Revision history for WikkaFeatures

Revision [22899]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaFeatures | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaFeatures Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18110]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by BrianKoontz [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaFeatures Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
==== Wikka Features ====
>>==See also:==
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Release notes]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party bundled software]]
~-[[CodeContributions User-contributed extensions]]
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew]]##**.
===General information===
~-Programming language: [[PHP]].
~- Storage: [[MySQL]].
~-Operating system: platform-independent.
~- License: [[LicenseInfo GPL]].
~- Development status: mature/production.
~- Intended audience:
~~-Individual users (//PIM/website backend//);
~~-Development teams (//software documentation//);
~~-Companies and organizations (//intranet/public website backend//).
===[[WikkaStandards Output]]===
~- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional.
~- Easily customizable layout ([[WikkaSkins CSS 2.0]]) with CSS-driven print support.
~- Global and page-level RSS feeds ([[RssInfo RSS 0.92/2.0]]) with [[RSSAutoDiscovery autodiscovery support]].
~- Easily customizable English interface.
~- [[CommentPageInfo Footer comments]] (optional).
~- Human- and Search-engine-friendly [[SmartTitlesInfo page titles]].
~-Page content can be rendered with or [[ without]] formatting.
===[[WikkaInstallation Installation]]===
~- 100% web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
~- 100% web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].
~- Shell/root access not required;
~- Optional rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
===Security and antispam features===
~- [[UsingHTML SafeHTML]] function to filter potentially dangerous content.
~- Fine-grained access control through:
~~-folder-level ##.htaccess## files.
~~-global [[ACLInfo ACL]].
~~-page-level [[ACLInfo ACL]].
~- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]] with blacklist support.
===Page editing===
~- [[WikiEdit GUI page editor]].
~{{image alt="Gui Page editor" title="GUI page editor" url="images/features/wikiedit.jpg"}}
~-Page preview.
~-Edit notes support.
~- Search & replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo editing]].
~- A large selection of [[ wiki markup]], featuring support for
~~-different text styling;
~~-multiple types of lists;
~~-code blocks;
~~-threaded comments;
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks Links]] ===
~- Support for:
~~-automatically parsed links;
~~-forced links (with link text);
~~-plain HTML ##<a href="...">## links.
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki interwiki linking]].
===Media & files===
~- [[FilesActionInfo File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImages Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMind mindmaps]].
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/features/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
===Advanced features===
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions plugins]] and [[CodeContributions user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo calendar]], [[FeedbackAction feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~~- line numbering;
~~- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
===Page-related features===
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction embedded]] in each other.
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
===User-related features===
~-Configurable user login and registration screens.
~-Password retrieval utilities.
~-User preferences and userpages.
~-Lists of pages owned or recently edited by specific users.
===Statistics and information===
~-[[LastEditActionInfo Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo system information]].
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
===Page management tools===
~- Revision management tools:
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration tools]]===
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions system configuration settings]].
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Optional ##gzip## page compression.

Revision [17042]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:50 by BrianKoontz [Reverted]
~- Search & replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo editing]].
~- A large selection of [[ wiki markup]], featuring support for
~~-different text styling;
~~-multiple types of lists;
~~-code blocks;
~~-threaded comments;
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks Links]] ===
~- Support for:
~~-automatically parsed links;
~~-forced links (with link text);
~~-plain HTML ##<a href="...">## links.
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki interwiki linking]].
===Media & files===
~- [[FilesActionInfo File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImages Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMind mindmaps]].
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/features/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
===Advanced features===
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions plugins]] and [[CodeContributions user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo calendar]], [[FeedbackAction feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~~- line numbering;
~~- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
===Page-related features===
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction embedded]] in each other.
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
===User-related features===
~-Configurable user login and registration screens.
~-Password retrieval utilities.
~-User preferences and userpages.
~-Lists of pages owned or recently edited by specific users.
===Statistics and information===
~-[[LastEditActionInfo Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo system information]].
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
===Page management tools===
~- Revision management tools:
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration tools]]===
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions system configuration settings]].
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Optional ##gzip## page compression.
~- Search

