Revision [16064]

This is an old revision of WillyPs made by WillyPs on 2007-02-04 23:17:56.



a 46 year old
cabinet maker
and custom woodworker
father of two boys age 7 & 9
living in Pembroke, NH, USA.

I just installed WikkaWiki on my website. It was very easy, no problems.

Thanks everyone for all the hard work you've put into this.

Now I going to try to create a theme. Done. Well, that was easy enough... although I may play with the color of the content area background a bit. I d/l'd Shane's CrystalWow, substituting my own graphics... Thanks, Shane!

Next up... I've got my eye on WikiFile by ChewBakka, I have a few questions about installing this, but it's getting late here... Done Ok! I've installed and breifly tested this mod. I am going to write an instruction page for those who (like me) don't speak wikki... ;) DescentiaPedia Prepare For Descent!
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