Revision history for WhatsNew
Revision [23351]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by DarTar [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WhatsNew | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WhatsNew Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WhatsNew Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
{{include page="WhatsNew"}}
No Differences
{{include page="WhatsNew1163"}}
{{include page="WhatsNew1162"}}
===== What's new in Wikka ? =====
//Released on June 12, 2006//
~-**""<a href="">Wikka-</a>""** (##676Kb##)
~-**""<a href=""></a>""** (##798Kb##)
>>**[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka]]** (release name: ##bluebottle##) features a long list of bugfixes and enhancements. The primary focus of this release is on providing extended functionality for embedded code blocks - which should be particularly appetizing to software developers, maintainers of documentation projects and knowledge bases.
==1. Filename support for code blocks==
An optional ##filename## parameter for code blocks can now be specified, to be used by the code download handler.
~{{image alt="Code block filename screenshot" title="Codeblock filename support" url="images/features/filename.jpg"}}
==2. On-the-fly code block downloading==
Code blocks inserted in a wiki page can now be downloaded //on-the-fly// using the "grab" button.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
==3. New formatters for syntax highlighting==
Bundled GeSHi (version ## adds support for 68 programming/markup languages.
~{{image alt="Syntax highlighting screenshot" title="Upgraded syntax highlighting" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}}
==4. Search & replace handler==
A javascript handler allows searching and replacing specific strings within a page.
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
==5. System information actions==
Detailed system information is displayed through dedicated actions.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
==6. RSS autodiscovery ==
Feeds for recent page revisions and recent changes are now recognized in browsers that support autodiscovery and, of course, feed readers.
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
See more browser screenshots for this mechanism at RSSAutoDiscovery.""<!-- Replace this link with a link to a documentation page-->""
==and much more...==
Improved actions and handlers, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed [[FormattingRules1162 formatting documentation]], configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
===Installation notes===
You can install the latest stable release either by [[UpgradeNotes upgrading your wiki]] or by [[WikkaInstallation installing a fresh package]].
===Browse the source===
You can browse the source code of [[ Wikka]] from the ""<abbr title="Subversion">SVN</abbr>"" repository.
Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for in the [[ tracker]].
~{{image alt="Code block filename screenshot" title="Codeblock filename support" url="images/features/filename.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Syntax highlighting screenshot" title="Upgraded syntax highlighting" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Syntax highlighting screenshot" title="Upgraded syntax highlighting" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/grab.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Syntax highlighting screenshot" title="Upgraded syntax highlighting" url="images/geshi.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images//features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images//features/rss.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images//features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images//features/rss.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images//features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images//features/rss.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/rss.jpg"}}
Improved actions and handlers, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed [[FormattingRules1162 formatting documentation]], configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Revision [14559]
Edited on 2006-06-12 16:41:26 by DarTar [adding screenshot for new GeSHi formatters]Additions:
==3. New formatters for syntax highlighting==
Bundled GeSHi (version ## adds support for 68 programming/markup languages.
~{{image alt="Syntax highlighting screenshot" title="Upgraded syntax highlighting" url="images/geshi.jpg"}}
==4. Search & replace handler==
==5. System information actions==
==6. RSS autodiscovery ==
Improved actions and handlers, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Bundled GeSHi (version ## adds support for 68 programming/markup languages.