Revision [16841]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:56:37 by ZnuF7p [Reverted]
~- Search
~- Search & replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo editing]].
~- A large selection of [[ wiki markup]], featuring support for
~~-different text styling;
~~-multiple types of lists;
~~-code blocks;
~~-threaded comments;
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks Links]] ===
~- Support for:
~~-automatically parsed links;
~~-forced links (with link text);
~~-plain HTML ##<a href="...">## links.
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki interwiki linking]].
===Media & files===
~- [[FilesActionInfo File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImages Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMind mindmaps]].
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/features/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
===Advanced features===
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions plugins]] and [[CodeContributions user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo calendar]], [[FeedbackAction feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~~- line numbering;
~~- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
===Page-related features===
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction embedded]] in each other.
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
===User-related features===
~-Configurable user login and registration screens.
~-Password retrieval utilities.
~-User preferences and userpages.
~-Lists of pages owned or recently edited by specific users.
===Statistics and information===
~-[[LastEditActionInfo Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo system information]].
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
===Page management tools===
~- Revision management tools:
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration tools]]===
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions system configuration settings]].
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Optional ##gzip## page compression.

Revision [16533]

Edited on 2007-05-07 18:47:04 by BrianKoontz [>]
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew]]##**.
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew]]##**.

Revision [16430]

Edited on 2007-04-19 09:08:06 by BrianKoontz [Restored]
~- Search & replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo editing]].
~- A large selection of [[ wiki markup]], featuring support for
~~-different text styling;
~~-multiple types of lists;
~~-code blocks;
~~-threaded comments;
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks Links]] ===
~- Support for:
~~-automatically parsed links;
~~-forced links (with link text);
~~-plain HTML ##<a href="...">## links.
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki interwiki linking]].
===Media & files===
~- [[FilesActionInfo File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImages Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMind mindmaps]].
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/features/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
===Advanced features===
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions plugins]] and [[CodeContributions user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo calendar]], [[FeedbackAction feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~~- line numbering;
~~- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
===Page-related features===
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction embedded]] in each other.
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
===User-related features===
~-Configurable user login and registration screens.
~-Password retrieval utilities.
~-User preferences and userpages.
~-Lists of pages owned or recently edited by specific users.
===Statistics and information===
~-[[LastEditActionInfo Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo system information]].
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
===Page management tools===
~- Revision management tools:
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration tools]]===
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions system configuration settings]].
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Optional ##gzip## page compression.
~- Search

Revision [16423]

Edited on 2007-04-19 08:42:42 by Ua8Sqo [Restored]
~- Search
~- Search & replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo editing]].
~- A large selection of [[ wiki markup]], featuring support for
~~-different text styling;
~~-multiple types of lists;
~~-code blocks;
~~-threaded comments;
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks Links]] ===
~- Support for:
~~-automatically parsed links;
~~-forced links (with link text);
~~-plain HTML ##<a href="...">## links.
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki interwiki linking]].
===Media & files===
~- [[FilesActionInfo File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImages Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMind mindmaps]].
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/features/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
===Advanced features===
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions plugins]] and [[CodeContributions user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo calendar]], [[FeedbackAction feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~~- line numbering;
~~- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
===Page-related features===
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction embedded]] in each other.
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
===User-related features===
~-Configurable user login and registration screens.
~-Password retrieval utilities.
~-User preferences and userpages.
~-Lists of pages owned or recently edited by specific users.
===Statistics and information===
~-[[LastEditActionInfo Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo system information]].
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
===Page management tools===
~- Revision management tools:
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration tools]]===
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions system configuration settings]].
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Optional ##gzip## page compression.

