Revision history for WayBackMachine

Revision [23285]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
Whenever possible, we try to replace these still-relevant links with (as much as possible) equivalent ones found on the [[WayBackMachine | WayBack Machine]] AKA the [[ | Internet Archive]]. It is a great resource for making long-"lost" pages still available and useful.
Where page on this site was changed with links now pointing to pages on the [[WayBackMachine | WayBack Machine]] and this may cause confusion, we try to leave a note what has happened, and why. References to original authors of WakkaWiki on the (original) WakkaWiki site have all been changed without such a note, as it seems obvious enough.
Whenever possible, we try to replace these still-relevant links with (as much as possible) equivalent ones found on the [[WayBackMachine WayBack Machine]] AKA the [[ Internet Archive]]. It is a great resource for making long-"lost" pages still available and useful.
Where page on this site was changed with links now pointing to pages on the [[WayBackMachine WayBack Machine]] and this may cause confusion, we try to leave a note what has happened, and why. References to original authors of WakkaWiki on the (original) WakkaWiki site have all been changed without such a note, as it seems obvious enough.

Revision [19339]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:15:25 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17427]

Edited on 2007-08-19 10:40:37 by JavaWoman [unlinking WayBack]
====Using the ""WayBack"" Machine====
====Using the WayBack Machine====

Revision [17426]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-08-19 10:40:08 by JavaWoman [unlinking WayBack]
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