Comparing revisions for SandBox

====== Test your formatting skills here======
""<!-- .............................................. don't edit anything here!!! .............................................. -->""
>>**See also:**
~-New to Wikka? Start [[WelcomeUser here]].
~-[[FormattingRules Wikka Formatting Rules]]
~-[[UserSettings Register a free account]]
~-[[WikkaMultilanguageTestPage Test page for multilanguage support]]
~-[[FreeMindSandBox Test page for FreeMind support]]
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>>**{{colour hex="#CC0000" text="Read this first"}}**
You are free to play with Wikka's [[FormattingRules syntax]] on this page. Double click anywhere to open the edit screen.
Please do not remove the main header and this paragraph while editing the page and start editing under the horizontal rule __BELOW__::c::
""<!-- ........................................... start editing BELOW this line!!! ............................................ -->""
**Philippe** [[ Aigrain]]
=====How are you?=====
[[ Yahoo!]]
asdfd **''asdfsd''** asdfs
1) cas 1
2) cas 2
3) cas 3
=====Un nuevo test =====
====Encabezado h3====
Lista de bullets
- uno
- dos
- tres
Lista numerada
1) uno
1) dos
1) tres
Testing the //wikki//?
- Bulletus listus
- Cool
- Done
1) Numbered listus
1) Still 1?
1) Interesting...
''Markedus textus''
OK, had enough fun, back to you...
[[ opa]]
- ''um''
- dois
- tres
1) opa
1) de novo
1) usando
==How about this one with WackoWiki?==
- prueba
- uno
- dos
- tres
**bold** //italic// __uderlined__
1) uno
1) dos
1) tres
1) cuatro
[Nueva Pagina]
<!-- This is not an invisible comment. -->
''To make it invisible you should enclose it in double-double quotes:'' ""<!-- This is not an invisible comment. -->""
=====Geeignet für IDM bei unserer Firma?=====
- **Ja**
- __//Nein//__
- __Vielleicht__
1) Finde ich gut
1) Finde ich schlecht
1) Weiss nich
1) ''++Hallo++''
~1)Another line
====How about this one with WackoWiki?====
Some Simp-**Chinese** characters: 真敢说啊。**粗体字**
List 0,1,2
- hello
- ok
- bye

**bold** //italic// __uderlined__
1) uno
1) dos
1) tres
1) cuatro
[Nueva Pagina]
<!-- This is not an invisible comment. -->
=====Geeignet für IDM bei unserer Firma?=====
- **Ja**
- __//Nein//__
- __Vielleicht__
1) Finde ich gut
1) Finde ich schlecht
1) Weiss nich
1) ''++Hallo++''
1) uno
2) dos
3) dos
3) tres
2) tres
1) cuatro
[Nueva Pagina]
- home
- home
- home
1) f
1) f
1) ''''''''
[[Home link to ?]]
**This is mad easy**
//That's not so intuitive, easier to add formatting after typing.//
- Lists are amazing!!!
- sweet
- autolist roxors
This is some text
a new paragraph
- asfasdf
- ssdgfgf
1) asf
1) asfdasdf
1) fdaf
asdfasfasdf' ''asf'' [[ asfdasfd]]
{{color c="red" text="okydoky"}}
Das ist ein Test.
And another test, here. With __**formatting**__. And a link to the [[sandbox]].
I can add a graphic?
====Es testen die Bandy's====
- Blogs
- Wikis
- CMS'e
//DIes est// a una **pronmbda**
[[piped link | test]]
Test one two **three** //italics// __iqjwoeiqjwe__
Всем привет, а русский она поддерживает???
Teste para um link : MeuLink
Teste para outro link : [[MeuLink]]
{{calendar [year="2005"] [month="09"]}}
{{table columns="3" cellpadding="2" cells="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9"}}
Test in Tamil
===== Hey, what happened to the SandBox? =====
""<div style="left; margin: 0px; padding: 4px 8px; width:45%; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><p>Exit the <strong>SandBox</strong>, enter the <strong><a href="">Demo Server</a></strong>.</p></div>""
>>**Note:** The demo server is //reset// to system defaults every night so all the content (i.e., pages, comments, referrers, custom ACL settings, user accounts) will be destroyed.
>>To get a taste of WikkaWiki, you can check out the [[Demo:FormattingRules | formatting rules]] and then play in the [[Demo:SandBox | SandBox]] of our [[Demo:HomePage | demo server]]. [[Demo:UserSettings | Registering]] a free account will allow you to test user-related features (including [[Docs:CreateNewPage | page creation]], [[Docs:CloneHandlerInfo | page cloning]], [[Docs:PageDeletionInfo | page deletion]], [[Docs:ACLInfo | editing ACL setting]] etc...).
==== So how can I introduce myself? ====
If you wish to discuss and contribute to [[ | Wikka development]], or just share ideas and experiences with the Wikka community, you welcome to [[UserSettings | register]] an account and create your own [[WelcomeUser | user page]] on **this server**.
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