Revision history for UsingActions

Revision [22902]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by WillyPs [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:UsingActions | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:UsingActions Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18114]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by WillyPs [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:UsingActions Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Using actions in Wikka pages=====
>>==See Wikka in action:==
~-""<a href="">Using actions</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
===About actions===
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.
Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make [[CodeContributions additional plugins]] available through this site.
===Using actions===
To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action, between ""{{"" and ""}}"", on it. Action names are case-insensitive.
Many actions can be customized by providing extra parameters; a parameter must always have its value enclosed in double quotes. Unknown parameters are simply ignored; in some cases one or more parameters may be required.
**Content example:**
use ##""{{wikkaversion}}""## to display the current Wikka version running:
**Service example:**
use ##""{{googleform}}""## to provide an empty form to search Google; you may add a parameter to suggest a search term, as in ""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}"":
~{{googleform q="Wikka"}}
===Actions available in the latest ""WikkaWiki"" distribution===
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (version {{wikkaversion}}) (listed in alphabetical order):
~-[[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks]] - shows the pages linking to the actual page
~-[[CalendarActionInfo calendar]] - displays the calendar for a month
~-[[CategoryActionInfo category]] - shows pages belonging to a category
~-[[ColorActionInfo color]] - colors text
~-[[ColorActionInfo colour]] - (synonym of color)
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countcomments]] - shows the count of the comments made by the current user
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countowned]] - shows the count of pages owned by the current user
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countpages]] - count of the pages in the wiki
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countusers]] - count of the registered users of a page
~-[[EmailpasswordActionInfo emailpassword]] - allows a user to retrieve his/her password
~-[[FeedbackAction feedback]] - displays a form, which allows to send feedback to the admin of the wiki
~-[[FilesActionInfo files]] - manages files upload/download/delete
~-[[FlashActionInfo flash]] - shows a flash-animation
~-[[FooterActionInfo footer]] - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
~-[[GeshiversionActionInfo geshiversion]] - shows the version of [[GesHi]] used by the wikka-installation
~-[[GoogleformActionInfo googleform]] - produces a searchbox for a search with google.
~-[[HeaderActionInfo header]] - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
~-[[HighscoresActionInfo highscores]] - shows a list of users, ordered after the percentage of pages they own
~-[[AddingImages image]] - displays an image
~-[[IncludeAction include]] - includes another (local) wikipage
~-[[InterwikilistActionInfo interwikilist]] - produces a list as shown in InterWiki
~-[[LastEditActionInfo lastedit]] - shows who was the last user editing the page
~-[[LastusersActionInfo lastusers]] - a list of newly registered users
~-[[FreeMind mindmap]] - one solution to display a mindmap
~-[[MychangesActionInfo mychanges]] - This is a list of pages the current user has edited, ordered by the time of the last change or alphabetically
~-[[MypagesActionInfo mypages]] - a list of pages the current user owns
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo mysqlversion]] - displays the mysql-version of the server
~-[[NewpageActionInfo newpage]] - allows the creation of new pages
~-[[NocommentsActionInfo nocomments]] - comments and the commentform are not displayed on the page
~-[[OrphanedpagesActionInfo orphanedpages]] - pages who have no other pages linking to them
~-[[OwnedpagesActionInfo ownedpages]] - number and percentage of the pages the current user owns
~-[[PageindexActionInfo pageindex]] - shows an index of all pages in the wiki
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo phpversion]] - shows the php-version, the wiki is running on
~-[[RecentchangesActionInfo recentchanges]] - list of changed pages, ordered by time
~-[[RecentcommentsActionInfo recentcomments]] - a list of the latest comments, ordered by time
~-[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo recentlycommented]] - a list of the recently commented pages, ordered by time
~-[[RssInfo rss]] - includes an rss-feed to the page
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo system]] - displays information about the system Wikka is running on.
~-[[TableActionInfo table]] - displays a table with given data
~-[[TextsearchActionInfo textsearch]] - search for a phrase
~-[[TextSearchExpandedActionInfo textsearchexpanded]] - search for a phrase and show the results with their surrounding text
~-[[UserSettingsInfo usersettings]] - allows to log-in/out and to change some settings
~-[[WantedpagesActionInfo wantedpages]] - shows the name of nonexisting pages to which other pages are linking to
~-[[WikkaChangesActionInfo wikkachanges]] - displays the version of wikka and a link to the [[WikkaReleaseNotes Release Notes]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaname]] - displays the name of the wiki
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaversion]] - displayes the wikka-version
===Dropped action===
The actions you see here are no longer used and therefore were dropped:
~-''wakkabug'' (dropped in
==Actions not in the actions-directory==
~-[[Mod018fIFrameAction iframe]] - allows embedding a page in another page

