Revision history for TimoK

Revision [23235]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by TimoK [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
Author and maintainer of several websites, you can find an overview and more information about me at [[ |]]
A first preview can be found at [[ | my wikka]].
[[ | Google Sitemaps]] are an improved way of telling google what it can find at your site, when the last update was and which pages are likely to be updated soon again. Since it uses a simple xml file and a ping-mechanism it should not be too difficult to include this into wikka. I will start working on this before the end of june.
Author and maintainer of several websites, you can find an overview and more information about me at [[]]
A first preview can be found at [[ my wikka]].
[[ Google Sitemaps]] are an improved way of telling google what it can find at your site, when the last update was and which pages are likely to be updated soon again. Since it uses a simple xml file and a ping-mechanism it should not be too difficult to include this into wikka. I will start working on this before the end of june.

Revision [19233]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:44 by TimoK [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17024]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:48 by TimoK [Reverted]
if (preg_match("/varchar\((\d+)\)/", $field['Type'], $matches)) {
$maxtaglen = $matches[1];
// preg_replace("/^(( {4})+)/me","str_repeat('\t',strlen('\\1')/4)",$body)
if (!$this->page && !(preg_match($this->config["wikiname_regex"], $this->tag))) {
$output = '<em>The page name is invalid.'.
'Valid page names must start with a letter and contain'.
' only letters and numbers.</em>';
// else check tag length (only for new pages!)
} elseif (!$this->page && strlen($this->tag) > $maxtaglen) {
// truncate tag to feed a backlinks-handler with the correct value.
// may be omited. it only works if the link to a backlinks-handler
// is built in the footer.
$this->tag = substr($this->tag, 0, $maxtaglen);
$output = "<div class=\"error\">Tag too long! $maxtaglen characters max.</div>";
$output .= "<br />\n FYI: Clicking on Rename will automatically truncate the tag";
$output .= " to the correct size.<br /><br />\n";
$output .= $this->FormOpen('edit');
$output .= '<input name="newtag" size="75" value="';
$output .= $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->tag).'" />';
$output .= '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Rename" />'."\n";
$output .= $this->FormClose();
// else check if we are renaming and need to redirect
} elseif (isset($_POST['newtag']) && $newtag = $_POST['newtag']) {
$this->Redirect($this->Href('edit', $newtag));
// enough checking, we can START DOING REAL STUFF
} elseif ($this->HasAccess("write") && $this->HasAccess("read")) {
// only if SAVING
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Store') {
// check for overwriting
if ($this->page && ($this->page['id'] != $_POST['previous'])) {
$error = 'OVERWRITE ALERT: This page was modified by someone'.
'else while you were editing it.<br />'."\n".
'Please copy your changes and re-edit this page.';
// else store if new body differs from old body
} elseif ($body != $this->page['body']) {
// add page (revisions)
$this->SavePage($this->tag, $body, $note);
// now we render it internally so we can write the updated link table.
$dummy = $this->Header();
$dummy .= $this->Format($body);
$dummy .= $this->Footer();
// forward if no error
if (!$error) {
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Preview') {
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// so we use htmlspecialchars on the edit note (as on the body)
$previewButtons =
"<hr />\n".
'<input size="50" type="text" name="note" value="'.
