySQL-specific): SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(referrer,'/',3) FROM (LOCATE('//',referrer)+1))
$protocol_host = 'SUBSTRING_INDEX(referrer,"/",3)'; # protocol and host: everything before first single /
$start_host = 'LOCATE("//",referrer)+2'; # start position of host: after //
$query .= ', SUBSTRING('.$protocol_host.' FROM ('.$start_host.')) AS host';
// NOTE: COUNT() cannot use a derived column name but it *can* take an expression
$query .= ', COUNT(SUBSTRING('.$protocol_host.' FROM ('.$start_host.'))) AS num';
$query .= ' FROM '.$pre.'referrers';
if (!$global)
$query .= " WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'";
#if ($days != $max_days)
if ($days != DAYS_MAX)
$query .= (!strpos($query,'WHERE')) ? ' WHERE' : ' AND';
$query .= ' TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(time) <= '.$days; # filter by period
$query .= ' GROUP BY host ';
if (isset($qs))
$query .= ' HAVING host '.$string_option." '%".$qs."%'"; # filter by string (derived column so we use HAVING)
if ($hits_option != HITS_MIN_OPTION || $h != 1)
$query .= (!strpos($query,'HAVING')) ? ' HAVING' : ' AND';
$query .= ' num '.$hits_option.' '.$h; # filter by hits number (derived column so we use HAVING)
$query = 'SELECT referrer';
$query .= ', COUNT(referrer) AS num';
$query .= ' FROM '.$pre.'referrers';
if (!$global)
$query .= " WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'";
if (isset($qs))
$query .= (!strpos($query,'WHERE')) ? ' WHERE' : ' AND';
$query .= ' referrer '.$string_option." '%".$qs."%'"; # filter by string
#if ($days != $max_days)
if ($days != DAYS_MAX)
$query .= (!strpos($query,'WHERE')) ? ' WHERE' : ' AND';
$query .= ' TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(time) <= '.$days; # filter by period
$query .= ' GROUP BY referrer ';
if ($hits_option != HITS_MIN_OPTION || $h != 1)
$query .= ' HAVING num '.$hits_option.' '.$h; # filter by hits number (derived column so we use HAVING)
$query .= ' ORDER BY num DESC, referrer ASC'; # set order
// get total number of referrers (NOT records!)
$query_refcount = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(referrer)) AS total'; # @@@ referrer column should be indexed to make this really efficient
$query_refcount .= ' FROM '.$pre.'referrers';
if (!$global)
$query_refcount .= " WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'";
// -------------------------------------
// execute query (if logged in)
// @@@ NOTE: we don't use LoadReferrers any more since the query is now completely dynamically built
if ($loggedin)
// execute query
$referrers = $this->LoadAll($query);
$totalrefs = $this->LoadSingle($query_refcount);
// -------------------------------------
// build UI elements
// define current target
$target = ($global) ? TARGET_GLOBAL : $this->Link(TARGET_PAGE);
// title
$title = ($sites) ? sprintf(TITLE_SITES,$target) : sprintf(TITLE_REFERRERS,$target);
$title .= ($days <= HOURS_LIMIT) ? sprintf(LIST_PERIOD_HOURS,24*$days) : sprintf(LIST_PERIOD_DAYS,$days);
if ($isAdmin)
if (isset($refdel)) $rptblacklisted = sprintf(REPORT_BLACKLIST,$refdel,$bladd);
if ($loggedin)
// results
$tot = $totalrefs['total'];
$total = ($sites) ? sprintf(TOTAL_SITES,$tot,$target) : sprintf(TOTAL_REFERRERS,$tot,$target);
$creferrers = count($referrers);
if ($creferrers > 0)
$result = ($sites) ? sprintf(LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_SITES,$creferrers) : sprintf(LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_REFERRERS,$creferrers);
// menu elements: prevent wrapping within element (these *don't* use current target!
