Revision history for ExtensibleInfo

Revision [2113]

Last edited on 2009-09-03 03:57:34 by DarTar [see also]
>>==See also==
~-[[WikkaThemes | Installing themes]]
~-[[InstallingPlugins | Installing plugins]]
~-[[Wikka:CodeContributions | User-contributed plugins]]
>>One of the limits of most wiki engine distributions is that their code is often inaccessible to the nonprofessional developer: in order to //extend// wiki functionality (i.e., install new functions or customizing the wiki engine to one's needs), users must either rely on the official plugins released by the WikiEngine developers or delve into the code.
One of the limits of most wiki engine distributions is that their code is often inaccessible to the nonprofessional developer: in order to //extend// wiki functionality (i.e., install new functions or customizing the wiki engine to one's needs), users must either rely on the official plugins released by the WikiEngine developers or delve into the code.

Revision [1794]

Edited on 2009-01-31 02:04:48 by YanB [Removed carriage return]

No Differences

Revision [1215]

Edited on 2008-11-01 23:23:06 by YanB [Removed HomePage link]

Revision [243]

Edited on 2006-11-12 13:24:22 by YanB [cat]

One of the limits of most wiki engine distributions is that their code is often inaccessible to the nonprofessional developer: in order to //extend// wiki functionality (i.e., install new functions or customizing the wiki engine to one's needs), users must either rely on the official plugins released by the WikiEngine developers or delve into the code.

Following the WakkaWiki's vision, WikkaWiki aims to keep its [[WikkaCore | core]] //as small and readable as possible// so as to allow extensibility without hindering [[SpeedInfo | performance]], code accessibility and handy customization.

Most WikkaWiki functionalities are taken care of by modular "[[UsingActions | actions]]" (or "plugins").


One of the limits of most wiki engine distributions is that their code is often inaccessible to the nonprofessional developer: in order to //extend// wiki functionality (i.e., install new functions or customizing the wiki engine to one's needs), users must either rely on the official plugins released by the WikiEngine developers or delve into the code.

Following the WakkaWiki's vision, WikkaWiki aims to keep its [[WikkaCore | core]] //as small and readable as possible// so as to allow extensibility without hindering [[SpeedInfo | performance]], code accessibility and handy customization.

Most WikkaWiki functionalities are taken care of by modular "[[UsingActions | actions]]" (or "plugins").


Revision [42]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-12-27 13:55:46 by DarTar [cat]
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