htmlspecialchars($note).'"/> Note on your edit.<br />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Store" accesskey="s" />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Re-Edit" accesskey="p" />'."\n".
'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="document.location=\''.
$this->href('').'\';" />'."\n";
$output .= '<div class="previewhead">Preview</div>'."\n";
$output .= $this->Format($body);
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// hence htmlspecialchars() instead of htmlspecialchars_ent()
// which UNescapes entities!
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
'<input type="hidden" name="body" value="'.htmlspecialchars($body).
'" />'."\n";
$output .=
"<br />\n".
// else EDIT
} else {
// display error
if ($error) {
$output .= '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>'."\n";
// append a comment?
if ($_REQUEST['appendcomment']) {
$body = trim($body)."\n\n----\n\n--".$this->GetUserName().' ('.strftime("%c").')';
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" style="width: 100%; height: 500px">'
.htmlspecialchars($body).'</textarea><br />'."\n".
'<input size="40" type="text" name="note" value="'.htmlspecialchars($note).
'" /> Please add a note on your edit.<br />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Store" accesskey="s" /> '.
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Preview" accesskey="p" /> '.
'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="document.location=\''.
$this->Href('').'\';" />'."\n".
if ($this->GetConfigValue('gui_editor') == 1) {
$output .=
'<script language="JavaScript" src="3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/protoedit.js">'.
'<script language="JavaScript" src="3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/wikiedit2.js">'.
'<script type="text/javascript">'.
" wE = new WikiEdit(); wE.init('body','WikiEdit','editornamecss');".
// if none of the above was true, the user has no right to edit
$output = '<em>You don\'t have write access to this page.'.
'You might need to register an account to get write access.</em><br />'.
"\n"."<br />\n".
'<a href="'.$this->Href('showcode').
'" title="Click to view page formatting code">'.
'View formatting code for this page</a>'.
"<br />\n";
echo $output;
===In planning or pre-alpha-stadium===
''Due to my exams I have to stop working on everything of this until 21st of july''
==Wikipedia aniversary pages linking==
I will release an action soon that provides easy linking to wikipedias 'anniversary'-pages (like [[]]) in different languages.
A first preview can be found at [[ my wikka]].
I am already using the phpBB-userdatabase in one of my wikka-installations. I want a better integration tho, with one combined admin interface, simple linking between both systems (aka usage of wikkinames on the messageboard and easy, interwiki-like linking to threads on the wikka in a way so wikka recognizes those links as internal) and shared usergroups, categories and ACLs between both systems.
If anyone has done something like this already, please let me know. If you haven't, but you are interested in doing so, let me know too. I will soon set up a test-host just for this purpose, where you can view the progress.
==Google Sitemap Support==
[[ Google Sitemaps]] are an improved way of telling google what it can find at your site, when the last update was and which pages are likely to be updated soon again. Since it uses a simple xml file and a ping-mechanism it should not be too difficult to include this into wikka. I will start working on this before the end of june.
if (preg_match("/varchar\((\d )\)/", $field['Type'], $matches)) {
$maxtaglen = $matches[1];
// preg_replace("/^(( {4}) )/me","str_repeat('\t',strlen('\\1')/4)",$body)
if (!$this->page

