Revision history for SecurityModules
Revision [23027]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:44 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
##[[Docs:HtaccessConfigInfo | .htaccess]]##
##[[AclHandlerInfo | handlers/page/acls.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/referrers.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/referrers_sites.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler | handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler | handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler | handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
##[[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles | actions/header.php]]##
~-apply ""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Adding_Random_Tokens_for_Form_Submissions">random tokens</a>"" to the FeedbackAction form (in ##[[FeedbackAction | actions/feedback.php]]##) so a user must at least be "present" on the site (and have accepted a cookie to establish a session) in order to be able to send feedback (IanAndolina)
~-[[UrlThrottling | URLThrottling]] (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')
~~-##[[EditHandler | handlers/page/edit.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~~-##[[AddCommentHandler | handlers/page/addcomment.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings | actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
##[[AclHandlerInfo | handlers/page/acls.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/referrers.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/referrers_sites.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo | handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler | handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler | handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler | handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
##[[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles | actions/header.php]]##
~-apply ""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Adding_Random_Tokens_for_Form_Submissions">random tokens</a>"" to the FeedbackAction form (in ##[[FeedbackAction | actions/feedback.php]]##) so a user must at least be "present" on the site (and have accepted a cookie to establish a session) in order to be able to send feedback (IanAndolina)
~-[[UrlThrottling | URLThrottling]] (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')
~~-##[[EditHandler | handlers/page/edit.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~~-##[[AddCommentHandler | handlers/page/addcomment.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings | actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
##[[AclHandlerInfo handlers/page/acls.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/referrers.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/referrers_sites.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
##[[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles actions/header.php]]##
~-apply ""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Adding_Random_Tokens_for_Form_Submissions">random tokens</a>"" to the FeedbackAction form (in ##[[FeedbackAction actions/feedback.php]]##) so a user must at least be "present" on the site (and have accepted a cookie to establish a session) in order to be able to send feedback (IanAndolina)
~-[[UrlThrottling URLThrottling]] (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')
~~-##[[EditHandler handlers/page/edit.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~~-##[[AddCommentHandler handlers/page/addcomment.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
Revision [18556]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:11:57 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
##[[Docs:HtaccessConfigInfo .htaccess]]##
##[[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles actions/header.php]]##
##[[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles actions/header.php]]##
##[[WikkaSystemFiles actions/header.php]]##
<<see also: HandlingReferrers<<::c::
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban user by IP in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do</a>"" and ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>"")
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban user by IP in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do</a>"" and ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>"")
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do </a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban user by IP in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"" and ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do </a>"")
~~-page ownership (page owner determines ACLs; admin rights exceed rights of page owner)
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban referrers or users in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_24">Users - To do</a>"")
~-facility to ban access by IP address in Wikka itself (as an option when ##.htaccess## cannot be used)
~-for denying access by IP address, see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>""
~-AdvancedReferrersHandler (''version: 0.8'')
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
~-RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented// - ''version: -'')
~~-IP logging for the referrer
~-[[UrlThrottling URLThrottling]] (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')
~~-##[[EditHandler handlers/page/edit.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~~-##[[AddCommentHandler handlers/page/addcomment.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-record User name or IP address of people exceeding the URLThrottling limit
~-extra column 'userip' in ##pages## table
~-extra column 'userip' in ##comments## table
~-log IP address used for every page edit (see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"")
~-log IP address for every comment added (see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"")
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do </a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban user by IP in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"" and ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do </a>"")
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban referrers or users in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_24">Users - To do</a>"")
~-facility to ban access by IP address in Wikka itself (as an option when ##.htaccess## cannot be used)
~-for denying access by IP address, see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do</a>""
~-AdvancedReferrersHandler (''version: 0.8'')
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
~-RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented// - ''version: -'')
~~-IP logging for the referrer
~-[[UrlThrottling URLThrottling]] (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')
~~-##[[EditHandler handlers/page/edit.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~~-##[[AddCommentHandler handlers/page/addcomment.php]]##--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-record User name or IP address of people exceeding the URLThrottling limit
~-extra column 'userip' in ##pages## table
~-extra column 'userip' in ##comments## table
~-log IP address used for every page edit (see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"")
~-log IP address for every comment added (see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"")
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, as well as for each page edit and comment addition (see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do </a>"") IP banning becomes possible as a last-resort option to ban spamming registered users (especially if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this "new" user spams again using the same IP address).
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban user by IP in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do </a>"" and ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_19">Content - To do </a>"")
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban referrers in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_24">Users - To do</a>"")
~-facility to ban access by IP address in Wikka itself (as option when ##.htaccess## cannot be used)
AdvancedReferrersHandler (''version: 0.8'')
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented// - ''version: -'')
~-IP logging for the referrer
##[[PageName file.php]]##
~-URLThrottling (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page or included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
##[[PageName file.php]]##
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, IP banning is a last-resort option in such a case (if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this user spams again).
