Revision history for UnOr

Revision [21825]

Last edited on 2014-03-09 23:18:39 by UnOr [link to issue re. GeSHI keyword URLs]
- → [[ #1157@GitHub]]

Revision [21824]

Edited on 2014-03-09 23:07:08 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
- formatter for quotes → [[ #1060@Trac]]/[[ #1055@GitHub]]
- formatter for definition lists → [[ #194@Trac]]/[[ #194@GitHub]]
- pressing the tab key immediately after a list item syntax symbol (##-##, ##1)##, ##a)##, …) should indent the whole list item → [[ #906@Trac]]/[[ #900@GitHub]]
- section editing → [[ #904@Trac]]/[[ #898@GitHub]]
- especially showing the real chars instead of the numeric character references while editing (related: [[ #137@Trac]]/[[ #137@GitHub]])
- variables/placeholders → [[ #1143@Trac]]/[[ #1138@GitHub]]
- editor is sometimes ready //before// the JS is fully loaded (resulting in cursor reset) → [[ #905@Trac]]/[[ #899@GitHub]]
- undo selects the whole text → [[ #593@Trac]]/[[ #587@GitHub]]
- missing context in the ##title## element content → [[ #1131@Trac]]/[[ #1126@GitHub]]
- order of the ##title## element content → [[ #1132@Trac]]/[[ #1127@GitHub]]
- ++no backlink to page from ##/history## → [[ #1129@Trac]]/[[ #1124@GitHub]]++
- (related to missing Unicode support) Unicode chars in code markup (##""%%…%%""##) get displayed as x → [[ #1035@Trac]]/[[ #1030@GitHub]]
- tilde (##~##) as first char in ##h1## doesn't get displayed → [[ #1037@Trac]]/[[ #1032@GitHub]]
- ++"Notice: Undefined variable: link" for content like ##Xx:x## → [[ #1065@Trac]]/[[ #1060@GitHub]] (see also [[ #1029@Trac]]/[[ #1024@GitHub]])++
- formatter for quotes → [[ #1060]]
- formatter for definition lists → [[ #194]]
- pressing the tab key immediately after a list item syntax symbol (##-##, ##1)##, ##a)##, …) should indent the whole list item → [[ #906]]
- section editing → [[ #904]]
- especially showing the real chars instead of the numeric character references while editing (related: [[ #137]])
- variables/placeholders → [[ #1143]]
- editor is sometimes ready //before// the JS is fully loaded (resulting in cursor reset) → [[ #905]]
- undo selects the whole text → [[ #593]]
- missing context in the ##title## element content → [[ #1131]]
- order of the ##title## element content → [[ #1132]]
- no backlink to page from ##/history## → [[ #1129]]
- (related to missing Unicode support) Unicode chars in code markup (##""%%…%%""##) get displayed as x → [[ #1035]]
- tilde (##~##) as first char in ##h1## doesn't get displayed → [[ #1037]]
- ++"Notice: Undefined variable: link" for content like ##Xx:x## → [[ #1065]] (see also [[ #1029]])++

Revision [21789]

Edited on 2013-02-12 17:12:08 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
- GeSHi automatically [[ links]] some keywords to external documentation pages … and in the case of ##html4strict## it links to [[]] (WTF?)
- could be disabled: [[]]
- ++"Notice: Undefined variable: link" for content like ##Xx:x## → [[ #1065]] (see also [[ #1029]])++
- GeSHi automatically links some keywords to external documentation pages … in the case of ##html4strict## it links to [[]] (WTF?)
- can be disabled: [[]]
- "Notice: Undefined variable: link" for content like ##Xx:x## → [[ #1065]] (see also [[ #1029]]

Revision [21788]

Edited on 2013-02-12 17:04:48 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
- formatter for quotes → [[ #1060]]
- formatter for definition lists → [[ #194]]
- pressing the tab key immediately after a list item syntax symbol (##-##, ##1)##, ##a)##, …) should indent the whole list item → [[ #906]]
- especially showing the real chars instead of the numeric character references while editing (related: [[ #137]])
- configuration option (""WikkaConfig"") to disable automatic linking of CamelCase words
- missing context in the ##title## element content → [[ #1131]]
- order of the ##title## element content → [[ #1132]]
- no backlink to page from ##/history## → [[ #1129]]
- GeSHi automatically links some keywords to external documentation pages … in the case of ##html4strict## it links to [[]] (WTF?)
- can be disabled: [[]]
- (related to missing Unicode support) Unicode chars in code markup (##""%%…%%""##) get displayed as x → [[ #1035]]
- tilde (##~##) as first char in ##h1## doesn't get displayed → [[ #1037]]
- "Notice: Undefined variable: link" for content like ##Xx:x## → [[ #1065]] (see also [[ #1029]]
- formatter/syntax for quotes → [[ #1060]]
- pressing the tab key immediately after a list item syntax symbol (##-##, ##1)##) should indent the whole list item → [[ #906]]
- missing context in the ##title## element content → [[ #1131]]
- order of the ##title## element content → [[ #1132]]
- no backlink to page from ##/history## → [[ #1129]]

Revision [21787]

Edited on 2013-02-11 13:40:24 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
====what would be nice to have====
- variables/placeholders → [[ #1143]]

Revision [21786]

Edited on 2013-02-11 02:24:17 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
- → it's good that you can enter URLs case-insensitively, but there should be a 301 redirect to the original case variant (like it's the case after editing a page)
- → it's good that you can enter URLs case-insensitively, but there should be a 301 redirect to the original case variant

Revision [21785]

Edited on 2013-02-11 02:20:47 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
- an overview page listing all pages that have ACLs different to the default ACL values (or, more general, an ACL value filter at AdminPages)

Revision [21784]

Edited on 2013-02-11 01:58:52 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
=====my [[UserFeedback feedback]]=====
====what I like====
- WikkaWiki is [[WikiPedia:Free_and_open_source_software free/libre]]
- it's fast to view/preview/save pages
- doubleclick editing
- it's possible to indent text with the #%Tab#% key
- pressing #%Enter#% in list creates a new list item
- the default/classic theme ☺
- …
====what I [[SuggestionBox miss]]====
- formatter/syntax for quotes → [[ #1060]]
- pressing the tab key immediately after a list item syntax symbol (##-##, ##1)##) should indent the whole list item → [[ #906]]
- section editing → [[ #904]]
- Unicode support
- …
====what I don't like====
- #%Ctrl#%+#%f#% opens the //Search / Replace// tool (instead of the browser's in-page search)
- → offer checkbox on UserSettings to disable/enable this tool
- editor is sometimes ready //before// the JS is fully loaded (resulting in cursor reset) → [[ #905]]
- undo selects the whole text → [[ #593]]
- page URL synonyms
- → it's good that you can enter URLs case-insensitively, but there should be a 301 redirect to the original case variant
- the diff in the history lists additions and deletions separately
- → offer inline diff
- missing context in the ##title## element content → [[ #1131]]
- order of the ##title## element content → [[ #1132]]
- no backlink to page from ##/history## → [[ #1129]]
- you lose all changes when (accidentally) hitting the back button while editing a page (at least with HTTPS)
- …
====some [[WikkaBugs bugs]]====
- …

Revision [21779]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2013-02-10 15:18:50 by UnOr [links to GitHub issue equivalent; 1 bug fixed]
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