$menu_referrers_page = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_REFERRERS_PAGE);
$menu_sites_page = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_SITES_PAGE);
$menu_referrers_global = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_REFERRERS_GLOBAL);
$menu_sites_global = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_SITES_GLOBAL);
$menu_blacklist = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_BLACKLIST);
//menu links
$m_referrers_page = '<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers').'">'.$menu_referrers_page.'</a>';
$m_sites_page ='<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers','','sites=1').'">'.$menu_sites_page.'</a>';
$m_referrers_global = '<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers','','global=1').'">'.$menu_referrers_global.'</a>';
$m_sites_global = '<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers','','global=1&sites=1').'">'.$menu_sites_global.'</a>';
$m_blacklist = '<a href="'.$this->Href('review_blacklist').'">'.$menu_blacklist.'</a>';
//build menu
$menu = '<ul class="menu">'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.((!$global && !$sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_referrers_page.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.((!$global && $sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_sites_page.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.(($global && !$sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_referrers_global.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.(($global && $sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_sites_global.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li>'.$m_blacklist.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '</ul>'."\n";
// days dropdown content
$daysopts = optionRanges($days_limits,DAYS_MAX);
// form
$form = $this->FormOpen('referrers','','POST'); # @@@ add parameter for id
$form .= '<fieldset class="hidden">'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="global" value="'.$iglobal.'" />'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="sites" value="'.$isites.'" />'."\n";
$form .= '</fieldset>'."\n";
$form .= '<fieldset>'."\n";
$form .= '<legend>'.FORM_LEGEND.'</legend>'."\n";
$form .= '<label for="qo" class="mainlabel">'.(($sites) ? FORM_URL_OPT_SITES : FORM_URL_OPT_REFERRERS).'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<select name="qo" id="qo" title="'.FORM_URL_OPT_TITLE.'">'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="1"'.(($qo == '1')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_URL_OPT_1.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="0"'.(($qo == '0')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_URL_OPT_0.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '</select> '."\n";
$form .= '<label for="q">'.FORM_URL_STRING_LABEL.'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<input type ="text" name="q" id="q" title="'.FORM_URL_STRING_TITLE.'" size="10" maxlength="50" value="'.$qx.'" />';
$form .= '<br />'."\n";
$form .= '<label for="ho" class="mainlabel">'.FORM_HITS_OPT_LABEL.'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<select name="ho" id="ho" title="'.FORM_HITS_OPT_TITLE.'">'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="1"'.(($ho == '1')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_HITS_OPT_1.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="0"'.(($ho == '0')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_HITS_OPT_0.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '</select> '."\n";
$form .= '<input type ="text" name="h" id="h" title="'.FORM_HITS_NUM_TITLE.'" size="5" maxlength="5" value="'.$h.'" />'."\n";
$form .= ' <label for="h">'.FORM_HITS_NUM_LABEL.'</label>';
$form .= '<br />'."\n";
$form .= '<label for="days" class="mainlabel">'.FORM_DAYS_OPT_LABEL.'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<select name="days" id="days" title="'.FORM_DAYS_OPT_TITLE.'">'."\n";
// build drop-down
foreach ($daysopts as $opt)
$selected = ($opt == $days) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$form .= '<option value="'.$opt.'"'.$selected.'>'.$opt.'</option>';
$form .= '</select> '."\n";
$form .= ' <label for="h">'.FORM_DAYS_NUM_LABEL.'</label>'."\n";
$form .= '</fieldset>'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="submit" name="'.(($sites) ? FORM_SUBMIT_SITES : FORM_SUBMIT_URLS).'" value="'.(($sites) ? FORM_SUBMIT_SITES : FORM_SUBMIT_URLS).'" accesskey="r" />'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="submit" name="'.FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS.'" value="'.FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS_LABEL.'" accesskey="r" />'."\n";
$form .= $this->FormClose();
// referrers list with admin link for blacklisting
if ($sites)
$summary = ($isAdmin) ? sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_SITES,LIST_ACTION_DESC) : sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_SITES,'');
$summary = ($isAdmin) ? sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_REFERRERS,LIST_ACTION_DESC) : sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_REFERRERS,'');
if ($isAdmin && !isset($_POST[FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS]))
$redir = ($global||$sites) ? $this->GetHandler().'&'.$par : $this->GetHandler(); # ensure we return to the same view
$par = ($sites) ? 'spam_site' : 'spam_link';
$blacklisturl = $this->Href('delete_referrer','',$par.'=').'%s&redirect=%s';
$blacklink = '<a class="keys" href="'.$blacklisturl.'" title="'.LIST_ACTION_BLACKLIST_TITLE.'">'.LIST_ACTION_BLACKLIST.'</a>';
// ids - use constant for variable-content heading
$idTotal = $this->makeId('hn','total');
$idResult = $this->makeId('hn','result');
$idTitle = $this->makeId('hn','title');
// -------------------------------------
// show user interface (pre-template)
if (isset($_POST[FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS])) // Modify title
$title .= sprintf(TITLE_SEARCH_TERMS);
echo '<div class="page">'."\n";
echo '<h3 id="'.$idTitle.'">'.$title.'</h3>'."\n";
# debug
if (DEBUG)
echo 'Query (ref): '.$query.'<br />';
echo 'Query (sites): '.$query_sites.'<br />';
echo ($global) ? 'Global: TRUE<br />' : 'Global: FALSE<br />';
echo ($sites) ? 'Sites: TRUE<br />' : 'Sites: FALSE<br />';
# debug
if ($loggedin)
if ($isAdmin && isset($refdel)) echo '<p class="notes">'.$rptblacklisted.'</p>';
echo $menu."\n";
echo '<div id="refbody">'."\n";
echo '<h4 id="'.$idTotal.'">'.$total.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<div id="refform">'.$form.'</div>'."\n"; # @@@ kluge until FormOpen() is adapted: id should actually be on form itself and div not necessary!