Revision [17297]

Edited on 2007-07-28 08:51:22 by WillyPs [Typo... descrips of commented/comments switched]
~-[[RecentcommentsActionInfo recentcomments]] - a list of the latest comments, ordered by time
~-[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo recentlycommented]] - a list of the recently commented pages, ordered by time
~-[[RecentcommentsActionInfo recentcomments]] - a list of the recently commented pages, ordered by time
~-[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo recentlycommented]] - a list of the latest comments, ordered by time

Revision [15251]

Edited on 2006-08-31 22:58:54 by WazoO [added (local) to IncludeAction description]
~-[[IncludeAction include]] - includes another (local) wikipage
~-[[IncludeAction include]] - includes another wikipage

Revision [14700]

Edited on 2006-06-25 10:42:49 by NilsLindenberg [linkfix]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo system]] - displays information about the system Wikka is running on.
~-[[SysActionInfo system]] - displays information about the system Wikka is running on.

Revision [14699]

Edited on 2006-06-25 10:42:11 by NilsLindenberg [updated for]
~-[[GeshiversionActionInfo geshiversion]] - shows the version of [[GesHi]] used by the wikka-installation
~-[[SysActionInfo system]] - displays information about the system Wikka is running on.
~-[[WikkaChangesActionInfo wikkachanges]] - displays the version of wikka and a link to the [[WikkaReleaseNotes Release Notes]]
""<div style="float:right; width: 46%; padding: 4px 8px 2px 8px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><img src="images/icons/24x24/gnome-settings.png" title="todo" alt="todo icon" /> This page needs to be updated to match <strong>Wikka</strong></div><br style="clear:right"/>""

Revision [14590]

Edited on 2006-06-14 04:15:08 by DarTar [adding updated request box]
""<div style="float:right; width: 46%; padding: 4px 8px 2px 8px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><img src="images/icons/24x24/gnome-settings.png" title="todo" alt="todo icon" /> This page needs to be updated to match <strong>Wikka</strong></div><br style="clear:right"/>""
>>==See Wikka in action:==
>>**See Wikka in action:**

Revision [12283]

Edited on 2005-12-16 06:30:33 by ChrisH [corrected spelling error that was buggin me]
~-[[HighscoresActionInfo highscores]] - shows a list of users, ordered after the percentage of pages they own
~-[[HighscoresActionInfo highscores]] - shows a list of users, orderd after the percentage of pages they own

Revision [11368]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:19:00 by DarTar [adding see also box]
>>**See Wikka in action:**
~-""<a href="">Using actions</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}

Revision [10820]

Edited on 2005-08-25 16:43:20 by DarTar [minor]
~-[[Mod018fIFrameAction iframe]] - allows embedding a page in another page
Also available: Mod018fIFrameAction

Revision [10819]

Edited on 2005-08-25 16:37:04 by DarTar [fixed layout]
===Dropped action===
===Dropped action==

Revision [10816]

Edited on 2005-08-25 10:48:49 by DarTar [minor]

Revision [10815]

