Revision [6155]
This is an old revision of SandBox made by GmBowen on 2005-02-18 17:54:07.
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//Require automobile manufacturers to install automatic seat belts in all cars:// NHTSA estimates indicate that a maximum of 8,750 lives would be saved and 176,600 injuries would be avoided over ten years if automatic seat belts were installed in all cars starting in 1984. Extrapolating from 1980 NHTSA social cost figures, these reductions in death alon //Require automobile manufacturers to install air bags in all cars:// Crash tests indicate that properly designed airbags are comparable to automatic seat belts in preventing death and the most serious (AIS type 4 and 5) injuries. While precise estimates of avoided death and injury from the use of airbags are not available, th - Level 1 Description of level 1 - Level 2 //**Tomas was here and he likes it!!!**// == Testing 12 3 == **bold** [[]] -- EIn bisschen XML... %%(xml;1)
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Does this shit work?
God says this works, but you don't.
SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table1;
Dim strString As String
strString = "Hello World"
strString = "Hello World"
No idea's how to use this thing...... Does it even work/upload?
Please make sure that the server has write access to a folder named uploads.
P.S. HTML - html4strict - thanks, now how about page ancors?????
- See AnchorAction for a contributed manual solution and TableofcontentsAction for future directions :)
<p>Geshi IS working with html</p>
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<input type="text" name="firstname">
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<input type="text" name="lastname">
First name:
<input type="text" name="firstname">
Last name:
<input type="text" name="lastname">
My test page
Mon test de page trop chouette
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