What's new in Wikka ?
Released on June 12, 2006Wikka (release name: bluebottle) features a long list of bugfixes and enhancements. The primary focus of this release is on providing extended functionality for embedded code blocks - which should be particularly appetizing to software developers, maintainers of documentation projects and knowledge bases.
1. Filename support for code blocks
An optional filename parameter for code blocks can now be specified, to be used by the code download handler.
2. On-the-fly code block downloading
Code blocks inserted in a wiki page can now be downloaded on-the-fly using the "grab" button.3. New formatters for syntax highlighting
Bundled GeSHi (version adds support for 68 programming/markup languages.
4. Search & replace handler
A javascript handler allows searching and replacing specific strings within a page.
5. System information actions
Detailed system information is displayed through dedicated actions.6. RSS autodiscovery
Feeds for recent page revisions and recent changes are now recognized in browsers that support autodiscovery and, of course, feed readers.
and much more...
Improved actions and handlers, better filtering of content based on ACL, more detailed formatting documentation, configurable edit notes. Check the official release notes for a full list of enhancements and bugfixes.Installation notes
You can install the latest stable release either by upgrading your wiki or by installing a fresh package.Browse the source
You can browse the source code of Wikka from the SVN repository.Feedback
Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for in the tracker.CategoryEN