Edited on 2005-08-25 10:48:32 by DarTar [minor]
=====Using actions in Wikka pages=====
===About actions===
===Using actions===
**Content example:**
use ##""{{wikkaversion}}""## to display the current Wikka version running:
**Service example:**
use ##""{{googleform}}""## to provide an empty form to search Google; you may add a parameter to suggest a search term, as in ""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}"":
===Actions available in the latest ""WikkaWiki"" distribution===
===Dropped action==
The actions you see here are no longer used and therefore were dropped:
~-''wakkabug'' (dropped in
====Using actions in Wikka pages====
==About actions==
==Using actions==
content example:
~//use ""{{wikkaversion}}"" to display the current Wikka version running://
service example:
~//use ""{{googleform}}"" to provide an empty form to search Google; you may add a parameter to suggest a search term, as in ""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}""://
==Actions in the ""WikkaWiki"" distribution==
==Dropped action==
//the file you see here is no longer used and therefore was dropped in version

Revision [10786]

Edited on 2005-08-21 07:22:29 by WulfgaR [small nitnoid grammar cleanup]
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content in within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.

Revision [10683]

Edited on 2005-08-14 12:24:58 by DarTar [minor (link)]
Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make [[CodeContributions additional plugins]] available through this site.
Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make additional plugins available through this site.

Revision [10682]

Edited on 2005-08-14 11:33:32 by YanB [various typos ;)]
~-[[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks]] - shows the pages linking to the actual page
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countusers]] - count of the registered users of a page
~-[[ColorActionInfo color]] - colors text
~-[[EmailpasswordActionInfo emailpassword]] - allows a user to retrieve his/her password
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo phpversion]] - shows the php-version, the wiki is running on
~-[[RssInfo rss]] - includes an rss-feed to the page
~-[[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks]] - shows the pages linking to the actuall page
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countusers]] - count of the reigistered users of a page
~-[[ColorActionInfo color]] - colorizes text
~-[[EmailpasswordActionInfo emailpassword]] - allows an user to retrieve his password
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo phpversion]] - shows the php-version, the wiki is running with
~-[[RssInfo rss]] - includes a rss-feed to the page

Revision [10407]

Edited on 2005-08-02 22:06:46 by NilsLindenberg [linkfix]
~-[[TextSearchExpandedActionInfo textsearchexpanded]] - search for a phrase and show the results with their surrounding text
~-[[TextsearchexpandedActionInfo textsearchexpanded]] - search for a phrase and show the results with their surrounding text

Revision [6771]

Edited on 2005-03-18 13:37:41 by NilsLindenberg [link fixed]
~-[[InterwikilistActionInfo interwikilist]] - produces a list as shown in InterWiki
~-[[InterwikiActionInfo interwikilist]] - produces a list as shown in InterWiki

Revision [6436]

Edited on 2005-03-03 12:38:11 by NilsLindenberg [dropped action]
==Dropped action==
//the file you see here is no longer used and therefore was dropped in version
==Actions not in the actions-directory==
~-''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and was dropped in

Revision [6429]

Edited on 2005-03-02 17:52:01 by JavaWoman [update - is already out ;-)]
~-[[TableActionInfo table]] - displays a table with given data
~-''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and was dropped in
~-[[TableActionInfo table]] - displayes a table with given data
~-''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in

Revision [6420]

Edited on 2005-03-02 14:37:13 by NilsLindenberg [little info about the actions]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====Using actions in Wikka pages====

==About actions==
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content in within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.

Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make additional plugins available through this site.

==Using actions==
To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action, between ""{{"" and ""}}"", on it. Action names are case-insensitive.

