Revision history for WikkaWiki
Revision [23447]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaWiki | Wikka Documentation Server]].
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An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
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old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
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[[ **research paper**]]
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This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaWiki Wikka Documentation Server]].
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old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaWiki Wikka Documentation Server]].
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=====What is Wikka Wiki? =====
>>To start learning about Wikka you can:
~-see [[WikkaInAction wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
~-take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]]
~-read Wikka users' [[IndependentWikkaReviews opinion]]
~-read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]]
>>WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
~-Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliant output]] - W3C standards, RFCs as well as some others.
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security.
~-Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites hundreds]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
{{image class="border" alt="screenshot" title="Wikka screenshot" url="images/screenshot_thumb.jpg" link=""}}
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites hundreds]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-read Wikka users' [[IndependentWikkaReviews opinion]]
~-see [[WikkaInAction wikka in action]] {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
>>To start learning about Wikka you can:
~-see [[WikkaInAction wikka in action]];
~-take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]]
~-read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]]
>>WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
~-see [[WikkaInAction wikka in action]];
~-take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]]
~-read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]]
>>WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
>>Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka>>WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
{{image class="border" alt="screenshot" title="Wikka screenshot" url="images/screenshot_thumb.jpg" link=""}}
>>Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka>>WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
<<Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka<<::c::
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security.
~-[[WikkaStandards Standards compliant output]] - W3C standards, RFCs as well as some others.
=====What is Wikka Wiki? =====
WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
~-Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~-[[WikkaStandards W3-standards compliant output]].
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~-Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
{{image alt="screenshot" title="Wikka screenshot" url="images/screenshot_thumb.jpg" link=""}}
<<Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka<<::c::
=====What is Wikka Wiki? =====
WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
~-Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~-[[WikkaStandards W3-standards compliant output]].
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~-Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
{{image alt="screenshot" title="Wikka screenshot" url="images/screenshot_thumb.jpg" link=""}}
<<Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka<<::c::
=====What is Wikka Wiki? =====
WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
~-Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~-Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
{{image alt="screenshot" title="Wikka screenshot" url="images/screenshot_thumb.jpg" link=""}}
<<Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka<<::c::
{{image alt="screenshot" title="Wikka screenshot" url="images/screenshot_thumb.jpg" link=""}}
<<Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka<<::c::
<<Read the [[WikkaDocumentation documentation]] or take a [[WikkaGuidedTours visual tour]] to start learning about Wikka<<::c::
~-Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~-Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
~-Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~-Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~-Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~-Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
~Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~Released under the [[ GPL]] license.
WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
~Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~Released under the [[ GPL]] license.
~Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]].
~Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and [[SecurityInfo security]].
~Easily [[FlexibleWikka adaptable]] to a number of different uses.
~Chosen by [[WikkaSites dozens]] of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
~Released under the [[ GPL]] license.
WikkaWiki is a lightweight [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages. Forked from [[WakkaWiki Wakka Wiki]] with a number of new [[WikkaFeatures features]]. Designed for speed, extensibility, and security. Released under the [[ GPL]] license.