Revision [15656]

Edited on 2006-11-20 04:35:55 by YanB [moved install and security sections up the list]

No Differences

Revision [15027]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:13:48 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
~- Optional ##gzip## page compression.
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
~- Gzip page compression.

Revision [15026]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:12:42 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
~- 100% web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
~- 100% web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].
~- Optional rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
~- Web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
~- Web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].
~- Rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].

Revision [15025]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:10:19 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
===Security and antispam features===
===Security/antispam features===

Revision [15024]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:09:29 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
~- Support for:
~~-automatically parsed links;
~~-forced links (with link text);
~~-plain HTML ##<a href="...">## links.
~- Support for plain links, image-links, forced links.

Revision [15023]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:06:52 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
~-Page content can be rendered with or [[ without]] formatting.
~-Page content can be output with or [[ without]] formatting.

Revision [15022]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:06:14 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
~-Page content can be output with or [[ without]] formatting.

Revision [15021]

Edited on 2006-08-02 11:02:46 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
~- [[AddingImages Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Support for [[AddingImages inline images]].

Revision [15020]

Edited on 2006-08-02 10:55:35 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
>>==See also:==
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew]]##**.
>>===See also:===
>>''This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki as of **[[WhatsNew]]**''

Revision [15019]

Edited on 2006-08-02 10:53:25 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
>>''This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki as of **[[WhatsNew]]**''
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions system configuration settings]].
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]].
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki as of **[[WhatsNew]]**
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]]
~- Password management and password reminder utilities.

Revision [15018]

Edited on 2006-08-02 10:51:40 by DarTar [major overhaul of feature ordering and grouping - feedback and improvements welcome]
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki as of **[[WhatsNew]]**
===General information===
~-Programming language: [[PHP]].
~- Storage: [[MySQL]].
~-Operating system: platform-independent.
~- License: [[LicenseInfo GPL]].
~- Development status: mature/production.
~- Intended audience:
~~-Individual users (//PIM/website backend//);
~~-Development teams (//software documentation//);
~~-Companies and organizations (//intranet/public website backend//).
===[[WikkaStandards Output]]===
~- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional.
~- Easily customizable layout ([[WikkaSkins CSS 2.0]]) with CSS-driven print support.
~- Global and page-level RSS feeds ([[RssInfo RSS 0.92/2.0]]) with [[RSSAutoDiscovery autodiscovery support]].
~- Easily customizable English interface.
~- [[CommentPageInfo Footer comments]] (optional).
~- Human- and Search-engine-friendly [[SmartTitlesInfo page titles]].
===Page editing===
~- [[WikiEdit GUI page editor]].
~-Page preview.
~-Edit notes support.
~- Search & replace handler
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo editing]].
~- A large selection of [[ wiki markup]], featuring support for
~~-different text styling;
~~-multiple types of lists;
~~-code blocks;
~~-threaded comments;
~- Support for [[AddingImages inline images]].
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks Links]] ===
~- Support for plain links, image-links, forced links.
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki interwiki linking]].
===Media & files===
~- [[FilesActionInfo File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo Inline Flash support]].
~- Native support for [[FreeMind mindmaps]].
===Advanced features===
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions plugins]] and [[CodeContributions user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo calendar]], [[FeedbackAction feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo Google search form]] among others.
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~- WikiPing functionality (optional) to broadcast lists of recent changes to remote servers.
===Page-related features===
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction embedded]] in each other.
===User-related features===
~-Configurable user login and registration screens.
~-Password retrieval utilities.
~-User preferences and userpages.
~-Lists of pages owned or recently edited by specific users.
===[[WikkaInstallation Installation]]===
~- Shell/root access not required;
===Security/antispam features===
~- [[UsingHTML SafeHTML]] function to filter potentially dangerous content.
~- Fine-grained access control through:
~~-folder-level ##.htaccess## files.
~~-global [[ACLInfo ACL]].
~~-page-level [[ACLInfo ACL]].
~- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]] with blacklist support.
===Statistics and information===
~-[[LastEditActionInfo Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo system information]].
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration tools]]===
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo List of recently registered users]]
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Password management and password reminder utilities.
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version **[[WhatsNew]]**
~- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
~- Licensed under [[LicenseInfo GPL]].
~- Double-click quick [[EditPageInfo page editing]].
~- File uploading/downloading.
~- Page [[CloneHandlerInfo cloning]].
===Editing and formatting===
~- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}}
~- Search and Replace handler
~- [[FormattingRules Several text formatters]]
~- [[CommentPageInfo footer comments]]/inline comments.
~- [[AddingImages Inline images]].
~- [[Mod037fFlash Inline Flash support]].
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
~- Inline FreeMind maps.
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page).
~~- Page version comparison.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval of previous versions]]
~- Page management tools:
~~- PageIndex
~~- [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]]
~~- OrphanedPages
~~- WantedPages
~~- RecentChanges
~~- RecentlyCommented
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration]]===
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
~- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
~- Password Management.
~- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]].
===Additional features===
~- Tables.
~- [[CalendarActionInfo Calendar]]
~- [[SmartTitlesInfo Human- and Search-Engine-friendly page titles]].
~- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
~- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- HTML insecurities patched.
~- InterWiki links.
~- WikiPing (optional) publishes your wiki's recent changes on a dedicated server.
~- [[SysInfo System information and statistics]].
//Want to learn more? Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].//