~{{image alt="Syntax highlighting screenshot" title="Upgraded syntax highlighting" url="images/geshi.jpg"}}
==4. Search & replace handler==
==5. System information actions==
==6. RSS autodiscovery ==
Improved actions and handlers, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
==4. System information actions==
==5. RSS autodiscovery ==
Improved actions and handlers, new code formatters (GeSHi bundled, with support for 68 programming/markup languages), better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Revision [14554]
Edited on 2006-06-12 06:29:36 by DarTar [Adding note on supported GeSHi formatters]Additions:
See more browser screenshots for this mechanism at RSSAutoDiscovery.""<!-- Replace this link with a link to a documentation page-->""
Revision [14552]
Edited on 2006-06-12 06:27:09 by DarTar [Adding note on supported GeSHi formatters]Additions:
See more browser screenshots for this mechanism at RSSAutoDiscovery.<!-- Replace this link with a link to a documentation page-->
Improved actions and handlers, new code formatters (GeSHi bundled, with support for 68 programming/markup languages), better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Improved actions and handlers, new code formatters (GeSHi bundled, with support for 68 programming/markup languages), better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Improved actions and handlers, new language formatters (GeSHi, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Revision [14551]
Edited on 2006-06-12 06:22:28 by JavaWoman [link to RSSAutoDiscovery - replace with doc page when available!]Additions:
See more browser screenshots for this mechanism at RSSAutoDiscovery.
Feeds for recent page revisions and recent changes are now recognized in browsers that support autodiscovery and, of course, feed readers.
>>**[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka]]** (release name: ##bluebottle##) features a long list of bugfixes and enhancements. The primary focus of this release is on providing extended functionality for embedded code blocks - which should be particularly appetizing to software developers, maintainers of documentation projects and knowledge bases.
You can install the latest stable release either by [[UpgradeNotes upgrading your wiki]] or by [[WikkaInstallation installing a fresh package]].
>>**[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka]]** (release name: ##bluebottle##) features a long list of bugfixes and feature enhancements. The primary focus of this release is on providing extended functionality for embedded code blocks - which should be particularly appetizing to software developers, maintainers of documentation projects and knowledge bases.
Improved actions and handlers, new language formatters (GeSHi, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Improved actions and handlers, new language formatters (GeSHi, better filtering of content based on [[ACLInfo ACL]], more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
==and much more...==
Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for in the [[ tracker]].
Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for in the [[ tracker]].
~-**""<a href="">Wikka-</a>""** (##676Kb##)
~-**""<a href=""></a>""** (##798Kb##)
~-**""<a href=""></a>""** (##798Kb##)
~-**""<a href=""></a>""** (798Kb)
Feeds for recent page revisions and recent changes are now autodiscovered in most browsers.
~-**""<a href="">Wikka-</a>""** (676Kb)
~-**""<a href=""></a>""** (798Kb)
~-**""<a href=""></a>""** (798Kb)
~-**##""<a href=""></a>""##** (798Kb)
===== What's new in Wikka ? =====
//Released on June 12, 2006//
~-**##""<a href="">Wikka-</a>""##** (676Kb)
~-**##""<a href=""></a>""##** (798Kb)
>>**[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka]]** (release name: ##bluebottle##) features a long list of bugfixes and feature enhancements.
==1. Filename support for code blocks==
An optional ##filename## parameter for code blocks can now be specified, to be used by the code download handler.
~{{image alt="Code block filename screenshot" title="Codeblock filename support" url="images/filename.jpg"}}
==2. On-the-fly code block downloading==
Code blocks inserted in a wiki page can now be downloaded //on-the-fly// using the "grab" button.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/grab.jpg"}}
==3. Search & replace handler==
A javascript handler allows searching and replacing specific strings within a page.
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/sr.jpg"}}
==4. System information actions==
Detailed system information is displayed through dedicated actions.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/sysinfo.jpg"}}
==5. RSS autodiscovery ==
Feeds of recent page revision and recent changes are now autodiscovered in most browsers.
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/rss.jpg"}}
Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
===Installation notes===
You can install the latest stable release by [[UpgradeNotes upgrading your wiki]] or by [[WikkaInstallation installing a fresh package]].
You can browse the source code of [[ Wikka]] from the ""<abbr title="Subversion">SVN</abbr>"" repository.
//Released on June 12, 2006//
~-**##""<a href="">Wikka-</a>""##** (676Kb)
~-**##""<a href=""></a>""##** (798Kb)
>>**[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka]]** (release name: ##bluebottle##) features a long list of bugfixes and feature enhancements.
==1. Filename support for code blocks==
An optional ##filename## parameter for code blocks can now be specified, to be used by the code download handler.
