Revision history for WikkaDocumentation

Revision [22914]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by DarTar [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:HomePage | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:HomePage Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18136]

Edited on 2008-01-27 04:00:52 by DarTar [fixing link]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:HomePage Wikka Documentation Server]].
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation Server]].

Revision [18123]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by DarTar [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
====== Wikka Documentation ======
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>**Other languages:**
~-[[WikkaDocumentationES Español]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationFR Français]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)
**See also:**
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to Wikka]]
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; color:#202020; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""
=== Documentation shortcuts===
~-[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
~-[[WikkaFAQ Frequently Asked Questions]]
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
>>**See also:**
~-[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
~-[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
~-[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
~-[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code blocks]]
~~-[[FlashActionInfo Flash objects]]
~~-[[FreeMind Mindmaps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for [[WikkaAdmin Wikka administrators]]//
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~~-[[WikiOnAStick Installing Wikka on a USB stick]]
~~-[[LighttpdConfig Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
>>**See also:**
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

Revision [17776]

Edited on 2007-12-03 17:44:24 by DarTar [rv]
====== Wikka Documentation ======
=====Wikka Documentation =====

Revision [17775]

Edited on 2007-12-03 07:23:37 by TestUser [rv]
=====Wikka Documentation =====
Wikka Documentation

Revision [17774]

Edited on 2007-12-03 07:22:47 by TestUser [rv]
Wikka Documentation
====== Wikka Documentation ======

Revision [17658]

Edited on 2007-10-16 14:31:50 by WillyPs [If you specify a bg color inline, please specify a contrasting color for text.]
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; color:#202020; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""

Revision [15638]

Edited on 2006-11-14 08:18:22 by DarTar [announcing new documentation server (under construction)]
""<div style="position:relative; text-align: left; width: 46%; clear:left; margin: 70px 15px 0 0; padding: 4px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>Wikka Documentation Server</h5><p>We have setup a dedicated server (<a href="" title="Wikka Documentation"></a>) to host the Wikka Documentation. This server is currently <em>under construction</em>: we are migrating/updating the documentation to match the forthcoming release (<tt>1.1.7</tt>). The docs are admin-only, if you want to contribute please register an account there and drop me a line at <tt>dartar AT wikkawiki DOT org</tt> so I can give you read/write access<br />-- DarTar, 2006-11-14</p></div>""

Revision [15067]

Edited on 2006-08-04 06:00:45 by DarTar [adding link]
~~-[[WikiOnAStick Installing Wikka on a USB stick]]
~~-[[LighttpdConfig Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]

Revision [11744]

Edited on 2005-11-10 09:05:43 by DarTar [link]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationES Español]]

Revision [11377]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:44:39 by DarTar [links]
=== Documentation shortcuts===

Revision [11376]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:41:34 by DarTar [links]

No Differences

Revision [11375]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:41:21 by DarTar [links]

Revision [11374]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:39:05 by DarTar [links]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code blocks]]
~~-[[FlashActionInfo Flash objects]]
~~-[[FreeMind Mindmaps]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]

Revision [11365]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:07:38 by DarTar [some more info in the header]
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>**Other languages:**
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)
**See also:**
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>Other languages:
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)>>::c::
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]

Revision [11363]

Edited on 2005-10-12 08:02:16 by DarTar [adding link]
~-[[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]

Revision [10398]

Edited on 2005-08-02 18:16:19 by DarTar [some additions / reordering]
~-[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaFAQ Frequently Asked Questions]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
~-//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===

Revision [10050]

Edited on 2005-07-17 11:44:30 by JavaWoman [layout]
~-//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
~-[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
~-[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
~-[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
~-[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
~-[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

Revision [10043]

Edited on 2005-07-17 10:24:42 by DarTar [adding link]
~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]

Revision [8746]

Edited on 2005-05-31 12:18:47 by NilsLindenberg [link change]
[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]

Revision [8421]

Edited on 2005-05-24 11:53:10 by NilsLindenberg [added link to DocumentaionDiscussion]
Contributions for missing entries and [[DocumentationDiscussion discussion]] are welcome.
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]. <<>>Other languages:
Contributions for missing entries are welcome.
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<>>Other languages:

Revision [8397]

Edited on 2005-05-23 11:40:59 by DarTar [shortening localized doc links]
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome.
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..