Revision [15014]

Edited on 2006-08-02 04:34:08 by DarTar [updating link to image]
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/features/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}

Revision [15004]

Edited on 2006-08-01 12:41:19 by DarTar [removing outdated see-also links]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]
~-[[UnderDevelopment Features currently in development]]
~-[[MediaWikiComparison MediaWiki/WikkaWiki feature comparison table]]

Revision [14996]

Edited on 2006-08-01 11:43:43 by DarTar [changing folder for miniscreenshots, slight reorg]
>>===See also:===
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version **[[WhatsNew]]**
~- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
~- Licensed under [[LicenseInfo GPL]].
~- Double-click quick [[EditPageInfo page editing]].
~- File uploading/downloading.
~- Page [[CloneHandlerInfo cloning]].
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
~- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
~{{image alt="Gui Page editor" title="GUI page editor" url="images/features/wikiedit.jpg"}}
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~~- line numbering;
~~- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~- Search and Replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/features/sr.jpg"}}
~- [[FormattingRules Several text formatters]]
~- [[CommentPageInfo footer comments]]/inline comments.
~- [[AddingImages Inline images]].
~- [[Mod037fFlash Inline Flash support]].
~- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
~- Inline FreeMind maps.
~- Revision management tools:
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page).
~~- Page version comparison.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval of previous versions]]
~- Page management tools:
~~- PageIndex
~~- [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]]
~~- OrphanedPages
~~- WantedPages
~~- RecentChanges
~~- RecentlyCommented
~- Rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
~- Web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
~- Web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
~- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
~- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
~- Password Management.
~- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]].
~- Tables.
~- [[CalendarActionInfo Calendar]]
~- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/features/rss.jpg"}}
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
~- [[SmartTitlesInfo Human- and Search-Engine-friendly page titles]].
~- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
~- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
~- Gzip page compression.
~- HTML insecurities patched.
~- InterWiki links.
~- WikiPing (optional) publishes your wiki's recent changes on a dedicated server.
~- [[SysInfo System information and statistics]].
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
""<div style="float:right; width: 46%; padding: 4px 8px 2px 8px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><img src="images/icons/24x24/gnome-settings.png" title="todo" alt="todo icon" /> This page needs to be updated to match <strong>Wikka</strong></div><br style="clear:right"/>""
>>See also:
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version **[[WhatsNew]]** (some are available since version
- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
- Licensed under [[LicenseInfo GPL]].
- Double-click quick [[EditPageInfo page editing]].
- File uploading/downloading.
- Page [[CloneHandlerInfo cloning]].
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
~{{image alt="Gui Page editor" title="GUI page editor" url="images/wikiedit.gif"}}
- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
- support for several languages;
- easily customizable output;
- line numbering;
- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
- Search and Replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/sr.jpg"}}
- [[FormattingRules Several text formatters]]
- [[CommentPageInfo footer comments]]/inline comments.
- [[AddingImages Inline images]].
- [[Mod037fFlash Inline Flash support]].
- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
- Inline FreeMind maps.
- Revision management tools:
- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page).
- Page version comparison.
- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval of previous versions]]
- Page management tools:
- PageIndex
- [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]]
- OrphanedPages
- WantedPages
- RecentChanges
- RecentlyCommented
Reminder: SystemRequirements
- Rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
- Web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
- Web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].
- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
- Password Management.
- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]].
- Tables.
- [[CalendarActionInfo Calendar]]
- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/rss.jpg"}}
- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/grab.jpg"}}
- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
- [[SmartTitlesInfo Human- and Search-Engine-friendly page titles]].
- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
- Gzip page compression.
- HTML insecurities patched.
- InterWiki links.
- WikiPing (optional) publishes your wiki's recent changes on a dedicated server.
- [[SysInfo System information and statistics]].
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/sysinfo.jpg"}}
>>You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !>>

