I'm no native English speaker. Sorry in advance for possible unintelligible/opaque writings. Feel free to ask me.
I use
WikkaWiki as my
PrivateWiki (some may call it
PersonalWiki). It servers as a notebook, To-do list, PIM (Personal Information Manager), it organizes my information and knowledge, it's a place where I write down my ideas. It's an archive - for information I don't want to lose/get lost and for information, that may be of use to me in the future.
I searched a long time for a
Free/Libre Open Source wiki, that can be installed on a shared hosting
LAMP, and that is suitable for my purpose (to use it as a
PrivateWiki). WikkaWikki is far away to be a perfect solution, but it seemed to be the best what I could get. So I started my first private wiki with WikkaWiki. If there is a better private wiki software out there, please drop me a note. Until that, I try to get a long with WikkaWiki.
- Bug(?): Can't create a WikiPage named "Kontakte" (german for: "contacts") -> "You don't have permission to access /Kontakte/edit on this server."
- how to deactivate the WikkaWiki browser search? (STRG + F) -> Website shouldn't domineer default over browser/user settings
- function: show all pages, that belong to no category