Revision [16823]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:51:37 by QgsVq8 [Reverted]
if (preg_match("/varchar\((\d )\)/", $field['Type'], $matches)) {
$maxtaglen = $matches[1];
// preg_replace("/^(( {4}) )/me","str_repeat('\t',strlen('\\1')/4)",$body)
if (!$this->page
if (preg_match("/varchar\((\d+)\)/", $field['Type'], $matches)) {
$maxtaglen = $matches[1];
// preg_replace("/^(( {4})+)/me","str_repeat('\t',strlen('\\1')/4)",$body)
if (!$this->page && !(preg_match($this->config["wikiname_regex"], $this->tag))) {
$output = '<em>The page name is invalid.'.
'Valid page names must start with a letter and contain'.
' only letters and numbers.</em>';
// else check tag length (only for new pages!)
} elseif (!$this->page && strlen($this->tag) > $maxtaglen) {
// truncate tag to feed a backlinks-handler with the correct value.
// may be omited. it only works if the link to a backlinks-handler
// is built in the footer.
$this->tag = substr($this->tag, 0, $maxtaglen);
$output = "<div class=\"error\">Tag too long! $maxtaglen characters max.</div>";
$output .= "<br />\n FYI: Clicking on Rename will automatically truncate the tag";
$output .= " to the correct size.<br /><br />\n";
$output .= $this->FormOpen('edit');
$output .= '<input name="newtag" size="75" value="';
$output .= $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->tag).'" />';
$output .= '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Rename" />'."\n";
$output .= $this->FormClose();
// else check if we are renaming and need to redirect
} elseif (isset($_POST['newtag']) && $newtag = $_POST['newtag']) {
$this->Redirect($this->Href('edit', $newtag));
// enough checking, we can START DOING REAL STUFF
} elseif ($this->HasAccess("write") && $this->HasAccess("read")) {
// only if SAVING
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Store') {
// check for overwriting
if ($this->page && ($this->page['id'] != $_POST['previous'])) {
$error = 'OVERWRITE ALERT: This page was modified by someone'.
'else while you were editing it.<br />'."\n".
'Please copy your changes and re-edit this page.';
// else store if new body differs from old body
} elseif ($body != $this->page['body']) {
// add page (revisions)
$this->SavePage($this->tag, $body, $note);
// now we render it internally so we can write the updated link table.
$dummy = $this->Header();
$dummy .= $this->Format($body);
$dummy .= $this->Footer();
// forward if no error
if (!$error) {
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Preview') {
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// so we use htmlspecialchars on the edit note (as on the body)
$previewButtons =
"<hr />\n".
'<input size="50" type="text" name="note" value="'.
htmlspecialchars($note).'"/> Note on your edit.<br />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Store" accesskey="s" />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Re-Edit" accesskey="p" />'."\n".
'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="document.location=\''.
$this->href('').'\';" />'."\n";
$output .= '<div class="previewhead">Preview</div>'."\n";
$output .= $this->Format($body);
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// hence htmlspecialchars() instead of htmlspecialchars_ent()
// which UNescapes entities!
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
'<input type="hidden" name="body" value="'.htmlspecialchars($body).
'" />'."\n";
$output .=
"<br />\n".
// else EDIT
} else {
// display error
if ($error) {
$output .= '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>'."\n";
// append a comment?
if ($_REQUEST['appendcomment']) {
$body = trim($body)."\n\n----\n\n--".$this->GetUserName().' ('.strftime("%c").')';
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" style="width: 100%; height: 500px">'
.htmlspecialchars($body).'</textarea><br />'."\n".
'<input size="40" type="text" name="note" value="'.htmlspecialchars($note).
'" /> Please add a note on your edit.<br />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Store" accesskey="s" /> '.
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Preview" accesskey="p" /> '.
'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="document.location=\''.
$this->Href('').'\';" />'."\n".
if ($this->GetConfigValue('gui_editor') == 1) {
$output .=
'<script language="JavaScript" src="3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/protoedit.js">'.
'<script language="JavaScript" src="3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/wikiedit2.js">'.
'<script type="text/javascript">'.
" wE = new WikiEdit(); wE.init('body','WikiEdit','editornamecss');".
// if none of the above was true, the user has no right to edit
$output = '<em>You don\'t have write access to this page.'.
'You might need to register an account to get write access.</em><br />'.
"\n"."<br />\n".
'<a href="'.$this->Href('showcode').
'" title="Click to view page formatting code">'.
'View formatting code for this page</a>'.
"<br />\n";
echo $output;
===In planning or pre-alpha-stadium===
''Due to my exams I have to stop working on everything of this until 21st of july''
==Wikipedia aniversary pages linking==
I will release an action soon that provides easy linking to wikipedias 'anniversary'-pages (like [[]]) in different languages.
A first preview can be found at [[ my wikka]].
I am already using the phpBB-userdatabase in one of my wikka-installations. I want a better integration tho, with one combined admin interface, simple linking between both systems (aka usage of wikkinames on the messageboard and easy, interwiki-like linking to threads on the wikka in a way so wikka recognizes those links as internal) and shared usergroups, categories and ACLs between both systems.
If anyone has done something like this already, please let me know. If you haven't, but you are interested in doing so, let me know too. I will soon set up a test-host just for this purpose, where you can view the progress.
==Google Sitemap Support==
[[ Google Sitemaps]] are an improved way of telling google what it can find at your site, when the last update was and which pages are likely to be updated soon again. Since it uses a simple xml file and a ping-mechanism it should not be too difficult to include this into wikka. I will start working on this before the end of june.