Revision [14995]

Edited on 2006-08-01 09:57:48 by YanB [revamped features page with miniscreenshots and subcategories]
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version **[[WhatsNew]]** (some are available since version
===Editing and formatting===
~{{image alt="Gui Page editor" title="GUI page editor" url="images/wikiedit.gif"}}
~{{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
- Search and Replace handler
~{{image alt="Search and Replace screenshot" title="Search and Replace handler" url="images/sr.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="Mindmapping sample" title="Freemind map support" url="images/mindmapping.jpg" link="FreeMind"}}
===Page management tools===
Reminder: SystemRequirements
===[[WikkaAdmin Administration]]===
===Additional features===
- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery RSS Auto Discovery]].
~{{image alt="RSS autodiscovery screenshot" title="RSS autodiscovery support" url="images/rss.jpg"}}
- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/grab.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/sysinfo.jpg"}}
//Want to learn more? Check the official [[WikkaReleaseNotes release notes]].//
>>You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !>>
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version **[[WhatsNew]]**
- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]].
==[[WikkaAdmin Administration]]==
You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !

Revision [14587]

Edited on 2006-06-14 04:11:03 by DarTar [adding update request box]
""<div style="float:right; width: 46%; padding: 4px 8px 2px 8px; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><img src="images/icons/24x24/gnome-settings.png" title="todo" alt="todo icon" /> This page needs to be updated to match <strong>Wikka</strong></div><br style="clear:right"/>""
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version **[[WhatsNew]]**
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version

Revision [11960]

Edited on 2005-11-23 00:09:04 by DarTar [minor]
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version

Revision [9845]

Edited on 2005-07-05 17:46:00 by DarTar [adding links]
~-[[UnderDevelopment Features currently in development]]
~-[[CodeContributions User-contributed extensions]]
~-[[CodeContributions Overview of available unofficial actions]]
~-[[PluginsInDevelopment Actions currently in Development]]

Revision [9735]

Edited on 2005-07-02 07:13:12 by DarTar [adding link]
~-[[MediaWikiComparison MediaWiki/WikkaWiki feature comparison table]]

Revision [9575]

Edited on 2005-06-24 10:09:32 by StewartPlatt [Minor spelling corrected.]
~-[[CodeContributions Overview of available unofficial actions]]
~-[[CodeContributions Overview of available inofficial actions]]

Revision [7893]

Edited on 2005-05-04 14:07:10 by DarTar [minor]
- [[SmartTitlesInfo Human- and Search-Engine-friendly page titles]].
- [[Mod040fSmartPageTitles Smart page titles]].