Revision [8396]

Edited on 2005-05-23 11:40:24 by DarTar [shortening localized doc links]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationFR Français]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationDE Deutsch]] (summary)>>::c::
~-//A **French** version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
~-//There is also a [[WikkaDocumentationDE summary]] of the documentation in **German**//>>::c::

Revision [7841]

Edited on 2005-05-03 15:45:49 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]

Revision [7766]

Edited on 2005-05-01 11:28:09 by JavaWoman [adding link to German summary]
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<>>Other languages:
~-//A **French** version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
~-//There is also a [[WikkaDocumentationDE summary]] of the documentation in **German**//>>::c::
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
//A French version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//

Revision [7727]

Edited on 2005-04-29 16:22:04 by NilsLindenberg [links to WikkaAdmin]
//Documentation for [[WikkaAdmin Wikka administrators]]//
~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//

Revision [7371]

Edited on 2005-04-18 14:12:25 by NilsLindenberg [added ùlink to SmartTitlesInfo]
~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]

Revision [7258]

Edited on 2005-04-14 08:45:24 by DarTar [small change in the intro box]
//A French version of the official documentation can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//
//A french version of documentations can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//

Revision [7257]

Edited on 2005-04-14 08:44:42 by DarTar [small change in the intro box]
<<This section hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.

Revision [6938]

Edited on 2005-03-26 20:37:47 by PivWan [Adding link to FR doc]
//A french version of documentations can be found [[WikkaDocumentationFR here]]//

Revision [6310]

Edited on 2005-02-25 11:40:38 by DarTar [Adding link to DocumentationIndex]
[[DocumentationIndex Documentation Index]]

Revision [6142]

Edited on 2005-02-18 15:47:05 by KarmaTester [fixed link]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[ WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)

Revision [6125]

Edited on 2005-02-18 08:29:11 by DarTar [Adding link to MM]
====== Wikka Documentation ======

<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<

//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//

=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//

[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]

===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//

[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]

=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//

[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]

=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//

Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]

[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]

=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//

[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]

=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//

[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[ WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

=== Frequently Asked Questions ===

====== Wikka Documentation ======

<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<

//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//

=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//

[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]

===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//

[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]

=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//

[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]

=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//

Adding to a page:
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]

[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]

=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//

[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]

=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//

[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
The files of the Wikka distribution
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

=== Frequently Asked Questions ===


Revision [5571]

Edited on 2005-02-04 12:05:52 by JavaWoman [spelling, layout]
[[MindMapping What is a mind map?]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page ownership]]
[[MindMapping What is a mind-map?]]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page-ownership]]

Revision [5568]

Edited on 2005-02-04 11:47:57 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[SocialSoftware What is social software?]]

Revision [5361]

Edited on 2005-01-29 16:40:48 by NilsLindenberg [formatters-> formatter]
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatter]]
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatters]]
Explains how formatters function and how to build formatters. Formatters are in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output

Revision [5207]

Edited on 2005-01-25 18:28:36 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[MindMapping What is a mind-map?]]
[[MindMapping What is a //mind-mapping//?]]

Revision [5206]

Edited on 2005-01-25 18:28:15 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[MindMapping What is a //mind-mapping//?]]
[[MindMapping What is "mind-mapping"?]]

Revision [5202]

Edited on 2005-01-25 18:24:37 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[MindMapping What is "mind-mapping"?]]

Revision [4713]

Edited on 2005-01-17 09:24:53 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]

Revision [4666]

Edited on 2005-01-15 23:07:07 by JavaWoman [ypot]
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
Describe what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

Revision [4665]

Edited on 2005-01-15 23:05:10 by JavaWoman [adding link]
[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
Describe what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

Revision [4409]

Edited on 2005-01-11 09:10:23 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]

Revision [3870]

Edited on 2005-01-01 16:01:47 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]

Revision [3822]

Edited on 2004-12-29 17:53:40 by DarTar [Adding link]
//[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to WikkaWiki]]//
[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to some basic features of WikkaWiki]]

Revision [3797]

Edited on 2004-12-29 17:38:04 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[WikkaGuidedTours A visual introduction to some basic features of WikkaWiki]]

Revision [3744]

