Revision history for WikkaDocumentation
Revision [22914]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by DarTar [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:HomePage | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:HomePage Wikka Documentation Server]].
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>**Other languages:**
~-[[WikkaDocumentationES Español]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationFR Français]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)
**See also:**
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to Wikka]]
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; color:#202020; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""
=== Documentation shortcuts===
~-[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
~-[[WikkaFAQ Frequently Asked Questions]]
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
>>**See also:**
~-[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
~-[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
~-[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
~-[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code blocks]]
~~-[[FlashActionInfo Flash objects]]
~~-[[FreeMind Mindmaps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for [[WikkaAdmin Wikka administrators]]//
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~~-[[WikiOnAStick Installing Wikka on a USB stick]]
~~-[[LighttpdConfig Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
>>**See also:**
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
====== Wikka Documentation ======
=====Wikka Documentation =====
Wikka Documentation
Revision [17658]
Edited on 2007-10-16 14:31:50 by WillyPs [If you specify a bg color inline, please specify a contrasting color for text.]Additions:
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; color:#202020; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""
Revision [15638]
Edited on 2006-11-14 08:18:22 by DarTar [announcing new documentation server (under construction)]Additions:
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""
~~-[[WikiOnAStick Installing Wikka on a USB stick]]
~~-[[LighttpdConfig Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]
~~-[[LighttpdConfig Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationES Español]]
=== Documentation shortcuts===
=== Documentation shortcuts===
No Differences
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code blocks]]
~~-[[FlashActionInfo Flash objects]]
~~-[[FreeMind Mindmaps]]
~~-[[FlashActionInfo Flash objects]]
~~-[[FreeMind Mindmaps]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>**Other languages:**
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)
**See also:**
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)
**See also:**
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>Other languages:
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)>>::c::
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaFAQ Frequently Asked Questions]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaFAQ Frequently Asked Questions]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
~-//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
~-[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
~-[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
~-[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
~-[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
~-[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
~-[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
~-[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
~-[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
~-[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
~-[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Revision [8421]
Edited on 2005-05-24 11:53:10 by NilsLindenberg [added link to DocumentaionDiscussion]Additions:
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>Other languages:
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>Other languages:
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<>>Other languages:
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
~-[[WikkaDocumentationFR Français]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)>>::c::
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)>>::c::
~-//There is also a [[WikkaDocumentationDE summary]] of the documentation in **German**//>>::c::
[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<>>Other languages:
~-//A **French** version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
~-//There is also a [[WikkaDocumentationDE summary]] of the documentation in **German**//>>::c::
~-//A **French** version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
~-//There is also a [[WikkaDocumentationDE summary]] of the documentation in **German**//>>::c::
//A French version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
//Documentation for [[WikkaAdmin Wikka administrators]]//
~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
//A French version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
//A french version of documentations can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
====== Wikka Documentation ======
<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[ WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[ WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page-ownership]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
Explains how formatters function and how to build formatters. Formatters are in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[MindMapping What is a mind-map?]]
[[MindMapping What is a //mind-mapping//?]]
[[MindMapping What is "mind-mapping"?]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describe what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
Describe what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to some basic features of WikkaWiki]]
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
//The Wikka way to content management//
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
**Wikka vision**:
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~//See also://
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
**Wikka vision**:
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
**Wikka vision**:
~~[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~~[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
Wikka vision:
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
Revision [3541]
Edited on 2004-12-20 22:47:11 by JavaWoman [minor clarifying edits and rearrangements]Additions:
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("core" vs. "plugins" - content vs. service)]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
Revision [3539]
Edited on 2004-12-20 22:11:00 by JavaWoman [trying to typographically separate docs from not-really-docs]Additions:
~=> //see also://
~~[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~~[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~~[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~~[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
~[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps]]
Revision [3304]
Edited on 2004-12-16 13:30:03 by NilsLindenberg [changed sturcture and added link to rss]Additions:
Adding to a page:
~[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~[[UsingHTML using HTML]]
~[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps]]
~[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
~[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~[[UsingHTML using HTML]]
~[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps]]
~[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]
[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting in Wikka pages]]
[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps in Wikka]]
[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~[[ReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
[[FormattingRules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]
Revision [3022]
Edited on 2004-12-09 15:27:49 by NilsLindenberg [removed useless text (sometimes i don't like windows ;-)]Additions:
====== Wikka Documentation ======
Revision [3021]
Edited on 2004-12-09 15:27:06 by NilsLindenberg [changed links for textformatting, corrected pagename for file-upload]Additions:
pagename fo====== Wikka Documentation ======
~[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[Formatting Rules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]
~[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[Formatting Rules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]
~[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
[[AttchmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
Revision [2936]
Edited on 2004-12-07 20:52:53 by DarTar [Removing link to documentation of unofficial features]Deletions:
[[CodeContributions Modifications non part of the standard-distribution of Wikka]]
~[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
=== Advanced ===
=== Advanced ===
=== Advanced Documentation ===
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting in Wikka pages]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
Wikka vision:
~[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~[[SecurityInfo Security]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~[[SecurityInfo Security]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
[[SearchHelp Search in Wikka]]
[[RegisterInfo Register a user, login and logout]]
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
=== Basics ===
~[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//
=== Development ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
=== Basics ===
~[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//
=== Development ===
=== Wikka Administration ===
// Documentation for Wikka administrators//
=== Wikka Development ===
The files of the Wikka distribution
~[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
[[RegisterInfo Register and log-in]]
The files of the Wikka distributation
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[RegisterInfo Register and log-in]]
The files of the Wikka distributation
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps in Wikka]]
[[UsingFreeMindMaps Using FreeMind maps in Wikka]]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki, what is WikkaWiki?]]