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban users in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also Referrers to do above)
~~-page ownership (admin rights exceed rights of page owner)
''Current release:''
~~-deny access by IP address (##.htaccess##) (''version: -'')
''Current release:''
AdvancedReferrersHandler (''version: 0.8'')
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented// - ''version: -'')
''Current release:''
''Current release: //none//''
~-URLThrottling (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page or included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
''Current release: //none//''
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, IP banning is a last-resort option in such a case (if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this user spams again).
~~-deny access by IP address (##.htaccess##) (''version: -'')
''Current release:''
AdvancedReferrersHandler (''version: 0.8'')
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well); obsoletes ##handlers/page/referrers_sites.php##
RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented// - ''version: -'')
''Current release:''
''Current release: //none//''
~-URLThrottling (//to be documented//) (''version: -'')--- limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page or included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
''Current release: //none//''
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//) (''version: -''):--- IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, IP banning is a last-resort option in such a case (if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this user spams again).
~~-deny access by IP address (##.htaccess##)
''Current version:''
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well)
RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented//)
''Current version:''
~-URLThrottling (//to be documented//) limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page or included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//): IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, IP banning is a last-resort option in such a case (if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this user spams again).
''Where 'Related user contributions' are mentioned, this is for informational purposes, referring to them for valuable ideas or possible solutions - there is no implied guarantee that these would be included in a future version of Wikka. However, if ideas or code from these were to be used, the authors would of course be credited for their contribution.''
>>This page collects links to security-related functionality under development; this comprises both anti-spam measures and other security features. The goal is to monitor and discuss the development of what might become an improved "security" package to release with future versions of WikkaWiki.::c::
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Spam_Block_for_Saving_pages">Spam Block for Saving pages</a>"" (IanAndolina) (//should be extended with a facility to maintain the blacklist//)
>>This page collects links to security-related functionality under development; this comprises both anti-spam measures and other security features. The goal is to monitor and discuss the development of what might become an improved "security" package to release with future versions of WikkaWiki.::c::
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Spam_Block_for_Saving_pages">Spam Block for Saving pages</a>"" (IanAndolina) (//should be extended with a facility to maintain the blacklist//)
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Spam_Block_for_Saving_pages">Spam Block for Saving pages</a> (IanAndolina) (//should be extended with a facility to maintain the blacklist//)
<<see also: HandlingReferrers<<
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban referrers in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_24">Users - To do</a>"")
~-utility to create/update referrer spam keywords in ##.htaccess## (possibly based on referrers to be banned - see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_Beta_Features_3">AdvancedReferrersHandler</a>"")
=====Wikka Security Modules=====
>>**see also:**
>>This page collects links to security-related functionality under development; this comprises both anti-spam measures and other security features. The goal is to monitor and discuss the development of what might become an improved "security" package to release with future versions of WikkaWiki.
====Access Control====
//The first line of defense for access control would be firewall rules; this is outside the scope of Wikka though - and hence of this page.//
##[[HtaccessConfigInfo .htaccess]]##
##[[AclHandlerInfo handlers/page/acls.php]]##
~-site level:
~~-stop referrer spam by keyword matching on the referrer URL (##.htaccess##)
~-page level:
~~-separate Access Control Lists (ACLs) for reading, writing and commenting a page (admin rights exceed these)
~-site level:
~~-deny access by IP address (##.htaccess##)
~-utility to create/update referrer spam keywords in ##.htaccess## (possibly based on referrers to be banned - see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_Beta_features_3">AdvancedReferrersHandler</a>"")
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban referrers in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_6">Users - To do</a>"")
~-facility to ban access by IP address in Wikka itself (as option when ##.htaccess## cannot be used)
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/referrers.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/referrers_sites.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]##
~-view referrers or referrer domains for page or for site
~-blacklist a referrer domain
~-review blacklisted domains
~-delete domain from blacklist
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well)
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented//)
~-IP logging for the referrer
~-show recorded IP address in referrers list and allow filtering and searching on this
~-use blacklisted domains as source to build keyword filter list in ##.htaccess##
~-use recorded IP address of referrer spammer to build IP filter list in ##.htaccess## (see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do</a>"")
====Search Engines====
##[[WikkaSystemFiles actions/header.php]]##
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Dont_let_old_pages_get_indexed">Don't let old pages get indexed</a>"": old page versions, referrers listings and the sandbox all get a ##<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />## tag to tell Search engine robots to completely ignore the page
~-(optionally) add the //rel="nofollow"// special attribute to external links so (cooperating) search engine bots will not count these as incoming links for the referred-to page