~{{image alt="Code block filename screenshot" title="Codeblock filename support" url="images/filename.jpg"}}
==2. On-the-fly code block downloading==
Code blocks inserted in a wiki page can now be downloaded //on-the-fly// using the "grab" button.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/grab.jpg"}}
==3. Search & replace handler==
A javascript handler allows searching and replacing specific strings within a page.
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/sr.jpg"}}
==4. System information actions==
Detailed system information is displayed through dedicated actions.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/sysinfo.jpg"}}
==5. RSS autodiscovery ==
Feeds of recent page revision and recent changes are now autodiscovered in most browsers.
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/rss.jpg"}}
Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]] for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.
===Installation notes===
You can install the latest stable release by [[UpgradeNotes upgrading your wiki]] or by [[WikkaInstallation installing a fresh package]].
You can browse the source code of [[ Wikka]] from the ""<abbr title="Subversion">SVN</abbr>"" repository.
//Released on December 23, 2005//
**[[WikkaReleaseNotes]]** is a minor security release. It fixes a vulnerability issue in search-related actions and modifies the default [[ACLInfo write ACL]] to prevent spam.
//Latest stable release://
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a>"")
//Security patch://
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a> :: <a href="">diff</a>"")
>>===Installation notes===
We strongly recommend you to use the //stable release// to [[UpgradeNotes upgrade]] or [[WikkaInstallation install a fresh package]]. A drop-in //security patch// containing only the files that changed between and is also available.
Because of the change in the default [[ACLInfo ACL]], after a fresh install you will need to login using your Admin username in order to edit a page.
You can browse the source of [[ Wikka]] from the SVN repository.
Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a>"")
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a> :: <a href="">diff</a>"")
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a> :: <a href="">diff</a>"")
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a> :: <a href="">diff</a>"")
Revision [12417]
Edited on 2005-12-25 13:14:00 by DarTar [adding note on editing after fresh install]Additions:
Because of the change in the default [[ACLInfo ACL]], after a fresh install you will need to login using your Admin username in order to edit a page.
Because of the change in the default [[ACLInfo ACL]], after a fresh install you will need to login using your Admin username in order to edit a page.
No Differences
**[[WikkaReleaseNotes]]** is a minor security release. It fixes a vulnerability issue in search-related actions and modifies the default [[ACLInfo write ACL]] to prevent spam.
It fixes a vulnerability issue in search-related actions and modifies the default [[ACLInfo write ACL]] to prevent spam.
**[[WikkaReleaseNotes]]** is a minor security release.
Revision [12404]
Edited on 2005-12-24 00:57:25 by DarTar [adding link to tag in SVN repository]Additions:
===Browse the source===
You can browse the source of [[ Wikka]] from the SVN repository.
You can browse the source of [[ Wikka]] from the SVN repository.
//Released on December 23, 2005//
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a> :: <a href="">diff</a>"")
We strongly recommend you to use the //stable release// to [[UpgradeNotes upgrade]] or [[WikkaInstallation install a fresh package]]. A drop-in //security patch// containing only the files that changed between and is also available.
===== What's new in Wikka ? =====
The **[[WikkaReleaseNotes release]]** is a minor security release.
It fixes a vulnerability issue in search-related actions and modifies the default [[ACLInfo write ACL]] to prevent spam.
//Latest stable release://
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a>"")
//Security patch://
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a>"")
>>===Installation notes===
We strongly recommend you to use the //stable release// for [[UpgradeNotes upgrading]] or [[WikkaInstallation installing a fresh package]]. A drop-in //security patch// containing only the files that changed between and is also available.
Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].
The **[[WikkaReleaseNotes release]]** is a minor security release.
It fixes a vulnerability issue in search-related actions and modifies the default [[ACLInfo write ACL]] to prevent spam.