Many actions can be customized by providing extra parameters; a parameter must always have its value enclosed in double quotes. Unknown parameters are simply ignored; in some cases one or more parameters may be required.

content example:
~//use ""{{wikkaversion}}"" to display the current Wikka version running://

service example:
~//use ""{{googleform}}"" to provide an empty form to search Google; you may add a parameter to suggest a search term, as in ""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}""://
~{{googleform q="Wikka"}}

==Actions in the ""WikkaWiki"" distribution==
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (version {{wikkaversion}}) (listed in alphabetical order):

~-[[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks]] - shows the pages linking to the actuall page
~-[[CalendarActionInfo calendar]] - displays the calendar for a month
~-[[CategoryActionInfo category]] - shows pages belonging to a category
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countcomments]] - shows the count of the comments made by the current user
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countowned]] - shows the count of pages owned by the current user
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countpages]] - count of the pages in the wiki
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countusers]] - count of the reigistered users of a page
~-[[ColorActionInfo color]] - colorizes text
~-[[ColorActionInfo colour]] - (synonym of color)
~-[[EmailpasswordActionInfo emailpassword]] - allows an user to retrieve his password
~-[[FeedbackAction feedback]] - displays a form, which allows to send feedback to the admin of the wiki
~-[[FilesActionInfo files]] - manages files upload/download/delete
~-[[FlashActionInfo flash]] - shows a flash-animation
~-[[FooterActionInfo footer]] - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
~-[[GoogleformActionInfo googleform]] - produces a searchbox for a search with google.
~-[[HeaderActionInfo header]] - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
~-[[HighscoresActionInfo highscores]] - shows a list of users, orderd after the percentage of pages they own
~-[[AddingImages image]] - displays an image
~-[[IncludeAction include]] - includes another wikipage
~-[[InterwikiActionInfo interwikilist]] - produces a list as shown in InterWiki
~-[[LastEditActionInfo lastedit]] - shows who was the last user editing the page
~-[[LastusersActionInfo lastusers]] - a list of newly registered users
~-[[FreeMind mindmap]] - one solution to display a mindmap
~-[[MychangesActionInfo mychanges]] - This is a list of pages the current user has edited, ordered by the time of the last change or alphabetically
~-[[MypagesActionInfo mypages]] - a list of pages the current user owns
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo mysqlversion]] - displays the mysql-version of the server
~-[[NewpageActionInfo newpage]] - allows the creation of new pages
~-[[NocommentsActionInfo nocomments]] - comments and the commentform are not displayed on the page
~-[[OrphanedpagesActionInfo orphanedpages]] - pages who have no other pages linking to them
~-[[OwnedpagesActionInfo ownedpages]] - number and percentage of the pages the current user owns
~-[[PageindexActionInfo pageindex]] - shows an index of all pages in the wiki
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo phpversion]] - shows the php-version, the wiki is running with
~-[[RecentchangesActionInfo recentchanges]] - list of changed pages, ordered by time
~-[[RecentcommentsActionInfo recentcomments]] - a list of the recently commented pages, ordered by time
~-[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo recentlycommented]] - a list of the latest comments, ordered by time
~-[[RssInfo rss]] - includes a rss-feed to the page
~-[[TableActionInfo table]] - displayes a table with given data
~-[[TextsearchActionInfo textsearch]] - search for a phrase
~-[[TextsearchexpandedActionInfo textsearchexpanded]] - search for a phrase and show the results with their surrounding text
~-[[UserSettingsInfo usersettings]] - allows to log-in/out and to change some settings
~-''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in
~-[[WantedpagesActionInfo wantedpages]] - shows the name of nonexisting pages to which other pages are linking to
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaname]] - displays the name of the wiki
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaversion]] - displayes the wikka-version

Also available: Mod018fIFrameAction

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====Using actions in Wikka pages====

==About actions==
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content in within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.

Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make additional plugins available through this site.

==Using actions==
To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action, between ""{{"" and ""}}"", on it. Action names are case-insensitive.

