Revision history for WikkaDocumentationDE

Revision [22816]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by NilsLindenberg [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentationDE | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentationDE Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18021]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by NilsLindenberg [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaDocumentationDE Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
====== Wikka Dokumentation ======
<<Dies ist die deutsche Version der **offiziellen Wikka Dokumentation**.
*Mitarbeit bei der Übersetzung aus dem Englischen sind willkommen.
*Die [[DocumentationDiscussion Diskussionen]] über die Dokumentation finden im Moment nur auf Englisch statt.
*Die Seiten der Dokumentation sollen bitte den [[DocumentationGuidelines Richtlinien]] folgen.
>>Andere Sprachen:
~-[[WikkaDocumentation English]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationFR Français]]
~- [[WikkaTourBasicsDE Grundfunktionen von Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedToursDE Eine visuelle Einführung in Wikkawiki]]
~-[[DocumentationIndexDE Index]]
~-[[WikkaFAQDE Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)]]
=== Konzept ===
//Falls das Konzept eines Wikis für Sie neu ist//
>>**Siehe auch:**
~-[[SocialSoftwareDE Was ist Soziale Sofware?]]
~-[[MindMappingDE Was ist eine Mind-map?]]
~-[[WikiEngineDE Was ist ein Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWikiDE Was ist WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[WikiNameDE Das Konzept der WikiNamen]]
~-[[PageOwnershipDE Das Konzept des Seitenbesitzens]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for [[WikkaAdmin Wikka administrators]]//
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
>>**See also:**
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
=====Zusammenfassung der englischen Dokumentation=====
- [[WikkaTourEditDE Seiten bearbeiten und ergänzen]]
- [[WikkaTourUpDownloadDE Dateien hoch- und runterladen]]
- [[FormattingRulesDE Formatierungsregeln]]
- [[SystemRequirementsDE Systemanforderungen]]
- [[WikkaFeaturesDE Wikka Features]]
- [[ActionInfoDE Infos über Actions]]

Revision [11167]

Edited on 2005-09-24 19:39:46 by NilsLindenberg [added content from en]
====== Wikka Dokumentation ======
<<Dies ist die deutsche Version der **offiziellen Wikka Dokumentation**.
*Mitarbeit bei der Übersetzung aus dem Englischen sind willkommen.
*Die [[DocumentationDiscussion Diskussionen]] über die Dokumentation finden im Moment nur auf Englisch statt.
*Die Seiten der Dokumentation sollen bitte den [[DocumentationGuidelines Richtlinien]] folgen.
>>Andere Sprachen:
~-[[WikkaDocumentation English]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentationFR Français]]
~- [[WikkaTourBasicsDE Grundfunktionen von Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaGuidedToursDE Eine visuelle Einführung in Wikkawiki]]
~-[[DocumentationIndexDE Index]]
~-[[WikkaFAQDE Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)]]
=== Konzept ===
//Falls das Konzept eines Wikis für Sie neu ist//
>>**Siehe auch:**
~-[[SocialSoftwareDE Was ist Soziale Sofware?]]
~-[[MindMappingDE Was ist eine Mind-map?]]
~-[[WikiEngineDE Was ist ein Wiki?]]
~-[[WikkaWikiDE Was ist WikkaWiki?]]
~-[[WikiNameDE Das Konzept der WikiNamen]]
~-[[PageOwnershipDE Das Konzept des Seitenbesitzens]]
===Wikka Vision===
//The Wikka way to content management//
>>**See also:**
~-[[WikkaFeatures Wikka feature list]]
~-[[FlexibleWikka The many uses of Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSites Sites powered by WikkaWiki]]
~-[[IndependentWikkaReviews Opinions on WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WakkaWiki Wikka's ancestry: WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliance]]
~-[[LightweightInfo Lightweightness]]
~-[[SpeedInfo Speed]]
~-[[ExtensibleInfo Extensibility]]
~-[[LicenseInfo Open source]]
~-[[SecurityInfo Security]]
=== Basics ===
//General documentation for end users//
~-[[RegisterInfo How to register, login and logout]]
~~-[[UserSettingsInfo The Usersettings]]
~-[[CreateNewPage Creating a new page]]
~-[[EditPageInfo Editing a page]]
~~-[[TextFormatting How to format text]]
~~-[[AddingImages Adding images]]
~~-[[AddingLinks Adding links]]
~~-[[InterWiki Interwiki links]]
~~-[[WikiEdit Using the Page Editor (Wikiedit)]]
~~-[[SmartTitlesInfo Editing the page title]]
~-[[ShowCodeInfo Displaying the source code of a page]]
~-[[CommentPageInfo Commenting a page]]
~-[[SearchHelp Searching in Wikka]]
=== Advanced ===
//Documentation for experienced users and content administrators//
~-Adding to a page:
~~-[[UsingActions Actions]]
~~-[[UsingHTML HTML]]
~~-[[SyntaxHighlighter Code highlighting]]
~~-[[FreeMind FreeMind maps]]
~~-[[AttachmentInfo File attachments and uploads]]
~~-[[RssInfo Including RSS Feeds]]
~-[[WikiCategory Creating and using categories]]
~-[[PageHistoryInfo Displaying the history of a page]]
~-[[RetrieveInfo Retrieving a previous version of a page]]
~-[[ACLInfo Controlling access to pages and comments]]
~-[[ReferrersInfo Displaying sites referring to a page]]
~-[[PageDeletionInfo Deleting a page]]
~-[[CloneHandlerInfo Cloning a page]]
~-[[SysInfoActionInfo Displaying system information and statistics]]
~-[[FormattingRules Summary of Wikka formatting rules]]
=== Administration ===
//Documentation for [[WikkaAdmin Wikka administrators]]//
~-[[SystemRequirements System requirements]]
~-[[WikkaFeatures The features of WikkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaInstallation How to install Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading Wikka Wiki]]
~~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Release notes]]
~~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from Wakka Wiki]]
~-[[ModRewrite Wikka and RewriteRules]]
~-[[WikiPing WikiPing]]
~-[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php - Understanding the main configuration file]]
~~-[[WikkaAdmin Managing Admins]]
=== Development ===
//Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka//
>>**See also:**
~-[[UnderDevelopment Current development]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Wikka Beta features]]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Change log]]
~-[[WelcomeDeveloper How to contribute to Wikka]]
~-[[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]
~~The files of the Wikka distribution (//also available as a [[WikkaSystemFilesMM MindMap]]//)
~-[[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]]
~~The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
~-[[WikkaModifications Wikka Modifications]]
~~History of the main modifications of this engine
~-[[WikkaCore Wikka Core]]
~~Outlines the structure of ##wikka.php##, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
~-[[ActionInfo Wikka Actions]]
~~Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
~-[[FormatterDevInfo Wikka Formatter]]
~~Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
~-[[HandlerInfo Wikka Handlers]]
~~Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
~-[[WikkaSkins Wikka CSS]]
~~Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party software]]
~~Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.
- [[WikkaTourBasicsDE Grundfunktionen von Wikka]]

