Revision history for TheWikiWay
Revision [22940]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
[[Docs:WikiEngine | Wikis]] are attracting more and more attention as a prominent case of [[Docs:SocialSoftware | social software]] which is deeply modifying the way we think of concepts like //authorship//, //written content//, //knowledge production//, //knowledge dissemination//, //copyright// etc... This page will host contributions about the impact of wikis, **not** from a point of view of software developers but from the perspective of analysts of ICT and social phenomena. Feel free to add further references.
Revision [18283]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:10:57 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
[[Docs:WikiEngine Wikis]] are attracting more and more attention as a prominent case of [[Docs:SocialSoftware social software]] which is deeply modifying the way we think of concepts like //authorship//, //written content//, //knowledge production//, //knowledge dissemination//, //copyright// etc... This page will host contributions about the impact of wikis, **not** from a point of view of software developers but from the perspective of analysts of ICT and social phenomena. Feel free to add further references.
//Ariadne//, 42 ''[2005-01]''
''Considers wikis in the context of emerging technologies and while explaining the benefits they may offer, provides a timely warning on the feasibility of their deployment.''
''Online presentation in Dutch on the use of wikis in Schools and Education.'' [requires flash]
''Online presentation in Dutch on the use of wikis in Schools and Education.'' [requires flash]
Online presentation in Dutch on the use of wikis in Schools and Education. [requires flash]