echo '<h4 id="'.$idResult.'">'.$result.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<table id="reflist" class="data" summary="'.$summary.'">'."\n";
echo '<thead>';
echo '<tr><th class="search_term" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_SEARCH_TERM.'</th>';
echo '<th class="freq" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_FREQ.'</th></tr>'."\n";
echo '</thead>'."\n";
echo '<tbody>'."\n";
$search_terms = array();
foreach ($referrers as $referrer)
$hits = $referrer['num'];
if ($sites)
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['host']);
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['referrer']);
// Parse q= attributes from Google refs
//if (0 == preg_match('/http:\/\/.*google.*?\//', $ref))
if (0 == preg_match('/q=(.*?)[& ]/', $ref))
$results = array();
$num_results = preg_match('/q=(.*?)[& ]/', $ref, $results);
if(0 == $num_results)
$results2 = explode("+", strtolower($results[1]));
foreach($results2 as $result)
$search_terms[$result] += $hits;
// Output search terms
foreach($search_terms as $key=>$val)
echo '<tr'.(($r%2)? '' : ' class="alt"').'>'."\n"; #enable alternate row color echo '<td class="hits">'.$hits.'</td>';
echo '<td class="hits">'.$key.'</td>';
echo '<td class="refs">'.$val.'</td>';
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo '</tbody>'."\n";
echo '</table>'."\n";
else if ($creferrers != 0)
echo '<h4 id="'.$idResult.'">'.$result.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<table id="reflist" class="data" summary="'.$summary.'">'."\n";
echo '<thead>';
echo '<tr><th class="hits" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_HITS.'</th>';
if ($isAdmin) echo '<th class="action c2" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_ACTION.'</th>';
echo '<th class="refs" scope="col">'.$refshead.'</th></tr>'."\n";
echo '</thead>'."\n";
echo '<tbody>'."\n";
foreach ($referrers as $referrer)
$hits = $referrer['num'];
if ($sites)
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['host']);
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['referrer']);
echo '<tr'.(($r%2)? '' : ' class="alt"').'>'."\n"; #enable alternate row color echo '<td class="hits">'.$hits.'</td>';
echo '<td class="hits">'.$hits.'</td>';
if ($isAdmin) echo '<td class="action c2">'.sprintf($blacklink,$ref,$redir).'</td>';
if ($sites)
echo '<td class="refs">'.$ref.'</td>';
echo '<td class="refs"><a href="'.$ref.'">'.$ref.'</a></td>';
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo '</tbody>'."\n";
echo '</table>'."\n";
echo '<h4 id="'.$idResult.'">'.$result.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<p><em class="error">'.(($sites) ? sprintf(NONE_NOTE_SITES) : sprintf(NONE_NOTE_REFERRERS)).'</em></p>'."\n";
echo '<p><em class="error">'.LOGIN_NOTE.'</em></p>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
Point your browser to ##HomePage/referrers##.
Select the ##Referrers to this site## tab.
Modify the search parameters to your preference.
Click the ##Rank Search Terms## button for a list of search terms sorted by frequency.
$name = $vars['name'];
$content = $vars['content'];
$this->AddCustomHeader("<meta name=\"".$name."\" content=\"".$content."\"/>");
{{meta name="description" content="Specializing in machining and finishing of fine widgets"}}
Create the following new directory/handler. Be sure the plugin path precedes the handlers path in your ##wikka_handler_path## in ##wikka.config.php##:
* Display, filter and search a list of referrers or referring sites for the current page or the site as a whole.
* Usage: append /referrers to the URL of the page
* add global=1 to specify referrers for the site instead of the current page
* add sites=1 to specify referrerring domains instead of full URLs
* This handler allows logged-in users to display, filter and search the referrer list for
* the current page and for the whole site. Current search criteria include strings,
* number of hits, reference period.
* @package Handlers
* @author {@link Dario Taraborelli} - code cleanup, search/filter functionality added.
* @author {@link JavaWoman} - more code cleanup, accessibility, integration with referrers_sites
* @uses Config::$referrers_purge_time
* @uses Config::$wakka_name
* @uses Wakka::FormClose()
* @uses Wakka::FormOpen()
* @uses Wakka::GetHandler()
* @uses Wakka::GetPageTag()
* @uses Wakka::GetUser()
* @uses Wakka::Href()
* @uses Wakka::htmlspecialchars_ent()
* @uses Wakka::IsAdmin()
* @uses Wakka::LoadAll()
* @uses Wakka::LoadSingle()
* @uses Wakka::makeId()
* @since Wikka 1.1.7
* @todo
* - clean up debug code
* - remove LoadReferrers() from core
* - configurable choice hostname (NAME_GLOBAL) or 'this site' (config, installer)
* - configurable parameters for building days dropdown (config, installer)
* - configurable limit to express days as hours (config, installer)
* - build an index on the referrer column in the referrers table (installer)
* later:
* - transfer filter parameters as well so we cen redirect to the exact view we came from
* - (global) icons to represent each of the five views, small and larger versions (menu/page)
* - adapt FormOpen() to accept id; then fix form kluge here and in stylesheet
* - adapt text definitions to take singular-plural into account
* - add paging
* - turn list into form with checkboxes to allow mass blacklisting
* @input string $qs optional: string used to filter the referrers;
* default: NULL;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'q'
* @input integer $qo optional: determines the kind of search to be performed for string $qs:
* 1: search for all referrers containing a given string
* 0: search for all referrers not containing a given string
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'qo'
* @input integer $h optional: number of hits used to filter the referrers;
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'h'
* @input integer $ho optional: determines the kind of filter to be applied to $h:
* 1: search for referrers with at least $h hits;
* 0: search for referrers with no more than $h hits;
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'ho'
* @input integer $days optional: number of days used to filter the referrers;
* default: 1;
* the default can be overridden by providing a POST parameter 'h'
* @input integer $global optional: switches between local/global referrers:
* 1: display referrers for the whole site;
* 0: display referrers for the current page;
* default: 0;
* the default can be overridden by providing a GET/POST parameter 'global'
* @input integer $sites optional: switches between referring urls and domains
* 1: display referring sites (domains);
* 0: display referrers (URLs);
* default: 0;
* the default can be overridden by providing a GET/POST parameter 'sites'
* @input integer $refdel optional: number of referrer records deleted
* @input integer $bladd optional: number of blacklist records added
// Utilities
* Build an array of numbers consisting of 'ranges' with increasing step size in each 'range'.