Many actions can be customized by providing extra parameters; a parameter must always have its value enclosed in double quotes. Unknown parameters are simply ignored; in some cases one or more parameters may be required.

content example:
~//use ""{{wikkaversion}}"" to display the current Wikka version running://

service example:
~//use ""{{googleform}}"" to provide an empty form to search Google; you may add a parameter to suggest a search term, as in ""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}""://
~{{googleform q="Wikka"}}

==Actions in the ""WikkaWiki"" distribution==
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (version {{wikkaversion}}) (listed in alphabetical order):

~-[[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks]]
~-[[CalendarActionInfo calendar]]
~-[[CategoryActionInfo category]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countcomments]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countowned]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countpages]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countusers]]
~-[[ColorActionInfo color]]
~-[[ColorActionInfo colour]] - (synonym of color)
~-[[EmailpasswordActionInfo emailpassword]]
~-[[FeedbackAction feedback]]
~-[[FilesActionInfo files]]
~-[[FlashActionInfo flash]]
~-[[FooterActionInfo footer]] - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
~-[[GoogleformActionInfo googleform]]
~-[[HeaderActionInfo header]] - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
~-[[HighscoresActionInfo highscores]]
~-[[AddingImages image]]
~-[[IncludeAction include]]
~-[[InterwikiActionInfo interwikilist]] - produces a list as shown in InterWiki
~-[[LastEditActionInfo lastedit]]
~-[[LastusersActionInfo lastusers]]
~-[[FreeMind mindmap]]
~-[[MychangesActionInfo mychanges]]
~-[[MypagesActionInfo mypages]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo mysqlversion]]
~-[[NewpageActionInfo newpage]]
~-[[NocommentsActionInfo nocomments]]
~-[[OrphanedpagesActionInfo orphanedpages]]
~-[[OwnedpagesActionInfo ownedpages]]
~-[[PageindexActionInfo pageindex]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo phpversion]]
~-[[RecentchangesActionInfo recentchanges]]
~-[[RecentcommentsActionInfo recentcomments]]
~-[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo recentlycommented]]
~-[[RssInfo rss]]
~-[[TableActionInfo table]]
~-[[TextsearchActionInfo textsearch]]
~-[[TextsearchexpandedActionInfo textsearchexpanded]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo usersettings]]
~-''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in
~-[[WantedpagesActionInfo wantedpages]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaname]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaversion]]

Also available: Mod018fIFrameAction


Revision [5030]

Edited on 2005-01-23 23:58:11 by DarTar [fixed broken example]
~//use ""{{wikkaversion}}"" to display the current Wikka version running://
~//use ""{{version}}"" to display the current Wikka version running://

Revision [4722]

Edited on 2005-01-17 12:43:11 by JavaWoman [we won't drop colour after all - just avoid code duplication]
~-[[ColorActionInfo colour]] - (synonym of color)
~-''colour'' - may be dropped in (synonym of color)

Revision [4718]

Edited on 2005-01-17 12:30:22 by DarTar [Adding links to system info actions documentation]
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (version {{wikkaversion}}) (listed in alphabetical order):
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (version {{version}}) (listed in alphabetical order):

Revision [4717]

Edited on 2005-01-17 12:29:30 by DarTar [Adding links to system info actions documentation]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countcomments]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countowned]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countpages]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo countusers]]
~-[[LastEditActionInfo lastedit]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo mysqlversion]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo phpversion]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaname]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo wikkaversion]]
~-[[LastEdit lastedit]]

Revision [3610]

Edited on 2004-12-22 12:29:08 by NilsLindenberg [corrected link for files]
~-[[FilesActionInfo files]]
~-[[Mod015fFilesAction files]]

Revision [3605]

Edited on 2004-12-22 11:49:50 by JavaWoman [referring to InterWiki (which is not itself documentation for the *action*]
~-[[InterwikiActionInfo interwikilist]] - produces a list as shown in InterWiki
~-[[InterWiki interwikilist]]

Revision [3603]

Edited on 2004-12-22 11:34:32 by NilsLindenberg [added link to interwiki]
~-[[InterWiki interwikilist]]
~-[[InterwikilistActionInfo interwikilist]]

Revision [3600]