Revision [7728]

Edited on 2005-04-29 16:22:50 by NilsLindenberg [link to WikkaAdmin]
==[[WikkaAdmin Administration]]==

Revision [6162]

Edited on 2005-02-18 18:01:34 by ChristianBarthelemy [Added links]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
==== Wikka Features ====

>>See also:
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Release notes]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party bundled software]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]
~-[[CodeContributions Overview of available inofficial actions]]
~-[[PluginsInDevelopment Actions currently in Development]]
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version


- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
- [[CommentPageInfo footer comments]]/inline comments.
- Page management tools:
- PageIndex
- [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]]
- OrphanedPages
- WantedPages
- RecentChanges
- RecentlyCommented
- [[FormattingRules Several text formatters]]
- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
- support for several languages;
- easily customizable output;
- line numbering;
- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
- Double-click quick [[EditPageInfo page editing]].
- Page [[CloneHandlerInfo cloning]].
- Revision management tools:
- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page).
- Page version comparison.
- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval of previous versions]]
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
- File uploading/downloading.
- [[AddingImages Inline images]].
- [[Mod037fFlash Inline Flash support]].
- Inline FreeMind maps.
- Tables.
- [[CalendarActionInfo Calendar]]
- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]].
- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
- InterWiki links.
- WikiPing (optional) publishes your wiki's recent changes on a dedicated server.
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
- [[Mod040fSmartPageTitles Smart page titles]].
- HTML insecurities patched.
- Gzip page compression.
- [[SysInfo System information and statistics]].
- Licensed under [[LicenseInfo GPL]].


- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
- Password Management.
- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]].


- Rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
- Web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
- Web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].


You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
==== Wikka Features ====

>>See also:
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Release notes]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party bundled software]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version


- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
- [[CommentPageInfo footer comments]]/inline comments.
- Page management tools:
- PageIndex
- [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]]
- OrphanedPages
- WantedPages
- RecentChanges
- RecentlyCommented
- [[FormattingRules Several text formatters]]
- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
- support for several languages;
- easily customizable output;
- line numbering;
- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
- Double-click quick [[EditPageInfo page editing]].
- Page [[CloneHandlerInfo cloning]].
- Revision management tools:
- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page).
- Page version comparison.
- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval of previous versions]]
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
- File uploading/downloading.
- [[AddingImages Inline images]].
- [[Mod037fFlash Inline Flash support]].
- Inline FreeMind maps.
- Tables.
- [[CalendarActionInfo Calendar]]
- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]].
- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
- InterWiki links.
- WikiPing (optional) publishes your wiki's recent changes on a dedicated server.
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
- [[Mod040fSmartPageTitles Smart page titles]].
- HTML insecurities patched.
- Gzip page compression.
- [[SysInfo System information and statistics]].
- Licensed under [[LicenseInfo GPL]].


- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
- Password Management.
- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]].


- Rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
- Web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
- Web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].


You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !


Revision [4867]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:28:15 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
- Licensed under [[LicenseInfo GPL]].
- Licensed under GPL.

Revision [4866]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:27:35 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
- RSS feed with recent changes.
- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.

Revision [4865]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:26:54 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).

Revision [4864]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:26:24 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
>>This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version
>>::c::This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version

Revision [4863]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:25:57 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
>>::c::This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki since version
This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki starting from version

Revision [4862]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:25:25 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
- Page version comparison.
- [[RetrieveInfo Easy retrieval of previous versions]]
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
- Rewrite rules [[ModRewrite support]].
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).

