Revision history for WhatsNew135

Revision [2356]

Last edited on 2014-12-25 19:05:16 by BrianKoontz [updated link]
~-**[[Installing135 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.3.5]]**
~-**[[Installing136 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.3.5]]**

Revision [2355]

Edited on 2014-12-25 18:58:26 by BrianKoontz [updated for 1.3.5]
===== What's new in Wikka 1.3.5 ? =====
''Released on 02Jan2014''
~-**[[Installing136 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.3.5]]**
{{latestfiles float="left" show="stable" stableversion="1.3.5" stablereleasedate="02Jan2014"}}
Mostly bug fixes, with one new enhancement:
~- Added //config// directory to plugins, so that site-customized config settings won't be modified during upgrades.
Also, MySQL has officially removed support for the **TYPE=** setting as of 5.1.7. This means that previous versions of WikkaWiki will fail to install on MySQL versions >= 5.1.7 without changing **TYPE=** instances to **ENGINE=**. This version is compatible with MySQL versions >= 5.1.7 up through 5.5 (which is what I test with).
Installation can be completed using either the [[Installing135 | upgrade]] method or by [[WikkaInstallation | installing a fresh package]].
You can browse the source code of [[ | Wikka 1.3.5]] from the Github repository.
Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for 1.3.5 in the [[ | issues tracker]].
""DotMG, skrap, Secunia, u.o., fguillier, ogreface, GeorgePetsagourakis, mdaems""
href="">Issue:968</a>    Menus""
href="">Issue:1053</a>    Wikka menulets""
href="">Issue:1060</a>    "Notice: Undefined variable: link" (Wakka.class.php, line 2360)""
href="">Issue:1102</a>    Page reversion possible via CSRF""
href="">Issue:1109</a>    Can't view DB admin page due to CSRFToken error""
href="">Issue:1124</a>    No link from page history to original page""
href="">Issue:1141</a>    UTF-8 charset should be served by Wikka""
href="">Issue:1142</a>    {{category}} action options not working""
href="">Issue:1145</a>    Remove 'page' directory from /plugins/handlers""
href="">Issue:1146</a>    Install fails with MySQL 5.5 at "Create page table?"""
href="">Issue:1149</a>    Issues related to svn to git migration""
href="">Issue:1151</a>    wikka.config.php is not being populated correctly""
href="">Issue:1153</a>    Release 1.3.5 catch-all ticket""
===== What's new in Wikka 1.3.6 ? =====
''Released on 24Dec2014''
~-**[[Installing136 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.3.6]]**
{{latestfiles float="left" show="stable" stableversion="1.3.6" stablereleasedate="24Dec2014"}}
This version introduces two new features requested by users:
~- **Breadcrumbs** Now keep track of your wiki browsing history with a breadcrumb trail. It's specific for each user, even anonymous users.
~- **[[TOCActionInfo | Table of contents generator]]** You can now have generated for you a table of contents that lists all or selected headings on the page, each one linked directly to the page location. This is very useful for long pages with lots of headings that subdivide the content.
Installation can be completed using either the [[Installing136 | upgrade]] method or by [[WikkaInstallation | installing a fresh package]].
You can browse the source code of [[ | Wikka 1.3.6]] from the Github repository.
Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for 1.3.6 in the [[ | issues tracker]].
""Mike Shultz, Julian DeMarchi, unor, Dave, otwr""
href="">Issue:1169</a>    SESSION array not cleared out when logging out""
href="">Issue:795</a>    Port html handler from 1.1.7-docs to 1.3""
href="">Issue:1077</a>    Breadcrumbs/traceback feature""
href="">Issue:1127</a>    Page name display enhancement""
href="">Issue:1167</a>    Auto-extract headers in TOC""
href="">Issue:1173</a>    Support for post-processing actions""
href="">Issue:1088</a>    Remove obsolete/deprecated actions/handlers""
href="">Issue:1158</a>    Output formatting is lost after upgrading from 1.2->1.3.5""
href="">Issue:1161</a>    Exact searches broken""
href="">Issue:1162</a>    Expanded text search doesn't correctly highlight exact matches (using quotes)""
href="">Issue:1165</a>    wikkaedit.js Code Button""
href="">Issue:1174</a>    Catch-all ticket for 1.3.6 release""

Revision [2354]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-12-25 18:41:23 by BrianKoontz [updated for 1.3.5]
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