Edited on 2004-12-22 10:53:50 by JavaWoman [standardizing names for (wanted) action documentation pages]
~-[[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks]]
~-[[CategoryActionInfo category]]
~-[[ColorActionInfo color]]
~-[[EmailpasswordActionInfo emailpassword]]
~-[[FlashActionInfo flash]]
~-[[FooterActionInfo footer]] - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
~-[[GoogleformActionInfo googleform]]
~-[[HeaderActionInfo header]] - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
~-[[HighscoresActionInfo highscores]]
~-[[InterwikilistActionInfo interwikilist]]
~-[[LastusersActionInfo lastusers]]
~-[[MychangesActionInfo mychanges]]
~-[[MypagesActionInfo mypages]]
~-[[NewpageActionInfo newpage]]
~-[[NocommentsActionInfo nocomments]]
~-[[OrphanedpagesActionInfo orphanedpages]]
~-[[OwnedpagesActionInfo ownedpages]]
~-[[PageindexActionInfo pageindex]]
~-[[RecentchangesActionInfo recentchanges]]
~-[[RecentcommentsActionInfo recentcomments]]
~-[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo recentlycommented]]
~-[[TableActionInfo table]]
~-[[TextsearchActionInfo textsearch]]
~-[[TextsearchexpandedActionInfo textsearchexpanded]]
~-[[WantedpagesActionInfo wantedpages]]
~-[[BackLinksInfo backlinks]]
~-[[CategoryInfo category]]
~-[[ColorInfo color]]
~-[[EmailPasswordInfo emailpassword]]
~-[[FlashInfo flash]]
~-[[FooterInfo footer]] - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
~-[[GoogleFormInfo googleform]]
~-[[HeaderInfo header]] - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
~-[[HighScoresInfo highscores]]
~-[[InterWikiListInfo interwikilist]]
~-[[LastUsersInfo lastusers]]
~-[[MyChangesInfo mychanges]]
~-[[MyPagesInfo mypages]]
~-[[NewPageInfo newpage]]
~-[[NoCommentsInfo nocomments]]
~-[[OrphanedPagesInfo orphanedpages]]
~-[[OwnedPagesInfo ownedpages]]
~-[[PageIndexInfo pageindex]]
~-[[RecentChangesInfo recentchanges]]
~-[[RecentCommentsInfo recentcomments]]
~-[[RecentlyCommentedInfo recentlycommented]]
~-[[TableInfo table]]
~-[[TextSearchInfo textsearch]]
~-[[TextSearchInfo textsearchexpanded]]
~-[[WantedPagesInfo wantedpages]]

Revision [3599]

Edited on 2004-12-22 10:44:16 by DarTar [Adding link to forthcoming calendar action]
~-[[CalendarActionInfo calendar]]

Revision [3598]

Edited on 2004-12-22 10:42:01 by JavaWoman [ypot]
~-[[RecentlyCommentedInfo recentlycommented]]
~-[[RecentlyCommentedInfo rerecentlycommented]]

Revision [3596]

Edited on 2004-12-22 10:34:09 by DarTar [Call for short action documentation]
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (version {{version}}) (listed in alphabetical order):
~-[[BackLinksInfo backlinks]]
~-[[CategoryInfo category]]
~-[[ColorInfo color]]
~-''colour'' - may be dropped in (synonym of color)
~-[[EmailPasswordInfo emailpassword]]
~-[[FeedbackAction feedback]]
~-[[Mod015fFilesAction files]]
~-[[FlashInfo flash]]
~-[[FooterInfo footer]] - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
~-[[GoogleFormInfo googleform]]
~-[[HeaderInfo header]] - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
~-[[HighScoresInfo highscores]]
~-[[AddingImages image]]
~-[[IncludeAction include]]
~-[[InterWikiListInfo interwikilist]]
~-[[LastEdit lastedit]]
~-[[LastUsersInfo lastusers]]
~-[[FreeMind mindmap]]
~-[[MyChangesInfo mychanges]]
~-[[MyPagesInfo mypages]]
~-[[NewPageInfo newpage]]
~-[[NoCommentsInfo nocomments]]
~-[[OrphanedPagesInfo orphanedpages]]
~-[[OwnedPagesInfo ownedpages]]
~-[[PageIndexInfo pageindex]]
~-[[RecentChangesInfo recentchanges]]
~-[[RecentCommentsInfo recentcomments]]
~-[[RecentlyCommentedInfo rerecentlycommented]]
~-[[RssInfo rss]]
~-[[TableInfo table]]
~-[[TextSearchInfo textsearch]]
~-[[TextSearchInfo textsearchexpanded]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo usersettings]]
~-''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in
~-[[WantedPagesInfo wantedpages]]
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (listed in alphabetical order):
colour - may be dropped in (synonym of color)
feedback - see FeedbackAction
files - see Mod015fFilesAction
footer - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
header - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
image - see AddingImages
include - see IncludeAction
rss - [[RssInfo includes content from an RSS-Feed]]
''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in

