Safely embedding HTML in Wikka pages
Wikka uses the SafeHTML Parser by RomanIvanov.
This parser strips down all potentially dangerous content within HTML:
- opening tag without its closing tag : <
- closing tag without its opening tag : >
- any of these tags: base, basefont, head, html, body, applet, object, iframe, frame, frameset, script, layer, ilayer, embed, bgsound, link, meta, style, title, blink, xml etc.
- any of these attributes: on*, data*, dynsrc
- javascript:/vbscript:/about: etc. protocols
- expression/behavior etc. in styles
- any other active content
Check the SafeHTML home page for more info.
CategoryReference - CategoryEN
yes, it is possible. You have to change <root>/3rdparty/core/safehtml/classes/safehtml.php. You have to remove 'iframe' from var $Deletes and add it to var $WhiteProtocols.