Revision history for UserGroupWikkaCrew

Revision [22931]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by ChristianBarthelemy [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
+JsnX+ [[[ | Jason Tourtelotte]]] -- Chief Slacker (site admin)
+JsnX+ [[[ Jason Tourtelotte]]] -- Chief Slacker (site admin)

Revision [18232]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:10:43 by ChristianBarthelemy [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [4091]

Edited on 2005-01-06 19:42:37 by ChristianBarthelemy [To demonstrate User Group management...]
+JsnX+ [[[ Jason Tourtelotte]]] -- Chief Slacker (site admin)
+DarTar+ [Dario Taraborelli] -- Head of Research & Development (site admin)
+JavaWoman+ [Marjolein Katsma] -- Web Standards Compliance Officer (site admin)
===Credits Page===
==Wikka Development Crew:==
- JsnX [[[ Jason Tourtelotte]]] -- Chief Slacker (site admin)
- DarTar [Dario Taraborelli] -- Head of Research & Development (site admin)
- JavaWoman [Marjolein Katsma] -- Web Standards Compliance Officer (site admin)
Note: The developer titles are intentionally somewhat silly. This is done to highlight the absurdity of trying to reduce the contributions of these developers to just one title.
**Wikka Development Hall of Fame:**
- DreckFehler [Sebastian] -- Retired coding wizard
==Wikka Contributors:==
- WackoWiki:RomanIvanov -- Big thanks to Roman for security tips, [[ Safehtml]] and [[ WikiEdit]].
- DotMG [Mahefa Randimbisoa] -- Thanks for code contributions.
- GmBowen [Mike Bowen] -- Thanks for feedback and server access for testing.
- AndreaRossato - Thanks for code, insights, and providing another Wakka clone to get ideas from. ;)
- NilsLindenberg - Thanks for his suggestions and for his great work in maintaining a comprehensive [[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
==Wikka Ancestry credits:==
- [[ Hendrik Mans]] -- Many thanks for creating WakkaWiki.
- [[ Carlo Zottmann]] -- WakkaWiki co-developer
- The numerous WakkaWiki contributers. Here are just a few of the many....
- [[ Ian Andolina]]
- [[ Victor Manuel Varela]]
- [[ Wacko Wiki Project]]
- [[ Joe Delaney]]
- [[ NickK]]
- [[ ErusUmbrae]]
NOTE: We are diligent to recognize contributors. However it is possible that we might have missed someone. If you feel that you belong on this page, please go ahead and add your name.

Revision [4089]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-01-06 19:32:44 by ChristianBarthelemy [To demonstrate User Group management...]
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