Revision [4861]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:22:47 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
- easily customizable output;
- easy customizable output;

Revision [4860]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:22:12 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
- [[SyntaxHighlighter Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
- [[SyntaxHighlighter advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):

Revision [4859]

Edited on 2005-01-19 18:21:51 by DarTar [Refactoring feature list]
>>See also:
This is a list of features available on WikkaWiki starting from version
- [[CommentPageInfo footer comments]]/inline comments.
- Page management tools:
- PageIndex
- [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]]
- OrphanedPages
- WantedPages
- RecentChanges
- RecentlyCommented
- [[FormattingRules Several text formatters]]
- [[SyntaxHighlighter advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
- support for several languages;
- easy customizable output;
- line numbering;
- clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
- Double-click quick [[EditPageInfo page editing]].
- Page [[CloneHandlerInfo cloning]].
- Revision management tools:
- [[PageHistoryInfo Page history]] easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page).
- RSS feed with recent changes.
- [[AddingImages Inline images]].
- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
<<See also:
- PageIndex, [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]], OrphanedPages, WantedPages, RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented
- Double-click quick page editing.
- Page history easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page.)
- [[Mod019fInlineImages Inline images]].
- [[FormattingRules New formatters]] and [[SyntaxHighlighter code highlighting]].
- Admin users and [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).

Revision [4706]

Edited on 2005-01-17 09:01:09 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes Release notes]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo Third-party bundled software]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Release notes]]
~[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]

Revision [4700]

Edited on 2005-01-16 23:54:14 by DarTar [Adding link]
- [[SysInfo System information and statistics]].

Revision [4432]

Edited on 2005-01-11 09:56:02 by DarTar [Adding see also links]
<<See also:
~[[WikkaReleaseNotes Release notes]]
~[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]
<<See also: [[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]

Revision [3970]

Edited on 2005-01-04 15:41:36 by DarTar [Minor edit]
<<See also: [[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]
<<See also:
~-[[SysInfo System information on this server]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]

Revision [3968]

Edited on 2005-01-04 13:43:12 by DarTar [Adding infobox and links]
<<See also:
~-[[SysInfo System information on this server]]
~-[[WikkaBetaFeatures Beta features]]

Revision [3593]

Edited on 2004-12-22 09:47:04 by JavaWoman [minor edit]
- [[Mod037fFlash Inline Flash support]].
- [[RssInfo RSS feed inclusion]].
- [[Mod037fFlash Flash support]].
- [[RssInfo RSS support]].

Revision [3592]

Edited on 2004-12-22 09:45:08 by JavaWoman [better description of RSS feeds]
- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges recent changes]] and for each page's revisions.
- Recent changes RSS feed.

Revision [3591]

Edited on 2004-12-22 09:41:52 by JavaWoman [separate link to SyntaxHighlighter]
- [[FormattingRules New formatters]] and [[SyntaxHighlighter code highlighting]].
- [[FormattingRules New formatters and code highlighting]].

Revision [3590]

Edited on 2004-12-22 09:39:37 by JavaWoman [adding calendar plus slight rearrangement]
- PageIndex, [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]], OrphanedPages, WantedPages, RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented
- [[CalendarActionInfo Calendar]]
- PageIndex, [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]], OrphanedPages, WantedPages, RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented

Revision [3426]

Edited on 2004-12-18 13:30:58 by JavaWoman [XHTML reference more precise]
- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
- W3 compliant xHTML and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.

Revision [3411]

Edited on 2004-12-18 11:59:38 by DarTar [Adding links]
- [[RssInfo RSS support]].
- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo referrer management]].
- Web-based [[WikkaInstallation installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes upgrader]].
- Web-based [[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki upgrading from WakkaWiki]].
- RSS support.
- Advanced referrer management.
- Web-based installer.
- Web-based upgrading from WakkaWiki.

Revision [2475]

Edited on 2004-11-26 12:27:10 by DarTar [Changing link to FreeMind page]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
- Inline FreeMind maps.
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
- Inline [[Mod039fMindMapMod FreeMind]] maps.

Revision [2283]

Edited on 2004-11-17 21:41:56 by MarcusVorwaller [Changing link to FreeMind page]

No Differences

Revision [1711]

Edited on 2004-10-06 18:00:42 by DarTar [Added documentation link]
- W3 compliant xHTML and [[WikkaSKins CSS]] markup.
- W3 compliant xHTML and CSS markup.

Revision [1710]

Edited on 2004-10-06 17:51:59 by DarTar [Added documentation link]
- Admin users and [[ACLInfo ACL support]] for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
- Admin users and ACL support for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).

