Wikka Modifications:

This page lists the modifications applied to the starting base of Wikka (Wakka 0.1.3-dev, the last version of Wakkawiki). If you are interested in newer changes or current development, visit the bug/issue tracker.

| - Wikka:Mod005fRecentChangesNotes
| - Wikka:Mod012fDeleteCommentsHandler
| - Wikka:Mod014fTextSearchImproved
| - Wikka:Mod017fPasswordManagement
| - Wikka:Mod031fSmarterLinking
| - Wikka:Mod038fWikkaSkins

| - Wikka:Mod018fIFrameAction
| - Wikka:Mod023fCategories
| - Wikka:Mod025fOwnedPages
| - Wikka:Mod037fFlash

| - Handlers

| - Page rendering mods
| - Wikka:Mod011bEditPreviewBug
| - Wikka:Mod021fPrintableViewCSS
| - Wikka:Mod027bCodeFormatterInsecurity
| - Wikka:Mod039fMindMapMod
| - Wikka:Mod008fCompression
| - Wikka:Mod010fPageDeleteHandler
| - Wikka:Mod030fImprovedOwnershipHandling
| - Wikka:Mod033bRobotIndexing

Potential | future mods:
| - Wikka:ControledLinks

Mod | key:
XXX = Sequential numbering of modifications
a = Type of Modification:

Visually browse code differences between Wikka and Wakka:


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