* A list of numbers like this is useful for instance for a dropdown to choose
* a period expressed in number of days: a difference between 2 and 5 days may
* be significant while that between 92 and 95 may not be.
* @author {@link JavaWoman}
* @copyright Copyright © 2005, Marjolein Katsma
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @version 1.0
* @param mixed $limits required: single integer or array of integers;
* defines the upper limits of the ranges as well as the next step size
* @param int $max required: upper limit for the whole list
* (will be included if smaller than the largest limit)
* @param int $firstinc optional: increment for the first range; default 1
* @return array resulting list of numbers
* @todo find better name
* @todo move to core
function optionRanges($limits, $max, $firstinc = 1)
// initializations
if (is_int($limits)) $limits = array($limits);
if ($firstinc < 1) $firstinc = 1;
$opts = array();
$inc = $firstinc;
// first element is the first increment
$opts[] = $inc;
// each $limit is the upper limit of a 'range'
foreach ($limits as $limit)
for ($i = $inc + $inc; $i <= $limit && $i < $max; $i += $inc)
$opts[] = $i;
// we quit at $max, even if there are more $limit elements
if ($limit >= $max)
// add $max to the list; then break out of the loop
$opts[] = $max;
// when $limit is reached, it becomes the new start and increment for the next 'range'
$inc = $limit;
return $opts;
// constants
define('DEBUG',FALSE); # @@@ set TRUE to generate debugging output
define('SEARCH_LIKE','LIKE'); # search string operator
define('SEARCH_UNLIKE','NOT LIKE'); # search string operator
define('HITS_DEFAULT', '1'); # (was 0 for referrers, 1 for sites)
define('HITS_MIN_OPTION', '>=');
define('HITS_MAX_OPTION', '<=');
define('HOURS_LIMIT',2); # days expressed as hours @@@ could be made configurable
define('DAYS_MAX', $this->GetConfigValue('referrers_purge_time'));
define('DAYS_DEFAULT', '7'); # default period to retrieve @@@ make configurable
$days_limits = array(7,30,90,365); # ranges for days dropdown @@@ make configurable
// -------------------------------------
// initialize parameters
$qs = NULL; # search string sanitized for SQL query
$qx = ''; # search string sanitized for XHTML
$qo = 1; # search string option
$h = HITS_DEFAULT; # hits number
$ho = 1; # hits option
$days = DAYS_DEFAULT; # period selection
$global = FALSE; # global (site) or this page only
$sites = FALSE; # referrers or referring sites
$refdel = NULL; # referrer records deleted
$bladd = NULL; # blacklist records added
$r = 1; # row counter
// -------------------------------------
// initialize internal variables
$string_option = SEARCH_LIKE; # LIKE or NOT LIKE
$hits_option = HITS_MIN_OPTION; # MIN (>=) or MAX (<=)
$tag = $this->GetPageTag();
$isAdmin = $this->IsAdmin();
$loggedin = ($isAdmin) ? TRUE : (bool)$this->GetUser();
$pre = $this->config['table_prefix'];
$par = '';
$query = '';
$rows = 0;
// -------------------------------------
// User-interface strings
define('TITLE_REFERRERS','External pages linking to %s');
define('TITLE_SITES','Domains linking to %s');
define('TITLE_SEARCH_TERMS','(Search term rankings)');
define('REPORT_BLACKLIST','Referrer records removed: %d; blacklist records added: %d');
define('TOTAL_REFERRERS','Total: %d referrers linking to %s');
define('TOTAL_SITES','Total: %d referrers linking to %s');
// current target
# you can use NAME_GLOBAL instead of 'this site' if the site name is short enough
# @@@ JW: choice between 'this site' and NAME_GLOBAL could be set via configuration (later)
define('TARGET_GLOBAL','this site');
define('TARGET_PAGE', $tag);
// menus don't use current target but *possible* targets
define('MENU_REFERRERS','Referrers to %s');
define('MENU_SITES','Domains linking to %s');
define('MENU_BLACKLIST','Blacklisted sites');
define('FORM_LEGEND','Filter view:');
define('FORM_URL_OPT_TITLE','Select search option');