Revision [9701]

Edited on 2005-06-30 05:44:26 by TimoK [Possible solution for the tab-replacing]
// UNTESTED possible optimization of the next 2 replacements:
// preg_replace("/^(( {4})+)/me","str_repeat('\t',strlen('\\1')/4)",$body)
''Due to my exams I have to stop working on everything of this until 21st of july''
''I have put this on ice for now, I will continue working on it after my exams (middle of july)''

Revision [9384]

Edited on 2005-06-22 07:02:01 by TimoK [Added "re-structured" edit-handler]
===In beta-stadium===
==Code-Cleanup of handlers/page/edit.php==
For some other stuff I work on I had to understand the edit handler, so I can modifiy it. I found the code quite hard to read, so i re-structured it, added some more comments and tweaked the logic a bit.
I only have this running on a test installation, but I found no problems yet and will soon use it on a real wikka. If anyone would be willing the take a look at the code or test it somewhere, I am always happy about comments.
<div class="page">
if ($result = mysql_query("describe ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages tag")) {
$field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if (preg_match("/varchar\((\d+)\)/", $field['Type'], $matches)) {
$maxtaglen = $matches[1];
} else {
$maxtaglen = 75;
if (!$previous = $_POST['previous']) {
$previous = $this->page['id'];
// strip CRLF line endings down to LF to achieve consistency
// ... plus it saves database space.
// Note: these codes must remain enclosed in double-quotes to work! -- JsnX
$body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_POST['body']);
if (!$body) $body = $this->page['body'];
// replace each 4 spaces at beginning of a line with a tab
$body = preg_replace("/^[ ]{4}/","\t", $body);
$body = preg_replace("/\n[ ]{4}/","\n\t", $body);
while (preg_match("/\t[ ]{4}/",$body)) {
$body = preg_replace("/\t[ ]{4}/","\t\t", $body);
// we don't need to escape here, we do that just before display
// (i.e., treat note just like body!)
$note = trim($_POST['note']);
// check for valid pagename (only for new pages!)
if (!$this->page && !(preg_match($this->config["wikiname_regex"], $this->tag))) {
$output = '<em>The page name is invalid.'.
'Valid page names must start with a letter and contain'.
' only letters and numbers.</em>';
// else check tag length (only for new pages!)
} elseif (!$this->page && strlen($this->tag) > $maxtaglen) {
// truncate tag to feed a backlinks-handler with the correct value.
// may be omited. it only works if the link to a backlinks-handler
// is built in the footer.
$this->tag = substr($this->tag, 0, $maxtaglen);
$output = "<div class=\"error\">Tag too long! $maxtaglen characters max.</div>";
$output .= "<br />\n FYI: Clicking on Rename will automatically truncate the tag";
$output .= " to the correct size.<br /><br />\n";
$output .= $this->FormOpen('edit');
$output .= '<input name="newtag" size="75" value="';
$output .= $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->tag).'" />';
$output .= '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Rename" />'."\n";
$output .= $this->FormClose();
// else check if we are renaming and need to redirect
} elseif (isset($_POST['newtag']) && $newtag = $_POST['newtag']) {
$this->Redirect($this->Href('edit', $newtag));
// enough checking, we can START DOING REAL STUFF
} elseif ($this->HasAccess("write") && $this->HasAccess("read")) {
// only if SAVING
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Store') {
// check for overwriting
if ($this->page && ($this->page['id'] != $_POST['previous'])) {
$error = 'OVERWRITE ALERT: This page was modified by someone'.
'else while you were editing it.<br />'."\n".
'Please copy your changes and re-edit this page.';
// else store if new body differs from old body
} elseif ($body != $this->page['body']) {
// add page (revisions)
$this->SavePage($this->tag, $body, $note);
// now we render it internally so we can write the updated link table.
$dummy = $this->Header();
$dummy .= $this->Format($body);
$dummy .= $this->Footer();
// forward if no error
if (!$error) {
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Preview') {
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// so we use htmlspecialchars on the edit note (as on the body)
$previewButtons =
"<hr />\n".
'<input size="50" type="text" name="note" value="'.
htmlspecialchars($note).'"/> Note on your edit.<br />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Store" accesskey="s" />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Re-Edit" accesskey="p" />'."\n".
'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="document.location=\''.
$this->href('').'\';" />'."\n";
$output .= '<div class="previewhead">Preview</div>'."\n";
$output .= $this->Format($body);
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// hence htmlspecialchars() instead of htmlspecialchars_ent()
// which UNescapes entities!
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
'<input type="hidden" name="body" value="'.htmlspecialchars($body).
'" />'."\n";
$output .=
"<br />\n".
// else EDIT
} else {
// display error
if ($error) {
$output .= '<div class="error">'.$error.'</div>'."\n";
// append a comment?
if ($_REQUEST['appendcomment']) {
$body = trim($body)."\n\n----\n\n--".$this->GetUserName().' ('.strftime("%c").')';
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display
// them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" style="width: 100%; height: 500px">'
.htmlspecialchars($body).'</textarea><br />'."\n".
'<input size="40" type="text" name="note" value="'.htmlspecialchars($note).
'" /> Please add a note on your edit.<br />'."\n".
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Store" accesskey="s" /> '.
'<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Preview" accesskey="p" /> '.
'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="document.location=\''.
$this->Href('').'\';" />'."\n".
if ($this->GetConfigValue('gui_editor') == 1) {
$output .=
'<script language="JavaScript" src="3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/protoedit.js">'.
'<script language="JavaScript" src="3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/wikiedit2.js">'.
'<script type="text/javascript">'.
" wE = new WikiEdit(); wE.init('body','WikiEdit','editornamecss');".
// if none of the above was true, the user has no right to edit
} else {
$output = '<em>You don\'t have write access to this page.'.
'You might need to register an account to get write access.</em><br />'.
"\n"."<br />\n".
'<a href="'.$this->Href('showcode').
'" title="Click to view page formatting code">'.
'View formatting code for this page</a>'.
"<br />\n";
echo $output;