Edited on 2004-12-27 14:12:08 by DarTar [Layout and new header]
Contributions for missing entries are welcome..
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)

Revision [3740]

Edited on 2004-12-27 14:07:08 by DarTar [Layout and new header]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
[[SecurityInfo Security]]
//See also://
~//See also://
**Wikka vision**:
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]

Revision [3719]

Edited on 2004-12-27 09:56:36 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]

Revision [3646]

Edited on 2004-12-24 23:59:26 by DarTar [Miniedit]
~//See also://

Revision [3640]

Edited on 2004-12-24 16:05:15 by DarTar [let's keep it simple ;-)]
~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("core" vs. "plugins" - content vs. service)]]

Revision [3639]

Edited on 2004-12-24 16:04:12 by DarTar [layout - let's keep it short ;-)]
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
**Wikka vision**:
~=> //see also://
~~[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~~[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
Wikka vision:

Revision [3565]

Edited on 2004-12-21 09:56:23 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]

Revision [3541]

Edited on 2004-12-20 22:47:11 by JavaWoman [minor clarifying edits and rearrangements]
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("core" vs. "plugins" - content vs. service)]]
~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~-[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]

Revision [3539]

Edited on 2004-12-20 22:11:00 by JavaWoman [trying to typographically separate docs from not-really-docs]
~=> //see also://
~~[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~~[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]

Revision [3422]

Edited on 2004-12-18 13:13:16 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]

Revision [3416]

Edited on 2004-12-18 12:58:03 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]

Revision [3408]

Edited on 2004-12-18 11:54:17 by DarTar [Minor modifications]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki?]]
[[WikkaWiki What is WikkaWiki?]]
[[WikiName The concept of a WikiName]]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki, what is WikkaWiki?]]
[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]

Revision [3362]

Edited on 2004-12-17 14:18:18 by DarTar [layout]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~-[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~-[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~[[SecurityInfo Security]]
~[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
~[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]

Revision [3361]

Edited on 2004-12-17 14:16:56 by DarTar [layout]
[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
[[RegisterInfo Register a user, login and logout]]

Revision [3360]

Edited on 2004-12-17 14:15:45 by DarTar [layout]
~[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~[[UsingHTML using HTML]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps]]

Revision [3304]

Edited on 2004-12-16 13:30:03 by NilsLindenberg [changed sturcture and added link to rss]
Adding to a page:
~[[UsingActions Actions ("plugins")]]
~[[UsingHTML using HTML]]
~[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps]]
~[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~[[RssInfo RSS Feeds]]
[[UsingActions Using actions in Wikka pages]]
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]
[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting in Wikka pages]]
[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps in Wikka]]
[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]

Revision [3037]

Edited on 2004-12-09 18:34:59 by DarTar [Minor edit]
[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
[[FormattingRules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]
~[[ReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]

Revision [3025]

Edited on 2004-12-09 15:40:49 by NilsLindenberg [another link correction]
[[FormattingRules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]
[[Formatting Rules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]

Revision [3022]

Edited on 2004-12-09 15:27:49 by NilsLindenberg [removed useless text (sometimes i don't like windows ;-)]
====== Wikka Documentation ======
pagename fo====== Wikka Documentation ======

Revision [3021]

Edited on 2004-12-09 15:27:06 by NilsLindenberg [changed links for textformatting, corrected pagename for file-upload]
pagename fo====== Wikka Documentation ======
~[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[Formatting Rules the rules of page-formating in a compact version]]
====== Wikka Documentation ======
~[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
[[AttchmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]

Revision [2975]

Edited on 2004-12-08 15:08:36 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]

Revision [2960]

Edited on 2004-12-08 14:38:02 by DarTar [Minor mods]
=== Frequently Asked Questions ===
[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
~[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]

Revision [2936]

Edited on 2004-12-07 20:52:53 by DarTar [Removing link to documentation of unofficial features]
[[CodeContributions Modifications non part of the standard-distribution of Wikka]]

Revision [2927]

Edited on 2004-12-07 18:02:42 by NilsLindenberg [link to CodeContributions added]
[[CodeContributions Modifications non part of the standard-distribution of Wikka]]

Revision [2882]

Edited on 2004-12-06 15:18:00 by NilsLindenberg [little change]
~[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
=== Advanced ===
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
=== Advanced Documentation ===