//Latest stable release://
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a>"")
//Security patch://
~-**Wikka-** (""<a href="">tar.gz</a> :: <a href="">zip</a>"")
>>===Installation notes===
We strongly recommend you to use the //stable release// for [[UpgradeNotes upgrading]] or [[WikkaInstallation installing a fresh package]]. A drop-in //security patch// containing only the files that changed between and is also available.
Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].
The **[[WikkaReleaseNotes release]]** has finally seen the light.
Beside several bugfixes and minor modifications, it includes two major feature additions and the possibility to install it using PHP 5.
~1) **Enhanced FreeMind support** ---
~FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating [[MindMapping mindmaps]] from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map ([[MindMapRecentChanges embedded map example]]). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page ([[EmbeddedMapExample inline link example]]).
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~~[[FreeMind Learn more...]]
~1) **Advanced Syntax Highlighting** ---
~The new release includes GeSHi, an advanced syntax highlighter, among the formatting functions. You can now produce highlighted code blocks in several programming and markup language. Among GeSHi's niceties, it is worth mentioning the following:
~~-(extensible) support for several languages;
~~-easily customizable output;
~~-line numbering;
~~-automatic generation of clickable pointers to the language documentation;
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~[[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]]
== Further improvements ==
Further enhancements in include:
~-A [[CalendarActionInfo calendar action]].
~-A new formatter for [[FormattingRules inline comments]].
~-A new handler allowing users to [[CloneHandlerInfo clone]] existing pages.
~-Two handlers for displaying a page source:
~~-##[[ showcode]]## - showing a formatted, user-friendly version of the page source;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
~-A small action displaying [[LastEditActionInfo last edit]] information.
~-A bunch of miniactions displaying [[SysInfo system information and statistics]]
//Want to learn more? Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].//
Revision [5737]
Edited on 2005-02-07 12:20:29 by JavaWoman [mentioning install with PHP5 is fine - but we don't really *support* PHP5 yet]Deletions:
~ A Bug preventing the installation of Wikka on a system running with *PHP 5* is now fixed.
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
===== What's new in Wikka ? =====
The **[[WikkaReleaseNotes release]]** has finally seen the light.
Beside several bugfixes and minor modifications, it includes two major feature additions and the possibility to install it using PHP 5.
~1) **Enhanced FreeMind support** ---
~FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating [[MindMapping mindmaps]] from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map ([[MindMapRecentChanges embedded map example]]). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page ([[EmbeddedMapExample inline link example]]).
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~~[[FreeMind Learn more...]]
~1) **Advanced Syntax Highlighting** ---
~The new release includes GeSHi, an advanced syntax highlighter, among the formatting functions. You can now produce highlighted code blocks in several programming and markup language. Among GeSHi's niceties, it is worth mentioning the following:
~~-(extensible) support for several languages;
~~-easily customizable output;
~~-line numbering;
~~-automatic generation of clickable pointers to the language documentation;
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~[[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]]
~ **Support of PHP 5**
~ A Bug preventing the installation of Wikka on a system running with *PHP 5* is now fixed.
== Further improvements ==
Further enhancements in include:
~-A [[CalendarActionInfo calendar action]].
~-A new formatter for [[FormattingRules inline comments]].
~-A new handler allowing users to [[CloneHandlerInfo clone]] existing pages.
~-Two handlers for displaying a page source:
~~-##[[ showcode]]## - showing a formatted, user-friendly version of the page source;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
~-A small action displaying [[LastEditActionInfo last edit]] information.
~-A bunch of miniactions displaying [[SysInfo system information and statistics]]
//Want to learn more? Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].//
===== What's new in Wikka ? =====
The **[[WikkaReleaseNotes release]]** has finally seen the light.
Beside several bugfixes and minor modifications, it includes two major feature additions and the possibility to install it using PHP 5.
~1) **Enhanced FreeMind support** ---
~FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating [[MindMapping mindmaps]] from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map ([[MindMapRecentChanges embedded map example]]). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page ([[EmbeddedMapExample inline link example]]).
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~~[[FreeMind Learn more...]]
