Revision [17721]
This is an old revision of CreditsPage made by JavaWoman on 2007-11-12 12:05:41.
Credits Page
Where is Wikka created?

- Visit the Wikka Developer Map (GoogleMap code)
- Location of UserMap Wikka users
Wikka Development Team
(in order of appearance)- DarTar [Dario Taraborelli] -- Project leader (site admin)
- JavaWoman [Marjolein Katsma] -- Web Standards Compliance Officer and Wikka Archaeologist (site admin)
- DotMG [Mahefa Randimbisoa] -- Optimization and Security Department (site admin)
- NilsLindenberg -- R&D Unit, Chief documentalist, PR Manager (site admin)
- YanB [Yan Brailowsky] -- International Documentation Department (site admin)
- BrianKoontz -- Systems Support (SCM, UNIX/server support) and Random Tasking Dept. (site admin)
- TormodHaugen -- Junior Codemonkey and Lazy Perfectionist (site admin)
- OlivierBorowski -- JavaScript Wizard and GUI Lab Researcher (site admin)
Wikka Hall of Fame
- JsnX [Jason Tourtelotte] -- The Most Honorable Project Founder
- DreckFehler [Sebastian] -- Retired coding wizard
Wikka Contributors:
- GmBowen [Mike Bowen] -- Thanks for feedback and server access for testing.
- AndreaRossato - Thanks for code, insights, and providing another Wakka clone to get ideas from. ;)
- PivWan -- French documentation
- credits:
- MinusF, Philipp A. Hartmann, Sakaru, GiorgosKontopoulos, WazoO, IceT, MasinAlDujaili, DbieL, NickDamoulakis, BrianKoontz
- credits:
- GmBowen, NilsLindenberg, DotMG, AHerdOfTurtles, scumble, PolVazo/pmyatt, DaveBradshaw, ChristianBarthelemy, MikeXstudios, GeorgePetsagourakis, and IanAndolina.
Wikka Ancestry credits:
- Hendrik Mans -- Many thanks for creating WakkaWiki.
- Carlo Zottmann -- WakkaWiki co-developer
- The numerous WakkaWiki contributers. Here are just a few of the many....
NOTE: We try to recognize all contributors. However if we missed you, feel free to add your name to this page.