Revision [2844]

Edited on 2004-12-04 16:14:35 by NilsLindenberg [link added]
[[WikiPing WikiPing]]

Revision [2607]

Edited on 2004-11-29 08:57:06 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting in Wikka pages]]

Revision [2485]

Edited on 2004-11-26 13:46:11 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]

Revision [2479]

Edited on 2004-11-26 13:08:59 by DarTar [Call for documentation pages]
Wikka vision:
~[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~[[SecurityInfo Security]]
[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
[[WikkaFeatures The Features of WikkaWiki]]

Revision [2476]

Edited on 2004-11-26 12:29:59 by DarTar [Minor layout edit]

Revision [2404]

Edited on 2004-11-24 09:55:33 by DarTar [Adding link]
[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]

Revision [2311]

Edited on 2004-11-18 11:08:26 by NilsLindenberg [link changed]
~[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~[[WikiEditInfo Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]

Revision [2247]

Edited on 2004-11-17 08:29:51 by NilsLindenberg [typo]
[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
[[SearchHelp Search in Wikka]]

Revision [2246]

Edited on 2004-11-17 08:29:17 by NilsLindenberg [link added]
[[SearchHelp Search in Wikka]]

Revision [2231]

Edited on 2004-11-16 12:56:32 by NilsLindenberg [minor change]
[[RegisterInfo Register a user, login and logout]]
[[RegisterInfo Register and log-in]]

Revision [2227]

Edited on 2004-11-16 12:29:08 by NilsLindenberg [header changes]
=== Concept ===
//If the concept of a wiki is new to you//
=== Basics ===
~[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for Wikka administrators//
=== Development ===
=== Basic Documentation ===
=== Wikka Administration ===
// Documentation for Wikka administrators//
=== Wikka Development ===

Revision [2197]

Edited on 2004-11-15 12:21:05 by DarTar [Fixed typo]
The files of the Wikka distribution
The files of the Wikka distributation

Revision [2193]

Edited on 2004-11-15 11:19:52 by NilsLindenberg [minor changes]
~[[WikiName What is a WikiName?]]
[[RegisterInfo Register and log-in]]
The files of the Wikka distributation
[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
The files of the Wikka distributation

Revision [2153]

Edited on 2004-11-11 13:43:20 by NilsLindenberg [new link]
[[FreeMind FreeMind and the using of its maps in Wikka]]
[[UsingFreeMindMaps Using FreeMind maps in Wikka]]

Revision [2150]

Edited on 2004-11-11 13:26:29 by NilsLindenberg [freemind added]
[[UsingFreeMindMaps Using FreeMind maps in Wikka]]
[[TopMenuHelp What the links in the menu at the top do and how you can change them]]

Revision [2134]

Edited on 2004-11-10 17:21:50 by NilsLindenberg [freemind added]
[[WikiEngine What is a Wiki, what is WikkaWiki?]]
[[WikkaFeatures The Features of WikkaWiki]]
~[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
~[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~[[WikiEditInfo Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AddingImages Adding images]]
[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the GUI Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]

Revision [2128]

Edited on 2004-11-10 16:56:34 by NilsLindenberg [commenting a page added]
[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]

Revision [2120]

Edited on 2004-11-10 16:21:20 by NilsLindenberg [new link]
[[PageOwnership The concept of page-ownership]]

Revision [2113]

Edited on 2004-11-10 09:12:57 by NilsLindenberg [new link]
The files of the Wikka distributation
What do the Files in the Wikka-Direcotry do?

Revision [2100]

Edited on 2004-11-08 09:38:32 by NilsLindenberg [new link]
[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
What do the Files in the Wikka-Direcotry do?

Revision [1996]

Edited on 2004-10-25 19:37:40 by NilsLindenberg [typo]
[[TopMenuHelp What the links in the menu at the top do and how you can change them]]
[[TopMenuHelp What the links in the Menu do and how you can change them]]

Revision [1995]

Edited on 2004-10-25 19:37:17 by NilsLindenberg [add]
[[TopMenuHelp What the links in the Menu do and how you can change them]]

Revision [1623]

Edited on 2004-10-04 18:36:43 by DarTar [Added link]
[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
History of the main modifications of this engine

Revision [1593]

Edited on 2004-10-03 23:20:44 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions for data storage/retrieval and user management

Revision [1592]

Edited on 2004-10-03 23:19:05 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
=== Basic Documentation ===
//General documentation for end users//
=== Advanced Documentation ===
=== User Documentation ===
// Basic documentation for end users//
=== Advanced User Documentation ===

Revision [1591]

Edited on 2004-10-03 23:15:08 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]

Revision [1590]

Edited on 2004-10-03 23:07:04 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka administration]]
Described CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.

