Revision history for TruncatedPageWorkaround

Revision [19234]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:44 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17025]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:48 by JavaWoman [Reverted]
=====Truncated pages=====

Every page is truncated: the bottom of the page does not appear: the "small print" and maybe some elements above that like comments are not displayed in the browser.

If you look at the HTML source code in the browser, the page stops abruptly and the ending tags </body> and </html> are not there.

Check if the host that Wikka is installed on is inserting banners in your pages. The way to check is to install plain HTML page (so Wikka can be avoided). Many free (and some very cheap) hosts insert a banner. If your host does indeed insert a banner, the workaround below can provide a solution.

==Technical explanation==
When a (free) host inserts a banner, it interferes with two things Wikka does by default:
~-when Gzip-encoding is active, inserting a banner just messes things up (causing the blank page); and
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a **truncated page** when Gzip is not active.

===Applies to===
Any Wikka version.

See BlankPageWorkaround for a solution.

=====Truncated pages=====

Every page is truncated: the bottom of the page does not appear: the "small print" and maybe some elements above that like comments are not displayed in the browser.

If you look at the HTML source code in the browser, the page stops abruptly and the ending tags </body> and </html> are not there.

Check if the host that Wikka is installed on is inserting banners in your pages. The way to check is to install plain HTML page (so Wikka can be avoided). Many free (and some very cheap) hosts insert a banner. If your host does indeed insert a banner, the workaround below can provide a solution.

==Technical explanation==
When a (free) host inserts a banner, it interferes with two things Wikka does by default:
~-when Gzip-encoding is active, inserting a banner just messes things up (causing the blank page); and
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a **truncated page** when Gzip is not active.

===Applies to===
Any Wikka version.

See BlankPageWorkaround for a solution.


Revision [16824]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:51:40 by ZvgVts [Reverted]
=====Truncated pages=====

Every page is truncated: the bottom of the page does not appear: the "small print" and maybe some elements above that like comments are not displayed in the browser.

If you look at the HTML source code in the browser, the page stops abruptly and the ending tags </body> and </html> are not there.

Check if the host that Wikka is installed on is inserting banners in your pages. The way to check is to install plain HTML page (so Wikka can be avoided). Many free (and some very cheap) hosts insert a banner. If your host does indeed insert a banner, the workaround below can provide a solution.

==Technical explanation==
When a (free) host inserts a banner, it interferes with two things Wikka does by default:
~-when Gzip-encoding is active, inserting a banner just messes things up (causing the blank page); and
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a **truncated page** when Gzip is not active.

===Applies to===
Any Wikka version.

See BlankPageWorkaround for a solution.

=====Truncated pages=====

Every page is truncated: the bottom of the page does not appear: the "small print" and maybe some elements above that like comments are not displayed in the browser.

If you look at the HTML source code in the browser, the page stops abruptly and the ending tags </body> and </html> are not there.

Check if the host that Wikka is installed on is inserting banners in your pages. The way to check is to install plain HTML page (so Wikka can be avoided). Many free (and some very cheap) hosts insert a banner. If your host does indeed insert a banner, the workaround below can provide a solution.

==Technical explanation==
When a (free) host inserts a banner, it interferes with two things Wikka does by default:
~-when Gzip-encoding is active, inserting a banner just messes things up (causing the blank page); and
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a **truncated page** when Gzip is not active.

===Applies to===
Any Wikka version.

See BlankPageWorkaround for a solution.


Revision [5242]

Edited on 2005-01-26 20:43:16 by JavaWoman [adding new section]
===Applies to===
Any Wikka version.

Revision [4998]

Edited on 2005-01-23 12:25:10 by JavaWoman [minor]
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a **truncated page** when Gzip is not active.
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a truncated page when Gzip is not active.

Revision [4996]

Edited on 2005-01-23 12:19:37 by JavaWoman [adding cxause & renaming header]
Check if the host that Wikka is installed on is inserting banners in your pages. The way to check is to install plain HTML page (so Wikka can be avoided). Many free (and some very cheap) hosts insert a banner. If your host does indeed insert a banner, the workaround below can provide a solution.
==Technical explanation==
When a (free) host inserts a banner, it interferes with two things Wikka does by default:
~-when Gzip-encoding is active, inserting a banner just messes things up (causing the blank page); and
~-Wikka calculates content-length for a HTTP header - which will be incorrect after the banner is inserted, so you would see a truncated page when Gzip is not active.
===Workaround or Patch===

Revision [4990]

Edited on 2005-01-23 11:52:18 by JavaWoman [adapt]
=====Truncated pages=====
Every page is truncated: the bottom of the page does not appear: the "small print" and maybe some elements above that like comments are not displayed in the browser.
If you look at the HTML source code in the browser, the page stops abruptly and the ending tags </body> and </html> are not there.
See BlankPageWorkaround for a solution.
=====Problem description=====
//This page is a **template** intended for documentation of **workarounds** for unusual Wikka problems. This page belongs to CategoryTemplate (which contains more handy templates). To create a Wikka **workaround** page, [[ clone this page]] (most workaround page names end in 'Workaround' so it's useful to stick to that convention) and replace the title with a problem description (in a few words). Then remove this paragraph and provide actual page content in the outline below.//

Revision [4989]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-01-23 11:46:18 by JavaWoman [adapt]
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