define('FORM_URL_OPT_0','not containing');
define('FORM_URL_STRING_TITLE','Enter a search string');
define('FORM_HITS_OPT_TITLE','Select filter option');
define('FORM_HITS_OPT_1','at least');
define('FORM_HITS_OPT_0','no more than');
define('FORM_HITS_NUM_TITLE','Enter number of hits');
define('FORM_DAYS_OPT_TITLE','Select period in days');
define('FORM_SUBMIT_URLS','Show referrers');
define('FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS_LABEL','Rank search terms');
define('FORM_SUBMIT_SITES','Show referring domains');
define('LIST_PERIOD_HOURS',' (last %d hours)');
define('LIST_PERIOD_DAYS',' (last %d days)');
define('LIST_SUMMARY_REFERRERS','Filtered list of referrers, with hits%s, sorted by number of hits');
define('LIST_SUMMARY_SITES','Filtered list of referring sites, with hits%s, sorted by number of hits');
define('LIST_HEAD_SEARCH_TERM', 'Search term');
define('LIST_HEAD_FREQ', 'Frequency');
define('LIST_HEAD_LIST_SITES','Referring hosts');
define('LIST_REF_UNKNOWN','unknown'); # make sure the *exact* same string is used in the whitelist definition (delete_referrer.php)
define('LIST_ACTION_DESC',' and links to blacklist spammers');
define('LIST_ACTION_BLACKLIST_TITLE','Blacklist this domain');
define('LOGIN_NOTE','You need to login to display referrers.');
// show result counts for target
define('LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_REFERRERS','Filtered result: %d referrers matching these criteria'); # @@@ does not take account of singular
define('LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_SITES','Filtered result: %d domains matching these criteria'); # @@@ does not take account of singular
define('LIST_RESULT_NONE','Filtered result:');
// show 'no result' summary for target
define('NONE_NOTE_REFERRERS','No referrers found matching these criteria');
define('NONE_NOTE_SITES','No domains found matching these criteria');
// -------------------------------------
// fetch and validate parameters
// get query string and comparison method
if (isset($_POST['q']))
$tq = trim(strip_tags($_POST['q']));
if ('' != $tq)
$qs = mysql_real_escape_string($tq);
$qx = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($tq);
if (isset($_POST['qo']))
$qo = ($_POST['qo'] == '1') ? 1 : 0;
$string_option = ($qo == 1) ? SEARCH_LIKE : SEARCH_UNLIKE;
// get hits and min or max criteria
if (isset($_POST['h']))
$h = (is_numeric($_POST['h'])) ? abs((int)$_POST['h']) : HITS_DEFAULT; # cast to positive integer if numeric
if (isset($_POST['ho']))
$ho = ($_POST['ho'] == '1') ? 1 : 0;
$hits_option = ($ho == 1) ? HITS_MIN_OPTION : HITS_MAX_OPTION;
// get period, not longer than purge time
if (isset($_POST['days']))
$days = (is_numeric($_POST['days'])) ? min(abs((int)$_POST['days']),DAYS_MAX) : DAYS_DEFAULT;
// get search target: page or site (global)
if (isset($_POST['global']))
$global = (bool)$_POST['global'];
elseif (isset($_GET['global']))
$global = (bool)$_GET['global'];
$iglobal = (int)$global;
// get precision: URLS (referrers) or referring sites (domains)
if (isset($_POST['sites']))
$sites = (bool)$_POST['sites'];
elseif (isset($_GET['sites']))
$sites = (bool)$_GET['sites'];
$isites = (int)$sites;
//get reported values (no validation needed, just cast to integer)
if (isset($_GET['refdel']))
$refdel = (int)$_GET['refdel'];
$bladd = (isset($_GET['bladd'])) ? $bladd = (int)$_GET['bladd'] : 0;
// derive parameters for 'current' links
if (1 == $global)
if ('' != $par) $par .= '&';
$par .= 'global=1';
if (1 == $sites)
if ('' != $par) $par .= '&';
$par .= 'sites=1';
// -------------------------------------
// build query from chunks depending on criteria chosen
if ($loggedin)
$query = 'SELECT referrer';
if ($sites)
// add 'host' = domain extracted from referrring URL using this algorithm:
// find first char after http:// : LOCATE('//',referrer)+2
// find first / after this: LOCATE('/',referrer,(LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)-1
