Wikka Documentation : Reference

This category contains links to reference documentation pages about Wikka. When creating such pages, include CategoryReference at the bottom of each page so that the page shows here.

The following 29 page(s) belong to CategoryReference

CamelCase [CamelCase] FreeMind [FreeMind and its use in Wikka] FreeMindFR [FreeMind et son utilisation dans Wikka]
GeSHi [ GeSHi: Generic Syntax Highlighter] HyperLink [HyperLink] HyperLinkFR [Hyperlien]
LanguageCodes [LanguageCodes] MimeTypesFile [MimeTypesFile] MindMapping [MindMapping]
MindMappingFR [Qu'est-ce qu'une //carte heuristique//?] MySQL [MySQL] MySQLFR [ MySQL]
PHP [PHP] RSS [RSS] SafeHTML [Safely embedding HTML in Wikka pages]
ThirdPartyInfo [Third-party software bundled with Wikka ] WikiEditor [WikiEditor] WikiEngine [WikiEngine]
WikiEngineDE [ Was ist ein Wiki?] WikiLingo [WikiLingo] WikiMaster [WikiMaster]
WikiName [ What is a ""WikiName"" ? ] WikiNameFR [Qu'est-ce qu'un NomWiki ?] WikiOwner [WikiOwner]
WikiPingSpecifications [WikiPing specifications] WikiUser [WikiUser] WikiVisitor [WikiVisitor]
WikkaStandards [WikkaStandards] WikkaStandardsFR [ Standards et protocoles dans Wikka]

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