~-whitelisting of 'good' domains which will not get this attribute
~-facility to maintain such a whitelist (admin-only page or plain text file)
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Refining_Redirection_nofollow_modification_for_links">Refining Redirection / nofollow modification for links</a>"" (IanAndolina)
====Email spambots and email spam====
''Current version: //none//''
... //to be determined//
~-the BadBehavior plugin can stop known spambots or detect them by observed behavior
~-where an email address or email link must be displayed, make sure the email address is obfuscated (as strongly as possible)
~-apply ""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Adding_Random_Tokens_for_Form_Submissions">random tokens</a>"" to the FeedbackAction form (in ##[[FeedbackAction actions/feedback.php]]##) so a user must at least be "present" on the site (and have accepted a cookie to establish a session) in order to be able to send feedback (IanAndolina)
''Current version: //none//''
##[[PageName file.php]]##
~-URLThrottling (//to be documented//) limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page or included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-make the limits for URLThrottling configurable via the configuration file (currently hard-coded)
~-(maybe) make the applied limits a random value within a range so a spammer cannot easily find the actual limit by trial and error
~-DeleteSpamAction (MovieLady) (//needs some refinement//)
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Spam_Block_for_Saving_pages">Spam Block for Saving pages</a> (IanAndolina) (//should be extended with a facility to maintain the blacklist//)
''Current version: //none//''
##[[PageName file.php]]##
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//): IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, IP banning is a last-resort option in such a case (if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this user spams again).
~-extra column "status" in ##users## table ('active|disabled|banned')
~-functionality to ban user by name
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban users in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also Referrers to do above)
CategoryDevelopmentSecurity CategoryDevelopmentAntiSpam
CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture CategoryDevelopmentActions CategoryDevelopmentHandlers
>>**see also:**
>>This page collects links to security-related functionality under development; this comprises both anti-spam measures and other security features. The goal is to monitor and discuss the development of what might become an improved "security" package to release with future versions of WikkaWiki.
====Access Control====
//The first line of defense for access control would be firewall rules; this is outside the scope of Wikka though - and hence of this page.//
##[[HtaccessConfigInfo .htaccess]]##
##[[AclHandlerInfo handlers/page/acls.php]]##
~-site level:
~~-stop referrer spam by keyword matching on the referrer URL (##.htaccess##)
~-page level:
~~-separate Access Control Lists (ACLs) for reading, writing and commenting a page (admin rights exceed these)
~-site level:
~~-deny access by IP address (##.htaccess##)
~-utility to create/update referrer spam keywords in ##.htaccess## (possibly based on referrers to be banned - see ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_Beta_features_3">AdvancedReferrersHandler</a>"")
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban referrers in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development_6">Users - To do</a>"")
~-facility to ban access by IP address in Wikka itself (as option when ##.htaccess## cannot be used)
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/referrers.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/referrers_sites.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]##
##[[ReferrersHandlerInfo handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]##
~-view referrers or referrer domains for page or for site
~-blacklist a referrer domain
~-review blacklisted domains
~-delete domain from blacklist
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/referrers.php]]## - new, advanced referres handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well)
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/review_blacklist.php]]## - review blacklisted domains, seamlessly integrated with referrers handling, more accessible and secure
~-##[[AdvancedReferrersHandler handlers/page/delete_referrer.php]]## - blacklist a referrer domain, more secure and better integrated with referrers handler
RegisterReferrerIpAddress (//to be documented//)
~-IP logging for the referrer
~-show recorded IP address in referrers list and allow filtering and searching on this
~-use blacklisted domains as source to build keyword filter list in ##.htaccess##
~-use recorded IP address of referrer spammer to build IP filter list in ##.htaccess## (see also ""<a href="SecurityModules#hn_To_do_or_under_development">Access control - To do</a>"")
====Search Engines====
##[[WikkaSystemFiles actions/header.php]]##
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Dont_let_old_pages_get_indexed">Don't let old pages get indexed</a>"": old page versions, referrers listings and the sandbox all get a ##<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />## tag to tell Search engine robots to completely ignore the page
~-(optionally) add the //rel="nofollow"// special attribute to external links so (cooperating) search engine bots will not count these as incoming links for the referred-to page
~-whitelisting of 'good' domains which will not get this attribute
~-facility to maintain such a whitelist (admin-only page or plain text file)
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Refining_Redirection_nofollow_modification_for_links">Refining Redirection / nofollow modification for links</a>"" (IanAndolina)
====Email spambots and email spam====
''Current version: //none//''
... //to be determined//
~-the BadBehavior plugin can stop known spambots or detect them by observed behavior
~-where an email address or email link must be displayed, make sure the email address is obfuscated (as strongly as possible)
~-apply ""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Adding_Random_Tokens_for_Form_Submissions">random tokens</a>"" to the FeedbackAction form (in ##[[FeedbackAction actions/feedback.php]]##) so a user must at least be "present" on the site (and have accepted a cookie to establish a session) in order to be able to send feedback (IanAndolina)
''Current version: //none//''
##[[PageName file.php]]##
~-URLThrottling (//to be documented//) limits the number of (new) URLs that can be added to a page or included in a page comment; if there are more (new) links than the set limit the user gets a friendly warning but the edit is not accepted.