Revision [8468]

Edited on 2005-05-25 12:16:58 by YvesFischer [added content from en]
- [[WikkaFeaturesDE Wikka Features]]
- [[WikkaFeaturesDE Wikka Features]]

Revision [8467]

Edited on 2005-05-25 12:14:47 by YvesFischer [+link: wikkafeaturesDE]
- [[WikkaFeaturesDE Wikka Features]]

Revision [8146]

Edited on 2005-05-14 15:54:53 by NilsLindenberg [layout]

No Differences

Revision [8143]

Edited on 2005-05-14 15:48:00 by NilsLindenberg [new category, header translated ;)]

Revision [8046]

Edited on 2005-05-12 14:31:16 by YvesFischer [angleichen ENG]

No Differences

Revision [8043]

Edited on 2005-05-12 14:12:56 by YvesFischer [Link SystemRequirements]
- [[SystemRequirementsDE Systemanforderungen]]

Revision [7907]

Edited on 2005-05-05 08:11:55 by YvesFischer [nocomments;layout]

Revision [7825]

Edited on 2005-05-03 12:21:04 by NilsLindenberg [layout! + category added]
=====Zusammenfassung der englischen Dokumentation=====
- [[WikkaTourBasicsDE Grundfunktionen von Wikka]]
- [[WikkaTourEditDE Seiten bearbeiten und ergänzen]]
- [[WikkaTourUpDownloadDE Dateien hoch- und runterladen]]
- [[FormattingRulesDE Formatierungsregeln]]
- [[ActionInfoDE Infos über Actions]]
===== [[WikkaTourBasicsDE Grundfunktionen von Wikka]] =====
===== [[WikkaTourEditDE Seiten bearbeiten und ergänzen]] =====
===== [[WikkaTourUpDownloadDE Dateien hoch- und runterladen]] =====
===== [[FormattingRulesDE Formatierungsregeln]] =====
===== [[ActionInfoDE Infos über Actions]] =====

Revision [7824]

Edited on 2005-05-03 12:11:37 by YvesFischer [layout! + category added]
===== [[ActionInfoDE Infos über Actions]] =====

Revision [7759]

Edited on 2005-05-01 11:07:38 by AdSamweis [layout! + category added]
===== [[WikkaTourUpDownloadDE Dateien hoch- und runterladen]] =====
===== [[WikkaTourUpDownloadDE Formatierungsregeln]] =====

Revision [7756]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-05-01 10:59:10 by AdSamweis [layout! + category added]
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