Revision [9283]

Edited on 2005-06-20 19:59:23 by TimoK [Added link to my ddate action - info page here will follow]
==discordian date action==

Revision [8943]

Edited on 2005-06-07 23:00:51 by TimoK [Added some ideas/plans about new contributions to wikka]
===Working already===
==Bingo card generating==
See BingoActionInfo
===In planning or pre-alpha-stadium===
==Wikipedia aniversary pages linking==
''I have put this on ice for now, I will continue working on it after my exams (middle of july)''
I am already using the phpBB-userdatabase in one of my wikka-installations. I want a better integration tho, with one combined admin interface, simple linking between both systems (aka usage of wikkinames on the messageboard and easy, interwiki-like linking to threads on the wikka in a way so wikka recognizes those links as internal) and shared usergroups, categories and ACLs between both systems.
If anyone has done something like this already, please let me know. If you haven't, but you are interested in doing so, let me know too. I will soon set up a test-host just for this purpose, where you can view the progress.
==Google Sitemap Support==
[[ Google Sitemaps]] are an improved way of telling google what it can find at your site, when the last update was and which pages are likely to be updated soon again. Since it uses a simple xml file and a ping-mechanism it should not be too difficult to include this into wikka. I will start working on this before the end of june.
So far except some comments and 'stupid' questions my only contribution is the [[BingoActionInfo bingo action]].

Revision [7260]

Edited on 2005-04-14 09:40:45 by TimoK [Link to first preview of 'wikiversary'-action (if you know a better name, let me know!)]
A first preview can be found at [[ my wikka]].

Revision [7090]

Edited on 2005-04-03 22:40:15 by TimoK [New idea for an action to display links to wikipedias anniversary-pages]
I will release an action soon that provides easy linking to wikipedias 'anniversary'-pages (like [[]]) in different languages.

Revision [6962]

Edited on 2005-03-27 23:14:25 by TimoK [Added bingo action]
====Wikka Contributions====
So far except some comments and 'stupid' questions my only contribution is the [[BingoActionInfo bingo action]].

Revision [6620]

Edited on 2005-03-08 18:58:53 by JavaWoman [typo fixed ;-)]
Studying 'Medieninformatik' (Media Computer Science)
Studying 'Medieninformatik' (Media Computer Sciene)

Revision [6619]

Edited on 2005-03-08 18:35:55 by TimoK [Media Coumputer Science is official english name of my field of study]
=====Who is Timo K?=====
Full Name: Timo Kissing
Born: 1978
Living near Stuttgart, Germany
Studying 'Medieninformatik' (Media Computer Sciene)
Author and maintainer of several websites, you can find an overview and more information about me at [[]]

I enjoy PHP-Coding a lot, so participating on Wikka is 'the natural thing' to do.
I am thinking about a german translation of Wikka, but that won't happen to soon.
=====Who is Timo K?=====
Full Name: Timo Kissing
Born: 1978
Living near Stuttgart, Germany
Studying 'Medieninformatik' (Computer Sciene)
Author and maintainer of several websites, you can find an overview and more information about me at [[]]

I enjoy PHP-Coding a lot, so participating on Wikka is 'the natural thing' to do.
I am thinking about a german translation of Wikka, but that won't happen to soon.

Revision [3457]

Edited on 2004-12-19 10:41:34 by TimoK [Media Coumputer Science is official english name of my field of study]
Author and maintainer of several websites, you can find an overview and more information about me at [[]]
I enjoy PHP-Coding a lot, so participating on Wikka is 'the natural thing' to do.
I am thinking about a german translation of Wikka, but that won't happen to soon.
Author and maintainer of several websites, an overview can be found at [[]]

Revision [2468]

Edited on 2004-11-26 01:07:20 by JavaWoman [category added]
Author and maintainer of several websites, an overview can be found at [[]]

Author and maintainer of several websites, an overview can be found at [[]]

Revision [2463]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-11-25 21:31:09 by TimoK [category added]
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