~-make the limits for URLThrottling configurable via the configuration file (currently hard-coded)
~-(maybe) make the applied limits a random value within a range so a spammer cannot easily find the actual limit by trial and error
~-DeleteSpamAction (MovieLady) (//needs some refinement//)
~-""<a href="WikkaSpamFighting#hn_Spam_Block_for_Saving_pages">Spam Block for Saving pages</a> (IanAndolina) (//should be extended with a facility to maintain the blacklist//)
''Current version: //none//''
##[[PageName file.php]]##
~-RegisterUserIpAddress (//to be documented//): IP logging at user registration in ##[[UserSettings actions/usersettings.php]]## using extra column in ##users## table.---Although it's rare, it does happen that people sign up for an account just to be able to put spam on ACL-protected pages. Although banning the user access by username would be preferable to banning by IP address, it remains possible the same person signs up for a new account. By logging IP address at registration, IP banning is a last-resort option in such a case (if the same IP address is used to register after banning and this user spams again).
~-extra column "status" in ##users## table ('active|disabled|banned')
~-functionality to ban user by name
~-functionality to add/update IP addresses to ban users in ##.htaccess## (now manual only - see also Referrers to do above)
CategoryDevelopmentSecurity CategoryDevelopmentAntiSpam
CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture CategoryDevelopmentActions CategoryDevelopmentHandlers
This page collects links to actions or other functionality under development providing users with (extended) functionality for handling their accounts and how they use and view the wiki site. The goal is to monitor and discuss the development of what might become an improved "user account" package to release with future versions of WikkaWiki.
====Registration, login, logout====
##[[UserSettingsAction actions/usersettings.php]]##
##[[EmailPasswordAction actions/emailpassword.php]]##
Provides the following basic features:
~-unregistered users:
~~-sign up for an account (""UserSettingsAction"")
~-registered users:
~~-login (""UserSettingsAction"")
~~-login with a temporary password (""UserSettingsAction"")
~~-logout (""UserSettingsAction"")
~~-request a temporary password when the original is forgotten (""EmailPasswordAction"")
~-##[[RegisterAction actions/register.php]]##: form to sign up for an account - test at RegisterActionTest
~-Log user's IP address when creating an account - see (//later//)
~-split ""UserSettingsAction"" into separate actions, one for each function - proposed names (see also RegisterAction above):
~~-""LoginAction"" - form for login only
~~-""TempLoginAction"" - form for login with temporary password only; should also force the user to choose a new password immediately
~~-""LogoutAction"" - form to log out only
~-change user name
~-UserRegistration (Admin feature but with possible consequences for ""RegisterAction"").
====User preferences====
''Current version:''
##[[UserSettingsAction actions/usersettings.php]]##
~-update email, password, show comments, display limits for RecentChanges, revisions (""UserSettingsAction"")
~-##[[PagedComments comments paging]]##: set preference for comments paging (extension of ""UserSettingsAction"")
~-##[[WikkaSkinEditor actions/editskin.php]]##: choose stylesheet and edit it - test at TestSkinEditor
~-##[[MySkin actions/myskin.php]]## (replaces WikkaSkinSelector): choose or create stylesheet and edit your own (this includes the WikkaSkinEditor functionality) - test at TestSkin
~-create separate action for updating preferences (proposed name):
~~-""PreferencesAction"" (see UserSettingsPanel)
~-separate registration data from preferences data in the database (separate tables)
~-store preference for comments paging in preferences table (rather than in a cookie as in the beta version)
~-store preference for stylesheet in preferences table (rather than in a cookie as in the beta version)
====Site Contribution Statistics and Information====
##[[MyPagesAction actions/mypages.php]]##
##[[OwnedPagesAction actions/ownedpages.php]]##
##[[MyChangesAction actions/mychanges.php]]##
##[[HighScoresAction actions/highscores.php]]##
~-alphabetical list of pages owned (""MyPagesAction"")
~-statistics about pages owned (""OwnedPagesAction"")
~-list of pages edited, alphabetical or by date (""MyChangesAction"")
~-list of pages where a comment was added (or list of comments)
CategoryDevelopmentUserAccount CategoryDevelopmentActions