Revision [7284]

This is an old revision of SandBox made by on 2005-04-15 22:02:02.


Test your formatting skills here

More and more, I like the look of this thing.

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Please do not remove the main header and this paragraph while editing the page and start editing under the horizontal rule below

Hello Joe, how are you today: Link to cyberco

I love the double click feature !!

would like a wysiwyg editor.
<b>bold html test</b>


 int i
i = 100;

February 2024
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Why are the floating boxes so damn big?

Floating boxes they're so big, they're so big, they're so big... Make them smaller, can you ;D? So, what if you make a randomwikipage link that doesn't point anywhere? Should it be some red colour or something?
I see, I see.. *fiddles with own skin* I don't have anything to show that the page has a bad link :O!

HomePage 日本語できるの? (Japanese)
HomePage 홈페이지 (Korean)
HomePage 首頁 (Chinese)
HomePage užitečný (Czech)
HomePage på Södertörn (Swedish)
HomePage Домашняя страница (Russian) Икебана!
ТестРусского ТестРусского
한글 링크 테스트

Greek: επεξεργασία της παλιάς έκδοσης

Vietnamese: thử chữ việt xem sao

How Does it support Chinese?? 中文支持如何??
Not perfectly but we're making progress with internationalization and UTF-8 support. Page names can only be (mostly) ASCII characters, but you can make forced links in multi-byte characters, and text shows up OK. To test, try using the search box (at the page bottom) to search for 中文 (Chinese): you'll find several pages - so even the search works. Some of this requires a few fixes that will be in version - to be released soon. Also see WikkaSites: there's already a bunch of Chinese sites using Wikka.

Note the UTF-8 characters may disappear (and be replaced with ???... or "character soup") when someone edits a page with a browser that doesn't support UTF-8 (or isn't configured to use utf-8); I just repaired the Chinese text here (again) -- JavaWoman

not support 2byte language in the Code formatters!!!!
// 한글이 깨지겠지
// 진짜 깨지네.. 흑흑.. 에디터창에서 깨지는 것도 열받는데..
#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  setlocale(LC_ALL,"ko_KR");  // set the current locale by ko_KR

  /* initialize for gettext() */
  bindtextdomain("test", "/usr/local/share/locale");  // set directory cça c'est n,ul  textdomain("test"); // set domain for future gettext() calls
  printf("original : %s\n", "Hello World!");
  printf("translate  : %s\n", gettext("Hello World!"));

  return 0;

Let's see how this puppy runs in Firefox. Safari, not so good.

Just a little test. How does an external link work?




I wonder whether
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