Revision [21753]
This is an old revision of WysiWyg made by ScouBidou on 2012-11-27 08:11:57.
HTML5 editors :
Javascript editors :
- Xinha (Xinha Is Not HtmlArea), a fork of HtmlArea, is the most complete, ergonomic and has got a good files manager. The mailing list of Xinha is here. It is used in :
- Xinha Here! : a Mozilla Firefox plugin.
- Wikiwig but this Wiki project seems to be dead.
- TWiki as a plugin.
- Hyppo CMS, a CMS, not a Wiki.
- Code Igniter, a PHP framework.
- SPIP, as a zip plugin.
- Joomla, as a plugin.
- WordPress, as a plugin.
- Zen Magick, an e-commerce solution.
- Django, a Python Web framework.
- Zikula, a PHP framework.
- TinyMCE, that can be completed with the files manager Tinymce Ajax file manager instead of MCFileManager. TinyMCE is used in XWiki, Foswiki (fork of TWiki).
- Simple and with a good files manager : SPAW Editor.
- Very interesting but the files manager isn't a free software : CKEditor (fork of FCKeditor used in DokuWiki).
- Have a look there -> CKeditor4Wikka
- EasyWikka from Association SUPER integrates CKEditor.
- Some files managers working with CKEditor (click the Image, Link or Flash button in the CKEditor toolbar and then Browse Server) :
- CKFinder (but it isn't a free software, see the license!).
- KFM.
- Others files managers that could be perhaps integrated with CKEditor :
Comparisons :