// calculate length: (LOCATE('/',referrer,(LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)-1) - (LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)
// get host (standard): SUBSTRING(referrer FROM (LOCATE('//',referrer)+2) FOR ((LOCATE('/',referrer,(LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)-1) - (LOCATE('//',referrer)+2)))
// *or*
// get host (MySQL-specific): SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(referrer,'/',3) FROM (LOCATE('//',referrer)+1))
$protocol_host = 'SUBSTRING_INDEX(referrer,"/",3)'; # protocol and host: everything before first single /
$start_host = 'LOCATE("//",referrer)+2'; # start position of host: after //
$query .= ', SUBSTRING('.$protocol_host.' FROM ('.$start_host.')) AS host';
// NOTE: COUNT() cannot use a derived column name but it *can* take an expression
$query .= ', COUNT(SUBSTRING('.$protocol_host.' FROM ('.$start_host.'))) AS num';
$query .= ' FROM '.$pre.'referrers';
if (!$global)
$query .= " WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'";
#if ($days != $max_days)
if ($days != DAYS_MAX)
$query .= (!strpos($query,'WHERE')) ? ' WHERE' : ' AND';
$query .= ' TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(time) <= '.$days; # filter by period
$query .= ' GROUP BY host ';
if (isset($qs))
$query .= ' HAVING host '.$string_option." '%".$qs."%'"; # filter by string (derived column so we use HAVING)
if ($hits_option != HITS_MIN_OPTION || $h != 1)
$query .= (!strpos($query,'HAVING')) ? ' HAVING' : ' AND';
$query .= ' num '.$hits_option.' '.$h; # filter by hits number (derived column so we use HAVING)
$query = 'SELECT referrer';
$query .= ', COUNT(referrer) AS num';
$query .= ' FROM '.$pre.'referrers';
if (!$global)
$query .= " WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'";
if (isset($qs))
$query .= (!strpos($query,'WHERE')) ? ' WHERE' : ' AND';
$query .= ' referrer '.$string_option." '%".$qs."%'"; # filter by string
#if ($days != $max_days)
if ($days != DAYS_MAX)
$query .= (!strpos($query,'WHERE')) ? ' WHERE' : ' AND';
$query .= ' TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(time) <= '.$days; # filter by period
$query .= ' GROUP BY referrer ';
if ($hits_option != HITS_MIN_OPTION || $h != 1)
$query .= ' HAVING num '.$hits_option.' '.$h; # filter by hits number (derived column so we use HAVING)
$query .= ' ORDER BY num DESC, referrer ASC'; # set order
// get total number of referrers (NOT records!)
$query_refcount = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(referrer)) AS total'; # @@@ referrer column should be indexed to make this really efficient
$query_refcount .= ' FROM '.$pre.'referrers';
if (!$global)
$query_refcount .= " WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'";
// -------------------------------------
// execute query (if logged in)
// @@@ NOTE: we don't use LoadReferrers any more since the query is now completely dynamically built
if ($loggedin)
// execute query
$referrers = $this->LoadAll($query);
$totalrefs = $this->LoadSingle($query_refcount);
// -------------------------------------
// build UI elements
// define current target
$target = ($global) ? TARGET_GLOBAL : $this->Link(TARGET_PAGE);
// title
$title = ($sites) ? sprintf(TITLE_SITES,$target) : sprintf(TITLE_REFERRERS,$target);
$title .= ($days <= HOURS_LIMIT) ? sprintf(LIST_PERIOD_HOURS,24*$days) : sprintf(LIST_PERIOD_DAYS,$days);
if ($isAdmin)
if (isset($refdel)) $rptblacklisted = sprintf(REPORT_BLACKLIST,$refdel,$bladd);
if ($loggedin)
// results
$tot = $totalrefs['total'];
$total = ($sites) ? sprintf(TOTAL_SITES,$tot,$target) : sprintf(TOTAL_REFERRERS,$tot,$target);
$creferrers = count($referrers);
if ($creferrers > 0)
$result = ($sites) ? sprintf(LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_SITES,$creferrers) : sprintf(LIST_RESULT_COUNTER_REFERRERS,$creferrers);
// menu elements: prevent wrapping within element (these *don't* use current target!