Revision [3581]

Edited on 2004-12-21 22:01:37 by JavaWoman [minor edit]
''wakkabug'' - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in
wakkabug - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in

Revision [3580]

Edited on 2004-12-21 21:08:41 by JavaWoman [adding references to pages with (some) documentation]
feedback - see FeedbackAction
files - see Mod015fFilesAction
image - see AddingImages
include - see IncludeAction
Also available: Mod018fIFrameAction

Revision [3540]

Edited on 2004-12-20 22:40:55 by JavaWoman [more extensive explanation of actions and how to use them; layout]
==About actions==
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content in within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.
Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make additional plugins available through this site.
==Using actions==
To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action, between ""{{"" and ""}}"", on it. Action names are case-insensitive.
Many actions can be customized by providing extra parameters; a parameter must always have its value enclosed in double quotes. Unknown parameters are simply ignored; in some cases one or more parameters may be required.
content example:
~//use ""{{version}}"" to display the current Wikka version running://
service example:
~//use ""{{googleform}}"" to provide an empty form to search Google; you may add a parameter to suggest a search term, as in ""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}""://
~{{googleform q="Wikka"}}
==Actions in the ""WikkaWiki"" distribution==
The following actions are distributed with WikkaWiki (listed in alphabetical order):
colour - may be dropped in (synonym of color)
header - produces the header of the wiki-pages. MUST not to be used inside pages itself (could lead to weird display problems because the result would be invalid XHTML)!
rss - [[RssInfo includes content from an RSS-Feed]]
wakkabug - this file is no longer used and will be dropped in
Actions are plugins, which can be used in Wikka pages. They are used to add automatic content to a page. To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action, between ""{{"" and ""}}"", on it.
use ""{{googleform}}"" for the following result:
The following actions are distributed with Wikkawiki (listed in alphabetical order):
header - produces the header of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
rss - [[RssInfo includes an RSS-Feed]]
wakkabug -this file is no longer used and will be dropped in

Revision [3315]

Edited on 2004-12-16 15:23:24 by NilsLindenberg [added a little bit of info]
footer - produces the footer of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
header - produces the header of the wiki-pages. Better not to be used inside pages itself!
rss - [[RssInfo includes an RSS-Feed]]
wakkabug -this file is no longer used and will be dropped in

Revision [2118]

Edited on 2004-11-10 16:11:28 by NilsLindenberg [added a little bit of info]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
Actions are plugins, which can be used in Wikka pages. They are used to add automatic content to a page. To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action, between ""{{"" and ""}}"", on it.
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
Actions are plugins, which can be used in Wikka pages. To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action between ""{{"" and ""}}"".

Revision [2112]

Edited on 2004-11-10 09:10:17 by NilsLindenberg [added a little bit of info]
Actions are plugins, which can be used in Wikka pages. To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action between ""{{"" and ""}}"".
Actions are plugins, which can be used in Wikka pages. To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and put the name of the action between {{ and }}.

Revision [2111]

Edited on 2004-11-10 09:09:40 by NilsLindenberg [added a little bit of info]
use ""{{googleform}}"" for the following result:
use ""{{googleform}}"" to have the following result:

Revision [2110]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-11-10 09:07:22 by NilsLindenberg [added a little bit of info]
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