Revision history for UpgradingFromWakkaWiki

Revision [22878]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by DarTar [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:UpgradingFromWakkaWiki | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18087]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by DarTar [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
===== Migrating from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki=====
Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working.
Upgrading from any of the following versions should work:
- WakkaWiki 0.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.2
- WakkaWiki 0.1.3-dev
== Instructions ==
1) Backup your WakkaWiki directory.
1) Backup your WakkaWiki MySQL data.
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**. This is the only file that you need.
1) Read step 3 again -- do not delete the wakka.config.php file.
1) Upload all the files from the latest Wikka release into the WakkaWiki directory. *
1) Point a web browser at the URL for your WakkaWiki site and the Wikka upgrade script will run.
* **Note:** Make sure you upload the Wikka files into the correct directory. For example, if your Wakka directory is /public_html/wakka, upload the Wikka files and subdirectories into the /public_html/wakka directory..... do not upload the Wikka **directory** into the Wakka directory so that it looks like this: /public_html/wakka/wikka/. See the difference? In other words, when you select the files in your FTP client, browse **into** the Wikka release directory and select all files and folders, then upload.

Revision [16523]

Edited on 2007-05-07 11:43:25 by DarTar [minor]
Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working.
Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working as of Wikka version

Revision [16456]

Edited on 2007-04-19 13:32:05 by BrianKoontz [Restored]

No Differences

Revision [16414]

Edited on 2007-04-19 08:35:43 by OcbXkr [Restored]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
===== Migrating from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki=====

Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working as of Wikka version

Upgrading from any of the following versions should work:
- WakkaWiki 0.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.2
- WakkaWiki 0.1.3-dev

== Instructions ==

1) Backup your WakkaWiki directory.
1) Backup your WakkaWiki MySQL data.
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**. This is the only file that you need.
1) Read step 3 again -- do not delete the wakka.config.php file.
1) Upload all the files from the latest Wikka release into the WakkaWiki directory. *
1) Point a web browser at the URL for your WakkaWiki site and the Wikka upgrade script will run.

* **Note:** Make sure you upload the Wikka files into the correct directory. For example, if your Wakka directory is /public_html/wakka, upload the Wikka files and subdirectories into the /public_html/wakka directory..... do not upload the Wikka **directory** into the Wakka directory so that it looks like this: /public_html/wakka/wikka/. See the difference? In other words, when you select the files in your FTP client, browse **into** the Wikka release directory and select all files and folders, then upload.

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
===== Migrating from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki=====

Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working as of Wikka version

Upgrading from any of the following versions should work:
- WakkaWiki 0.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.2
- WakkaWiki 0.1.3-dev

== Instructions ==

1) Backup your WakkaWiki directory.
1) Backup your WakkaWiki MySQL data.
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**. This is the only file that you need.
1) Read step 3 again -- do not delete the wakka.config.php file.
1) Upload all the files from the latest Wikka release into the WakkaWiki directory. *
1) Point a web browser at the URL for your WakkaWiki site and the Wikka upgrade script will run.

* **Note:** Make sure you upload the Wikka files into the correct directory. For example, if your Wakka directory is /public_html/wakka, upload the Wikka files and subdirectories into the /public_html/wakka directory..... do not upload the Wikka **directory** into the Wakka directory so that it looks like this: /public_html/wakka/wikka/. See the difference? In other words, when you select the files in your FTP client, browse **into** the Wikka release directory and select all files and folders, then upload.


Revision [1572]

Edited on 2004-10-03 21:46:49 by DarTar [Added link to documentation]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
===== Migrating from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki=====

Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working as of Wikka version

Upgrading from any of the following versions should work:
- WakkaWiki 0.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.2
- WakkaWiki 0.1.3-dev

== Instructions ==

1) Backup your WakkaWiki directory.
1) Backup your WakkaWiki MySQL data.
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**. This is the only file that you need.
1) Read step 3 again -- do not delete the wakka.config.php file.
1) Upload all the files from the latest Wikka release into the WakkaWiki directory. *
1) Point a web browser at the URL for your WakkaWiki site and the Wikka upgrade script will run.

* **Note:** Make sure you upload the Wikka files into the correct directory. For example, if your Wakka directory is /public_html/wakka, upload the Wikka files and subdirectories into the /public_html/wakka directory..... do not upload the Wikka **directory** into the Wakka directory so that it looks like this: /public_html/wakka/wikka/. See the difference? In other words, when you select the files in your FTP client, browse **into** the Wikka release directory and select all files and folders, then upload.

=== Switching (Upgrading) from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki===

Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working as of Wikka version

Upgrading from any of the following versions should work:
- WakkaWiki 0.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.1
- WakkaWiki 0.1.2
- WakkaWiki 0.1.3-dev

== Instructions ==

1) Backup your WakkaWiki directory.
1) Backup your WakkaWiki MySQL data.
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**. This is the only file that you need.
1) Read step 3 again -- do not delete the wakka.config.php file.
1) Upload all the files from the latest Wikka release into the WakkaWiki directory. *
1) Point a web browser at the URL for your WakkaWiki site and the Wikka upgrade script will run.

* **Note:** Make sure you upload the Wikka files into the correct directory. For example, if your Wakka directory is /public_html/wakka, upload the Wikka files and subdirectories into the /public_html/wakka directory..... do not upload the Wikka **directory** into the Wakka directory so that it looks like this: /public_html/wakka/wikka/. See the difference? In other words, when you select the files in your FTP client, browse **into** the Wikka release directory and select all files and folders, then upload.

Revision [963]

Edited on 2004-08-12 01:10:58 by JsnX [added small addition of Wikka version]
=== Switching (Upgrading) from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki===
Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working as of Wikka version
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**. This is the only file that you need.
=== Upgrading from WakkaWiki to Wikka Wiki===
Upgrading to Wikka from WakkaWiki is fully tested and working.
1) Delete all of the files in the WakkaWiki directory **except wakka.config.php**.

Revision [962]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-08-12 01:02:59 by JsnX [added small addition of Wikka version]
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