$menu_referrers_page = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_REFERRERS_PAGE);
$menu_sites_page = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_SITES_PAGE);
$menu_referrers_global = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_REFERRERS_GLOBAL);
$menu_sites_global = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_SITES_GLOBAL);
$menu_blacklist = str_replace(' ',' ',MENU_BLACKLIST);
//menu links
$m_referrers_page = '<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers').'">'.$menu_referrers_page.'</a>';
$m_sites_page ='<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers','','sites=1').'">'.$menu_sites_page.'</a>';
$m_referrers_global = '<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers','','global=1').'">'.$menu_referrers_global.'</a>';
$m_sites_global = '<a href="'.$this->Href('referrers','','global=1&sites=1').'">'.$menu_sites_global.'</a>';
$m_blacklist = '<a href="'.$this->Href('review_blacklist').'">'.$menu_blacklist.'</a>';
//build menu
$menu = '<ul class="menu">'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.((!$global && !$sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_referrers_page.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.((!$global && $sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_sites_page.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.(($global && !$sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_referrers_global.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li'.(($global && $sites)? ' class="active"' : '').'>'.$m_sites_global.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '<li>'.$m_blacklist.'</li>'."\n";
$menu .= '</ul>'."\n";
// days dropdown content
$daysopts = optionRanges($days_limits,DAYS_MAX);
// form
$form = $this->FormOpen('referrers','','POST'); # @@@ add parameter for id
$form .= '<fieldset class="hidden">'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="global" value="'.$iglobal.'" />'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="sites" value="'.$isites.'" />'."\n";
$form .= '</fieldset>'."\n";
$form .= '<fieldset>'."\n";
$form .= '<legend>'.FORM_LEGEND.'</legend>'."\n";
$form .= '<label for="qo" class="mainlabel">'.(($sites) ? FORM_URL_OPT_SITES : FORM_URL_OPT_REFERRERS).'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<select name="qo" id="qo" title="'.FORM_URL_OPT_TITLE.'">'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="1"'.(($qo == '1')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_URL_OPT_1.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="0"'.(($qo == '0')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_URL_OPT_0.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '</select> '."\n";
$form .= '<label for="q">'.FORM_URL_STRING_LABEL.'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<input type ="text" name="q" id="q" title="'.FORM_URL_STRING_TITLE.'" size="10" maxlength="50" value="'.$qx.'" />';
$form .= '<br />'."\n";
$form .= '<label for="ho" class="mainlabel">'.FORM_HITS_OPT_LABEL.'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<select name="ho" id="ho" title="'.FORM_HITS_OPT_TITLE.'">'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="1"'.(($ho == '1')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_HITS_OPT_1.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '<option value="0"'.(($ho == '0')? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.FORM_HITS_OPT_0.'</option>'."\n";
$form .= '</select> '."\n";
$form .= '<input type ="text" name="h" id="h" title="'.FORM_HITS_NUM_TITLE.'" size="5" maxlength="5" value="'.$h.'" />'."\n";
$form .= ' <label for="h">'.FORM_HITS_NUM_LABEL.'</label>';
$form .= '<br />'."\n";
$form .= '<label for="days" class="mainlabel">'.FORM_DAYS_OPT_LABEL.'</label> '."\n";
$form .= '<select name="days" id="days" title="'.FORM_DAYS_OPT_TITLE.'">'."\n";
// build drop-down
foreach ($daysopts as $opt)
$selected = ($opt == $days) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$form .= '<option value="'.$opt.'"'.$selected.'>'.$opt.'</option>';
$form .= '</select> '."\n";
$form .= ' <label for="h">'.FORM_DAYS_NUM_LABEL.'</label>'."\n";
$form .= '</fieldset>'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="submit" name="'.(($sites) ? FORM_SUBMIT_SITES : FORM_SUBMIT_URLS).'" value="'.(($sites) ? FORM_SUBMIT_SITES : FORM_SUBMIT_URLS).'" accesskey="r" />'."\n";
$form .= '<input type="submit" name="'.FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS.'" value="'.FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS_LABEL.'" accesskey="r" />'."\n";
$form .= $this->FormClose();
// referrers list with admin link for blacklisting
if ($sites)
$summary = ($isAdmin) ? sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_SITES,LIST_ACTION_DESC) : sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_SITES,'');
$summary = ($isAdmin) ? sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_REFERRERS,LIST_ACTION_DESC) : sprintf(LIST_SUMMARY_REFERRERS,'');
if ($isAdmin && !isset($_POST[FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS]))
$redir = ($global||$sites) ? $this->GetHandler().'&'.$par : $this->GetHandler(); # ensure we return to the same view
$par = ($sites) ? 'spam_site' : 'spam_link';
$blacklisturl = $this->Href('delete_referrer','',$par.'=').'%s&redirect=%s';
$blacklink = '<a class="keys" href="'.$blacklisturl.'" title="'.LIST_ACTION_BLACKLIST_TITLE.'">'.LIST_ACTION_BLACKLIST.'</a>';
// ids - use constant for variable-content heading
$idTotal = $this->makeId('hn','total');
$idResult = $this->makeId('hn','result');
$idTitle = $this->makeId('hn','title');
// -------------------------------------
// show user interface (pre-template)
if (isset($_POST[FORM_SUBMIT_SEARCH_TERMS])) // Modify title
$title .= sprintf(TITLE_SEARCH_TERMS);
echo '<div class="page">'."\n";
echo '<h3 id="'.$idTitle.'">'.$title.'</h3>'."\n";
# debug
if (DEBUG)
echo 'Query (ref): '.$query.'<br />';
echo 'Query (sites): '.$query_sites.'<br />';
echo ($global) ? 'Global: TRUE<br />' : 'Global: FALSE<br />';
echo ($sites) ? 'Sites: TRUE<br />' : 'Sites: FALSE<br />';
# debug
if ($loggedin)
if ($isAdmin && isset($refdel)) echo '<p class="notes">'.$rptblacklisted.'</p>';
echo $menu."\n";
echo '<div id="refbody">'."\n";
echo '<h4 id="'.$idTotal.'">'.$total.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<div id="refform">'.$form.'</div>'."\n"; # @@@ kluge until FormOpen() is adapted: id should actually be on form itself and div not necessary!
