Revision history for Installing135

Revision [2363]

Last edited on 2014-12-25 19:17:22 by BrianKoontz [minor typo]

No Differences

Revision [2361]

Edited on 2014-12-25 19:13:38 by BrianKoontz [typo]

No Differences

Revision [2360]

Edited on 2014-12-25 19:13:03 by BrianKoontz [minor typo]
Since WikkaWiki has supported a <tt>plugins/</tt> directory that is guaranteed not to be modified by the installer/updater. While it's important to backup any customized themes or actions, you should really be putting these into the <tt>plugins/</tt> directory.
Since WikkaWiki has supported a <tt>plugins/</tt> directory that is guaranteed not to be modified by the installer/updater. While it's important to backup any customized themes or actions, you should really be putting these into the <tt>plugins/<tt> directory.

Revision [2359]

Edited on 2014-12-25 19:12:41 by BrianKoontz [updated notes]
Since WikkaWiki has supported a <tt>plugins/</tt> directory that is guaranteed not to be modified by the installer/updater. While it's important to backup any customized themes or actions, you should really be putting these into the <tt>plugins/<tt> directory.

Revision [2358]

Edited on 2014-12-25 19:09:44 by BrianKoontz [updated for 1.3.5]
===== Installation and upgrade notes for Wikka 1.3.5 =====
These are instructions you should follow if you wish to upgrade an existing wiki running on Wikka 1.2 or earlier to 1.3.5. If you are installing Wikka for the first time, please refer to [[WikkaInstallation | this page]] instead.
<b>Upgrading from 1.1.x to 1.3.5</b><br/>
<b>Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.5</b><br/>
Also, the 1.3.5 installer now backs up the standard installed files in <tt>config/</tt>, as these have changed significantly. If you have modified your menus, you will have to manually merge your changes into the new installed <tt>config/</tt> files. It is recommended that you take advantage of the <tt>plugins/config</tt> directory for your customized menus, as anything in the <tt>plugins</tt> directory is guaranteed not to be modified by the installer/updater.
~-[[WhatsNew135 | What's new in 1.3.5]]
~-[[Changelog | Changelog for 1.3.5]]
We have moved our repository and issues tracker to github. Links to the previous SVN repository and tracker will at some point fail to resolve. Feedback on potential issues related to upgrading from previous versions is always welcome. Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for 1.3.5 in the [[ | issues tracker]].
===== Installation and upgrade notes for Wikka 1.3.6 =====
These are instructions you should follow if you wish to upgrade an existing wiki running on Wikka 1.2 or earlier to 1.3.6. If you are installing Wikka for the first time, please refer to [[WikkaInstallation | this page]] instead.
<b>Upgrading from 1.1.x to 1.3.6</b><br/>
<b>Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.6</b><br/>
Also, the 1.3.6 installer now backs up the standard installed files in <tt>config/</tt>, as these have changed significantly. If you have modified your menus, you will have to manually merge your changes into the new installed <tt>config/</tt> files.
~-[[WhatsNew136 | What's new in 1.3.6]]
~-[[Changelog | Changelog for 1.3.6]]
Feedback on potential issues related to upgrading from previous versions is always welcome. Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for 1.3.1 in the [[ | tracker]].

Revision [2357]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-12-25 19:05:30 by BrianKoontz [updated for 1.3.5]
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