Comparing revisions for WikkaAdminPanel

Configurable preferences include many options that are currently handled by the [[Docs:ConfigurationOptions | wikka configuration file]]: //root page//, //site name//, //gui interface activation//, //user comments activation//, //upload path//, //wikiping server//, default //ACLs// etc. A system configuration module might also let Wikka Admins decide which actions are "activated", and hence which actions can be used by users.
Configurable preferences include many options that are currently handled by the [[Docs:ConfigurationOptions wikka configuration file]]: //root page//, //site name//, //gui interface activation//, //user comments activation//, //upload path//, //wikiping server//, default //ACLs// etc. A system configuration module might also let Wikka Admins decide which actions are "activated", and hence which actions can be used by users.
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