Revision [1582]

Edited on 2004-10-03 22:22:00 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting text]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting Rules]]

Revision [1580]

Edited on 2004-10-03 22:06:21 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
[[AddingImages Adding images]]
[[FormattingRules Formatting Rules]]
[[FormattingRules Wikka Formatting Rules]]

Revision [1576]

Edited on 2004-10-03 21:59:11 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]

Revision [1565]

Edited on 2004-10-03 20:49:12 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[InstallingWikka How to install Wikka Wiki]]

Revision [1561]

Edited on 2004-10-03 20:32:08 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)
Documentation pages should follow these [[DocumentationGuidelines guidelines]]<<
=== Advanced User Documentation ===
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)<<
=== Advanced User Info ===

Revision [1560]

Edited on 2004-10-03 20:30:10 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]

Revision [1547]

Edited on 2004-10-03 19:36:23 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
<<This page hosts the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
<<This page hosts links the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.

Revision [1546]

Edited on 2004-10-03 19:36:01 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
<<This page hosts links the **official Wikka Documentation pages**.
<<This page hosts links to the **official Wikka Documentation**.

Revision [1543]

Edited on 2004-10-03 19:28:46 by DarTar [Launching the official Wikka Documentation Project. Contributions welcome]
====== Wikka Documentation ======
<<This page hosts links to the **official Wikka Documentation**.
Contributions for missing entries are welcome :)<<
=== User Documentation ===
// Basic documentation for end users//
[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
[[FormattingRules Wikka Formatting Rules]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the GUI Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
=== Advanced User Info ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
[[UsingActions Using actions in Wikka pages]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
=== Wikka Administration ===
// Documentation for Wikka administrators//
[[InstallingWikka How to install Wikka Wiki]]
[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~[[ReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka administration]]
=== Wikka Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions for data storage/retrieval and user management
[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
[[FormatterInfo Wikka Formatters]]
Explains how formatters function and how to build formatters. Formatters are in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
Described CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
====Help and Information====
==Basic Info==
[[InstallingWikka How to Install Wikka]]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]
[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]
[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]
[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]
==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]
[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]
[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]

Revision [1194]

Edited on 2004-09-14 03:13:49 by RickL [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]
====Help and Information====

==Basic Info==

[[InstallingWikka How to Install Wikka]]

[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]

[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]

[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]

[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]

[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]

[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]

[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]

[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]

[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]

==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]

[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]

[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]

====Help and Information====

==Basic Info==

[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]

[[EditPageInfo Editing a Page]]

[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]

[[AccessControlInfo Controlling Access to Pages and Comments]]

[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a Page]]

[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]

[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]

[[AdministrationInfo Wikka Administration]]

[[ConfigurationOptions wakka.config.php Configuration Option Info]]

==Other Info==
[[ActionInfo Info on Wikka Actions]]

[[FormatterInfo Info on Wikka Formatters]]

[[HandlerInfo Info on Wikka Handlers]]


Revision [591]

Edited on 2004-06-04 14:41:15 by RichardTerry [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]
[[WikiEditInfo Using the Gui Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]

Revision [590]

Edited on 2004-06-03 14:12:53 by RichardTerry [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]
[[AttchmentInfo File Attachments and Uploads]]

Revision [503]

Edited on 2004-05-29 19:34:21 by JsnX [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]
[[UsingHTML Using HTML in Wikka pages]]

Revision [482]

Edited on 2004-05-29 15:05:41 by JsnX [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]
[[CreateNewPage Creating a New Page]]
[[PageCreationInfo Creating a New Page]]

Revision [440]

Edited on 2004-05-28 03:03:35 by JsnX [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]

Revision [411]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-05-27 03:05:14 by RichardTerry [added link to (non-existent?) installation instructions]
Valid XHTML :: Valid CSS: :: Powered by WikkaWiki