What's new in Wikka ?

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For the latest release news please refer to this page.
The release has finally seen the light.
Beside several bugfixes and minor modifications, it includes two major feature additions and the possibility to install it using PHP 5.

  1. Enhanced FreeMind support
FreeMind is a powerful java-based tool generating mindmaps from XML data. The new Wikka release allows pasting FreeMind data directly in the edit screen of a wiki page: just save the page and Wikka will automatically take care of generating the map (embedded map example). Maps can also be inserted as inline links, that are automatically parsed and displayed on the page (inline link example).

Mindmapping sample

  1. Advanced Syntax Highlighting
The new release includes GeSHi, an advanced syntax highlighter, among the formatting functions. You can now produce highlighted code blocks in several programming and markup language. Among GeSHi's niceties, it is worth mentioning the following:

Code highlighting sample

Further improvements
Further enhancements in include:

Want to learn more? Check the official release notes.

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