Revision history for WikkaResources

Revision [18284]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:10:57 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

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Revision [5849]

Edited on 2005-02-10 02:24:02 by JavaWoman [minor]
Now that all seems sort of muddled to me. And it isn't even the whole story, but I think you get the idea: web standards define what "resources" are and how to GET them but Wikka doesn't have a standard way to handle them, which is somewhat confusing. (I think it doesn't even have a way to embed an images that is attached to a page //in// that page.)
//more tomorrow... watch this space :)//
Now that all seems sort of muddled to me. And it isn't even the whole story, but I think you get the idea: web standards define what "resources" are but Wikka doesn't have a standard way to handle them, which is somewhat confusing. (I think it doesn't even have a way to embed an images that is attached to a page //in// that page.)
//more tomorrow... keep watching this space :)//

Revision [5848]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-02-10 02:14:32 by JavaWoman [minor]
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