Revision history for mimetex

Revision [20111]

Last edited on 2008-06-30 13:04:41 by KyAnh

Revision [20110]

Edited on 2008-06-30 13:03:22 by KyAnh

Revision [20109]

Edited on 2008-06-30 13:01:16 by KyAnh
Render tex code by using mimetex.cgi. Replace ''$mimetex_cgi'' with your alternative. If you donnot have a hosted mimetex.cgi, don't be worry. Feel free to send email to '''' to register a free mimetex.cgi support. Please give me some information about your hostname. I need that information to protect my server from attacking.
Display tex code by using mimetex.cgi. Replace ''$mimetex_cgi'' with your alternative. If you donnot have a hosted mimetex.cgi, don't be worry. Feel free to send email to '''' to register a free mimetex.cgi support. Please give me some information about your hostname. I need that information to protect my server from attacking.

Revision [20105]

Edited on 2008-06-30 12:48:02 by KyAnh
The author of this support is [[kyanh]]

Revision [20104]

Edited on 2008-06-30 12:46:21 by KyAnh
=====mimetex.cgi support=====
Display tex code by using mimetex.cgi. Replace ''$mimetex_cgi'' with your alternative. If you donnot have a hosted mimetex.cgi, don't be worry. Feel free to send email to '''' to register a free mimetex.cgi support. Please give me some information about your hostname. I need that information to protect my server from attacking.

Revision [20103]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-06-30 12:43:13 by KyAnh
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