Revision [1668]

Edited on 2004-10-05 16:54:20 by DarTar [Wikiping added]
- WikiPing (optional) publishes your wiki's recent changes on a dedicated server.

Revision [1637]

Edited on 2004-10-05 07:38:11 by DarTar [Features reorg]

Revision [1635]

Edited on 2004-10-05 07:35:12 by DarTar [Features reorg]
- Inline [[Mod039fMindMapMod FreeMind]] maps.
- Inline [[ FreeMind]] maps.

Revision [1634]

Edited on 2004-10-05 07:33:41 by DarTar [Features reorg]
- InterWiki links.

Revision [1633]

Edited on 2004-10-05 07:29:01 by DarTar [Features reorg]
- W3 compliant xHTML and CSS markup.
- Double-click quick page editing.
- PageIndex, [[Mod036fLastUsers Last registered users]], OrphanedPages, WantedPages, RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented
- Recent changes RSS feed.
- [[FormattingRules New formatters and code highlighting]].
- Licensed under GPL.
- Admin users and ACL support for managing user privileges on single pages (read/write/comment).
- xHTML and CSS compliant markup.
- Admin users.
- ACL support for managing user privileges to read/write/comment pages.
- New formatters and code highlighting.

Revision [1631]

Edited on 2004-10-05 02:16:58 by DavidCollantes [Advance search only if MySQL 4.x]
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples.

Revision [1630]

Edited on 2004-10-04 23:57:24 by JimmyJoe [Advance search only if MySQL 4.x]
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on invidual pages]].

Revision [1611]

Edited on 2004-10-04 17:13:25 by DarTar [Added some missing features]
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
==== Wikka Features ====
- xHTML and CSS compliant markup.
- Web-based installer.
- Web-based upgrading from WakkaWiki.
- ACL support for managing user privileges to read/write/comment pages.
- [[Mod037fFlash Flash support]].
- RSS support.
- Advanced referrer management.
- New formatters and code highlighting.
- [[Mod040fSmartPageTitles Smart page titles]].
You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !
===Wikka Features: ===
- New formatters.
You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !

Revision [1128]

Edited on 2004-09-07 07:15:10 by FreeNSK [Added some missing features]
- Inline [[ FreeMind]] maps.

You can also read IndependentWikkaReviews !
- Inline [[ FreeMind]] maps.

Revision [1052]

Edited on 2004-08-27 02:20:08 by JsnX [FreeMind feature added to list]
- Tables.
- Inline [[ FreeMind]] maps.
- Tables.

Revision [999]

Edited on 2004-08-15 16:55:26 by JsnX [Advanced text searching]
===Wikka Features: ===
- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
- Page history easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page.)
- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples.
- Admin users.
- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
- File uploading/downloading.
- Password Management.
- [[Mod019fInlineImages Inline images]].
- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on invidual pages]].
- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
- HTML insecurities patched.
- Gzip page compression.
- New formatters.
===Wikka Features: ===
- [[Mod022fWikiEditGUIEditor GUI page editor]].
- [[UsingHTML HTML can be used in pages]] in a safe manner.
- Page history easily viewed in one step. (Try the "Page History" link at the bottom of the page.)
- Improved text searching.
- Admin users.
- [[PageDeletionInfo Pages can be deleted by admins]].
- Comments can be deleted by page owner, comment poster, or admins.
- File uploading/downloading.
- Password Management.
- [[Mod019fInlineImages Inline images]].
- [[WikiCategory Page categories]].
- [[Mod020fDisableCommentsOnIndividualPages Comments can be toggled off on invidual pages]].
- Printable view defined by CSS. [Click File --> Print Preview in your web browser, and notice that the header and footer are gone.]
- HTML insecurities patched.
- Gzip page compression.
- New formatters.

Revision [661]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-06-16 01:04:04 by JsnX [Advanced text searching]
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