Revision history for BreadcrumbConfiguration

Revision [2371]

Last edited on 2014-12-25 19:33:15 by BrianKoontz [typo]
WikkaWiki now supports a "breadcrumb" style history at the top of the page that is individualized for each user (even anonymous users) via session variable. There are a few site-wide configuration parameters in ""<tt>wikka.config.php</tt>"" that can be modified to control various aspects of this new feature:
WikkaWiki now supports a "breadcrumb" style history at the top of the page that is individualized for each user (even anonymous users) via session variable. There are a few site-wide configuration parameters in <tt>wikka.config.php</tt> that can be modified to control various aspects of this new feature:

Revision [2370]

Edited on 2014-12-25 19:32:53 by BrianKoontz [typo]

Revision [2369]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-12-25 19:32:42 by BrianKoontz [typo]
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