Wikka Documentation

Naming convention for Pages on this wiki

Since this wiki gets bigger and bigger, we may want to add some more structure to how some (special-purpose) pages are named.



The name of a template page should take the form xxxTemplate where 'xxx' indicates the type of page it is a template for. Templates should be placed in Category Template (without the space).


The name of a workaround page should take the form xxxWorkaround where 'xxx' gives a short summary/idea of the problem. Workaround pages should be placed in the Category Workaround (without the space).



Each action should get two pages (where xxx stands for the file-name):

The official actions need to be listed at ActionInfo (now named UsingActions) and on the WikkaSystemFiles.


Each handler should get two pages (where xxx stands for the file-name):

The official handlers need to be listed at HandlerInfo and on the WikkaSystemFiles.


Each formatter should get two pages (where xxx stands for the file-name):

The official formatters need to be listed at FormatterInfo and on the WikkaSystemFiles.

CategoryDocumentation, CategoryDevelopmentDocumentation
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