echo '<h4 id="'.$idResult.'">'.$result.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<table id="reflist" class="data" summary="'.$summary.'">'."\n";
echo '<thead>';
echo '<tr><th class="search_term" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_SEARCH_TERM.'</th>';
echo '<th class="freq" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_FREQ.'</th></tr>'."\n";
echo '</thead>'."\n";
echo '<tbody>'."\n";
$search_terms = array();
foreach ($referrers as $referrer)
$hits = $referrer['num'];
if ($sites)
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['host']);
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['referrer']);
// Parse q= attributes from Google refs
//if (0 == preg_match('/http:\/\/.*google.*?\//', $ref))
if (0 == preg_match('/q=(.*?)[& ]/', $ref))
$results = array();
$num_results = preg_match('/q=(.*?)[& ]/', $ref, $results);
if(0 == $num_results)
$results2 = explode("+", strtolower($results[1]));
foreach($results2 as $result)
$search_terms[$result] += $hits;
// Output search terms
foreach($search_terms as $key=>$val)
echo '<tr'.(($r%2)? '' : ' class="alt"').'>'."\n"; #enable alternate row color echo '<td class="hits">'.$hits.'</td>';
echo '<td class="hits">'.$key.'</td>';
echo '<td class="refs">'.$val.'</td>';
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo '</tbody>'."\n";
echo '</table>'."\n";
else if ($creferrers != 0)
echo '<h4 id="'.$idResult.'">'.$result.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<table id="reflist" class="data" summary="'.$summary.'">'."\n";
echo '<thead>';
echo '<tr><th class="hits" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_HITS.'</th>';
if ($isAdmin) echo '<th class="action c2" scope="col">'.LIST_HEAD_ACTION.'</th>';
echo '<th class="refs" scope="col">'.$refshead.'</th></tr>'."\n";
echo '</thead>'."\n";
echo '<tbody>'."\n";
foreach ($referrers as $referrer)
$hits = $referrer['num'];
if ($sites)
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['host']);
$ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($referrer['referrer']);
echo '<tr'.(($r%2)? '' : ' class="alt"').'>'."\n"; #enable alternate row color echo '<td class="hits">'.$hits.'</td>';
echo '<td class="hits">'.$hits.'</td>';
if ($isAdmin) echo '<td class="action c2">'.sprintf($blacklink,$ref,$redir).'</td>';
if ($sites)
echo '<td class="refs">'.$ref.'</td>';
echo '<td class="refs"><a href="'.$ref.'">'.$ref.'</a></td>';
echo '</tr>'."\n";
echo '</tbody>'."\n";
echo '</table>'."\n";
echo '<h4 id="'.$idResult.'">'.$result.'</h4>'."\n";
echo '<p><em class="error">'.(($sites) ? sprintf(NONE_NOTE_SITES) : sprintf(NONE_NOTE_REFERRERS)).'</em></p>'."\n";
echo '<p><em class="error">'.LOGIN_NOTE.'</em></p>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
Point your browser to ##HomePage/referrers##.
Select the ##Referrers to this site## tab.
Modify the search parameters to your preference.
Click the ##Rank Search Terms## button for a list of search terms sorted by frequency.
<<//Note:// All code below has been tested and implemented on trunk (unstable) versions of Wikka, in a rather [[WikiInAVacuum heavily modified environment]]. These examples may or may not work on production versions of Wikka "as is," and might require additional modifications. The code as posted is working code on my [[ website]]. These examples are not secure enough to be made available to users you do not explicitly trust. All examples are proof-of-concept and are not intended for use on production sites!<<::c::
One of the recommendations made by Google in their [[ SEO guide]] is to customize the title of each page, using relevant keywords. Wikka currently does not support per-page title capabilities. This action, along with a minor modification in ##templates/header.php##, permits the display of a customized title for each page. Note that making these modifications **disables** site-wide titles, so pages without explicit titles set will not contain title tags.
Locate and comment out the following line (shown as commented out here):
/* <title><?php echo $doctitle; ?></title> */
Create the following new action directory/file:
$string = $vars['string'];
{{title string="My page title with important keywords"}}
One of the recommendations made by Google in their [[ SEO guide]] is to customize the title of each page, using relevant keywords. Wikka currently does not support per-page title capabilities. This action, along with a minor modification in ##templates/header.php##, permits the display of a customized title for each page. Note that making these modifications **disables** site-wide titles, so pages without explicit titles set will not contain title tags.
Locate and comment out the following line (shown as commented out here):
/* <title><?php echo $doctitle; ?></title> */
Create the following new action directory/file:
$string = $vars['string'];
{{title string="My page title with important keywords"}}
One of the recommendations made by Google in their [[ SEO guide]] is to customize the title of each page, using relevant keywords. Wikka currently does not support per-page title capabilities. This action, along with a minor modification in ##templates/header.php##, permits the display of a customized title for