[[WikkaFeatures The Features of WikkaWiki]]
~[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
~[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~[[WikiEditInfo Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[WikkaFeatures The Features of WikkaWiki]]
~[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
~[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~[[WikiEditInfo Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the GUI Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page-ownership]]
The files of the Wikka distributation
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
What do the Files in the Wikka-Direcotry do?
What do the Files in the Wikka-Direcotry do?
[[TopMenuHelp What the links in the menu at the top do and how you can change them]]
[[TopMenuHelp What the links in the Menu do and how you can change them]]
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
History of the main modifications of this engine
Revision [1593]
Edited on 2004-10-03 23:20:44 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
Revision [1592]
Edited on 2004-10-03 23:19:05 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
=== Basic Documentation ===
//General documentation for end users//
=== Advanced Documentation ===
//General documentation for end users//
=== Advanced Documentation ===
// Basic documentation for end users//
=== Advanced User Documentation ===
Revision [1591]
Edited on 2004-10-03 23:15:08 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
Revision [1590]
Edited on 2004-10-03 23:07:04 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
Described CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
Revision [1582]
Edited on 2004-10-03 22:22:00 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
Revision [1580]
Edited on 2004-10-03 22:06:21 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
[[AddingImages Adding images]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting Rules]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting Rules]]
Revision [1576]
Edited on 2004-10-03 21:59:11 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
Revision [1565]
Edited on 2004-10-03 20:49:12 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
Revision [1561]
Edited on 2004-10-03 20:32:08 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
=== Advanced User Documentation ===
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
=== Advanced User Documentation ===
=== Advanced User Info ===
Revision [1560]
Edited on 2004-10-03 20:30:10 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
Revision [1547]
Edited on 2004-10-03 19:36:23 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Revision [1546]
Edited on 2004-10-03 19:36:01 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
<<This page hosts links the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Revision [1543]
Edited on 2004-10-03 19:28:46 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]Additions:
====== Wikka Documentation ======
<<This page hosts links to the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)<<
=== User Documentation ===
// Basic documentation for end users//
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
[[FormattingRules Wikka Formatting Rules]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the GUI Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
=== Advanced User Info ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
[[UsingActions Using actions in Wikka pages]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
=== Wikka Administration ===
// Documentation for Wikka administrators//
[[InstallingWikka How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~[[ReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka administration]]
=== Wikka Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions for data storage/retrieval and user management
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatters]]
Explains how formatters function and how to build formatters. Formatters are in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Described CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
<<This page hosts links to the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)<<
=== User Documentation ===
// Basic documentation for end users//
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
[[FormattingRules Wikka Formatting Rules]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the GUI Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
=== Advanced User Info ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
[[UsingActions Using actions in Wikka pages]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
=== Wikka Administration ===
// Documentation for Wikka administrators//
[[InstallingWikka How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~[[ReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka administration]]
=== Wikka Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions for data storage/retrieval and user management
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatters]]
Explains how formatters function and how to build formatters. Formatters are in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Described CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
==Basic Info==
[[InstallingWikka How to Install Wikka]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]
==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]
[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]
[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]
Revision [1194]
Edited on 2004-09-14 03:13:49 by RickL [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]Additions:
====Help and Information====
==Basic Info==
[[InstallingWikka How to Install Wikka]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]
==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]
[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]
[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]
==Basic Info==
[[InstallingWikka How to Install Wikka]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]
==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]
[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]
[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]
==Basic Info==
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]
==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]
[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]
[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]
Revision [591]
Edited on 2004-06-04 14:41:15 by RichardTerry [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]Additions:
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
Revision [590]
Edited on 2004-06-03 14:12:53 by RichardTerry [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]Additions:
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]
Revision [503]
Edited on 2004-05-29 19:34:21 by JsnX [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]Additions:
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]
Revision [482]
Edited on 2004-05-29 15:05:41 by JsnX [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]Additions:
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
Revision [440]
Edited on 2004-05-28 03:03:35 by JsnX [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]Additions: