Metatag Action Documentation
This is the documentation page for the metatag action.Note: This action was renamed from {{meta}} to align with a required name change to {{titletag}}. The {{meta}} tag was never officially released prior to 1.3.7. If you are currently using {{meta}}, please rename your instances to {{metatag}}.
This feature is available since:
WikkaWiki 1.3.7
WikkaWiki 1.3.7
Short description
Renders an HTML meta tag in the page output header.Usage:
{{metatag name="somename" content="blah blah blah"}}name | type | required? | default | description |
name | string | mandatory | - | value of the name attribute of the meta tag |
content | string | mandatory | - | value of the content attribute of the meta tag |
Long description
With {{metatag}} action you can create one or more HTML meta tags that will appear in the page output header. Multiple invocations of {{metatag}} will produce multiple meta tags. Position of the meta tags within the ... tags is not guaranteed or predictable.Examples:
{{metatag name="somename" content="blah blah blah"}}produces the following output:
... <meta name="somename" content="blah blah blah" />
... <meta name="somename" content="blah blah blah" />
Release Notes
since 1.3.7