This is the documentation page for the checklinks action.
This feature is available since:
WikkaWiki 1.4.0

This is the documentation page for the Checklinks action.


Short description
This administration tool checks the validity of hyperlinks on some or all of the wiki pages and displays a report of broken links.

scopestringoptionaluserAllowed values are 'page' (check only this page), 'user' (check all pages owned by current user) and 'all' (check all pages for which current user has ACL-read-access)
sortstringoptionaltagAllowed values are 'tag' (sort on page tag), 'type' (sort on link type) and 'cnt' (sort on occurences count)
optsstringoptionalOptions: any combination of 'i' (internal=do not check external web pages), 't' (terse=show only summary report) and 'w' (check page tag format, i.e. that it is formatted as a valid WikiWord)

Long description
Link checkers are a standard administration tool for webmasters and can be run on a wiki site. However, a standard link checker has the following drawbacks when used with WikkaWiki:

This action is a link checker adapted to the wiki context. It goes over the latest version of all wikka pages accessible in read mode to the current user and checks for the validity of various types of hyperlinks appearing on these pages.

Link categories checked are:

When run by a Wiki Admin with a scope="all" parameter value, it checks the integrality of the wiki content.

{{checklinks [scope="page"] [sort="type"] [opts="[i][t][w]"]}}


Let's create on purpose on this page a NonExistentWikiPageLink, a non-existent external link and a non-existent file link.

The output of {{checklinks scope="page"}} would look like:

Link typeValid links #Broken links #
Wiki page31

Detailed report

Link typePage nameLink valueError messageOccurences
FileChecklinksActionInfo./files/nonexistentfile.abcFile not found1
ExternalChecklinksActionInfo Found1
Wiki pageChecklinksActionInfoNonExistentWikiPageLinkPage non-existent1

To-do, bugs and limitations

Other considerations


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