Revision history for Installing142

Revision [2519]

Last edited on 2020-04-20 02:01:26 by BrianKoontz [updated for 1.4.2]
<b>New password hashing; deprecation of MD5 hashes</b><br/>
<font color=red>BACKUP YOUR DATABASE!</font>
This version marks the transition from insecure MD5 password hashes to the (much more) secure PHP password_hash. MD5 hashes are now deprecated, and will go away within the next few releases. For this release, they will exist side-by-side. Please refer to ""WhatsNew142"" for instructions on how to transition your users to the new password hashes.
There is still a persistent issue involving MySQL and invalid default date strings. If you get a MySQL error when upgrading, please see <a href="">this issue</a> for instructions on how to resolve the problem.
<style color=red>BACKUP YOUR DATABASE!</style>
This version marks the transition from insecure MD5 password hashes to the (much more) secure PHP password_hash. MD5 hashes are now deprecated, and will go away within the next few releases. For this release, they will exist side-by-side. Please refer to WhatsNew142 for instructions on how to transition your users to the new password hashes.

Revision [2518]

Edited on 2020-04-20 01:54:54 by BrianKoontz [updated to 1.4.2]
===== Installation and upgrade notes for Wikka 1.4.2 =====
These are instructions you should follow if you wish to upgrade an existing wiki running on Wikka 1.2 or earlier to 1.4.2. If you are installing Wikka for the first time, please refer to [[WikkaInstallation | this page]] instead.
<style color=red>BACKUP YOUR DATABASE!</style>
This version marks the transition from insecure MD5 password hashes to the (much more) secure PHP password_hash. MD5 hashes are now deprecated, and will go away within the next few releases. For this release, they will exist side-by-side. Please refer to WhatsNew142 for instructions on how to transition your users to the new password hashes.
<b>Upgrading from 1.3.7 to 1.4.2</b><br/>
Note that 1.4.2 requires PHP 7.0! You will need to have PHP 7.0 running <em>prior to accessing the upgraded site to initiate the upgrade.</em>
~-[[WhatsNew142 | What's new in 1.4.2]]
~-[[Changelog | Changelog for 1.4.2]]
===== Installation and upgrade notes for Wikka 1.4.1 =====
These are instructions you should follow if you wish to upgrade an existing wiki running on Wikka 1.2 or earlier to 1.4.1. If you are installing Wikka for the first time, please refer to [[WikkaInstallation | this page]] instead.
<b>Upgrading from 1.3.7 to 1.4.1</b><br/>
Note that 1.4.1 requires PHP 7.0! You will need to have PHP 7.0 running <em>prior to accessing the upgraded site to initiate the upgrade.</em>
~-[[WhatsNew141 | What's new in 1.4.1]]
~-[[Changelog | Changelog for 1.4.1]]

Revision [2517]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2020-04-20 01:50:32 by BrianKoontz [updated to 1.4.2]
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