~1) **Advanced Syntax Highlighting** ---
~The new release includes GeSHi, an advanced syntax highlighter, among the formatting functions. You can now produce highlighted code blocks in several programming and markup language. Among GeSHi's niceties, it is worth mentioning the following:
~~-(extensible) support for several languages;
~~-easily customizable output;
~~-line numbering;
~~-automatic generation of clickable pointers to the language documentation;
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~[[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]]
~ **Support of PHP 5**
~ A Bug preventing the installation of Wikka on a system running with *PHP 5* is now fixed.
== Further improvements ==
Further enhancements in include:
~-A [[CalendarActionInfo calendar action]].
~-A new formatter for [[FormattingRules inline comments]].
~-A new handler allowing users to [[CloneHandlerInfo clone]] existing pages.
~-Two handlers for displaying a page source:
~~-##[[ showcode]]## - showing a formatted, user-friendly version of the page source;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
~-A small action displaying [[LastEditActionInfo last edit]] information.
~-A bunch of miniactions displaying [[SysInfo system information and statistics]]
//Want to learn more? Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].//
===== What's new in Wikka ? =====
The **[[WikkaReleaseNotes release]]** has finally seen the light.
Beside several bugfixes and minor modifications, it includes two major feature additions.
~1) **Enhanced FreeMind support** ---
~FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating [[MindMapping mindmaps]] from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map ([[MindMapRecentChanges embedded map example]]). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page ([[EmbeddedMapExample inline link example]]).
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~~[[FreeMind Learn more...]]
~1) **Advanced Syntax Highlighting** ---
~The new release includes GeSHi, an advanced syntax highlighter, among the formatting functions. You can now produce highlighted code blocks in several programming and markup language. Among GeSHi's niceties, it is worth mentioning the following:
~~-(extensible) support for several languages;
~~-easily customizable output;
~~-line numbering;
~~-automatic generation of clickable pointers to the language documentation;
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~[[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]]
== Further improvements ==
Further enhancements in include:
~-A [[CalendarActionInfo calendar action]].
~-A new formatter for [[FormattingRules inline comments]].
~-A new handler allowing users to [[CloneHandlerInfo clone]] existing pages.
~-Two handlers for displaying a page source:
~~-##[[ showcode]]## - showing a formatted, user-friendly version of the page source;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
~-A small action displaying [[LastEditActionInfo last edit]] information.
~-A bunch of miniactions displaying [[SysInfo system information and statistics]]
//Want to learn more? Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].//
~FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating [[MindMapping mindmaps]] from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map ([[MindMapRecentChanges embedded map example]]). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page ([[EmbeddedMapExample inline link example]]).
~FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating [[MindMapping mindmaps]] from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map ([[MindMapRecentChanges example]]). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page ([[EmbeddedMapExample example]]).
Revision [5200]
Edited on 2005-01-25 17:44:17 by DarTar [human-readable announcement of new features in the last release]Additions:
~The new release includes GeSHi, an advanced syntax highlighter, among the formatting functions. You can now produce highlighted code blocks in several programming and markup language. Among GeSHi's niceties, it is worth mentioning the following:
Revision [5196]
Edited on 2005-01-25 17:29:25 by DarTar [human-readable announcement of new features in the last release]Additions:
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~~[[FreeMind Learn more...]]
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~[[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]]
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~~[[FreeMind Learn more...]]
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~[[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]]
~([[SyntaxHighlighter Learn more...]])
Revision [5193]
Edited on 2005-01-25 17:13:07 by DarTar [human-readable announcement of new features in the last release]Additions:
~-A bunch of miniactions displaying [[SysInfo system information and statistics]]
Revision [5192]
Edited on 2005-01-25 17:12:25 by DarTar [human-readable announcement of new features in the last release]Additions:
~~-##[[ showcode]]## - showing a formatted, user-friendly version of the page source;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
~~-##[[ raw]]## - showing the actual source of the page in plain text format;
Revision [5191]
Edited on 2005-01-25 17:10:31 by DarTar [human-readable announcement of new features in the last release]Additions:
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